Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 7 Izdaja 6
November/December 2016
Prijazna oblika za tiskanje

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From the Desk of Dr. Jit Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

Today we celebrate the 91st birth anniversary of our beloved Mother Sai. Here in Prashanti Nilayam, the air is rife with excitement and fervour for the celebrations - it is indeed the most wonderful place to be in at this time. For those of you who are elsewhere, we know you are here in spirit and will have a wondrous celebration wherever you are. I extend my heartiest wishes to you on Swami's birthday. It warms our hearts that there is so much love for Sai worldwide and that Vibrionics is playing a small part in His mission.

Earlier this month, on 14 November was World Diabetes Day. The day is observed to spread awareness of the growing threat that diabetes poses to our world-wide society. An estimated 9 per cent of adults in the 20-79 year old category have diabetes, not to mention the one in two adults who have undiagnosed diabetes! While allopathy can provide prescription medicines to help keep diabetes under control, we have some wonderful cases of complete cure with vibrionics! We have focused on Diabetes in the Case Histories and In Addition sections of this issue. Some cases are quite remarkable, though as practitioners, we know that nothing is impossible with vibrionics and God's grace! If you too have had good experience with treating diabetes, please send us your case histories and comments to share in future editions.

All three new initiatives we have undertaken this year are developing very well, by His Grace. 
1. The mentoring programme has been very well received and it seems to be taking off in a big way. One-on-one support to new practitioners is proving very effective. So, if you are an active, reporting practitioner and would like to be a volunteer mentor, please write to us. If you are a new practitioner or a not-so-experienced one who would like to learn more, you are welcome to register for this programme too.

2. Local practitioner meetings being held in various locations (India, Italy, UK, US) or by skype are proving very helpful to the practitioners. The feedback and attendance have been very positive. The meetings are not only providing necessary encouragement for all, the sharing of experiences is a great booster - we are never too old or wise to keep learning from others.

3. The broadcasting network initiative, though still in the early stage, is working very well with wonderful results. In fact, I recently had positive first-hand experience with it when I was down with flu and was too weak to even prepare a remedy for myself. In the future I will be urging all those senior vibrionics practitioners with the Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser to register for this programme so that we can broadcast remedies to more people who are physically unable to procure or take the remedies. We are receiving a heartening response from the network manager and the 18 registered practitioners (in the USA) who have been broadcasting remedies over the last four months, as to the effectiveness of these long-distance remedies.

Once again, here's wishing a very Happy Birthday to the Divine in all of us.

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal

Multiple fractures, head injuries and trauma 00512...Slovenia

On 21 November 2014, a 21-year-old man was brought to the Maribor university hospital in Slovenia after a car accident. He was in an unconscious state, having suffered trauma from severe head injuries resulting in subdural hematoma, brain oedema and multiple fractures of face bones and base of skull. The head nurse of the hospital called the practitioner for urgent help. Within half an hour of the patient’s arrival at the hospital, broadcasting of vibrations began. The following day the practitioner was informed about the doctors’ opinion that even if the man survived, he would remain in a vegetative state. However, she was positive about the man’s recovery and continued the treatment. He was then in the intensive care unit where he remained for the next one month. 

On 21 Nov 2014, the following combos were broadcast: (Note: entire treatment was given by way of broadcasting)

#1. CC10.1 Emergencies...OD for 1 hour. During the next four days broadcasting was doneTDS which was reduced to OD for the following ten days (20 minutes for each dose). 

#2. CC20.7 Fractures + CC21.1 Skin tonic...TDS

On 1 December, the combo #2 was changed to: 
#3. CC9.2 Infections acute + #2...TDS

After being in medically-induced coma (to protect the brain) for three weeks, on 14 December, the doctors began to see initial signs of improvement; he had started reacting to pain. One week later he opened his eyes and moved his fingers. He was then moved from ICU to the neurosurgery unit. In the following month, his recovery was quick with several of his upper and lower body parts gaining movement. By the third week of January 2015 he was able to write, swallow and even eat solid food!  

On 1 February, #3 was replaced with the following combo
#4. CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC20.7 Fractures…BD

On 9 February, the patient was moved to a rehabilitation centre in Ljubljana for three weeks. He was soon able to talk, sit up, brush his teeth, dress up and eat by himself, all within a span of three weeks. His neck prop was removed in the first week of March and after a week he had his leg operated upon. Starting April he became more independent taking his first steps with help, and later, on his own. His hand strength, communication and memory improved, and he was participating in conversations. By June he was walking more steadily but with some dizziness.

On 24 June, #4 was replaced with the following:
#5. CC3.7 Circulation + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…BD

On 30 June, he stopped his allopathic medications and started visiting the practitioner every week. In the following couple of months he engaged in more physical activity such as walking and exercises. By mid-September he could use stairs without any support, although with some dizziness. He even walked a distance of 4 km, although with sticks.

On 2 March 2016, #5 was replaced with:
#6. CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.3 Epilepsy…BD

On 17 July, the patient conveyed that he could run 4 km twice a week on the athletic playground of a local school. He talked normally, was in good mood and had front teeth implanted. When the practitioner asked him what he thought about his healing, he answered with determination that it was not finished yet! 

On 4 August, #6 was replaced with:
#7. NM25 Shock + NM104 Tops + NM109 Vision + BR18 Circulation + BR19 Ear + SM9 Lack of Confidence + SR264 Silicea + SR449 Wild Rose + SR450 Willow + SR465 CN2: Optic…BD

On 1 November during a follow-up talk, the young man confirmed that he is in good physical condition; he walks, runs and goes cycling. But he does have fear of heights eg, while going in a lift or over a bridge or up a hill. A week ago he joined an institution where he is recuperating with a group of people in similar situation. He has not joined his studies yet. He continues to take #7.

Testimonial from patient’s mother: 
After more than 18 months, I can say that our son has been returned to us and we can share joy with him. He takes notice of the surroundings with the help of relatives and friends. They come to see him and he visits them. He started learning again; he knows he cannot do everything as before, but he has strong will, patience and optimism. We are very grateful to the practitioner00512, who stayed connected with our son from the first day after the accident; in every moment she was broadcasting to him and balancing his life energy, so our son accepted it. I strongly believe that it is vibrionics treatment that saved his life. Thank you again! Because of this experience, we shall stay connected with you forever via the universal energy.

Editor’s comment:
The two main factors responsible for this miraculous healing are the strong determination of the patient to survive and to become normal and the practitioner’s unflinching faith that this can be achieved by vibro.

Acute myeloid leukaemia 00512...Slovenia

The practitioner treated a 48-year-old man who had been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia in December 2015. He had a two-year history of enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck. In 2013, lymph gland in the right side of his neck was swollen. In early 2015, the swelling recurred in the same lymph gland and it was larger than what he had earlier as confirmed by diagnostic tests. He also had symptoms of night sweating, cold shivers, nasal obstruction and xerostomia (dry mouth). Diagnosis revealed sialadenitis (inflammation of the salivary glands) on the left side but swelling on both sides of his neck. The swelling receded with allopathic medication.  

In December 2015, it was the third time he had suffered a swollen lymph gland and it was on the right side. sialadenitis was also detected, same as in the previous episode. However, the doctors suspected there was more to this recurrent swelling and so a detailed analysis was necessary. A peripheral blood smear was done that showed 28% monocytes (normal count is 2 to 8%) and 6% blast cells (should be none). This pointed towards chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia and he was prescribed allopathic medications. Soon it was confirmed that he suffered from acute myeloid leukaemia. Chemotherapy sessions were initiated on 17 December that continued until mid-February 2016 with a short break in between. Next, the doctors had scheduled bone-marrow transplant surgery for which a suitable donor was needed. Shortly it was confirmed that his sister can provide a good bone marrow match. Unfortunately, the patient met with an accident that broke his collarbone, so the transplant surgery was postponed. On 27 February the patient met the practitioner who suggested lifestyle and dietary changes. He was also encouraged to undertake meditation exercises. The patient decided against surgery and opted for vibrionics treatment instead.

On 6 March, the practitioner gave: 
#1. NM2 Blood + NM96 Scar Tissue + SM13 Cancer + SM41 Uplift + SR264 Silicea + SR507 Lymphatic Organ + SR509 Marrow...TDS for 10 weeks.

#2. NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination-12 + NM25 Shock + NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM83 Grief + NM90 Nutrition + BR17 Male + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM9 Lack of Confidence + SM14 Chemical Poison + SM26 Immunity + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR450 Willow + SR494 Haemoglobin + SR504 Liver + SR505 Lung + SR532 Sympathetic Nervous System...BD for 10 weeks.

After four days, the monocytes count in his blood was 11%. Three weeks after the start of treatment, this count had come down to 5.05%. To his delight, he received perfect results from the lab tests performed in May, including normal CBC count. The doctors could not believe how the recovery happened. So they again tested his blood and bone marrow and confirmed that all values were normal. He felt very well and was happy.

On 17 May #1 and #2 were stopped.

In order to aid the restoration of his complete health, he was given: 
#3. NM6 Calming + BR23 Skeletal + SM24 Glandular + SM41 Uplift + SR504 Liver + SR509 Marrow + SR529 Spleen + SR532 Sympathetic Nervous System...BD for 4 weeks. 

The patient keeps in regular contact with the practitioner. When he last met her on 14 Nov 2016, he was in good health. He once again expressed his gratitude to vibrionics treatment and to the practitioner who helped him become free of all symptoms and led the road to his recovery. 

Aphids/plant lice infestation 00512...Slovenia

In the spring of 2013, around 70 apple trees in the practitioner's orchard got infested with aphids/plant lice on the leaves. She felt that the quickest way to treat so many trees would be by broadcasting the remedy using the SRHVP. So she picked some small affected leaves and put them in a small bag and used this as a witness.

In the card slot, she placed:
SR315 Staphysagria...continuous

Having placed the witness in the Remedy well, she started broadcasting at a potency of 200C. Already on the second day, the lice started changing into white powder. Within 3 days, the white powder from all the leaves had fallen on the ground. So she stopped the broadcast after 3 days. The lice never appeared again. Incidentally, she used the same remedy for roses with excellent results.

Diabetes, resting tremors, high BP, partial hearing loss 03535...USA

An elderly man aged 76 sought the practitioner’s help to address his long-standing multiple chronic problems. In 1984 his son died in an accident. The pain of losing a grown up child was unbearable and his emotional state started affecting his body. A couple of years after the accident, he was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. He also had a family history of diabetes. His treatment began with oral medication (metformin) and ten years later, insulin injections were added. The insulin dose had to be gradually increased to meet the demands of his increasing blood sugar levels. For the past three years he had been taking 60 units of insulin per day. Even with the above treatment, his fasting blood sugar level was 140 and postprandial was 190 mg/dL.

He had burning pain in his soles due to peripheral neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes. He was on allopathic medication for the same for three years. 

The patient also suffered from Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) for which two stents had been placed 6 years ago. He was also taking allopathic medications as a preventive. In addition, he regularly took blood pressure medication, so his BP was always normal.

Six months ago, he developed Parkinson’s-like symptoms, and had trembling tremors when resting. The very likely reason for his tremors was his persistent peripheral neuropathy. He had hand tremors that were severe in the palm and this constantly bothered him, even during sleep. Mild symptoms were experienced in the right leg and tongue. His speech was affected due to tongue tremors. Since the onset of this condition he had been on allopathic medications but these were not helping him. 

He had partial hearing loss in both ears for four years. In the past he had been exposed to occupational noise hazards from mechanical machinery, one of the probable causes for his hearing condition. Another may be hereditary as his parents had suffered the same during their old age. He was not under any treatment for hearing loss.

He told the practitioner that all his health problems started with diabetes. As he felt that all the other ailments were bearable, the treatment was first directed towards diabetes.

The following combo was given on 11 December 2015:
#1. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS in water

He continued taking all the allopathic medicines along with vibrionics for two months. Based on daily monitoring of blood sugar, his fasting level was consistently below 110 mg/dL. So, the insulin dosage was reduced from 60 units to 30 units per day. His neuropathy symptoms improved by only 10%.

This marked improvement in his blood sugar was an encouraging sign to initiate treatment for trembling tremors, CAD and hearing loss.

On 20 February 2016, he was given:
#2. CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC5.2 Deafness + CC18.4 Paralysis + CC18.6 Parkinson’s disease + #1…TDS in water

A significant alleviation of tremors was seen in two months. They reduced by 40% in tongue, 90% in hand and 100% in leg. Then he did not take the remedy for nearly two months. By June there was no sign of tremors in his hand, and the tremors in his tongue had come down by 75%. The patient had developed fear of walking since he once had a fall due to leg tremors. As the leg tremors were now gone, he wanted to tackle his fear and get back to his routine exercise walks. He was also keen on improving his memory. So, further remedies were added to suit his needs.

On 10 June he was given:
#3. CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.2 Alzheimer’s disease + #2…TDS in water

As of October 2016, he has had no relapse of any of his conditions. He regularly walks and his speech is now normal. His fasting and postprandial sugar levels are below 110 and 150 mg/dL respectively. He is able to hear well and is completely cured on that front. As a result of this healing of diabetes and all its complications, he is now off insulin injections and neuropathy and BP medications! He has been advised to continue to take #3 over a long period.

Practitioner’s comments: 
The patient is currently doing even sirshasana (headstand)! His lifestyle has improved back to his original active days from an almost bedridden state. Due to severe hand tremors, previously someone had to hold his hand firmly to stop the involuntary movements. The residual mild tongue tremors are not noticeable and he can talk freely without any problem.

Diabetes, Hypertension 03535...USA

A 60-year-old woman had been suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension for fifteen years. Chronic stress and tension were thought to be the main causative factors for her condition. In spite of taking allopathic medicines right from the beginning for both her problems, the fasting and postprandial (after eating) sugar levels were 190 and 250 mg/dL respectively and the BP was 180/100. She often felt dizzy, lightheaded and could not effectively carry on with her daily activities. She also felt pain and burning sensation in her palms and soles for almost a decade.

At the time of consultation on 5 December 2015, she was taking Gemer DS-2mg, BD for diabetes and Telmikind 40mg & Metolex 50mg OD for hypertension.

She was given:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS in water

Patient continued to take all her allopathic medications along with the vibro remedy. After one month there was some improvement in her blood sugar but her BP was still high at ~170/95. In another month there was significant improvement as the fasting and postprandial sugar levels came down to 90 and 140 mg/dL respectively. Her light-headedness and dizziness were considerably reduced. Further there was 60% relief from pain and burning sensation in her palms and soles. Upon the practitioner’s insistence she met with her physician who halved the dose to Gemer DS-1mg. Additionally, the BP had started subsiding, now averaging ~160/90. 

Four months later in June 2016, her blood sugar levels were normal (80 and 140 mg/dL) but BP was still a little high ~145/90. The doctor who had been monitoring her for the past decade was very surprised at this result. He again halved the dosage of Gemer DS-1mg to OD. She was also able to stop Metolex for hypertension. There was 100% improvement in her light-headedness, dizziness, burning palms and soles. Patient felt energetic and was able to perform all her normal activities and even take part in community service. So the dosage of vibrionics remedy was reduced to BD.

As of October, her blood sugar has remained within normal limits. BP has also come down to normal level 130/80. Owing to consistent normal blood sugar and BP, she is waiting for the doctor to completely stop her allopathic medications. There has been no relapse of any of her associated symptoms. She occasionally ventures into eating sweets and carries chocolates with her, should any low sugar instances arise. She continues to take vibrionics remedy regularly. Very pleased with her recovery, she referred two patients to the practitioner. 

Patient’s testimonial
Thank you for providing vibrionics medicines. They have worked miraculously in reducing my diabetes and hypertension. I have no words to express my gratitude to God for this divine medicine. I feel much healthier and happier without any concern for health issues, which plagued me a lot in the past decade. God bless you and your family.

Diabetes, diabetic sores, back pain 03516...Canada

On 15 January 2015, a 40-year-old man sought treatment from the practitioner for type-2 diabetes, diabetic sores and back pain. His blood sugar was so high (~12mmol/L) for the past three years that he needed daily insulin injections along with a low dose of Metformin. Also for three years, he had diabetic sores on his right shin with open wounds. The sores were round in shape with a hole and appeared tender around the edges but he had not taken any treatment for these.

During the winter of 2014, he fell on an ice-covered sidewalk and cracked his tailbone. He was in a lot of discomfort and pain, and found it difficult to work. He had allopathic treatment with daily pain tablets and weekly physiotherapy with only a little relief.  He was also overweight by about fifteen pounds. The practitioner understood the patient was not having a healthy diet and lifestyle and this was contributing to his ill health.

The patient was given:

For diabetes, fractured tailbone and overweight:
#1. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.7 Fractures...TDS

For sores:
#2. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.5 Dry Sores + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions...TDS

#3. CC21.5 Dry Sores + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions, 5 pearls to be dissolved in 200ml of extra virgin olive oil for daily application on sores and wounds

After two weeks the blood sugar came down to 9mmol/L and in another 2 weeks to 7mmol/L. The patient started a daily exercise program, low carb and high fibre diet. After one month of taking #1, he felt comfortable and 100% relieved of back pain. He was still taking pain killers and also continuing physiotherapy along with vibrionics. His sores and wounds were completely healed in two months of taking #2 while he was not under any other medication for sores. By the end of March, his blood sugar started to stabilise at normal level of 6mmol/L. On 15 April, his diabetes specialist took him off insulin injections and also lowered the dose of Metformin. 

At the last follow-up in February 2016, the patient was taking no insulin or painkillers but only a low dose of Metformin and #1 & #2 at OD as maintenance dose. The patient expressed his gratitude to the practitioner for providing him vibrionics pearls with love and patience. He has felt much physical relief and more importantly, he stated, his self-esteem is gradually returning.

Diabetes, chronic cough...UK 02799...UK

A 70-year-old lady was suffering from persistent severe dry cough for the past two years. She was being repeatedly treated with antibiotics which provided temporary relief only. Seven years ago, suddenly she felt dizzy and it was found that her blood sugar was very high. So the doctor immediately put her on insulin. She had a history of high blood pressure and high cholesterol for more than fifteen years but both were well manged with allopathic medications.  

Among all her health issues, the patient was quite concerned about her diabetes. She had a healthy diet and would never overeat. Ever since her diagnosis, powdered neem (margosa) leaves, well known for their medicinal properties, had been a part of her diet. In due course, she also started regular cardio workouts and yoga. She was taking insulin injections, 40 units in the morning and 20 at night. In addition, she orally took Metformin 500mg and Gliclazide 80mg, both BD. Despite all her efforts and the medications, her blood sugar remained high at 8-9mmol/L (6mmol/L or below is normal).

She felt much stressed with the daily use of lancet and injection needle as she found this painful. Although she wanted treatment for diabetes but because she was finding it too difficult to cope with her constant cough, she first sought treatment for this condition.

On 13 May 2014, the following combo was given:

For chronic cough:
#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…QDS

After two months on 17 July, she had 50% relief from cough. So the dosage of #1 was reduced to TDS and the practitioner also gave:

For Diabetes:
#2. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS

In another three weeks, she was 95% relieved of the cough and the dosage of #1 was reduced to BD. Having experienced such a huge improvement in her cough, she developed strong faith in the power of vibrionics and continued #2 diligently, fully believing that her blood sugar will eventually come down. At the end of March 2015, the doctor observed that her sugar level was normal; so the morning insulin dose was stopped. In another two weeks’ time on 16 April 15, the evening dose was also stopped. She was now completely off insulin injections but was advised to continue the oral medications. Both the pharmacist and her GP were in wonderment since they never had a patient who stopped insulin injections. Her family celebrated this milestone! 

As of 15 November 2016, her blood sugar is normal and she has been off insulin for 19 months. She continues to take #1 BD and #2 TDS. She also continues allopathic oral medication for diabetes.

Chronic pain in knee joints 02899...UK

A 58-year-old man suffering from painful knee joints was seen on 2 May 2014. About eleven years ago, the patient suffered from pain in the lower back; this had cleared following a Reiki treatment. He also had a benign lump removed from the right knee a few years ago that could have possibly contributed to the knee joint pain. For the last three years he had been getting acute pain in both the knees after walking even a short distance. He thought that this may be early stage of arthritis. His GP advised him to take over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, which he took for temporary relief when in excessive pain.

The patient was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis...TDS

The patient started taking the remedies only on 9 May. During the first two days of the treatment, the patient experienced the 2nd type of pullout which manifested as mild diarrhoea. After ten days, pain in his knees after short walks was 25% less and he was feeling more energetic. A month later the patient reported that his knee pain had improved significantly by 75% and he was now able to walk longer distances without any pain. After a further four months he was 100% healed of the pain. The patient continued the remedy at TDS for two months. He was put on a dosage reduction plan starting January 2015. He took the remedy BD for 2 months, followed by OD for two months and then OW for 6 months. During this time the patient remained free of any pain in the knee joints and the treatment was discontinued in October 2015. He did not take any allopathic medicines for this condition since he started vibrionics.

In January 2016, the patient was put back on an OD dosage as he reported having experienced some pain after undertaking a very strenuous activity under extreme cold weather conditions. The pain went away with just one dose of the remedy. He is happy with the treatment and felt 100% better when he last reported in February 2016.

Hypothyroidism and irregular periods 11570...India

A 35-year-old lady was suffering from hypothyroidism for two and a half years. She had been taking thyroxine 50 mcg but this treatment was not helping her. She felt tired, frustrated and unable to cope. For the past one year, her periods were irregular, occurring 7-10 days later than the due date. She had tried allopathic medication to regularize her periods but this did not resolve the problem. On 16 July 2015 she contacted the practitioner for vibrionics remedies. She was treated with the following combos:

For hypothyroidism:
#1. CC6.2 Hypothyroid…TDS

For irregular periods:
#2. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS

Her 1st period after starting the treatment was only a few days late, so she noticed some improvement. On 10 September, she reported that her menstruation started on the due date. Dosage of #2 was then reduced to BD and by the end of November 2015 it was further reduced to OD since her periods were now regular. On 25th December 2015, #2 was stopped on account of 100% improvement. 

The patient continued with the thyroxine 50 mcg while taking vibrionics remedy. As her thyroid function test showed improved results, her GP reduced the dose of thyroxine to 25 mcg. Later she was advised to stop the thyroxine and have a repeat blood test after three months. She stopped thyroxine on 1 April 2016 but continued with vibrionics remedy #1. A blood test done on 13th June 2016 showed TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) level to be within normal limits. Patient continues to take #1 TDS.

The patient is very happy, her energy levels have increased and her periods have been regular with no relapse as of June 2016. 

Hyperacidity, Indigestion, Headache & Insomnia 02840...India

A woman, 28 years of age, was suffering from hyperacidity, indigestion, headache, and insomnia for the past two years. Her job involved switching between night and day shifts during the same week. She was taking antacids which relieved her of some of the symptoms and that too, only temporarily. So the patient decided to take vibrionics treatment and stopped taking antacids.

On 24 June 2013, the following combo was given:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.6 Sleep disorders…6TD

After five weeks there was 50% improvement in hyperacidity, 60% in indigestion and headache and 30% improvement in insomnia. The dosage was now reducedto TDS. After another four weeks, there was 90% improvement in hyperacidity, 100% in indigestion and headache, and 80% improvement in insomnia. The dosage was now reduced to OD for a month. On 25 September 2013, the patient reported that she was completely relieved of all the symptoms. In December 2013 when the practitioner attended her wedding, she confirmed that she was fit and well. As of March 2016, on rare occasions when she experiences acidity, she takes the above remedy every ten minutes for one hour and feels the relief within half an hour of the first dose. The patient, currently a homemaker, now follows a healthy diet and lives a healthy lifestyle.

Practitioner Profile 00512...Slovenia

Practitioner 00512…Slovenia is a senior nurse by profession. Following her intuition since her youth she followed a career in healthcare. She had the opportunity of establishing consulting rooms, dispensaries and out-patient rooms to work with addicts and to help children and adults to change their way of life. In 1991 she founded the macrobiotic organisation in Slovenia and was its president till 1997. She also founded another group whom she taught biodynamic farming; her aim was to create healthy living surroundings for future generations.

In October 1996, prior to her knowing about Sathya Sai Baba and His mission, the practitioner was gifted a trip to India. When she ask her benefactor why and where should she go in India and who will she see, the response was to go to Puttaparthi and she was only told, “You will see.” A lady got her a hotel room and showed her the way to ashram. As she felt deserted and cried from disappointment, she heard an inner voice say, “Let the live temple be your goal as all the world is searching for the way to get there.” Still not understanding but encouraged by this guidance, she attended the daily regimen of the ashram.  She became diligent in her quest for truth and personal healing.  Over time she surrendered completely to the outer image of Sai and the inner experience of God.

Just before returning to Slovenia, after a month of fasting on water and some fruit now and then, she dined with three ladies. Next morning, she felt so exhausted and sick that it was difficult for her to get out of bed. Her three lady friends took her to Dr Aggarwal where she received her 1st vibrionics remedy. On the way back to the hotel, she fell down and some passers-by commented she was dead. At this moment, she went through a near-death-experience (NDE) where she saw her own body lying on the road. After regaining consciousness, she felt herself being healed as the words ‘Baba, Baba, Baba’ were resounding within herself. She realized that not only she had been cured of all her illnesses but she felt extremely peaceful. In her own words, “It felt like a new birth”. She was convinced that this powerful experience was the result of vibrionics. So she decided there and then to learn this system of healing. She returned to Dr Aggarwal the same day for a short training session. She received the SRHVP machine along with cards and a book giving the description of these cards. The following day, she was on the plane, homeward bound with a heart full of gratitude to Sai Baba and Dr Aggarwal, knowing she had just received a simple method of healing and a great seva.

Once back home, she decided, after working for over 30 years as a nursing professional, to retire early at the age of 50. She studied the vibrionics book thoroughly. She did not know any English but she felt that Baba was somehow guiding her! On 5 December 1996 she made her 1st vibro remedy. Fearlessly attempting to heal a family friend of acute leukaemia, she witnessed very encouraging results. The patient’s wife collected the remedy (made in water) every 3rd day for 3 months. As there was no further improvement, the wife decided to go elsewhere for another treatment and eventually lost her husband.

She accepted all outcomes as the Divine Will and devoted herself completely to vibrionics. So strong was her conviction that in 1999, she organised a training seminar for Dr and Mrs Aggarwal in Ljubljana and Maribor. Twenty-five practitioners received their certification. Her commitment included having the only vibro book in her possession translated into Slovenian at personal expense (paid for from her pension) for the benefit of the newly-trained. In 2001 the practitioner was gifted a seva pendulum which she found effective in identifying the underlying cause of a patient’s sickness or imbalance.

In her own words “Seva is a Divine present to me to share with all the people who come my way. Seva is my life. I have unlimited faith in self-healing with vibrionics. Baba gave me the ability to serve people; it gives me satisfaction and joy.”

In May 2009, she went to Oxford, England, for training on the 108CC box. Since then she has been treating a large number of patients on a daily basis. In her twenty years of practice she has treated a multitude of ailments with great success.  She not only treats those who visit her but also sends remedies round the globe either by mail or by broadcasting.

The results of her practice are impressive; here are a few examples:

The practitioner treated a woman aged 50 who had pain in her right leg and inflammation of the knee for 4 months. She could walk only with crutches.  Based on digital x-ray, doctors suggested operation. In July 2015 she was given: CC3.7 Circulation + CC20.7 Fractures. Within 6 days, pain and inflammation were gone and she was able to walk without crutches, thus removing the necessity for surgery. She is divorced and her children are busy with their own life. Loneliness was underneath her problem, remedied with focus on God in addition to vibrionics.

In another case of a 9-year-old girl, the dentist had to pull three of her first upper teeth. One tooth grew soon but the other two did not grow even after one year. Digital x-ray showed that they were inside the jaw. The dentist suggested an operation but the parents decided instead to consult the practitioner who gave her in June 2015: NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination-12 + NM67 Calcium + NM89 Mouth and Gum + NM90 Nutrition + NM104 Tops + SM26 Immunity + SM38 Teeth + SR450 Willow + SR516 Pancreas + SR532 Sympathetic Nervous System + SR566 Fungi-Pathogenic. After 8 weeks, the girl came to show the practitioner both the embedded teeth which had started to grow out of the jaw. 

In 2013, a 32-year-old woman had episiotomy at the time of the birth of her first baby. Even after two and a half years, she would have strong pain at the time of intercourse. She was advised to have surgery but she decided in favour of alternative healing. In April 2016, the practitioner gave her: CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic. She was completely healed of the pain in less than 2 months.

She treated a female mountain horse aged 6 from Bosnia. The horse was limping for 9 months and could not run. In October 2015, she was given CC20.4 Muscles. After a period of 7 weeks, the limping horse was completely healed and was seen running happily with other horses in the mountain.

She is enthusiastic for the effectiveness of broadcasting remedies to both individuals and collectives, even countries and continents. Using her SRHVP machine, she broadcast with great success to an entire drug-addicted group in Cenacolo community in Croatia. In 2013 she rid her apple trees of aphids/lice with broadcasting. 

Utterly convinced of omnipresent Divinity, of the divine Oneness of all life and its connectivity, she considers life as a learning process and a great challenge. She promotes channelling the subtle energies of consciousness, especially feelings, as very effective in healing. For her feelings are quicker in comprehension than thought. She believes that healing simply happens and sometimes in an instant. Underlying her practice are these guidelines which she recommends to all practitioners:

  • Constantly adore God and never forget we are Divine.
  • See the One in every being.
  • Be aware of the need to transform the collective consciousness.
  • Forgive and offer gratitude to everyone and everything because all experiences contribute to our spiritual evolution, difficult ones help the soul become like a diamond. Forgive three times: the offender, the offence and all the past that made it. Don’t forget to forgive yourself.
  • Meditate and practice Ho’oponopono, a powerful Hawaiian technique to aid in true forgiveness. Incidentally, the practitioner’s own patients get Ho’oponopono affirmations on their first visit.
  • Advise patients that strong faith in self-healing is most important for them and their families.

Practitioner’s motto: “Divinity is the greatest aid for seva in healing”.

Cases to share

The Answer Corner

1. Question: Is it more effective to place in the remedy well both lock of hair and photo of the patient during a broadcast? 

    Answer: No, it is not. It is best to use one or the other. If you are using a photo, it should be full-sized with some part of the patient’s body touching the bottom of the well e.g. if the photo is taken with the subject standing on some grass then one must cut out the grass-part or bend the picture so that a part of the person is in contact with the base of the well.


2. Question: After having prepared a blood nosode in the SRHVP, I discovered that I had forgotten to remove from the slot the card that was used to prepare the previous remedy. Does the remedy now prepared contain the vibrations of both the blood sample and the card? If so, can the remedy still be given to my patient? Has the sample become contaminated and hence I need a fresh blood sample?

      Answer: Yes, it is most likely to contain both vibrations as expected by you. It is recommended not to give this remedy to the patient. Also the sample will absorb the vibration from the card at some unknown potency and hence it will be best to use a fresh blood sample.


3. Question: How can we treat damaged hair?

    Answer: Here we use a two-pronged approach. In addition to orally taking CC11.2 Hair problems, use the same remedy for external application. Put one drop of CC11.2 Hair problems in 200 ml of water to make hair tonic. Use this to massage the scalp every morning and evening. This promotes blood circulation, excretes waste and makes hair glossy. It is important to shake the tonic before every use. When about 1/10th of the tonic is left, add more water to make it up to 200 ml again and shake well to activate it.


4. Question: My patient came 3 days after the mosquito bite when he was given CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.4 Stings & Bites but it did not help. In fact after 2 weeks, the affected area became enlarged, as much as 10 cm in diameter with much pus. Did I do something wrong, please advise.

     Answer: As CC9.2 Infections acute deals mainly with respiratory infections, it was not necessary to include this in the above combo. However now that the infection has definitely set in as is obvious from the pus, you should add CC21.2 Skin infections. Further CC9.3 Tropical diseases is recommended for broader protection from mosquito related diseases. So the following combo should be given: CC9.3 Tropical diseases + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.4 Stings & Bites. No doubt, you will also use the same combo for external application to the affected area.


5. Question: Are there any remedies to help spiritual aspirants in their inner journey towards the Divine?

    Answer: A majority of the earlier Soham mixtures SM1 to SM10 can help spiritual aspirants. SM1 Removal of Entities will help when under psychic attack or black magic or having unknown/unexplainable fear; it will remove negative energy, internal or external. SM2 Divine Protection is added to SM1 when in an environment that threatens spiritual growth; also used to invite Divine love, wisdom and strength. SM3 Soul Cleansing will lift you out of a spiritually low state by rejuvenating soul energy. SM4 Stabilising balances emotional, mental and spiritual states and inspires one not to give up when the going is tough. SM5 Peace & Love Alignment restores flow of love energy when one feels alone or cut off/removed from God. SM6 Stress removes tension which in turn enables the use of SM7 Meditation in a more positive way. SM9 Lack of Confidence is self-explanatory. Finally SM10 Spiritual Upliftment is for realisation of inner light and only a single dose is to be given for moving forward to one’s fullest potential. For those without the SRHVP, CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic will help as this contains several of these SM cards.


6. Question: Is a patient allowed to talk while the remedy is under the tongue or is he supposed to maintain silence till the pill dissolves completely? 

    Ansswer: When the remedy is taken in pills if the patient maintains mental silence it is better. It is not a matter of keeping one’s mouth closed like one would do when taking the remedy in water for a minute before swallowing. It is more a matter of keeping the mind silent rather than just being physically silent. It is preferable that the patient is praying for about five minutes of taking the remedy.


7. Question: Is it okay to brush your teeth using toothpaste after taking vibro remedy, or do you have to leave 20 minute gap before brushing teeth?

    Answer: Yes, it is best to wait for 20 minutes before brushing your teeth. Many toothpastes contain mint which can have a neutralising effect on vibro remedies and hence the gap.


8. Question: There are some small appliances used by some alternative therapists, which apparently produce high frequency electromagnetic waves, they are used to relieve back pain, joint pain etc. Can these be used while taking vibro remedies?

     Answer: Yes, you can take vibro remedies provided you allow a gap of at least half an hour before or after such treatment.


9. Question: Sometimes I encounter patients who do not express gratitude when they receive a remedy and some do not give any feedback. I understand this is seva and I should not expect any compliments (I do not receive any material rewards) but I am discouraged by such patients.

      Answer: There are two parts to the answer. #1. The purpose of any seva is for us to grow spiritually. In true seva, there is no expectation of anything in return, even a word of gratitude. In performing real seva, we simply become an instrument of the Lord. We don’t thank the knife we use for cutting vegetables or the hammer for banging a nail into a wall. As the Lord has chosen us as His instruments to provide vibro remedies, this in itself is a great blessing. This is our reward for performing the seva. #2. It is our duty to become His best instruments. In order to be such instruments of healing and to best assist our patients, it’s important to receive regular feedback from patients, so their prescription can be suitably modified when necessary. The patients can be lovingly reminded of this. If a thoughtful patient offers gratitude, it should be accepted with humility and mentally passed onto the Lord for He is the only healer.


Divine Words From The Master Healer

"All men, all living beings, are cells in the Body of God. Their origin, continued existence, and progress are all in God, by God, for God. The individual is a unit in this unity. There are no other aliens. When one is ill, all suffer. When one is happy, all are partners of that happiness. Faith in this truth is the fundamental equipment the Sevaks must acquire." 

-Sathya Sai Baba, “Equipment for Service” Discourse, 21 November 1986


"An intake of too much food is also harmful. Simply because tasty food is available and is being offered, one is tempted to overeat. We have air all around us but we do not breathe in more than we need. The lake is full but we drink only as much as the thirst craves for. But overeating has become a social evil, fashionable habit. The stomach cries out, 'Enough,' but the tongue insists on more, and man becomes the helpless target of disease. He suffers from corpulence, high blood pressure and diabetes. Moderate food is the best medicine to avoid bodily life. Do not rush to the hospital for every little upset. Too much drugging is also bad. Allow nature full scope to fight the disease and set you right. Adopt more and more the principles of naturopathy, and give up running around for doctors." 

-Sathya Sai Baba, “Food and Health” Discourse, 21 September 1979


Forthcoming Workshops

 India Puttaparthi: AVP Workshop 24-27 November 2016, contact Hem at [email protected]

 India Chennai: Refresher Seminar 6 December 2016, contact Lalitha at [email protected]

 Poland Wroclaw: National Refresher Seminar 25-26 March 2017, contact Dariusz at [email protected]

  USA Shepherdstown, WV: AVP workshop 31 March-2 April 2017, contact Susan at t[email protected]

In Addition

Staggering Increase in Worldwide Diabetes

World Diabetes Day, an annual event conducted to create awareness among the public, was celebrated recently on 14 November. Diabetes, as we all know, is a multifactorial disorder with several contributing factors such as mental and emotional health, genetics, environment, and lifestyle. This year, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) focused on routine screening to ensure early diagnosis and avoid related complications, which was a much-needed strategy to bring a check on the skyrocketing numbers. 366 million people worldwide now have diabetes, and the disease is responsible for 4.6 million deaths annually.

Vibrionics has successfully touched the lives of many diabetic patients with improved health and brought hope in them. In this issue, we present a few diabetes cases as well as their complications that our healing system has successfully addressed. Let's continue our efforts in educating people on the merits of eating healthily, daily exercise and balancing one’s mind. We must also remind our patients to consider vibrionics as a preventive strategy when deemed appropriate. With the dedicated service from all the practitioners and God's grace, vibrionics has the potential to be in the alternative health forefront to tackle this major public health issue. 

A conversation Swami had with two physicians about diet, heart disease and diabetes can be found at

“Best thing is diet control and exercise. For diabetes, green leafy vegetables are good, except cauliflower. Cabbage is good. All fruits with black seeds like apples, pears, grapes, watermelon, etc are good, except custard apple (as it has too much sugar). Papaya is good. Avoid all roots, especially potatoes.”…Sathya Sai Baba

Another quote from Swami: “Don’t eat sweets; Every day in the morning, after a bowel movement, take one green cucumber with skin and with seeds, blend the cucumber, and it will become one glass of juice, take this juice on an empty stomach; ½ hour later take breakfast; take it for 10-15 days, and your sugar level will come under control. Avoid root vegetables (i.e., vegetables which have roots) like carrot, potatoes, and do some walking exercise.” …Sathya Sai Baba


Kerala’s annual vibrionics meet - 16 October 2016

The Kerala State President opened his inspiring inaugural address with Swami’s words, “I am dancing not because I am happy, I am happy because I am dancing” - unconditional service has to be rendered with this devotion in mind. The KeralaDistrict President emphasised that vibrionics offers a good opportunity for rendering service and thus leading to the path of self-transformation. In his skype message, Dr Aggarwal spoke about the recent developments in vibrionics and reminded practitioners of Swami’s words that vibrionics is the medicine of the future. 

Topics discussed at the one-day workshop centred on the Kerala teams’ evolution, impact on the community since their inception and the way forward. Some successful case histories and patient testimonials were presented. The importance of writing of patients’ histories was emphasized since this forms the backbone for the growth of vibrionics. In order to help practitioners with diagnosis, Practitioner 11958 presented an overview of the human anatomy and the various systems of the body, along with diseases and their symptoms that can afflict a person.

Training of AVPs in Kerala began in December 2010 when 53 practitioners completed the course successfully. In Jan 2011, this information was included in the Annual Report of Vibrionics presented to Swami who accepted it in His Infinite compassion and expressed His approval by saying “Very happy with the work”. Today, there are 103 practitioners in the State and 56 remain very active. Over a quarter of a million people have received vibrionics treatment so far. 

A treatment centre was opened at Thrissur on 24 Nov 2012. In particular, vibrionics has been able to help people in Kasargod affected by the extensive use of Endosulfan pesticide. One practitioner has treated over 10,000 patients - a feat that can only be accomplished with Baba’s guiding hands. With ever-increasing ailments in the population and considering the side effects brought on by allopathic medications, the vibrionics health care programme dispensing tonics such as Bala Poshini (Children’s’ tonic*) and Pariksha Sahaie (Students’ tonic**) fulfilling a significant need.

The practitioners requested training in writing of case histories based on a twenty-two point format that was presented at the workshop. It was suggested that having regular local and district level meetings and restarting the Kerala newsletter would be useful in keeping the rural practitioners with limited access to the internet updated with the latest in vibrionics treatment. This will also give an opportunity to the not-so-active practitioners to be more actively engaged.

The meeting concluded with reminders to practitioners to do selfless, unconditional service with love and surrender.

Now, in November, arrangements are being made to start a daily Vibro Clinic at Kizhuthani, a rural area, in Thrissur district of Kerala as a birthday offering to Swami.

*Children’s tonic contains CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC12.2 Child tonic
**Students’ tonic contains CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic


Public Service Announcements (PSA)

Texting & Driving: This Could Save Your Life from the USA, gives adults, young and old, a chance to see first-hand the result when someone texts on their mobile phone while driving. Here is the link:

Share this link with family, friends and patients. Would you like to see more PSA in the future? You can share by sending us a link to a PSA about health or life-style, in English or with English sub-titles.

Om Sai Ram