Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 1 Izdaja 1
September 2010
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From the Desk of Dr. Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Sai Vibrionics Healer,

This, the first Sai Vibrionics Newsletter, is being sent to you and all healers who registered their e-mail address with us. The Newsletter is an opportunity to connect with Sai-trained healers around the world and offer love, information, knowledge and encouragement on an on-going basis. We hope the Newsletter will become a useful way of passing on instruction, suggestions and ideas in connection with Vibrionics Seva, as well as answer questions and share any useful health or lifestyle information that has come to our attention. We plan to share the results of recent cases we think will be of interest or inspiration to you when treating your own patients.

How frequently we send out the Newsletter will depend on the response we receive from our healers. This is your Newsletter. We are looking for case details from you about a patient’s Vibrionics healing (human, animal or plant) or about a Vibrionics clinic or camp where you have participated. We invite you to submit your questions about remedies or treatments or other aspects of practicing Vibrionics, or send other news and helpful information to share with healers.

The email address to send your feedback to is: [email protected]. Meanwhile, we hope you find this new venture of interest and of help. We look forward to receiving any feedback you may wish to give that will enable our Newsletter volunteers to continue the Newsletter project with enthusiasm and success.

In Sai Service,

Jit Aggarwal 

Case of Pulmonary Thrombo-embolism Missing...India

A 31 year-old woman was suffering from blood clots (thrombosis), causing obstruction to both pulmonary arteries. She was breathless and unable to do any kind of work. She was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment, but the family did not have enough money to pay for the operation that the doctors said was necessary.  In desperation they got in touch with a practitioner of Vibrionics and the lady was immediately put on the following Common Combos:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC19.3 Asthma + CC19.4 Asthma emergency…QDS

Within a month the lady was completely well. The doctors were astonished to find that her angiography reports showed that all her veins and arteries were clear.
There was absolutely no sign of thrombosis.


Complete Healing of Multiple Myeloma Missing...India

A 51-year-old man was diagnosed by doctors as suffering from a type of bone marrow cancer. He had been completely bedridden for a year and had a fracture in his shoulder joint. Doctors had given up hope of him ever recovering. He came to a Vibrionics practitioner who started him on:
CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures

In just one week’s time the patient’s condition started to improve. Within 15 days he could get up and walk, despite being bedridden for a whole year. Four months later he could go back to work and his mBAND analysis showed no trace of cancer.

Paralysis of Throat Missing...India

A 54-year-old man suffered from a paralytic stroke resulting in loss of speech and a paralysed throat. Although he was not diabetic the doctors thought that this
could be a case of ‘silent hypertension’. The patient had to be fed through a pipe directly to his stomach. The man’s son met with a vibro practitioner who gave him the following combos for his father:
CC18.1 Brain & Memory Tonic + CC18.4 Stroke + CC19.7 Throat …QDS

The boy administered the pills to his father orally and within just 3 days the patient was able to swallow and even speak! The patient still suffers from some memory loss but continues to take the vibro combos and is undergoing physiotherapy to aid his complete recovery. 

Liver Cancer Patient on the Road to Recovery Missing...India

A 67 year-old woman was diagnosed as having cancer of the liver with multiple complications such as fluid in the abdomen. The abdomen had to be tapped on a regular basis. She had swellings in both knee joints and an enlarged gall bladder. She was also diabetic with high BP, and suffered from constipation and insomnia. The doctors told her that she had only 3 months left to live. She was given the following Common Combos by a Vibro practitioner:
CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC 2.2 Cancer pain+ CC2.3 Tumours and Growths + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.6 Osteoporosis...TDS

Within a week of taking the above combos, she went off most of her allopathic medication. Nine months later she was well on the road to recovery, her pleural effusion had subsided and her blood sugar had come within normal range. A once bedridden woman, she was now able to do her normal routine work. Despite doctors giving her just 3 months to live, she enjoyed an active life for two years before she peacefully left her body.


The Answer Corner

Question: How many Vibrionic practitioners are there?

Answer: Free Vibrionics treatment is available in 81 countries by more than 4,000 Vibrionics practitioners.


Question: During treatment of a patient for a chronic problem, he got the flu. Should I stop the treatment for the chronic problem while dealing with this acute condition?

Answer: By stopping the remedy for the chronic disorder for 1 or 2 days, it may help to cure the acute problem faster! However, you may continue with the chronic treatment while dealing with the acute problem (e.g. flu) that may last a few days. Some patients prefer to take both remedies.


Question: How do I prescribe for a disease that appears to be “karmic”?

Answer: It is not a good idea to discuss with your patient 'karma' in relation to his disease. Leave the karma issue between the patient and God. Our job is not to judge but to do our very best to serve the patient with love. Therefore, treat as usual. 

Divine Words from the Master Healer

Eat in moderation and live long. This is the advice of the ancient seer, which is transmitted through many centuries. This advice is rarely respected. People are lumped with so much food that then can not get up from the table. By destroying their digestive system by consuming heavy and fatty foods, rich in pride when organized costly approaches. Those who know that physical health is the greatest treasure, are very careful to take only sattvic food. "

- Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol XI

"A man works on the basis of the combination of three forces acting: irradiation (radiation), vibration and materials (ity of), called Prakriti. Prana Shakti seem to matter vibrates. Prajna Shakti directed vibration, which is consciousness (awareness). Thus, human life combination of consciousness, vital force and matter. How not aware of this truth, man is prone to worry only about the body, with the misguided notion that the body is all-powerful.

Everyone knows that America (USA) is considered the land of plenty where no shortage of food. People eat well and enjoy material pleasures. Consuming too much food and live a life of luxury. However, we find that the country's mortality caused by heart attack is higher than in other countries.

Sweden is a very rich country in Europe. Its government is providing all possible comfort and good care of its citizens. Despite such progress, in that the country's growing number of suicides than anywhere else, and the divorce rate is high. What is causing this? Certainly not the lack of physical and material supplies but lack of spiritual view of the world. This is because they identify themselves with the body, which is temporary and have no knowledge of the real inner self that is permanent and eternal. They run only artificial life. "

– Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol XXVI

Jai Sai Ram !!! 

In Addition

Health Tips

Do you enjoy drinking cold beverages with your meals? For those who like to drink cold water or beverages with their meals, be aware of a danger. While it may be enjoyable to have a cold drink with a meal or after a meal, the cold liquid will solidify any oily foods just consumed and slow down digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the stomach’s acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine and very soon, this will turn into fat that can lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold drinks. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating.

A Serious Note About Heart Attacks: Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. They may never have chest pain during the first course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw-line. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake a person from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more everyone knows, the better chance for survival. 

Swami Blesses the Sai Vibrionics Cake on Guru Purnima, July 25, 2010 

For the third consecutive year, the Lord in human form, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba showered His blessings in abundance on the entire Vibrionics team by providing a golden opportunity to present the Sai Vibrionics cake and prasadam at His Lotus feet on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima.

At the beginning of July, a team of Vibrionics practitioners from Japan reached Parthi to begin preparations for Guru Purnima. Assisted by local volunteers, the team prepared and packaged 15,000 packets of prasadam. Greek devotees prepared the beautiful Sai Vibrionics cake.

There was great excitement amongst the Vibro team on the eve of Guru Purnima when Swami directed the prasadam to be distributed to all those seated in Sai Kulwant Hall. 

The next day, Guru Purnima, Swami came out of His residence, Yajur Mandir, only in the afternoon. Students and devotees sang beautiful​Guru bhajans as Swami made His way through Sai Kuwault hall. As Swami approached the verandah, the Vibrionics team humbly offered Him a rose. After accepting the rose, the Lord lit the flower-shaped candle (made by an Italian practitioner) and, with a beautiful smile on His face, graciously cut the Sai Vibrionics cake. Following the music program, Swami blessed more prasadam and, to the delight of all, He handed the little packets to the performing artists.


Ingredients for Practicing Vibrionics Successfully 

Even though, on the whole, the response from patients to Vibrionics has been excellent, we’re all puzzled, once in a while, when patients with the same problem respond differently to the same remedy. We also sometimes wonder why one remedy works better for one practitioner and not so well when someone else prescribes it...

Several factors come into the equation but of them all, FAITH tops the list. Here we are talking about the Faith of the practitioner – his Faith in the power of each remedy to heal, his Faith in the latent shakti that our beloved Master has infused in each one of the 108 Common Combos. Right from the start, Swami, in His gracious physical form, blessed the system of Vibrionics. On countless occasions, He has reassured us that He is the healing force behind this system – while we are all mere instruments, He is the One who cures. It was His hand that guided the creation of the 108 Combos and His hand alone guides their use. All practitioners must have the Faith that they are a channel of Swami’s will and compassion to help their fellow beings. As important as it is for practitioners to have faith, it is also important that patients be encouraged to believe that they can be cured. As Jesus said once to someone who pleaded for healing, “Go, your faith has made you whole”. With the Faith of both the healer and the patient, anything is possible

The next most potent ingredient in the healing process is LOVE. When a practitioner with faith has decided which remedy to administer, he must open his heart to the patient with love and compassion. Swami Himself, in numerous discourses, has reiterated how treating a patient with love can spur on the healing process. In fact, love can prove more efficacious in healing than the remedies we may prescribe! Every practitioner should send a loving prayer for each patient. We must strive to radiate pure love without any trace of ego or self-importance.

The third ingredient which then takes over is TRUST. The practitioner has to trust that patients are being given exactly what they need. Some patients may become absolutely alright with the combos given. Other patients may not feel the full benefit of the remedies. We have to understand that, as human beings, we can only see the patient, his ailment and the healing on a physical level. All we can do is to Trust in the Lord and believe that the patients are being given what they need, to bring about a complete healing in not just the body but also in the mind and spirit.

Swami always says, “Do your best, Let Sai do the rest!” All we need to do is to carry out this wonderful seva that Swami has given us with FAITH, LOVE and TRUST and He will take care of the results. 

Om Sai Ram