Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 4 Izdaja 3
May/June 2013
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From the Desk of Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

We have received very encouraging feedback from our Vibrionics practitioners recently – so thank you all. The results reported from use of the 108CC box have far exceeded our expectations. Of course, we have only our beloved Swami to thank for this and for His Divine Healing hand that constantly guides us. I would like to share with you all how the idea of pre-made combos came about. In the year 2000, my wife Hem and two other practitioners would regularly visit a local girls’ school in Puttaparthi to treat the students. As most of the children suffered from the usual ailments, the practitioners had to make the same remedies again and again individually for each student using the Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser. This was a very time consuming process and so they made a few commonly needed combos in larger bottles to make their work easier. This gave birth to the idea of making kits consisting of ready-made combos to use in camps and other such situations. Hem took a letter for Swami to Darshan on the morning of June 14th, 2000. On the way back to His residence Swami stopped, took the letter and materialised vibhuti for her. At the time we had no idea that the Lord was guiding us towards the 108CC box which was first blessed by Swami in 2007 and subsequently, the revised version of it, in 2008 (as you can see in the photo in your 108CC book).

Last month, a book on Vibrionics was published by Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust of Maharashtra, India. It is written by one of our practitioners 02640 who is also an allopathic doctor (does not practice allopathy except sometimes as seva). The book describes a number of difficult cases from a variety of medical fields which have been successfully treated by Vibrionics and will, therefore, encourage many new people to take up this therapy. Even though it does not give the combos used, it may inspire many practitioners to take up more challenging cases and to come forward to share their experiences for the benefit of all. The book is available from the bookshop in Dharmkshetra and in Prashanti Nilayam.

It is that time of year when we in India are in the middle of our summer vacations and people in the West, are looking forward to theirs. If you are planning to travel or go on holiday, we would just like to remind you to take a small pack of common Vibrionics remedies with you. You can make the Wellness Kit mentioned on page 2 of the 108 Common Combos book and carry it with you in a small tin box. You don’t want an upset stomach, a nasty bout of flu or sprained ankle to ruin your holiday. Also, if you are going to an area where you could catch Malaria or some other tropical disease, don’t forget to start taking a preventive remedy well before you leave and continue to take it until you are back home again. With the Monsoons due soon any day in India, tropical diseases are rampant – it’s better to be safe than sorry. Also, if you are conducting camps in villages, don’t forget to administer preventive remedies to all patients to keep them safe from infection and why not take a dose yourself too.

In every newsletter, I ask you to send in your feedback and we have been overwhelmed with the response each time. But it is surprising that practitioners only share the good things with us. I’m sure there are things you don’t like; we would be happy to hear about them too. We will appreciate honest opinions and it will only help us on this ‘learning journey’ together. Also, if you have come across a health article which you would like us to share in the newsletter, do send it in. Please continue to send any interesting cases that you may have treated with Vibrionics – we can only benefit from each other’s experiences.

Wishing you a warm and lovely summer – may we all bask in the sunshine of Swami’s love and be inspired to contribute better to His mission.

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal 

Uterine Cancer 11993...India

A woman aged 45 had been suffering from uterine cancer for 4 years. She had been undergoing allopathic treatment including a course of chemotherapy but had discontinued it because it was not bringing any relief. In fact she had become bedridden due to the side affects. The treatment started on 15 October 2012 when she was given the following:
CC2.1 Cancers + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD

In two months, she was well enough to get out of bed and do all her household duties as well as go to church again. When she was tested for cancer after 4 months, it showed that the cancer had gone and she was completely normal. The dosage was reduced to TDS.

The editor's comment:
CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus is usually included when there is cancer in these areas. However CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic is a good addition and must have contributed to the healing.


Heart Emergency 11220...India

The practitioner’s uncle aged 61, a diabetic and heart patient, suddenly had a seizure at midnight on 31 March 2013 and was slipping in and out of consciousness. He was immediately given CC3.4 Heart emergencies in water and in 2 minutes of taking the combo, he was able to get up and sit in the bed. The combo continued to be given every 5 minutes even during his travel by car to a nearby hospital after he took a few doses. By the time they arrived, he felt perfectly normal. He was admitted for heart ailment, hypertension and possible stroke. The family was told the seizure had been caused by high BP and high blood sugar. The practitioner pointed out that there had been other times when this patient benefited from this combo.

The editor's comment:
This is confirmation to all of us that this combo should be kept by family member of a patient with serious heart condition, particularly if he is diabetic. It will then be readily available for use in a similar emergency.


Arthritis 02853...India

A 50-year-old lady had suffered for two years with constant pain in her legs, mainly in her joints especially when it is cold. She could not bend her knees to sit on the floor or even chair and walk very far. An allopathic doctor treated her with oral medicine and gave ointment to massage her legs; neither helped. She was told that the cause was the cold weather, stress and ageing. In November 2012 the practitioner gave the following combo:
CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis…TDS

She told the practitioner two months later that she became completely free of pain within three weeks of taking the combo. She is now happy to be able to go for long walks again, sit easily on the floor as well as be comfortable in a chair.


Chronic Eczema 10364...India

This practitioner aged 55 years treated himself for chronic eczema that he had for 8 years. It was below the abdomen and all over his legs. He had taken allopathic medicines but received only temporary relief. So he took the following:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.6 Eczema…TDS

His symptoms have gone completely.

The practitioner's comment:
The practitioner says  that after qualifying as a vibrionics practitioner four years ago, the medical expenses of his entire family have dashed to zero! During this time, he has also been practicing with SSS VIP Medicare ambulance.


Sclerosis of the Aortic Valve 02128...Argentina

A woman aged 67 came to see the practitioner as heart surgery was planned because she had sclerosis of the aortic valve with severe arrhythmia and wondered whether Vibrionics could help. As indicated by the pendulum the following was given:
#1. BR5 Heart + BR18 Circulation + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica + SR278 Cactus + SR286 Crataegus + SR455 Artery + SR477 Capillary + SR539 Vein + SR541 Adonis Ver

#2. OM7 Heart + SR287 Digitalis

#3. SR221 Heart Chakra + SR223 Solar Plexus…OW

She began taking the medicines on 20 October 2012. Now the operation has been cancelled due to much improvement in arrhythmia and improved aortic valve function.  She continues taking the above combos.


Brain Tumour 02128...Argentina

A 29-year-old woman came to the practitioner because she had a 9 mm sellar (relating to Sella turcica) tumour in the brain. The Sella turcica (literally Turkish Chair) is a saddle-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone of skull where the pituitary gland is located. Each year she must take a magnetic resonance (MRI) test for analysis of tumour growth, with always the possibility that an operation may be required to remove it. She was given:
SR253 Calc Fluor + SR254 Calc Phos + SR280 Calc Carb (200C) + SR295 Hypericum (200C) + SR318 Thuja (200C) made in water in a 10 ml dropper bottle and two drops given…TDS

After 56 days of only vibro treatment, patient went to the hospital for another MRI test. The tumour had completely disappeared. Doctors were surprised and remarked that they could not believe this miracle!


Colds and Influenza 02119...USA

This practitioner has had very good results from the following combo for common colds and influenza: NM18 General Fever + NM36 War.

Taken frequently when there is the first sign of symptoms, the combo knocks out both viral and bacterial illnesses. If given later when the infection has taken hold, it weakens the illness and hence shortens its duration. The practitioner himself and his several different patients have found this combo to be very effective.

Influenza 01361...USA

The practitioner rates NM79 Flu Pack very highly in immediately stopping the progress of influenza. He has successfully treated many  cases with this remedy including himself and his wife.

The Answer Corner

1. Question: Should I give a form to the patient before the first appointment?

Answer: It is not necessary as it is important to talk with the patient. However, it can be helpful for the patient as well as the healer, if he wants to bring written details of his chronic problems and any other treatment which he has undergone.


2. Question: The Vibrionics manual lists a number of questions for asking a patient to establish the root cause of his chronic disease. However, in the beginning, if a patient is not open to such questions, is there something that I can do?

Answer: Yes. In a majority of cases, it will be helpful to add CC15.1 because the root cause often lies in some mental disturbance such as grief or trauma. However, talking to a patient like you would to your own family member, may help him to open up to your questions.


3. Question: As a patient when I received my remedy in the post, the vial was full but the book says we should fill it only 2/3rd; how come?

Answer: It is correct to fill the vial 2/3rd and then shake it in the usual way. However, you can then add some more pills and shake again.


4. Question: How long does a patient with a chronic illness have to be symptom-free before I start him on a maintenance dose of OW?

Answer: When a patient’s symptoms have gone, reduce his dosage slowly over a long period of time (between 1/3rd to 2/3rd of treatment time) to OW. This dose can be continued for life.


5. Question: Is it appropriate to make the remedy in front of a patient or will it look odd/ritualistic when I shake the vial in a figure of 8?

Answer: We have not found this to be a problem but if you feel necessary, you can explain that this way of shaking ensures that vibrations from the drop go to ALL the pills.


6. Question: If a patient is taking 4 different remedies, is it necessary to wait for 20 minutes between pills?

Answer: No, in fact you need a gap of only 5 minutes between pills. No more than 3 different bottles should be given to a patient at any one time otherwise you may overwhelm the patient and he might stop the treatment.


7. Question: Am I allowed to send email with vibrionics site link to my patients/potential Sai patients to create awareness among them. Can I talk to them about vibro on Skype etc?

Answer: Certainly, you can tell them about Sai Vibrionics via Skype, email or phone and encourage them to read our newsletters, freely available on our website for all to read. We also have a flyer available if you wish to send further information to your patients and Sai devotees.


Divine Words from the Master Healer

“The spiritual exercise of service is quite distinct. In service, you devote all your energy and attention to the task at hand, for it is a dedicated task. You forget your body and ignore its demands. You set aside your individuality and its prestige and perquisites. You pluck your ego by its roots and cast it away. You give up your status, your conceit, your name and form and all that they demand from others. This process makes the mind pure.”

-Sathya Sai Speaks. 1977.06.03 


“Service is a lifetime program; it knows no rest or respite. This body has been given to you so that you may devote its strength and skills to the service of brother-man. Serve man until you see God in all men; then, what you do will be elevated to worship.”

-Sathya Sai Speaks. 1975.01.06 


"You have no reason to feel proud when you are able to help another, for your skill or wealth or strength or courage or official position that gave you the chance to serve was the gift of God, whether you recognize it or not. You are only offering this God's gift to another God's gift, namely the poor, the illiterate, the weak, the diseased, the grieving, the broken-hearted, who seek your help.

For the progress of humanity, work alone is not adequate, but the work should be associated with love, compassion, right conduct, truthfulness and sympathy. Without the above qualities, selfless service cannot be performed."

-Sathya Sai Baba’s discourse 


Forthcoming Workshops

India: New Delhi: AVP workshop 29-30 June 2013, contact Sangeeta at [email protected]

India: Puttaparthi: SVP workshop 15-20 July 2013, contact Hem at [email protected]

India: Puttaparthi: AVP workshop 23-27 July 2013, contact Hem at [email protected]

India: Mumbai: AVP workshop 3-4 August 2013, contact Sandip Kulkarni at 9869-998 069 or by email at: [email protected] OR Nand Agarwal at [email protected].

Italy: Venice: Refresher National conference 31 August 2013, contact Manolis by email at [email protected] or by telephone at +39-41-541 3763.

Poland: Wroclaw: Senior VP workshop 13-15 September 2013, contact Dariusz Hebisz by email at [email protected] or by telephone at +48-606 879 339.

Greece: Athens: JVP and practitioners refresher workshops 21-23 September 2013, contact Vasilis by email at [email protected] or by telephone at +30-697-2084 999.

All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 

In Addition

Sai Vibrionics offers health information and articles for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Counsel your patients to see their medical doctor about their specific medical condition. 


The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking

By now, you probably know that what you eat has a profound impact on your health. The mantra, "You are what you eat" is really true. But you need to consider not only what you eat, but how you cook it.

Eating much of your food raw is ideal. But most of us are not going to be able to accomplish a completely raw diet, and we'll end up cooking some percentage of our food. And here we have many choices: conventional ovens, grills, induction ovens, microwaves etc.

Needles to say, microwave oven is convenient and one of the fastest ways to cook our food. So how does it work?

How do microwave ovens work?

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, like light waves or radio waves. Microwaves are very short waves of electromagnetic energy that travel at the speed of light. In our modern technological age, microwaves are used to relay long distance telephone signals, television programs, and computer information across the earth or to a satellite in space. But the microwave is most familiar to us as an energy source for cooking food.

Every microwave oven contains a magnetron, a tube in which electrons are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a way as to produce micro wavelength radiation at about 2450 Mega Hertz (MHz) or 2.45 Giga Hertz (GHz). This microwave radiation interacts with the molecules in food. All wave energy changes polarity from positive to negative with each cycle of the wave. In microwaves, these polarity changes happen millions of times every second. Food molecules - especially the molecules of water - have a positive and negative end in the same way a magnet has a north and a south pole.

In commercial models, the oven has a power input of about 1000 watts of alternating current. As these microwaves generated by the magnetron bombard the food, they cause the polar molecules to rotate at the same frequency millions of times a second. All this agitation creates molecular friction, which heats up the food.

Is it a safe way to cook?

There are not that many studies done on how microwaving affects our food. And even more, results of these studies are quite inconsistent. Some scientists, usually supported by manufacturers or governments, claims that microwaving is quite safe. Others, usually healthy lifestyle enthusiasts, condemn microwaves as the worst kitchen appliance ever created and grave danger to any living beings.

Obviously, more independent studies are needed to prove or disprove such an extreme claim, but it's already clear that microwaving is not the best way to cook our food.

Microwaving destroys the Nutrients in Food

  •  A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli "zapped" in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97 percent of its beneficial antioxidants. By comparison, steamed broccoli lost 11 percent or fewer of its antioxidants. There were also reductions in phenolic compounds and glucosinolates, but mineral levels remained intact.

  •  A 1999 Scandinavian study of the cooking of asparagus spears found that microwaving caused a reduction in vitamin C.

  •  In a study of garlic, as little as 60 seconds of microwave heating was enough to inactivate its allinase, garlic's principle active ingredient against cancer.

  •  A Japanese study by Dr. Watanabe showed that just 6 minutes of microwave heating turned 30-40 percent of the B12 in milk into an inert (dead) form.

  •  A recent Australian study showed that microwaves cause a higher degree of "protein unfolding" than conventional heating.

    Microwaving is not good to warm breast milk

    There seems to be a growing body of evidence that suggests that human breast milk or baby formula is changed if heated in a microwave:

  •  Microwaving can destroy the essential disease-fighting agents in breast milk that offer protection for your baby. In 1992, Dr. Richard Quan found that microwaved breast milk lost lysozyme activity, antibodies, and fostered the growth of more potentially pathogenic bacteria.

  •  Another study about breast milk/infant formula by Lee in 1989 found vitamin content becomes depleted by microwaving, and certain amino acids are converted into other substances that are biologically inactive. Some altered amino acids are poisons to the nervous system and kidneys.

    Changes in people who eat microwaved foods

    There has been little research on changes in the consumers of food cooked using microwaves. A piece of work carried out by Hertel and Blanc has been quoted extensively and needs following up. Although they found many and serious changes, including decreased haemoglobin levels and increased cholesterol and leukocyte levels, their research was based on just 18 people, all of whom ate a macrobiotic diet only, including Hertel himself. It may be that their findings are equally valid for the general public, but without further evidence, we cannot make that assumption. Tom Valentine, an independent US journalist, published the results of this study in Search for Health in the Spring of 1992.

    Breaking Free of Your Microwave: A Few Basic Tips

    It's easy to live without microwave, believe it or not. You just have to make a few small lifestyle adjustments, such as:

  •  Plan ahead. Take your dinner out of the freezer that morning or the night before so you don't end up having to scramble to defrost a 5-pound chunk two hours before dinnertime.

  •  Make soups and stews in bulk, and then freeze them in small-sized freezer bags or other containers. An hour before meal time, just take one out and defrost it in a sink of water until it's thawed enough to slip into a pot, then reheat it on the stove.

  •  A toaster oven or convection oven makes a GREAT faux-microwave for heating up leftovers! Keep it at a low temperature -- like 200-250 degrees F (95-120 C) -- and gently warm a plate of food over the course of 20-30 minutes.

  •  Prepare your meals in advance so that you always have a good meal available on those days when you're too busy or too tired to cook.

  •  Try eating more organic raw food. This is the best way to improve your health over the long run.



How Foods High in Fibre Can Help You Keep Cholesterol in Check 


Just as eating certain foods — such as those high in saturated fats — can increase harmful cholesterol levels, eating fibre-rich foods can actually help lower it. Scientists are still trying to determine the exact mechanism by which fibre lowers cholesterol, says Linda V. Van Horn PhD, a registered dietician and professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. 

Dietary fibre, also known as roughage or bulk, includes all parts of plant foods that your body can't digest or absorb. Unlike other food components such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates — which your body breaks down and absorbs — fibre isn't digested by your body. Instead, it passes relatively intact through your stomach, small intestine, colon and out of your body. 

Fibre is commonly classified as soluble when it dissolves in water or insoluble if it doesn't. Most plant- based foods, such as oatmeal and beans, contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. However, the amount of each type varies in different plant foods. To receive the greatest health benefit, eat a wide variety of high-fibre foods. 

What’s clear is that the cholesterol-controlling benefits are due to soluble fibre. This is found in the flesh of fruit such as pears and apples, vegetables like peas, and whole grains such as oats and barley. The insoluble fibre is indigestible but a necessary part of healthy diet - not for cholesterol-control reasons - it’s the kind that helps with digestion and regularity. 

“High-fibre foods that contain soluble fibre appear to affect short-chain fatty acids in the bloodstream,” says Van Horn, “Soluble fibre has the same sort of potential benefit that something like a cholesterol-lowering drug (statin) would have; it blocks the uptake of saturated fat or other harmful types of fat.” Soluble fibre may also help reduce insulin resistance, which seems to play a role in unhealthy cholesterol levels. “Fibre appears to have beneficial effects on both lipid and glucose metabolism,” says Van Horn. This can improve your overall lipid or “fat” profile, resulting in healthier cholesterol levels as well as lower triglyceride levels, another type of fat in the blood.

There is a practical reason why foods with soluble fibre may help with managing cholesterol viz, these foods tend to be lower in fat and more filling than foods without fibre. That means you’re more likely to stick to your diet and achieve a healthy weight with a diet rich in high-fibre foods.

Fibre to Lower Cholesterol: The Research

Research shows that simple daily changes for a diet to lower cholesterol can yield results within a matter of months. According to a controlled study of more than 300 adults published in the Nutrition Journal, people who ate 3 to 4 grams of cereal containing oat fibre daily for four weeks lowered their low- density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol by about 5%. Also, this was the first study to show that including fibre in a diet for high cholesterol is helpful to people of different ethnicities.

More good news: Oats aren’t the only source of helpful fibre. A study of 160 postmenopausal women compared prune and dried apple consumption to find out how fruit fibre affects heart disease risk factors, such as cholesterol. Publishing in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the research team reported that women who ate the equivalent of two dried apples daily saw an improvement in their cholesterol levels by as much as 16 percent within three months (although prunes were also helpful for lowering total cholesterol). 

How Much Fibre Do You Need each day?

The Institute of Medicine, which provides science-based advice on matters of medicine and health, gives the following daily recommendations for adults: Men should have a daily goal of 30 to 38 grams of fibre, and women should have a daily goal of 21-25 grams. It’s noted that most people don’t even get 25 percent of the goal. Try adding these high-fibre foods to your diet: Oat bran, rice bran, celery, carrots, beans, peas, pears, oranges, barley, steel-cut oats, almonds. 

Need some ideas for getting that fibre into your diet each day? Try these menu additions:

  •  Snack on dried or whole fruits or veggies.

  •  Load up on vegetables and beans in casseroles and soups.

  •  When baking, use whole-grain flours to replace part or all of the white flour.

  •  Make hot cocoa from scratch with milk and cocoa powder, which contains fibre.

  •  Pick high-fibre options over high-fat options - for example, add beans to a burrito instead of cheese and sour cream.

Benefits of a High-Fibre Diet 

A high-fibre diet has many benefits, which include:

  •  Normalizes bowel movements. Dietary fibre increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation. If you have loose, watery stools, fibre may also help to solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool.

  •  Helps maintain bowel health. A high-fibre diet may lower your risk of developing haemorrhoids and small pouches in your colon (diverticular disease). Some fibre is fermented in the colon. Researchers are looking at how this may play a role in preventing diseases of the colon.

  •  Lowers cholesterol levels. Soluble fibre found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat bran may help lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering LDL levels. Studies have shown that fibre may have other heart-health benefits, such as reducing blood pressure and inflammation.

  •  Helps control blood sugar levels. In people with diabetes, fibre - particularly soluble fibre - can slow the absorption of sugar and help improve blood sugar levels. A healthy diet that includes insoluble fibre may also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  •  Aids in achieving healthy weight. High-fibre foods generally require more chewing time, which gives your body time to register when you're no longer hungry, so you're less likely to overeat. Also, a high-fibre diet tends to make a meal feel larger and linger longer, so you stay full for a greater amount of time. And high-fibre diets also tend to be less "energy dense," which means they have fewer calories for the same volume of food.

    Another benefit attributed to dietary fibre is prevention of colorectal cancer. However, the evidence that fibre reduces colorectal cancer is mixed. Increasing your intake of fibre to recommended levels each day can keep things moving and contribute to improving your health.

    Institute of Medicine, 2012 


Our website is You will need your Registration number to login to the Practitioner Portal. If your email address changes, please inform us at [email protected] as soon as possible.

You may share this newsletter with your patients. Their questions should be directed to you for answers or for research and response. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Om Sai Ram