Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Z mize Dr Jit K Aggarwala

Vol 15 Izdaja 4
julij / avgust 2024

Dear Practitioners

As we approach the most auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, let us reflect on Swami’s message on this sacred day. “Wherever you may be and whatever you do, regard yourself as an instrument of the Divine and act on that basis. You need not wait for a whole year to observe Guru Purnima. Treat every moment of your life as being intended for dedication to the Lord. This is the way to experience the Divine all the time in all places. This is true Sakshatkara (realization/direct perception). Serve all and love all. Firmly believe that the Divine is in everyone and constantly act on this belief. Only by continual practice can you develop this sacred attitude. Fill yourself with self-confidence and courage. Make your life a complete offering to the Divine, who is the real source of all that you are and all that you have.”…Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Guru Purnima discourse, 7 July 1990, Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 23.

It is with great joy that we acknowledge that several of our newer practitioners are eager to dedicate more of their time and energy to the practice of vibrionics and are keen to undertake SVP training. After broadening the eligibility criteria, we have been overwhelmed with applications for the SVP course. The finalised SVP eligibility criteria and schedule for the training program* will be uploaded on the practitioners’ website by Guru Purnima (21 July 2024). Those who have not yet sent in their applications may do so, no later than the first week of August to [email protected].

As we approach the festival dedicated to honouring the Guru, I feel it is only befitting that we invoke the teacher in each one of us. With each workshop, we have a growing number of practitioners qualifying as AVPs and so the need for more teachers is becoming very evident. In an endeavour to strengthen our Training department and equip it with more e-course and classroom teachers, we have scheduled a Teachers Training Workshop in Dec 2024. When we share our knowledge we learn better! We invite all VPs and SVPs with passion for learning and teaching and willing to dedicate additional time for this seva, over and above the invaluable patient seva, to apply for the three-day workshop* by writing to [email protected] by 15 Sept. The eligibility criteria will be uploaded on our practitioners’ site by this Guru Purnima.

As you know, we have planned to offer compilations of 100 vibrionics camps, 100 interesting case histories, and 100 outstanding experiences of practitioners for Swami’s centenary birth celebrations. I would like to extend a gentle reminder to all practitioners who have not yet done so, to send in their submissions for our collective offering. Let us all work together and make this offering special, to serve as an inspiration for current and future practitioners.

In the interest of ensuring we have up-to-date records of all practitioners, may I request you all to visit the practitioners’ website and check that all your personal contact details – email ID, address and phone numbers – are correct. Around 70 email IDs in our database are outdated or incorrect and the newsletter is not getting delivered to these practitioners. Remember that, in addition to the newsletter, they are also missing out on any important updates and announcements.

Nothing gives great honour and joy to the Guru than when their students completely assimilate and exemplify their teachings. Let us resolve to follow the path laid down by our dear Lord as we contemplate on His Guru Purnima message, “Guru is one who dispels the darkness of ignorance arising out of body attachment. Body is but an instrument. God has given you the body to take to the path of action. It is God’s gift. Deho DevAlayaH ProktoH Jeevo DevassanAtanaH (body is the temple and the Indweller is God). Consider all bodies as temples of God and offer your salutations.”…Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Guru Purnima discourse, 16 July 2000, Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 33

From this issue onwards, whenever time and space permit, I will be sharing under “In addition”, one or more true vibrionics tales; my personal experiences and those shared by other practitioners, from my Diary of years, which I traced recently.

May we always endeavour to salute Him through our thoughts, words and actions. 

*Refer to the Announcements section on the newsletter for the dates of workshop to be conducted in Puttaparthi.

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal