Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Όποτε βλέπετε έναν άνθρωπο άρρωστο, αποθαρρυμένο, απαρηγόρητο ή ασθενή εκεί ακριβώς είναι το πεδίο σας για προφορά " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 4 Τεύχος 6
November/December 2013
Μορφή για Εύκολη Εκτύπωση

Παρακαλώ εκτυπώστε αυτήν τη σελίδα, εάν απαιτείται αντίτυπο του πλήρους Ενημερωτικού Δελτίου

From the Desk of Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners,

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Martin Luther King

Starting the preparation for the Conference was taking that first step. Four months ago, when we began preparations for the first Vibrionics Conference, it seemed like a daunting task. It was indeed a challenge to gather together information from our many practitioners from around the globe. However, as Swami had told us in April 2007 that “there will be an international conference in Puttaparthi in the future”, His Divine words kept us going. In the last few months we have received numerous mails from many of you – lots of wonderful case histories, some very informative articles, photographs and patient testimonials.

It is this amazing inflow of communication and enthusiasm of our practitioners that has reassured us that we have your whole-hearted support and help to arrange a successful conference. We are sure that you still have a lot more to offer in terms of material and seva. Even though we had stipulated the deadline for all submissions as the end of October, we are open to receiving more contributions. Remember that complete openness to share such experiences is vital to the future growth of vibrionics. If you still have outstanding cases or information that you would like to share with other practitioners at the conference, please send it in. As this conference is a platform for exchange of information, ideas, experiences and outstanding case histories, it is necessary for all the senior-most practitioners to send their input as soon as possible but in any case not later than 30 November. We will try to incorporate as much as we can in papers and the book that we are compiling for the conference. What cannot be included now, will be published in future editions of the newsletter.

We have also received many offers of help with various different tasks. Saying there is still a lot to do, would be an understatement. It is really heart-warming to see so many people from different parts of the world and from diverse backgrounds working together in complete harmony in order to make our beloved Mother Sai happy and for the success of our very own Sai Vibrionics Conference.

We are happy that so many practitioners have responded positively and will be able to physically make it to Puttaparthi for the conference. Though we would love to see all practitioners, we completely understand the limiting factors in peoples’ lives. I do urge you all to look within and seek Swami’s guidance and blessings to do His work with even greater zeal.

On a completely different note, for the second year running, we were invited to the ‘Heal Your Cancer’ seminar in Bangalore where some leading cancer specialists and alternative therapists shared their views on holistic approach to treatment of cancer. This was inaugurated by the Karnataka Health Minister who in his encouraging talk emphasized integrating different methods of treating cancer. The presentation by two of our experienced vibrionics practitioners from Bangalore was very well received.

We were invited by the Founder of Unity of Faiths Festival at Southall Park in London, also for the second year running, to conduct a Vibrionics awareness and healing camp. A total of 9 practitioners took part and treated 123 patients on the day. Short talks and video presentations on vibrionics formed part of this very successful event. A lot of people showed interest and collected our vibrionics flyer.

For the 5th year running, vibrionics camp was held at Puttaparthi Railway station for 3 days during Baba’s 88th birthday celebrations and 719 patients were treated by three of our practitioners. May Baba bless us all by giving us more such opportunities to serve.

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal 

Injury to Cat’s Paw 01644...USA

The practitioner's female cat, aged approximately four, came home limping amd holding its left paw up trying not to put weight on it. A few small droplets of blood were on the tips of its fur. The cat seemed somewhat lethargic and just wanted to lay down and curl up in a ball. The practitioner couldn't find where the blood had come from, so she started broadcasting via a Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser (SRHVP) with the cat’s picture in the ‘Remedy’ well:

NM20 Injury was transmitted continuously for two days.

The practitioner also made a remedy:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC20.7 Fractures + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions

This combo was made in water and put into the cat’s water bowl for two days. Initially the practitioner was not sure if the cat would drink any water during the night but it did drink some of the water. The next morning the cat was up, putting full weight on its paw and playing with its best friend, a 72 lb. dog, as if nothing had happened.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 11476...India

A 46-year-old woman has developed carpal tunnel syndrome due to excess use of a computer. For 4 months she had pain in the wrist, hands and fingers. The pain in the wrist was so severe that she had difficulty in performing even simple tasks with it. She was given the following, and as she was also diabetic a combo was included for that as well:
CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis…TDS

She took it for 3 to 4 weeks and during that time the condition gradually subsided until she was totally free from pain. Although she continues to work with a computer the pain has not returned.


Nut Allergy and Severe Dry Skin 02802...UK

The patient was an 18-year-old blind boy who lived in a blind school but came home during the holidays. His mother called the practitioner to say that he had a nut allergy especially to almonds and would get stomach pains and vomit if he ate them. He also had severe dry skin that required regular use of cream. The following remedy was posted to him:
CC4.10 Indigestion + CC 7.1 Eye tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC21.1 Skin tonic…OD and slowly increase to TDS

One month after taking the above combo, the mother telephoned to thank the practitioner. She told him that her son could now eat almonds without any problem. So she was advised to decrease the dosage and just give OD again. But the practitioner was told that her son had only ever taken it OD throughout! Further the patient’s skin was a lot better too.


Facial Rash 02802...UK

A woman aged 47 was suffering from facial rash for a year. It was diagnosed as rosacea, a chronic facial eruption in which papules appear on a flushed or red background. In this case the patient had it around her chin. Several different antibiotics had been given but there was no improvement. She was also treated by a herbalist who gave herbal remedies for six months as well as being put on a restrictive diet. She was neither allowed wheat nor dairy products because it was thought she had some food allergies. But her condition did not improve. The following combos were given to treat facial rash along with its possible causes. One was the recent stress she had been under and the other was the weakness in her liver:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.1 Skin infections

She was told to report back in two weeks. However, she returned to see the practitioner only after two months because she wanted a further supply of pills. She told the practitioner that soon after taking the medicine, the skin started to improve and gradually became 75% better. She is now continuing with the treatment.


Irregular Periods 11386...India

A female patient of 24 years came to see the practitioner because she had been suffering from irregular periods and sometimes missed her period for three months. Her doctor had diagnosed that she had ovarian cysts and gave her steroids. As a result she gained weight and hair started to appear on her face. This excessive facial hair and her increase in weight were very upsetting to her, so she came for treatment in the hope that Vibrionics would solve the problem. She was given:
CC8.1 Female tonic…TDS

In three months she was having regular menstrual cycles and the facial hair and weight increase were gone.


Respiratory, Sinus & Throat Infection 01176...Bosnia

A 75 year old woman came to ask for help about severe pain in her throat, bad cough with expectoration and inflamed sinuses. She had suffered with these symptoms for several days. She was given:
#1. NM36 War + NM70 CB9 + NM71CCA + NM113 Inflammation ...TDS
#2. SM21 Sinus + SM26 Immunity + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM35 Infection + SM40 Throat...TDS.
After of a week there was only a 20% improvement. So the practitioner enquired if there had been anyearlier ill health. She was told that when the patient was 15 years old she had scabies and then regular bouts of bronchitis over the past 40 years, with sinus problems starting about 20 years ago. During these periods of illness, allopathic doctors gave her many different kinds of antibiotics and she often had allergic reactions to many of them and because of this she had come to be treated with vibrionics.
As the earlier combos had not helped the patient much andh er problemsoriginally started with scabies(a skin disease), she was given the Psorinum miasm as follows:
#3.SR250 Psorinum 10M, 1M, 200C, 30C and dose only of each potency starting with the highest 10M first with 1 hour in between and descending down through the potencies.
Aggravation started one day later, but after the next two days, she felt much better. Three days later she was given:
#4. SR294 Hepar Sulph 10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, and 6C only one dose of each potency as above.
Then two days later she was given:
#5. SR318 Thuja 10M, 1M, 200C, 30C and 6C to be taken as above.
After five days, she felt very well, there was almost no cough, her throat was without pain, the sinuses were not blocked and expectoration from lungs rapidly diminished. In a further week, she was more than 90% healed.

Influenza 01361...USA

This practitioner urges all practitioners to give NM79 Flu Pack immediately when patients come with signs of this undesirable illness. He says he has more than eight successful cases including himself and his wife that have been successfully and quickly cured with this mixture.    

The Editor's comment:
For practitioners with the 108CC box, use CC9.2 Infections acute which includes NM79 Flu Pack.

The Answer Corner

1. Question: In the training class, it was taught that we should not give more than two or three CCs to patients at a time. But now in newsletters, I found that three or four CCs are being given. Kindly clarify if it is OK to give three or four CCs to patients.

Answer: There is no hard and fast rule about how many combos can be combined together. It is however recommended that new healers don't add more than 3 CCs in one bottle. As you should treat only one chronic disease (plus any related problems) at a time, you need give only one bottle. However, the following combos can be combined with any other given combo: CC10.1, CC12.1 (or CC12.2), CC15.1 and CC17.3. With experience and discretion, a practitioner can combine more than four combos.


2. Question: I noticed that in some of the combos which I have not used until now, the level of liquid had decreased. Is that to be expected?

Answer: Alcohol molecules are very fine and tend to evaporate very fast, even though the bottle is properly closed. Yes, it is to be expected. Some practitioners keep their box wrapped in foil or inside another box, or place a weight on top of the box. See what might work for you. Be sure to check the bottles regularly and do not let the bottles run dry.


3. Question: Is the effectiveness of the medicine decreased if we do not enter the details of the same in the Case sheet of the patient? I’m asking because sometimes for a family member we might prescribe a remedy in a hurry that’s not too serious to record immediately. Or sometimes a patient comes in and does not have time for a formal appointment. Though we may enter the details later, does it matter that we do not do so at the time of dispensing the remedy? Is the case sheet only for tracking/legal reasons?

Answer: No, the effectiveness of the medicine is NOT affected. If it’s your first appointment with a patient, make the time to record the person’s details while he is with you. Records are kept not only for tracking purpose but also as a reminder as to what was given in a particular case when we are treating a similar case after lapse of long period and may not remember what was given then. Also, if the case turns out to be an extra-ordinary case which needs to be reported for publishing, full details are required.


4. Question: How important is the healer's physical and mental health at the time of prescribing? Can we prescribe if we ourselves are running a fever or cold or having a migraine attack? Also, is it OK to prescribe when we are stressed or depressed or sad? I’m asking since the vibro medicine is reputed to be affected by the subtlest of energies. Your answer will help to build faith in the medicine that we dispense under certain specific conditions.

Answer: It is good for a healer to be fit physically and mentally. Yes, it is OK to prescribe when you are not well provided: a. you are not contagious! b. You are able to think clearly. c. Before starting a healing session, you are able to pray to Swami, with a clear mind, to seek His guidance and help. It’s especially important to use common sense when you have an acute sickness such as cold or cough. When engaged in vibro seva, often a healer will temporarily overcome his own depression or sadness etc. while helping a patient with their problem!


5. Question: This question is really silly, but sometimes, I take the pearl in the cap of the bottle and look for my child downstairs to pop it into her mouth, any chance the vibrations will escape or evaporate if the cap is left open too long?

Answer: No question is silly. No, the vibrations are embedded into the pearls.


6. Question: The adult tonic and the child tonic are to boost immunity and over all systems bringing the patient back to health. At what age should a child start taking the adult tonic?

Answer: Whether to use the child's or adult's it depends on the individual. It they are physically more adult than child then the adult tonic would be appropriate. For most, though, it would be 16-18 years. If you are still not sure, then look at the cards used for CC12.1 Adult tonic and CC12.2 Child tonic. Use your judgment based on what you know and observe about the patient. Remember, with both remedies, its energy and works only if needed.


7. Question: I am a new practitioner and am eager to be of help. Any tips when meeting with a patient for the first time?

Answer: Use your intuition in addition to your training and growing experience. Listen, Love and Dispense. Pray and centre yourself before your meeting. Be calm and peaceful. It’s important to fully listen to the person. Don’t sit there thinking about what remedy you’re going to give them, or what questions you want to ask next. If you do, then you’re not fully listening. Don’t be in a rush with the person. Repeat back to them key points of what you’ve heard related to their health so they know they have been heard.

If they get off into too much detail about their life, relationships, finances etc, bring them gently back to the reason they came to see you. Control the direction of the conversation so you get the necessary facts for your records and do everything with Love. When dispensing the remedies, explain to the patient how they are to take the remedy and be sure you have answered all their questions. Keep the first appointment to about 45 minutes. Sometimes that’s not possible but have as time frame as a target. Continue the discussion at the next appointment.


Divine Words from the Master Healer

“When we smile, love bubbles up in us.”

-Sathya Sai Baba, Third World Youth Conference, July 2007



“Do not classify some as ‘my work’ and some as ‘His’ work. Do all acts as offerings to God”

-Sathya Sai Baba, Radio Sai, Sept 18, 2013



“Fill your every word with love; fill your every act with love. The word that emerges from your tongue shall not stab like the knife, nor wound like the arrow, nor hit like the hammer. It must be a foundation of sweet nectar, a counsel of consoling Vedantic wisdom, a soft path of blossoms; it must shower peace and joy. . . .

Love for love’s sake; do not manifest it for the sake of material objects or for the fulfilment of worldly desires. . . .
Treat every one – whoever he may be – with the all-inclusive compassion of love. This constructive sympathy must become the spontaneous reaction of all mankind.

-Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Speaks (SSS) 9:16, July 29, 1969 


India: Puttaparthi: AVP workshop 24-28 Nov 2013, contact Hem at [email protected]

India: Kasaragod in Kerala: AVP workshop in January 2014, contact Rajesh Raman at [email protected] or by telephone at 8943-351 524 / 8129-051 524.

India: Puttaparthi: SVP workshop 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2014, contact Hem at [email protected]

All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 

In Addition

Sai Vibrionics offers health information and articles for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Counsel your patients to see their medical doctor about their specific medical condition. 

Health Benefits of Eating Seeds 

Seeds may be tiny but they're packed with nutrients like protein, fibre, iron, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. 

Seeds come in all different sizes, shapes and colours. A plant goes to great lengths to produce each seed and fill it with high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential oils and dormant enzymes A seed is life. It is a living food. It is impossible to eat a raw seed and not derive nutrition. Many seeds are edible and the majority of human calories come from seeds, especially from legumes and nuts. Seeds also provide most cooking oils, many beverages and spices and some important food additives. In different seeds the seed embryo or the endosperm dominates and provides most of the nutrients.

Selection and Storage
Seeds are often sold in bulk, either with their hulls (shells) in place or with their kernels separated out. Make sure the seeds you buy are fresh. Because of their high fat content, seeds are vulnerable to rancidity. If they're exposed to heat, light, or humidity, they're likely to become rancid much faster. A quick sniff of the seed bin should tell you if the contents are fresh or not. Seeds that still have their hulls intact should keep for several months if you store them in a cool, dry location. Seed kernels (seeds that have had their shells removed) will keep for a slightly shorter period of time.

Preparation and Serving Tips
There is only one way to derive nutrition from seeds and that is to eat them raw. Once they are exposed to heat, they produce toxic substances and the vitamin, mineral and essential oil profiles are denatured. By roasting a seed, its classification moves from a living food to a dead food. There is no seed on earth that can withstand roasting or heating without breaking down its nutritional components. Always remember, eat seeds them raw. Choose unsalted seeds avoid coated or roasted seeds, avoid sugar coated seeds. 

You can go overboard with seeds because of their high fat content. But, in moderation, seeds can be mixed with cereals or trail mix or eaten by themselves. A sprinkling of seed kernels over fruits, vegetables, pastas, or salads adds a touch of crunchy texture and flavour. Sesame seeds are especially attractive as toppers for breads, rolls, salads, and stir-fries. 

Six Different Seeds: Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower, Flax, Hemp, Chia 

1. Pumpkin Seeds 

Pumpkin seeds are delicious and healthy. A handful of pumpkin seeds makes a delicious snack.

Some Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of magnesium which has been shown to benefit your blood pressure and help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke. These seeds are a good source of zinc which is important for immunity, cell growth and division, sleep, mood, your senses of taste and smell, eye and skin health, insulin regulation, and male sexual function. It also fights osteoporosis. Like other raw nuts and seeds these seeds are one of the best sources of plant-based omega-3s (alpha-linolenic acid or ALA). Studies suggest that pumpkin seeds may help improve insulin regulation and help prevent diabetic complications by decreasing oxidative stress.

Pumpkin seed oil is rich in natural phyto-estrogens and studies suggest it may lead to a significant increase in good “HDL” cholesterol along with decreases in blood pressure, hot flushes, headaches, joint pains and other menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women. This oil is found to exhibit anti-inflammatory effects and works as well as the anti-inflammatory drug Indomethacin in treating arthritis, but without the side effects. Healthy fats in pumpkin seeds provide benefits for heart and liver health, particularly when mixed with flax seeds. Eating pumpkin seeds a few hours before bed, along with a carbohydrate like a small piece of fruit, may be especially beneficial for providing your body the tryptophan needed for your melatonin and serotonin production to help promote a restful night’s sleep. 


2. Sesame Seeds 

Sesame seeds are considered the most mineral-rich food in the world. It is rich in Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Phosphorus, Vitamins including Vitamin B1, Zinc and fibre. Two tablespoons of sesame seeds have roughly less than 100 calories; are super low in carbohydrates; have 3 grams of protein, 2 grams of dietary fibre and 8 grams of fat; and offer about a quarter’s worth of the recommended daily value for calcium and iron.

Top Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are a very good source of Copper which is reducing some of the pain and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis and provide structure, strength and elasticity in blood vessels, bones and joints. Magnesium in sesame seeds supports vascular and respiratory health in cases of asthma, stroke, and diabetic heart disease. Calcium helps prevent Colon Cancer, Osteoporosis, Migraine and PMS. Due to high content of Zinc sesame seeds, if eaten regularly, help improve bone mineral density. Phytosterols in sesame seeds help to lower Cholesterol.


3. Sunflower Seeds 

Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E which can help the circulatory system perform better. It also has a calming effect on your brain because of high levels of tryptophan which creates a relaxing effect. Baking these seeds with a sprinkling of salt makes it crunchy and even more palatable.

Power of Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are a good source of heart-healthy fats and fibre, nutrients that can improve cardiovascular health and help manage blood sugar in people with type-2 diabetes. Sunflower seeds also contain Zinc and vitamin E, nutrients that help maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. Magnesium helps to calm nerves, muscles and blood vesselsand Selenium helpsin detoxification and cancer prevention. 

Sunflower seeds in the shell are a smart snack option for people who are trying to lose or manage their weight, since removing the shell on each seed will slow down your eating. Like other seeds, sunflower seeds may trigger migraines and IBS in people who are sensitive to nuts and seeds.


4. Flax Seeds 

The main health benefits of flax seed are due to its rich content of Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), dietary fibre, and lignans. The essential fatty acid ALA is a powerful anti-inflammatory, decreasing the production of agents which promote inflammation and lowering blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a biomarker of inflammation. Through the actions of ALA and lignans, flax has been shown to block tumour growth and may help reduce cancer risk. Flaxseed is rich in both soluble fibre (which dissolves in water) and insoluble fibre (which does not dissolve in water). The fibre in flax seed promotes healthy bowel function. One tablespoon of whole flax seed contains as much fibre as half a cup of cooked oat bran. Flax’s soluble fibres can lower blood cholesterol levels, helping reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Ground flax seed provides more nutritional benefits than does the whole seed. Grind the seeds at home using a coffee grinder or blender. Powdered flax seeds should be kept in the refrigerator and used within a few days. 


5. Hemp Seeds 

Hemp seeds are a wonder food - more than a super-food and everyone should have this magical little seed in their diet. Hemp seed is packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Phosphorus, Omega-3, Omega-6 and Copper. Like all seeds they are easy to include in your diet. To introduce them into your diet, at first try putting a tablespoon of hemp seed in your breakfast cereal, curry, smoothies, stews and salads, you can pretty much sprinkle them on anything. You will begin to notice the health benefits after just a few days.

Power of Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are truly a super food, as they are packed with an impressive list of nutritional attributes. Perfectly balanced with a three to one Omega-6 to Omega-3 oil ratio, they are also an excellent source of gamma Linoleic acid.

Containing 10 essential amino acids, hemp seeds are composed of over thirty percent pure protein, making them an excellent daily protein source. They are also composed of 40 percent fibre, the highest amount of any grain on earth! Also containing disease-fighting phytosterols, studies show that hemp seeds, or even hemp milk, support heart health and can provide nutritional support against many unpleasant diseases. 

6. Chia Seeds 


Chia Seeds originated in Mexico and Guatemala, Chia seeds were an important part of the Aztec and Mayan diets, both for energy and for medicinal use. Rather appropriately, the word 'Chia' is Mayan for strength. Chia seeds have a great many health benefits, making them an important and easy ingredient to get into the diet.

These small seeds are packed full of fibre, protein, nutrient oils, various antioxidants and even calcium. Chia seeds stabilize blood sugar, promote heart health, as well as increase weight loss. These amazing little seeds are an excellent source of high-quality fats, as they are made up of a whopping 34% pure Omega-3 oils. Soluble fibre in chia seeds stabilizes blood glucose. The soluble fibre also helps to clean out the colon, absorbing toxins as it passes through. The protein found in chia seeds is of a high quality and makes up approximately 20% of the seed, which is higher than many other plant based protein sources. Chia seeds do not contain plant oestrogen, so they do not mess with the body's natural balance. 




Vitamin B12: Benefits and Disease Prevention 

Vitamin B12 also called Cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin with a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. It is one of the eight B vitamins..

What is the function of vitamin B12?

Development of red blood cells
Most well-known function of B12 involves its role in the development of red blood cells. As red blood cells mature, they require information provided by molecules of DNA. Without B12, synthesis of DNA becomes defective, and so does the information needed for red blood cell formation. The cells become oversized and poorly shaped, and begin to function ineffectively, a condition called pernicious anaemia, which is explained later in this article.

Developing Nerve Cells
A second major function of B12 involves its participation in the development of nerve cells. A coating which encloses the nerves -- called the myelin sheath -- forms less successfully whenever B12 is deficient. Although the vitamin plays an indirect role in this process, supplementation of B12 has been shown to be effective in relieving pain and other symptoms in a variety of nervous system disorders.

Other Roles for Vitamin B12
Protein -- the component of food required for growth and repair of cells -- depends upon B12 for proper cycling through the body. Many of protein's key components, called amino acids, become unavailable for use in the absence of B12. Since one of the steps in carbohydrate and fat processing requires B12 for its completion, insufficiency of the vitamin can also affect the movement of carbohydrates and fats through the body.

Benefits at a Glance

Reduces Risk of Pernicious Anaemia
Pernicious anaemia is a condition that prevents your body from generating new healthy red blood cells. Without taking vitamin B12, there's a good chance that your body could get this condition and put your health in serious jeopardy. Getting regular doses of vitamin B12 helps prevent this from happening.

Enables Your Body to Grow and Develop Naturally 
One of the most basic things that vitamin B12 does in your body is help it to grow as you develop and get older. In order to prevent stunted growth, vitamin B12 is a necessary vitamin that your body needs to have.

Maintains Energy Levels
If you find that you are always tired or you actually suffer from chronic tiredness, there's a good chance that you're not getting enough vitamin B12 in your diet. Vitamin B12 helps provide your body with energy.

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease 
Taking vitamin B12 can help you to reduce the levels of homocysteine in your body. Homocysteine is one thing that can cause you to suffer from heart disease.

Supports Mental and Emotional Stability
Adding more vitamin B12 to your diet is good for your health, but it's also good for your brain. Studies have shown that vitamin B12 can actually improve your mental capacity and help you to stay stable emotionally.

How Vitamin B12 Works
Vitamin B12 acts differently than other vitamins. A substance called intrinsic factor, made in the stomach, must be present in the intestinal tract in significant amounts to allow for the absorption of B12. This factor combines with the vitamin B12 that is released from food during digestion. People who don’t have intrinsic factor eventually show symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia. A mild deficiency may cause only mild, if any, symptoms. But as the anaemia worsens it may cause symptoms such as weakness, tiredness or light-headedness, rapid heartbeat and breathing, pale skin, sore tongue, easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums, stomach upset and weight loss, diarrhoea or constipation. Other symptoms may be dandruff, numbness or tingling in feet, depression, memory problems, decreased reflexes. If the deficiency is not corrected, it can damage the nerve cells.

Diet and Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is generally found in all animal foods (except honey). Contrary to the many rumours, there are no reliable, unfortified plant sources of vitamin B12, including tempeh, seaweeds, and organic produce. One of the earliest studies conducted on vegans, from the U.K. in 1955, described significant vitamin B12 deficiency in the vegans with some suffering from nerve damage and dementia. This, as well as many case studies since then of vitamin B12 deficiency in vegans, and a great deal of other evidence detailed here, has led to the overwhelming consensus in the mainstream nutrition community, as well as among vegan health professionals, that vitamin B12 fortified foods or supplements are necessary for the optimal health of vegans, and even vegetarians in many cases.

  • Milk, cheese and yogurt, can provide vegetarians with appropriate amounts vitamin B12. In fact, just one cup of plain yogurt provides approximately 25 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin B12.

  • One hard-boiled egg contains approximately 0.7 mcg of vitamin B12, which is nearly 10 percent of the recommended daily intake.

  • A number of vegetarian and vegan foods, such as breakfast cereals, soy milk and yeast extracts, are available that contain vitamin B12.

  • Whey powder is now entering main stream as more people are going vegetarian. Whey powder is a common addition to breads and smoothies, 100 grams will provide 2.5 μg of vitamin B12 or 42% of the DV.

  • Yeast extract spreads are popular in Britain and Europe, and have started to gain popularity in the U.S. A good vegetarian source of protein, the spread also packs a lot of vitamin B12. One hundred grams provides 0.5 μg (8% DV) of vitamin B12, that is 0.03 μg (1% DV) per teaspoon.


  • Standard blood tests to measure the level of red blood cells and check their appearance-- In vitamin B12 deficiency, red blood cells are unusually large and appear abnormal.

  • Blood tests to measure B12 levels — Levels of iron and folate also may be measured to check for deficiencies in these nutrients.

  • Blood test to measure methylmalonic acid level — The blood level of methylmalonic acid increases when a person has B12 deficiency.

  • Blood tests for intrinsic factor antibody — Special tests for antibody levels to determine if you have pernicious anaemia. Most people who lack intrinsic factor in their stomach have these antibodies in their blood.


Treatment involves replacing the missing vitamin B12. People who cannot absorb B12 need regular injections. When injections first are administered, a patient with severe symptoms may receive five to seven during the first week to restore the body's reserves of this nutrient. A response usually is seen within 48 to 72 hours, with brisk production of new red blood cells. Once B12 reserves reach normal levels, injections of vitamin B12 will be needed every one to three months to prevent symptoms from returning.

People who cannot absorb vitamin B12 should continue to eat a well-balanced diet that provides other nutrients (folic acid, iron and vitamin C) necessary to produce healthy blood cells. Sometimes people can take high doses of oral B12 to provide replacement instead of undergoing injections, but a physician should closely supervise this.

Vitamin B12 deficiency resulting from inadequate dietary intake is the easiest to treat. The condition can be reversed by taking oral vitamin B12 supplements and adding foods containing B12.

Expected Duration
With proper treatment, symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency begin to improve within a few days. In vegans and other people whose B12 deficiency is diet-related, oral B12 supplements and a diet designed to increase consumption of vitamin B12 should cure the condition.

http:/ / wiki/ Vitamin_B12
http:/ / factsheets/ VitaminB12-QuickFacts/
http:/ / article/ 256121-what-is-vitamin-b12-good-for/
http:/ / fitness-articles/ nutrition/ vitamins-minerals/ the-benefits-of-vitamin-b12.html
http:/ / wellness/ food-nutrition/ vitamin-supplements/ vitamin-b-12-.htm
http:/ / articles/ vitaminb12
http:/ / articles/ Top-5-Natural-Vegetarian-sources-Vitamin-B12.php
http:/ / genpage.php?tname=nutrient&dbid=107
http:/ / health-guide/ vitamin-b12-deficiency.html 



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Om Sai Ram