In Addition
Vol 4 Número 2
March/April 2013
Health Tips
Sai Vibrionics offers health information and articles for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Counsel your patients to see their medical doctor about their specific medical condition.
Cordless and Cell Phones and Your Health
Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are areas of energy that form around all electrical appliances and devices and from cell phone towers and power lines. It is true that the EMFs created by these items can cause health risks, so interacting with them as little as possible is something that everyone should strive to do. Your body is sensitive to electricity (some if its functions actually rely upon electric current), so it is understandable how you can be affected by the EMFs radiated by cells phones, computers, microwaves, televisions, and other electrical devices. But is there one product that is worse than others? One everyday item you may use that could be hurting your body? Yes. Research has indicated that cordless phones can be up to one hundred times more dangerous than their mobile counterparts!
Cordless Phones
Having a cordless phone instrument at home is as detrimental to your health as installing a mobile phone tower in your drawing room, say scientists Lennart Hardell, Michael Carbery and Kjell Hasson Mild from the University of Sweden. This view is backed by various other medical experts. “I’d rather recommend anyone who has a cordless phone to switch to a plug-in phone” affirms Dr David Dowson, practitioner from Harley Street in London.
Mobile Phones
Do not use cell phones for long conversations or keep others talking on their cell phone for more time than is necessary. Even a two-minute call has been found to alter the natural electrical activity of the brain for up to an hour afterwards, claims a Swedish report. In 2007, Dr Lennart Hardell found that cell phone users had an increased risk of a malignant tumour that starts in the brain or spine.
For those whose job requires them to talk on the phone for long, it’s advisable to take specific nutritional supplements (under the guidance of a health expert). Call centres ought to use scientifically validated EMF protection devices to ensure employee health. ”Advanced technologies are available nowadays that strengthen your bio-energy field and immune system against the effects of EMF,” says Dr Bajpayee.
Although studies are required to further corroborate the physical hazards of radiation, nevertheless, some timely conscious steps (eg, use of items that produce less radiation than others) can help you protect your dear ones from these waves hovering inside your home. Though many people have foregone land lines altogether, if you still have your home phone you, should seriously consider switching out your cordless headset for a corded model.
The EMFs released by a cordless phone can cause many health issues e.g., * Learning Disorders
* Mood and Behaviour Changes
* Nervous System Disorders
* Cancer, including Leukaemia, Breast Cancer, and Brain Tumours * Insomnia
* Headaches
Land lines have long been thought to be safer than mobile phones, and corded phones still are, but cordless land lines have the potential to emit EMFs as strong as six volts per meter - twice as strong as those found 100 metres away from mobile masts. Two metres away from the charger the radiation is still as high as 2.5 volts per metre - that's 50 times what scientists regard as a safe level. At a metre away the danger is multiplied 120 times - and it only drops to a safe 0.05 volts per metre when you are 100 metres away from the phone. Because of the way cordless phones work, the charger constantly emits radiation at full strength even when the phone is not in use - and so does the handset when it is off the charger.
What Can You Do to Reduce Exposure?
If you have a cordless phone, think about how you can replace your current device with a corded model to cut down on EMF exposure in your home. Though you will not have the same freedom to walk around as you do with a cordless model, try putting your corded phone in the room where you often sit to talk to make the transition easier. Replacing your cordless phone can drastically reduce the EMF saturation in your home and allow you to provide a more health-conscious lifestyle for your family.
If you can’t live without a cordless phone choose 900 MHz cordless phone instead of higher frequency phones. Most 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz phones base stations constantly broadcast but the majority of 900 MHz phones don’t. Also the 900 MHz cordless phones use an analogue signal. The 2.4 GHz and the 5.8 GHz phones use more biologically damaging pulsed digital signals. Additionally, keep the phone away from your bed, so that you are not exposed to EMFs while you sleep.
Although the World Health Organization (WHO) is yet to confirm that electromagnetic radiations have an ill-effect on health, it could mean that the effect is simply undetectable with our method of measurement. Therefore, negative results are generally less convincing than strong positive ones
Health Benefits of Asparagus
Asparagus is a springtime vegetable that is versatile and uniquely delicious It is the perfect time of year to get out and find some locally grown, preferably organic asparagus. The asparagus is a member of the lily family. It grows easily in the home garden right in the flower bed - it is a perennial and can yield a harvest for decades. Asparagus can be planted as seeds or roots any time of the year.
Asparagus was grown for food and medicinal purposes over 2000 years ago. Greeks and Romans believed in its healing and medicinal properties. Nowadays, it is recognised as a particularly healthy vegetable thanks to the range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals it contains.
Asparagus is also one of the only vegetables to contain inulin, which feeds friendly bacteria that live in the large intestine. Studies show that asparagus balances insulin levels, which means that it powerfully prevents diabetes. Ensuring that our insulin levels are stable is one of the most important things we can do for our health. It allows us to live long and feel good. Its unique mineral profile makes it an effective natural diuretic. Natural diuretics promote the formation of urine in the kidneys, aiding in detoxification and cleansing.
This makes it a great food for preventing yeast overgrowth, and it generally keeps the digestive system and belly well.
Health benefits of asparagus are many. Here are seven reasons why asparagus keeps us healthy:
1. Detoxing our system - asparagus has 288 milligrams of potassium per cup. Potassium is known for reducing belly fat. It also contains 3 grams of fibre which cleanses the digestive system. It has virtually no natural sodium so no bloating during PMS, has no fat or cholesterol, and one cup has only 40 calories. According to a clinical dietician at UCLA Medical Centre, USA, asparagus is the ultimate in detox vegetables.
2. Anti-aging purposes - asparagus is rich in potassium, vitamin A, and foliate. It is also very high in glutathione - an amino acid compound with potent antioxidant properties; a must as an aging deterrent. Glutathione (GSH) is an antioxidant that protects cells from toxins such as free radicals. Another anti-aging property of this delicious spring veggie is that it may help our brains fight cognitive decline. Like leafy greens, asparagus delivers foliate which works with vitamin B12—found in fish, poultry, meat and dairy—to help prevent cognitive impairment. In a study from Tufts University, USA, older adults with healthy levels of foliate and B12 performed better on a test of response speed and mental flexibility. If you’re 50 plus, be sure you’re getting enough B12 - your ability to absorb it decreases with age.
3. Protection against cancer - asparagus is high in foliate which is now known to be an important protection against cancer. Note: Foliate is found naturally in leafy green vegetables, and citrus fruits. While folic acid is said to be the same as foliate, folic acid is the supplemental (pill) form. It is always recommended that you get health benefits from eating healthy whole foods.
4. Reducing pain and inflammation - it is the foliate that helps reduce inflammation.
5. Preventing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis - asparagus has vitamin K which studies have shown can help prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Vitamin K aids in bone formation and repair. It is also necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is the protein in bone tissue on which calcium crystallizes. Asparagus has been listed as the number one source of vitamin K.
6. Reducing the risk of heart disease - it is the foliate that has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.
7. Preventing birth defects - getting enough foliate (doctors often recommend the folic acid supplement) is especially important for women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Having a foliate deficiency has been correlated with increased risk of Spina Bifida (a spinal cord birth defect) and also anencephaly (a neural tube defect). Foliate helps to regulate embryonic and foetal nerve cell formation and may also help to prevent premature births.
Additionally, studies have shown that the nutritional benefits of asparagus can help prevent and treat urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Overall, asparagus is rich in potassium, vitamin A, foliate, glutathione, and vitamin K. It is high in fibre, has no sodium, is low in calories and has no cholesterol or fat.
The most common type of asparagus is green, but you might see two others in supermarkets and restaurants: white, which is more delicate and difficult to harvest, and purple, which is smaller and fruitier in flavour. You may notice some asparagus spears are thick and some are thin. The thick ones are best for roasting or steaming; latter is the best and also very quick. The thin spears are ideal for the grill or if you are planning to sauté. Please note: Certain health practitioners recommend not mixing asparagus with artichokes and spinach in the same meal, as their juices are not compatible.
For optimum health benefits, it is suggested that asparagus be eaten raw. Before eating, the woody stem should be removed from both the thick spears and the thin. Peel only the thick spears before cooking. It is delectable finely chopped in salads, barbecued with mustard, or lightly steamed. No matter which type of asparagus you choose, it is a tasty and versatile vegetable that can be cooked in myriad ways or enjoyed raw in salads.
Sources: YxQUbbyGpLU8wTAnYDgCw&usg=AFQjCNFoSkx5Z9cnFfTtksP09Kvx9UloJw&bvm=bv.44158598,d.eWU
Important: Attention All Practitioners
As the Sai Vibrionics work continues to expand, it has become necessary to create uniform Registration numbers for all practitioners throughout the globe. To this end, we have made it mandatory for all Registration numbers to have five digits. All previous 5-digit numbers started with 0 and this first zero has now been replaced with 1. All previous 4-digit numbers have been prefixed by an extra zero to make them 5-digit numbers.
So if your old Regn no. had 5 digits (eg, 00287) or 4 digits (eg, 2874), your new no. will be 10287 or 02874 respectively. Inevitably, this has resulted in modification of the procedure for login to our website. Your new login ID is now EXACTLY your new 5-digit Registration number without any prefix. In the above two examples, your login ID will be 10287 or 02874. The Login password will remain the same as before, i.e., SaiRam-10287 or SaiRam-02874. For those used to prefixing their Regn no. with S, this old login ID will still be valid for some time.