Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 11648...India

Practitioner 11648...India is a science graduate and an MBA in Human Resources. She has been working as an HR professional in a steel plant since 2008. She is an outgoing and vivacious individual whose hobbies include sports, visiting temples, and reciting stotras and she is involved in many seva activities.

She feels fortunate to be born in a devout family, her mother was an ardent Sai devotee. She always felt close to God, growing up under the influence of a simple and satvic lifestyle of her parents but was more drawn to the form of Lord Rama. It was only in 2022 after she studied vibrionics that she felt a pang of remorse of not having seen the physical form of ‘Sai’ Rama but firmly believes that she will have His physical darshan in this lifetime.

The practitioner used to attend weekly bhajans along with her mother; at the age of 20, she began to participate in service activities like clothing and food distribution, spending time with children in orphanages, and supporting old-age homes. She harboured the desire to be well-settled by the age of 30 so that she can continue seva on a daily basis. Having studied biotechnology at college and her father being a homoeopath, inspired her to learn more about human body. Little did she know that Swami was laying the groundwork for her journey with vibrionics. Soon after she got married, her husband was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis after a viral fever. Not happy for him to take steroids, she started looking into alternative treatments and discovered that her office colleague is a vibro practitioner. Curious to know more, she visited the website and found that she could apply to become a practitioner herself. She completed her AVP course in Nov 2022 and became a VP in July 2023. 

She would like to share a couple of incidents that brought her closer to Swami. Before joining the AVP course, she was advised to assist VP11634 (who later became her mentor) in medical camps. One day she experienced acute pain in all her fingers and realised that the stress about her husband’s condition was probably the cause of her pain. Encouraged by the VP, she prayed to Baba and the next morning, to her utter amazement and relief, the pain disappeared. Another time, during her AVP admission process, she threw Swami a challenge to indicate His presence by showing His photo to her. That very day she saw His photo in more than one place on her regular commute to work, whereas earlier she had never noticed this!

Having treated 114 patients from home and 269 in camps in the first year, she shares some of her wonderful experiences eg, she found that skin absorbs vibrations very fast. Even if a patient skips an oral dose, oil application works really well. She adds CC10.1 Emergencies & CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic to almost all combos for chronic ailments and gives IB to all her patients, with excellent results. CC7.3 Eye infections is marvellous for stye, eye infections and inflammation (conjunctivitis) and gives complete recovery in a span of just 48 hours. However, stye may return if the remedy is stopped, but giving it OD for a month does the trick. On two occasions, for stomach related issues like diarrhoea, indigestion, and bloating, Eat Well combo worked within an hour. She describes several instances where “just about to start” cold/cough vanished with only 2 or 3 doses of taking Get Well + Breathe Well combo. If the cold/cough is two days old, this combo when given every ten minutes for an hour with 6TD thereafter, works within a day.

The practitioner has had phenomenal success in a lot of difficult cases, one such heart-warming case is that of a 56-year-old wheelchair-bound female neighbour who had her left leg amputated due to uncontrolled sugar level in May 2019. Moving the wheelchair around herself gave her severe pain in her arms and neck, made worse by a fall on 2 Dec 2023. On 27 Dec 2023 she was given: #1. CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.7 Fractures…BD in mustard oil for external application and #2. CC10.1 Emergencies + #1…6TD, also our normal combo for poor sleep. Within two weeks all her pains had vanished with only slight improvement in sleep. On 17 Jan 2024 she sought a remedy for hot water burns on her thighs. She was given #4. CC21.4 Stings & Bites + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…BD in coconut oil for external application and #5. CC10.1 Emergencies + 18.5 Neuralgia + #4…6TD. By 2 Feb the burns had started to dry and cleared by the end of Mar; also her sleep quality was better by 60%. Happy and enjoying life she now takes a remedy for diabetes.

The practitioner feels that being given the opportunity to practise vibro is a privilege and is extremely grateful to Swami for giving her the chance to participate in medical camps. She and her husband actively served during the 1st State Level Conference of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on 22-23 July at Visakhapatnam. She also emerged as the winner of the quiz held during the conference.

Prior to becoming a practitioner, she would be overcome with anxiety for any small health issue in the family. Sai Vibrionics has given her peace of mind. Her mentor says being an extrovert, she does not lose any opportunity to offer vibro remedies, even to strangers. She is particular about advising patients to supplement remedies with lifestyle changes, even during camps. She does not hesitate to turn to internet to lookup any unfamiliar medical problems. She is also excited to contribute in other areas like translation of case histories, research, and spreading awareness about vibro.

The practitioner believes that if one’s intentions are pure and one abstains from judging others, everything falls in place. In her case, despite her office workload rocketing soon after taking up vibrionics and increasing commitment at home as the mother of a young child, her seva hours were not affected. Treating patients with love and compassion gives her much more satisfaction than material possessions.  

Cases to share: