Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile

Practitioner 11633...India with a BSc in Botany, is currently a professional tailor; she has also done courses in free-hand outline and model drawing. Her passions are tailoring, drawing, and gardening. She heard about Sathya Sai Baba for the first time from her in-laws after her marriage in 1992. In 1994, she had her first darshan of Sai Baba in Bangalore and seeing Him at such close quarters along with reading about His teachings inspired her to become a Sai devotee. In 2000, she was blessed to attend a month-long ‘Koti Archana’ (ten million recitations of Swami’s names) that was being conducted in Mumbai and this experience was transformational. In 2003, her sister introduced her to the local Sai Samiti and she became a regular volunteer at the centre for Bal Vikas, Narayana Seva, and singing bhajans. She participated in monthly Narayana Seva at NIMHANS for 5 to 6 years, did some seva in Whitefield hospital, and volunteered for vibhuti packing at Shirdi Sai temple and Sai Premanjali and IB preparation for sevadals during the Covid pandemic. She also advocates for social issues and often meets government officials to improve local infrastructure such as street lighting and road repairs.

Since childhood, she has seen her father practise homoeopathy and has always harboured a deep inclination towards alternative medicine. Her father treated people from their village for free and she has memories of patients arriving at their home in the middle of the night with scorpion stings. After her father administered the remedy, they were back to normal within half an hour! She grew up hearing stories about her ancestors who practised natural therapies and could even fix amputated fingers with home remedies! All this inspired the practitioner to gravitate towards ‘medical seva’. In 2018, she observed vibro practitioners in action at Sai Gitanjali samiti and was inspired to apply to become a practitioner. After delays due to family commitments, she completed her AVP training in July 2021 and became a VP in August 2022.

Thrilled to be chosen as an instrument of the Universal Healer, the practitioner finds no greater joy than witnessing the happiness of patients post-recovery. Her first patient was her husband who, due to an injury, had pain and swelling in his hand for four months, and recovered completely within a month with vibro alone.

The practitioner would like to share some interesting cases. In Nov 2020, she had a fall and sustained a spinal compression fracture. She was prescribed painkillers to manage the severe pain that ensued. At this time, she was in the midst of the admission process for the AVP course. Two days later, the admin team put her in touch with a practitioner who helped her manage the pain solely with vibro without a painkiller. A few weeks later, she came across a stray dog that had a severe leg injury, whined continuously in pain and was unable to move. She put her own remedy in milk and gave it to the dog. She also dissolved some pills in water and sprinkled over his body. Miraculously, after 2 to 3 doses, the dog was able to walk normally!

In March 2022, she had great success treating a baby parrot in a state of shock with a bleeding nose, as it had fallen out of a tree. With just a couple of doses of CC10.1 Emergencies, the parrot began to respond to other birds and fly again. In Sept 2022, her daughter brought home a fish tank with six fish. Unfortunately, they all died the very next day and she had to buy another six. This time, the practitioner put in the tank CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.1 Travel sickness (as many a time, fish die due to change in water). All six survived and remained healthy.

In her experience, IB gives spectacular results. On starting to take IB regularly from 17 Aug 2021, a 61-year-old male had 50% relief in his ten-year-old migraine within three weeks and it was completely gone by 17 Oct, without taking any other medicine. To the great delight of the patient, his heal pain, headache & cough which he would have every now and then, also disappeared within this period. As of Dec 2023, none of these symptoms came back even though he stopped the remedy on 22 Jan 2023.

As mind is the root cause of all illnesses, she found that adding CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic to all remedies helps improve patients’ confidence and speeds up recovery. She adds CC10.1 Emergencies to combos given to new mothers as giving birth is quite a shock to the system. To improve overall immunity, she likes to add CC12.1 Adult tonic or CC12.2 Child tonic to all remedies.

She treated a 14-year-old girl with a limbal dermoid cyst in her right eye, she was unable to close her eyelid. The patient underwent laser surgery when she was two years old with no success and had tried allopathy, homoeopathy and ayurveda, all in vain. She had no vision in that eye and doctors suggested cornea replacement. The practitioner gave her: #1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC7.2 Partial Vision as eye drops and #2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC18.5 Neuralgia + #1. Gradually her vision started to improve. The white layer that covered her entire iris started to accumulate in one place and within a month, she was able to see clearly within a two-foot radius. Within three months the size of the cyst reduced and she could shut her eye completely. She later underwent a successful corneal graft.

A 38-year-old woman who had irregular menses since puberty, tried allopathic medication but the problem would recur on stopping it. On 22 Nov 2021, she was given CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular. The menses became regular from the next month itself! She had the same excellent outcome with a 15-year-old girl with irregular menses since puberty, using CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.2 Child tonic.

She likes to consult patients over the phone so that she has adequate time to study the symptoms, assess the root cause, and look at the medical diagnosis, if any, before making a prescription. Having fulfilled her childhood dream of being involved in ‘medical seva’, the practitioner feels blessed and content. When she sees patients getting cured with vibro, having tried various other systems of healing without success, it fills her with deep gratitude to Swami for His immense blessings.

Along with various medicinal plants, being an avid gardener, she nurtures a vegetable garden on her terrace (see pic). Not only does she give plant tonic but also any leftover remedy water to her plants. She has shown great interest in being a part of research on plants, and also in translation work to Tamil. She describes vibrionics as a ‘divine medicine’ and says the great pleasure she derives from its practice, cannot be put into words. 

Cases to share: