Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 3 Issue 1
January 2012
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From the Desk of Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

As most of you are aware, some of the earlier Vibrionics practitioners use the Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser (SRHVP) and cards instead of the relatively new 108CC box. This new system of vibrational healing was devised, with Swami’s blessings, about four years ago when we found that using the potentiser was slow and cumbersome in treating the many patients thronging Vibrionics clinics and camps. We combined remedies that are used for similar diseases and symptoms to create a set of 108 ready-made combos that cover almost the entire gamut of human diseases (and yes, plants and animals too). You may wonder, how one remedy can work on so many different problems. For example, CC21.2 treats all skin infections from Acne to Vitiligo. This is because the concerned remedies resonate with the illness being treated, while other vibrations pass through the patients’ body harmlessly. The 108 Common Combos are such a wonderful gift given to us by Bhagawan, that not only has it become much easier and faster to treat patients but it is a much simpler system to teach. If you are one of the earlier practitioners and wish to obtain the 108CC box, please do contact us. If you are actively using the 108CC box and feel the need to graduate to the SRHVP, then you can write to us for details of our advanced course in Vibrionics. We are always happy to assist active practitioners in their chosen path of Seva.

There seems to be a little confusion about the new titles of some of the 108 Common Combos. In the new book (2011 edition), the combo numbers remain the same while some more diseases that can be treated by the same combo have been added. Only the titles of some of the combos have been changed, where the earlier name did not seem to adequately describe the combo. If you have any doubt, please refer to the index to ensure that you prescribe the correct combo for the disease being treated.

During the Christmas and New Year period, our office has been inundated by existing practitioners asking for the new box. Let me remind you that it is not necessary to buy a new box. Simply bring your existing box with you when you next visit Prashanti and recharge the same from the Master Box which was placed at Baba’s Mahasamadhi for His blessings. You may obtain the new 108CC book (2011 Edition) from our room when you come here for recharging your box.

As we start this new year, the vibrations in Prashanti Nilayam are wonderful and we are feeling Swami’s presence and love-energy here, as always. Let us all resolve to carry out Swami’s work with renewed zeal and unconditional love this year and for many years ahead. Wishing you all a love-filled, seva-filled 2012!

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal

Memory Loss, Lack of Energy, Knee Pain 02859...India

A 46-year old woman complained of constant tiredness, memory loss and knee pain. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS

In a month’s time, she reported that she was able to work tirelessly throughout the day, had no pain in the knees and her memory had miraculously improved. The dosage was reduced to BD for the next 15 days and she is currently on OD.

Ischemic Heart Disease 02836...India

A male patient aged 61, who was known to have heart problems since 2001, and had had one stroke in 2006 and another in 2009, came to see this practitioner because he had recently been experiencing intermittent giddiness, fainting and blankness in the brain and for the past two days these symptoms had started to get worse. He had just seen a cardiac and neuro-physician at the hospital and had been given an MRI scan, the results of which would be available in a few days. Meanwhile the practitioner gave him the following combo:

CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.7 Vertigo…6TD

Results of the tests done at the hospital came through a few days later, the strokes in 2006 and 2009 were seen on his MRI scan and the scan of his carotid arteries supplying his brain showed a 77% narrowing in the left side and 48% narrowing in the right side and he was advised to have immediate surgery. The patient, who had complete faith in Swami, was taking the above combos regularly and beginning to feel much better. His family however were not prepared to take any risks and started to prepare to take him to Bombay to have the operation. On the night of his departure for the surgery, Swami came to him in a dream and told him not to worry and not to have the operation. So he decided to continue to put his complete trust in Swami, cancel the operation and only take the combos that the practitioner had given him. Thanks to Swami, six months later, all the heart symptoms disappeared.

For those practitioners using the Sai Ram Potentiser, the following could have been given:
BR5 Heart + BR18 Circulation + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM15 Circulation + SR265 Aconite (200C) + SR271 Arnica (30C) + SR273 Aurum Met + SR383 Cuprum Met (30C) + SR413 Sumbul (200C) + SR415 Terebin (200C) + SR495 Heart + SR546 Baryta Carb.

Loss of Hearing & Stroke 02859...India

A 76 year-old lady had brain stroke a year ago. As a consequence she lost her hearing in the right ear and heard a constant bothersome buzzing sound in the left ear. The allopathic ENT specialist said that an imbalance had been created and not much could be done about it. The practitioner gave her the following combo:

CC5.2 Deafness + CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC18.4 Paralysis…TDS

After taking the combo for two weeks, she started to have faint hearing in the right ear. After two months, she reported that she could hear again perfectly in this ear. The buzzing sound in the left ear had also stopped. She is continuing to take the same combo…BD.

For those practitioners using the Sai Ram Potentiser, the following could have been given:
NM51 Earache + NM77 Ear Nerve + OM10 Ear + BR19 Ear + SM19 Ears + SR375 Chinin Sulph (30C) + SR380 Colchicum + SR415 Terebin (30C) + SR471 CN8: Auditory + SR490 Eustachian Tube. 

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 02786...Russia

The patient is a 58-year old woman who had diabetes type 2 for 9 years. She was an emotional overweight woman in a bad state of health with a lot of stress and no energy. She was being treated allopathically for diabetes with Byetta and Glucovance. Her blood sugar level was 10 units whereas the normal value is 5.5 units.

She was given #1) CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.4 Eating disorders + CC18.1 Brain disabilities...TDS.
#2) CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS.

In two weeks, her health was better and she had much more energy. The sugar level had decreased slightly. In a further ten days, the sugar level had decreased to 9 units.

#2) was replaced by the following combo, using the Sai Ram Potentiser:
#3) SM17 Diabetes + SM4 Stabilising + SM39 Tension…OD
for the 1st week, then TDS.

In another one week, the sugar level had decreased to normal 5.5 units and the patient began reduction of the allopathic dose. Further information is absent because the patient returned to her home country but the practitioners are hopeful that the outlook for this patient is recovery from diabetes and a new lease of life.

For those practitioners with a Sai Ram Potentiser the following could have been given: for tonic: NM63 Back-up + NM75 Debility; for eating disorders:
BR9 Digestion + SR280 Calc Carb (30C) + SR319 Thyroid Gland + SR341 Alfalfa + SR498 Hypothalamus + SR530 Stomach + SR572 Obesity; for stress: NM6 Calming + NM37 Acidity + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR4 Fear + BR6 Hysteria + BR7 Stress + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM39 Tension; for diabetes: NM21 KBS + NM74 Diabetes + OM8 Hypo & Hyperglycaemia + OM9 Digestive Psychosomatic + BR2 Blood Sugar + SM41 Uplift + SR302 Nux Vom + SR305 Pancreatin + SR319 Thyroid Gland + SR320 Thyroidinum + SR499 Insulin + SR568 Hypothyroidism.

Cataract in a dog 02095...USA

Duke, a male dog (aged 12)  was diagnosed with a cataract. He  was given the following treatment by the practitioner:
NM47 Cataract Compound + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM68 Cataract Comp-B…BD

The vet was not informed that vibrational remedies were being given, so subsequent visits left the vet shaking his head, rechecking his notes and rechecking Duke’s eyes several times. A cataract usually shows progressive degeneration but in Duke’s case he started to see much better, the eyes did not look as milky and the cataract was dissolving.

The editor's comment:
An equivalent Common Combo to substitute for the above is: CC7.2 Partial Vision. 

The Answer Corner

1. Question: If a patient comes with arthritis, do I give him CC20.3 or are there other combos that I should consider?

Answer: When a patient comes with arthritis, even if it is diagnosed by a doctor, it is a good idea to start treatment with CC20.1, or CC20.2 if pain is excessive. Only if the patient is not relieved by either of these combos, give CC20.3. If this also does not help the patient then add CC20.4 which covers muscles and supportive tissues, because the latter may have been affected by the patient’s arthritic condition.


2. Question: Which combo is effective for low haemoglobin? Many women come with this problem.

Answer: Anaemia or low haemoglobin is treated using CC3.1 Heart tonic but one should try to find the cause of anaemia e.g. heavy periods in the case of women. In this case, give CC8.7 Menses heavy to treat this problem also. If it is lack of iron then CC4.2 Liver tonic should be added to CC3.1.


3. Question: During treatment of a patient for chronic problem, he got the flu. Should I stop the treatment for chronic problem while dealing with this acute condition

Answer: There is no hard and fast rule for this situation. It is up to the practitioner to make an intelligent decision. If for example, the patient is being treated for cancer and then catches a cold, one would continue with cancer treatment as it is better not to stop that. The same would apply when one is treating arthritis and the patient catches flu. However, it will not hurt if you were to stop the combo for arthritis for a few days while CC9.2 is given for flu.


4. Question: Can I mix remedies from different Narayani groups? Is there a criterion for combining vibrations

Answer: You may combine any remedy or mixture with any other remedy or combo. The criterion for combining vibrations is simply to get the patient well as soon as possible. What you are trying to do when combining one remedy or mixture with others is to cover all facets of the illness or disease and all the symptoms. For example with a cold there might be a fever, heavy head, stuffed up nose, sore throat, cough or gastric problems and one would try to cover all these symptoms with the combo: NM11 Cold + NM18 General Fever + SM35 Sinus + SM40 Throat + NM8 Chest + NM80 Gastro. For acute problems like the above, give the combo 6TD for 1-2 days, then reduce to TDS. 

Divine Words from the Master Healer

“If a man today is under the sway of sorrow and misery, his mind is responsible for it. Happiness and sorrow, affections and aversions, and the sensual pleasures that man experiences arise out of his mind. Since the mind is filled with the sense of duality you suffer all these. When the mind is trained to see the oneness of all creation, there will not be perversions of any kind. You should face everything in life with a smile. In this dualistic world, it is natural that gain and pain alternate. You cannot avoid it. You should neither despair when adversities confront you nor exult when fortune smiles on you. Adversity is a stepping-stone to eternal bliss.”

-Sathya Sai Baba, ‘Thought for the Day’ Prashanti Nilayam 



“Do not judge others to decide whether they deserve your service. Find out whether they are distressed, that is enough credential. Do not examine how they behave towards others; they can be certainly transformed by love. Seva is for you as sacred as a vow, a Sadhana, a spiritural path. It is the very breath. It can end only when breath takes leave of you.”

-Sathya Sai Baba, Divine Discourse, Feb 19, 1970 



“The proof of the rain is the wetness of the ground. Likewise the proof of true devotion is in the Peace of mind that the aspirant has been able to attain, the Peace that protects him against the onslaught of failures, the Peace in which he is unruffled by loss and dishonour."

-Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 5, p308 


Forthcoming Workshop

Poland 24-25 March in Wroclaw - Training workshop for new JVPs. Contact Dariusz Hebisz at 071349 5010 or by email at [email protected].

 All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to [email protected] 

In Addition

Learn to Love Fevers, Not Fear Them

One of the biggest misconceptions in health care today is the role of fevers. Through misunderstanding, many parents fear fevers, when they should love and respect them. A fever is one of the most extraordinary and intricate healing processes in the body. It plays out like a symphony, orchestrated only when needed to stimulate an immune response, destroy invading organisms and promote the restoration of health. The American Academy of Paediatrics voiced concerns in a 2011 study, concluding that parents need to understand the fever itself is not endangering to a healthy child. In contrast, it's actually beneficial and the primary goal of treatment should be to improve comfort, rather than lowering body temperature alone.

Traditionally, fevers were respected and understood. People knew that the fever would build and then break, like a wave rolling into shore. Now, without knowing or understanding the process, most try to suppress it immediately using antipyretics, or substances that lower temperature, such as acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen. These substances are commonly referred to as fever reducers. Fever reducers may quickly lower temperature, but in doing so they silence the body, hinder immune system development, allow the invader to survive and potentially induce chronic disease development.

Fever reducers are often misused, incorrectly administered or excessively dosed as well. Fifty percent of parents consider a temperature of less than 100.4°F is a fever and 25% of caregivers administer an antipyretic then, before the temperature actually reaches fever status. More disturbingly, 85% of parents report waking a sleeping child to administer antipyretics. 80% of paediatricians disagree with this practice. The physiologic healing that occurs while sleeping far surpasses the desire to simply lower the fever.

Modern medicine has lead us away from our bodies. Through its symptom-targeted treatments, patients have learned to expect immediate results. This is even truer when loving parents are concerned for their children. Treating symptoms without treating the cause is like taking the batteries out of the fire alarm, while the house burns down. It is essential to teach parents and children to listen and interpret these signs from the body, not just focus on removing of them.

A fever is defined by an oral temperature exceeding 100.4° F. They are usually self-limiting and short in duration. There is no evidence of fevers worsening the course of the illness or causing long- term neurological complications. It is important to understand, that the fever itself is not a disease, but rather a symptom of an underlying disharmony.

As human beings, we want to stay alive. This is true on all levels. Mentally, physically, physiologically, and biologically, we function to promote life. Once this is understood, it's easy to grasp that a fever is a physiologic process the body uses to fight infection, thus promoting survival or life. When an invader (virus, bacteria etc.) enters the body, signals are sent to the brain to increase the hypothalamic "set point". This essentially turns up the thermostat for a few days to kill the intruder. Signals can come from bacterial toxins or the body's response to the intruder, i.e. the production of cytokines, chemical mediators, macrophages, and antibodies. The temperature increase also enhances the immune system Inflammation is stimulated to protect the area, prevent the spread of infection and initiate the healing process.

Always consult a physician when fevers exceed 102°F or last longer than three days. A cold compress or an ice pack is very helpful. Also consult if the fever causes great discomfort, breathing difficulty, stiff neck, convulsions or any time you are unsure. Proper hydration and salt replenishment are essential to support the body. ...L. Chimileski for

(Also consult your remedies book for the appropriate healing remedy for fever and for related remedies)


It is frustrating not to hear well enough to enjoy talking with friends or family. Hearing disorders make it hard, but not impossible, to hear. They can often be helped. Deafness can keep you from hearing sound at all.

What causes hearing loss? Some possibilities are:

  •   Heredity

  •   Diseases such as ear infections and meningitis

  •   Trauma

  •   Certain medicines

  •   Long-term exposure to loud noise

  Aging

There are two main types of hearing loss. One happens when your inner ear or auditory nerve is damaged. This type is permanent. The other kind happens when sound waves cannot reach your inner ear. Earwax build-up, fluid or a punctured eardrum can cause it. Untreated, hearing problems can get worse. If you have trouble hearing, you can get help. Possible treatments include hearing aids, cochlear implants, special training, certain medicines and surgery

...NIH: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

(Check 108 Common Combos book under category 5 ‘Ears’ or Vibrionics 2004 book - SRHVP 3.5)



The prostate is a gland. It helps make semen, the fluid that contains sperm. The prostate surrounds the tube that carries urine away from the bladder and out of the body. A young man's prostate is about the size of a walnut. It slowly grows larger with age. If it gets too large, it can cause problems. This is very common after age 50. The older a man becomes, the more likely he is to have prostate trouble.

Some common problems are:

Prostatitis - an infection, usually caused by bacteria
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH - an enlarged prostate, which may cause dribbling after urination or a need to go often, especially at night
Prostate cancer - a common cancer that responds best to treatment when detected early

...National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

(Check 108 Common Combos book under category 14 ‘Male organs’ or Vibrionics 2004 book - SRHVP 3.14) 

  • Om Sai Ram