Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 3 Issue 3
May/June 2012
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From the Desk of Dr. Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

It is heartening to see the enthusiasm with which people continue to embrace Vibrionics training. Last month our certified teachers from India conducted two AVP workshops in Nagpur and Jabalpur. 18 new practitioners were trained in each workshop and the students have given us excellent feedback. We wish the latest additions to our Sai Vibrionics family all the best as they embark on this new seva journey!

A senior vibrionics practitioner (SVP) workshop was conducted in London recently for eight practitioners. They had obtained such amazing results that they were eager to become SVPs after only a year of practicing as Junior VPs. All of them passed with high marks (91-98%) and made a fresh resolve to do even more seva! Another workshop is scheduled this month in London for JVPs. It will be conducted by our certified teacher who is retired. She is now doing full-time seva with Vibrionics with marvellous results. She returned last week from a medical camp in Sierra Leone where she treated 306 patients in seven days and trained four persons to become JVPs.

We encourage all SVPs with adequate experience to consider taking the teacher’s training course so that they can conduct workshops and refresher courses in their respective states. Do think about it. And of course JVPs are welcome to apply for the Senior VP course.

On numerous occasions I received directions and advice about Vibrionics directly from Swami Himself. Those were unforgettable times! In an interview on 19 January 2005, when I said to Swami, ‘With Your grace, even cancer and AIDS are getting cured’, Swami said, ‘When you treat with love, all get better’. And this reminds me of another interview almost a decade earlier when I had completed treating around 2,000-3,000 patients.

One day, I carried my patient records’ notebook to darshan and, immediately, I was blessed with an interview. I was elated as I wanted to tell Swami that this therapy was so wonderful and that all these patients were getting better with His grace. There were many people in the interview room and I had kept the book next to me on the floor. The interview was coming to an end and I had not got a chance to talk to Swami about the patients. My elation was fast turning into disappointment. At that very moment, Swami said, ‘Aggarwala, what is that book on the floor?’ As you can imagine, my joy knew no bounds and I leapt up to show Swami the book. While flipping through the pages, I said, in an extremely happy tone, ‘Swami, look - all these patients have been cured with this wonderful system of Vibrionics’. Swami looked extremely happy and with a big smile on His face, He praised me, ‘You are doing a great job. I know all your patients are getting better but not because of your medicine! I am curing your patients’. That one sentence delivered a crushing blow and I clearly recall my thoughts at the time: ‘Let me run out of the interview room and fast!’ Our All-Knowing, All-Seeing Swami had seen my ego climb up to great heights and in one simple stroke, He brought it right down to the floor. That day I learnt a great lesson - I realised that ego is extremely subtle and it can enter one’s head without one even realizing it.

Keeping both these incidents in mind, let us remember to treat our patients with Love as LOVE is the most important ingredient in healing. Love is all powerful. It knows no barriers and hence it can achieve miracle cures! Incidentally, we have many such ‘healings by love’ on our records. And, before every healing session, let us pray to Swami to remove any trace of ego from our minds as He is the only one who can and will cure our patients. We are mere instruments, He is the only Doctor there is.

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal 

Diabetes 02640...India

A medical doctor, aged 67 years, working for an ESIS hospital, was advised to undergo cataract surgery. But his blood sugar levels were not within the acceptable limits in spite of the fact he was on insulin for a long time. Since the operation was urgently required, he came for help and was put on the following vibro combination:

CC6.3 Diabetes…BD

Within a week, he called up to say that he had undergone the cataract surgery and that he was happy that vibro pills brought his sugar levels under control.

He was then given: 

CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS

Angioma in an Infant 02640...India

A baby boy, aged four months, was brought for treatment of a large angioma which no allopathic doctor would treat since the child was very young. As he was very weak, the doctors could not do surgery until after the baby was one year old. The child had a fever, a cold and a cough and was very weak when he was brought to the practitioner who is also an allopathic family physician. The child was put on the following combo:
#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.6 Cough chronic + NM6 Calming...2 pills dissolved in 1/2 cup water (boiled and cooled) TDS

The practitioner gave the first dose.  The family was advised to give the remedy in water until the baby was 9 months old. After that the pills were directly put in baby’s mouth.  After the acute problems were over, the following combo was given:

#2. NM6 Calming + NM27 Skin + NM113 Inflammation + SR293 Gunpowder + SR528 Skin + SR576 Tumours…BD

After 6 months of treatment, the tumour has disappeared in many places and it has become one with the skin. (The practitioner commnents: A very beautiful and awesome case.) The baby is now 30 months old and has completely healed. The skin has a few pigments but nothing to worry. The child is hale and hearty. The same combo continues to be given today.

After 6 months of treatment                                 After 2 years of treatment                                                                             

Gallstones 02804...India

A male patient aged 55 had been suffering from pain in his abdomen for many years. On his doctor’s advice he had a sonography of abdomen. This showed an enlarged gallbladder with a thickened wall due to inflammation caused by gallstones impacted at the neck of the gallbladder. His doctor advised him to have an operation to remove the gallbladder. He hoped Sai Vibrionics could help him avoid this operation and told the practitioner that apart from pain in the abdomen, he had difficulty and pain when passing urine. The practitioner gave the following:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.7 Gallstones + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS

After two weeks, the patient reported that both pains had subsided. The remedy was continued for two months and then another sonography was performed. This time, the gallbladder was shown as a partially distended pear-shaped bag with uniformly thin and regular walls, without gallstones or mass lesions. The practitioner has sent us a copy of both sonography reports as confirmation.

The practitioner's comment:
With Swami’s Grace, this is excellent healing of a problem that has become very frequent these days.

Poor Vision 02789...India

An 8-year-old girl had been diagnosed with dry eyes and extremely poor vision. She was sent for an eye check-up where the doctors ruled out anything that could be done to help the condition. The practitioner was told by her family that when this girl was two years old, she had high fever. At that time, she lost her vision and had suffered dry eyes ever since. She was given:
CC7.2 Partial Vision…TDS

After 6 months of taking the combo, the patient’s eyes were lubricating again and she could see normally. She continues to take the medicine for the time being to prevent any return of the condition.   

Acne 02799...UK

A male patient aged 21 came to see the practitioner because he had been suffering from acne for five years. It was all over his face and back. The following treatment was given:
NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM36 War + NM37 Acidity + NM61 Acne + SR293 Gunpowder + SR309 Pulsatilla 30C + SR329 Crab Apple + SR342 Antim Crud + Echinacea (30C) from homoeopathic store…TDS

In two weeks, on his next visit to the practitioner, the acne was 50% better. He continued to take the medicine. In another two months, the acne had completely gone but the practitioner told him to take the combo for a further six months at a reduced dosage as a safeguard against any recurrence and he has never been troubled with the problem again. 

Emotional Stress and Strain 00437...India

A 49-year-old carpenter’s personality changed from being a good and disciplined workman to an anxious and disturbed one, who was unable to do his work. He explained to the practitioner that his elder brother had died after a brief illness. In addition to his own family, he was now looking after his brother’s family and was under great financial strain. On top of this, each night during the last one month, his brother appeared in his dreams standing at the foot of his bed crying and looking very distressed. This woke him up and he was then fearful of sleeping again. This was making him such a mental and emotional wreck that his health was deteriorating. He was given the following combo:
NM6 Calming + NM28 Sleep + NM83 Grief + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM41 Uplift…TDS

He was also given vibhuti to take with water before sleeping and told to keep a picture of Baba by his bed as he was a devotee. Soon the brother stopped appearing to him in his dreams and he gradually started to feel better. Within a month, he was his normal self again.

Anti-Chemotherapy and Cancer 02494...Italy

For those practitioners who possess the Sai Ram Potentiser (SRHVP), we received some important information from the above practitioners. They found that it is possible to get faster and improved results in the following two cases:

Anti-chemo cases:
In order to remove side-effects of chemotherapy, use SR559 Anti Chemotherapy at two potencies as follows:
SR559 Anti Chemotherapy (60C & 1M)…1 dose every 10 minutes for 2 hours, then every hour up to the end of the day. Next day 6TD followed by TDS until the next session of chemotherapy. Then repeat the above procedure  -- that is, start 1 dose every 10 mins, and so on. Note that the dial setting for the 60C potency is

Cancer cases:
Add SR522 Pituitary Anterior + SR523 Pituitary Posterior to the normal cancer combo: CC2.1 Ccancers -- all + CC2.3.Tumours & Growths.  It is of further benefit to add the blood cleaning remedy, SR272 Arsen Alb (200C).

The Answer Corner

1. Question: One of my patients is going to Sai Baba’s ashram in India. What should I give to prevent her from getting malaria while she is in India?

Answer: Give your patient CC9.3...OD to be taken at night three days before leaving, 3TW while in the mosquito area and for a further three days on her return. If you have the Sai Ram Potentiser, then give: NM116 Malaria Extra Strength + SR261 Nat Mur (CM) + SR263 Nat Sulph (CM) in place of CC9.3.


2. Question: I request your advice on effectiveness of Sai Vibrionics for terminally ill cancer patients.

Answer: We have case histories of cancers showing complete cures and ones that are not. The experience of the love given by the practitioner to their patient and trust and faith in God is in itself a healing vibration. Also, if the patient has a trusting heart, has the determination to live and can daily focus on staying in the present; not in regret over the past or worry about the future, then that is when miracles happen.

The very first case of one of our practitioners was that of a brain tumour that the doctors had given up on. They told the patient he had only two months to live. The practitioner was shocked at having to treat such a serious case after only just qualifying as a practitioner. But she went to see the patient who was back at home with his family. She told him not to give up, to trust in God, to take the vibrionics remedy as recommended, eat healthy food and he would recover. She herself cried when later the family told her the patient was on the road to recovery.

It is very important for the patient to believe there is hope for recovery. As Baba says ‘all diseases start in the mind’, so always encourage the patient to tell his mind that the Vibrionics they are taking is God’s medicine. The patient can visualise that the sugar pills are going in to fight the serious disease they have. If they can overcome the belief in their mind that they are terminally ill, they could soon be healthy and strong again.

If, however, for some reason the patient is beyond our help and is moving towards leaving the body, then the best remedy to give is SR272 Arsen Alb (CM) OR CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic for those without the Sai Ram Potentiser. It gives quiet and ease to the last moments of life. It should be taken BD and the pills dissolved in water can be more effective; dose is 5 ml of water to be held under the tongue for one minute before drinking the same.


3. Question: What can I give as a prophylactic against sun stroke in very hot weather?

Answer: The combo for sun stroke or for feeling uncomfortable during hot weather is CC21.3 Skin allergies. It can be taken 3TW as prophylactic or OD during the hottest period when it is very difficult to bear the heat. Sai Ram Machine users can make the following: NM6 Calming + NM34 Water Balance + NM63 Back-up + SR270 Apis Mel + SR298 Lachesis + SR309 Pulsatilla (30C) + SR317 Sulphur (30C). It is important to cover the head while venturing out in the heat. When the body gives off heat, we perspire as it is nature's way of cooling down the bodily system. In such heat, it is important to drink plenty of water. However, if one drinks iced water, it will make one feel less hot but only temporarily. Iced water will send the wrong signal to the body that it is cold; so the body will retain the heat. When the coolness of the liquid going into our stomach has gone in about 30 minutes, we would feel hotter than before!


4. Question: I have been suffering from hoarseness and lack of voice for the last 3-4 months. It has been diagnosed as a major voice fatigue and advice from my allopathic doctor is to take complete voice rest. I have been regularly taking CC19.7 + CC12.1 but no change has occurred. What shall I do?

Answer: I am sorry that CC19.7 is not helping your problem. Of course, your doctor's advice to rest the voice as much as possible is important to follow. However, it is good to know that this problem may have something to do with tension, stress, grief or worry, even if one is not conscious of it. I suggest you give yourself CC19.7 + CC15.1...TDS on-going for a month and of course pray for Swami's help as well.


Practitioners: Do you have a question for Dr. Aggarwal? Send it to him at [email protected] 

Divine Words from the Master Healer

"I shall leave one message for you to ruminate upon that is the message of Prema (pure love). Love is God, God is Love. Where there is Love, there God is certainly evident. Love more and more people, love them more and more intensely; transform the love into service, transform the service into worship; that is the highest sadhana (spiritual practice)."

- Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 5, Ch 17



"Generally, man seeks only happiness and joy; under no stress will he desire misery and grief! He treats happiness and joy as his closest well-wishers and misery and grief as his direct enemies. This is a great mistake. When one is happy, the risk of grief is great; fear of losing the happiness will haunt the man. Misery prompts inquiry, discrimination, self-examination and fear of worse things that might happen. It awakens you from sloth and conceit. Happiness makes one forget one's obligations to oneself as a human being. It drags man into egoism and the sins that egoism leads one to commit. Grief renders man alert and watchful."

"So misery is a real friend; happiness spends out the stock of merit and arouses the baser passions. So it is really an enemy. Really, misery is an eye-opener; it promotes thought and the task of self- improvement. It also endows one with new and valuable experiences. Happiness draws a veil over experiences that harden a person and make him tough. So, troubles and travails are to be treated as friends; at least, not as enemies. Only, it is best to regard both happiness and misery as gifts of God. That is the easiest path for one's own liberation."

"Not to know this is the basic ignorance. A person so ignorant is blind; really, happiness and misery are like the blind man who must be accompanied ever by one who sees. When the blind man is welcomed, you have inevitably to welcome the man with eyes, for he is the constant comrade of the blind man. So too, happiness and misery are inseparable; you cannot choose only one. Moreover, misery highlights the value of happiness. You feel happy, by contrast with misery," thus said Krishna to Arjuna, to teach him the insignificance of all duality.”

- Sathya Sai Baba, Geeta Vahini 


Italy: 14-17 Sep in Venice - Senior VP workshop. Details from Fabio Previati at tel: 041-563 0288. [email protected].

 All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 

In Addition

High Sodium Foods List 

The body needs sodium (salt) to function properly, but too much sodium increases the risk for stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure and kidney disease. The Mayo Clinic, USA, says healthy adults should consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day. Those with high blood pressure, kidney disease or risk factors for heart problems should consume 1,500 mg of sodium or less each day.


Fast food restaurants offer quick and relatively inexpensive meals and snacks. This convenience comes at a price -- many fast-food items contain high levels of sodium. One apple pie from a fast food restaurant, for example, contains 400 mg of sodium, according to Colorado State University Extension, USA.


The use of spreads and garnishes can turn low-sodium choices into high-sodium foods that increase daily sodium intake substantially. The Mayo Clinic advises anyone trying to reduce sodium intake to limit use of condiments, sauces and other garnishes. Ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, salad dressing and sauces contain sodium. Soy sauce has nearly half the recommended daily intake of sodium, with 1,029 mg of sodium per 1 tbsp. serving, according to Colorado State University Extension. Ketchup has 156 mg of sodium per tbsp. This represents more than 10 percent of the daily sodium intake recommended for someone following a low-sodium diet of 1,500 mg per day.


In addition to high levels of fat and sugar, some baked goods also contain significant amounts of sodium. Washington University St. Louis reports that a 3.5 oz doughnut contains 500 mg of sodium, which accounts for more than 20 percent of the recommended daily intake. The same serving size of bread contains 300 to 500 mg of sodium, depending on the ingredients and preparation methods used. Other high-sodium baked goods include biscuits, muffins, baked pie crust and sweet rolls.


Canned foods contain salt, which preserves the vegetables and prevents them from spoiling quickly. Salt also adds flavour to canned goods. High-sodium canned foods include canned kidney beans, pickled vegetables and sauerkraut. Colorado State University Extension reports that 1 cup of canned corn contains 384 mg of sodium. In contrast, fresh and frozen corn contains less than 10 mg of sodium per serving.


Oklahoma Cooperative Extension explains that processed cheeses contain disodium phosphate, which increases their sodium content. Cheese spreads also contain high levels of sodium. Examples of high- sodium cheeses include cheddar, Parmesan and American or packaged processed chesses. About 1 oz of American cheese, for example, contains 406 mg of sodium, according to Colorado State University Extension. Lower-sodium choices include cream cheese, Swiss cheese and mozzarella cheese.


Some snack foods have salt for added flavour, making it necessary to choose salt-free varieties or limit the consumption of salted snacks. Salted nuts, pretzels, tortilla chips and potato chips add sodium to your daily diet. Just two sourdough pretzels, for example, contain 490 mg of sodium, according to Rice University.

References USA

 How to Tame Your Salt Habit Now
 Colorado State University Extension: Sodium in the Diet
 Washington University St. Louis: Sodium Content of Common Foods  Palo Alto Medical Foundation: Foods High in Sodium
 Oklahoma Cooperative Extension: Dietary Salt and Sodium
 Rice University: Salt and the Ultraendurance Athlete

...Leigh Zaykoski


Daily Tea Drinking Lowers Triglyceride Levels, Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Health-conscious individuals have known the importance of tea consumption for decades, opting for the pleasant tasting beverage over sugary carbonated soft drinks to help prevent metabolic imbalances such as insulin resistance and diabetes. More recently, diet soft drinks have been shown to increase risk of a number of chronic conditions due to the high acid content of the beverages that can disrupt cellular metabolism by robbing precious minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

Researchers from the US and Scotland have released the details of a study published in the journal Preventive Medicine that shows consumption of three cups of black tea daily can lower dangerous blood fat triglycerides by 36% and the predictive LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio by 17 percent, significantly improving cardiovascular health. The study authors noted "Moderate intake of black tea improves the levels of independent risk factors of cardiovascular disease and antioxidant defences in plasma."

Past studies have extolled the many virtues of drinking the less fermented green and white tea blends, as their high antioxidant content has been shown to lower risk from cancer, dementia and heart disease. Although the author specifically studied the impact of black tea on human health, they do not specify a specific mechanism for the action of black tea, and it is likely that all three tea varieties (black, green and white) will provide the same positive effects in reduction of heart disease risk.

Researchers recruited 87 participants between the ages of 25 and 60 to conduct the study. Each was randomly assigned to drink either three cups of black tea each day or the equivalent volume of hot water for a period of 12 weeks. The scientists found that consumption of black tea was associated with an 18.4 percent decrease in fasting blood sugar levels and a 36 percent decrease in triglyceride levels. Both high blood sugar and excess blood fats are known to be primary factors in increased risk of heart disease as well as a number of other deadly chronic diseases.

The research team concluded "High levels of polyphenolics, including the arubigins and the aflavins in tea can protect cells and tissues from oxidative damage by scavenging oxygen-free radicals. Tea phenolics may therefore be active antioxidants in the digestive tract and in other tissues after uptake." The result of drinking three cups of tea each day is substantial and provides a measured degree of protection against cardiovascular disease. Be sure to drink fresh brewed tea (hot or cold) and avoid any packaged or processed varieties that are laden with chemical additives. ...John Phillip

Sources for this Natural News article include: 

Om Sai Ram