Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Answer Corner

Vol 15 Issue 5
September / October 2024

Q1. I am sometimes approached by an enthusiastic patient who, having benefited from this treatment personally wants to donate for Vibrionics growth. What should I tell them?

A. Our newly formed Institute SVIRT has decided that we shall accept only unsolicited voluntary contributions from genuine well-wishers of vibrionics. The practitioners should never raise the subject of donation with their patients. When someone wants to happily donate from the heart, our Institute will use such funds for furtherance of vibrionics.


Q2. What is the role of magnet in our SRHVP machine?

A. In the SRHVP, there is located a powerful permanent magnet under the Sample (left-hand) well. The purpose of the magnet is to create a strong and stable magnetic field, which is crucial for the device’s operation. The magnet’s role is to influence the movement of charged particles within the potentiser, enhancing the electromagnetic effects. Another thing to remember is, as the earth’s magnetic field is insignificant compared to that of the magnet in SRHVP, the former will not adversely affect our remedies.


Q3. I understand that SRHVP is robust, so unlikely to become faulty (vol 12 #2.Q5) but wondered if the efficacy of SRHVP gets reduced over a period of time? Can I check this myself from time to time?

A. The only thing that could reduce the performance of SRHVP is if strength of the magnet inside SRHVP diminishes. This could happen in the unlikely event of magnet being exposed to high heat or impact or long-term contact with a large piece of iron. You may be able to test whether the magnet is strong enough by placing an iron object under the Sample well and feel the pull.


Q4. Is it possible to cure a genetic disorder? How do I find an appropriate remedy?

A. There are certain genetic disorders which are associated with the effects of multiple genes, in combination with lifestyle and environmental factors. Some of these illnesses are: diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, mood disorder, obesity and certain cancers. We can treat these by studying symptoms and giving appropriate combos from either 108CC box or SRHVP machine. In this way many practitioners have had successful outcome.

There are other genetic disorders which are caused by one or more abnormalities in a single gene, a series of genes or a chromosome. These are rare and can affect one person in several thousand (or even fewer). Examples of such disorders are Down syndrome, Huntington’s disease, or muscular dystrophy. Here we can help these patients to lead a better quality of life by carefully studying the symptoms and prescribing accordingly. It is also important to address the worries and concerns of the carer.


Q5. Can a nosode help mental health issues? If so, under what circumstances, would nosode be helpful? What sample should we use for making nosode and at what potency?

A. Yes, it can. Like with any other issue, our first choice should be to treat with combos corresponding to the symptoms. When the improvement is not according to expectation, use a blood (or hair) sample (patient can provide it) at 1M or 200C, as per your experience/choice.