Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 6 Issue 5
September/October 2015

Dear Practitioners

Call to participate in 90th Birthday offering

I would like to begin with a very important announcement to Sai Vibrionics practitioners.  As you all know, 23rd November is the 90th Birthday of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. On this auspicious and joyous occasion, Sai Vibrionics will make an offering of Vibrionics cases to Swami.  All practitioners are invited to send in case histories to be included in the offering that will be presented to our Lord.

We are offering the cases to express our love to Swami, for He is the true Healer of every patient and all of us. The 90th birthday celebration also gives us a precious chance to express our devotion to Swami as His instruments. What better way to express our gratitude for His gift than by offering to our Lord the fruits of the seva that He has entrusted to us!

All practitioners can participate by sending in one or more case histories to be included in the special 90th Birthday issue of the Sai Vibrionics Newsletter. We wish every region and every country to be represented. We will include as many cases as possible but all completed cases which are submitted by our deadline will be presented to Swami on His Birthday. The rest of the cases will be published in later issues.

Please send in your case histories to [email protected] as soon as you can. We welcome solid ordinary cases that are typical of your daily practice as well as extraordinary cases. Please do your best to provide complete information as that will save time and work. To help you ensure that you have collected all the information, I have compiled a check list. Please click here for details (You will first need to log into the Vibrionics website, using your username and password; if you need help, contact [email protected].).

Cases will be accepted beginning now up to 10th October. The 10th October deadline is firm. This will allow us time to edit and follow up with you on any missing information to prepare the cases for presentation and publication. Please don’t wait until the last minute. The sooner you send in your case the better as this will allow us to spread our workload. We sincerely hope that all practitioners will avail of this precious opportunity.

Gratitude to Kerala practitioners for seva

I wish to express my deep appreciation for the Kerala coordinator and his team of practitioners who make special trips to Prashanti Nilayam to assemble 108CC boxes. These boxes are vital for the practice of vibrionics! It may not be apparent but much work is involved in doing this. Also, they have taken charge of collecting data, preparing, printing and dispatching to members the ID cards for membership of our international association IASVP. Their seva benefits practitioners all around the world.

This issue’s focus: Delhi practitioners

The work of a diverse group of dedicated practitioners from Delhi is the focus for this issue. We would like to commend Delhi-NCR Coordinator02859...India for her important contribution in organising and compiling many practitioner profiles and cases, including her own. They provide an inspiring example of love in action.

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal