Divine Words From the Master Healer
Vol 8 Issue 2
March/April 2017
"Bad thoughts and bad feelings arise in the mind. At the same time, there are also good thoughts and good feelings. It is only when bad thoughts and feelings are weeded out that man can have good health. Many diseases have their origin in the thoughts that fill the mind. Bad thoughts cause indigestion, affect the heart, bring about variations in the blood pressure; worries are the cause of many mental diseases. Diabetes and pulmonary diseases are traceable to mental causes."
-Sathya Sai Baba, “The power of the Lord's name” Discourse 25 February 1998
-Sathya Sai Baba, “Service To Man Is Service To The Lord” Summer Showers in Brindavan 1973 http://www.sssbpt.info/summershowers/ss1973/ss1973-08.pdf