विशिष्ठ रोगाशी संबंधित केसेस
मूत्रपिंड आणि मूत्राशय
Cat with Urinary Infection 01150...Croatia
The practitioner’s daughter had a cat that developed a severe urinary Infection with pain and blood in the urine. The following was given:
NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys + BR11 Kidney Balance + SM27 Infection...TDS
Within 3 days the cat was better and recovered fully in a week's time.
The editor's comment:
If the 108CC Box had been available to...(continued)
Kidney Infections 01159...Croatia
A 28-year-old woman came to see the practitioner because she was in severe pain and suffering with nephritis (a kidney inflammation caused by bacterial infection) and cystitis (requent urination accompanied by burning). She was given:
#1. NM21 KBS + BR11 Kidney...TDS
#2. SR296 Ignatia...Single dose
In just one day she felt much better and in three...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाBedwetting 02765...India
The practitioner was asked to send vibrionics remedy to a 12-year-old school girl who had a long standing bedwetting (enuresis) problem. She could not come to the regular Vibro camp that was held monthly as she lived in a distant town. She was sent by post:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence...TDS
Within a month the problem rapidly subsided, giving...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney Damage 01339...USA
In August 2013 a 74-year-old man came to the practitioner, suffering from kidney damage verging on renal failure as a result of an enlarged prostate for many years. His nephrologist had put him on a strict diet hoping to stave off kidney dialysis. The patient knew nothing about energy healing and was sceptical but being an acquaintance of the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाUrinary Tract Infection & Diabetes 11520...India
An elderly man (80) who was receiving Vibrionics treatment for diabetes (see below), sought treatment for symptoms of cystitis on July 17, 2014. He had a fever of 102° F (38.9° C), with pus cells in the urine of 80-100/hpf. For the week prior, he had frequent urination, pain and burning when passing urine, and urinary incontinence. He also had a...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाScarlet Fever 02680...Japan
An 18-month-old baby boy had a very high fever for a week, would not eat or drink anything, not even water, and vomited everything except mother’s milk. He cried constantly and was unable to sleep. He had a rash throughout his body and even in his mouth. He also had diarrhoea. His condition was diagnosed as Scarlet Fever and with this very serious...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाEnlarged Benign Prostate 02762...USA
A 72-year-old man had a history of difficult and painful urination which was diagnosed as an enlarged prostate. The doctors recommended a prostate operation. He asked the healer for Vibrionics treatment to avoid the surgery. He was given:
#1. CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC14.2 Prostate + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC10.1...(continued)
Dialysis 02640...India
A 45-year-old male patient telephoned the practitioner in India from Los Angeles, USA, to ask if she would send Vibrionics medicine to help him with his gravely sick kidney and high blood pressure. While waiting for a kidney transplant he was undergoing dialysis three times a week with each session lasting 5 hours. The practitioner couriered him:
Chronic Constipation 02802...UK
A mother brought her 9-year-old daughter to see the practitioner because the child had suffered from chronic constipation for three years and recurrent urine infections. She could not open her bowels unless she took Movicol laxative daily. She was given:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC13.2 Kidney &...(continued)
Sciatica and Incontinence 03502...USA
A 63-year-old man requested treatment for sciatica pain in his right leg with nerve involvement and a need to urinate 2-3 times a night. Both symptoms had been going on for a month prior to the contact (19 August 2014). They appeared at the same time, so the practitioner suspected that the incontinence was linked to sciatica. The patient had tried...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाAdenocarcinoma of the Gallbladder & Liver Cancer, Oedema, Vertigo, Knee Pain 10728...India
In early January 2014, a woman suffering from Stage 4 liver cancer was brought by her son to a hospital for treatment. The diagnosis was adenocarcinoma of the gallbadder with multiple hepatic metastases. She was very ill, with no appetite or strength, and was in much pain from gallstones. The doctor who examined her declared that the cancer was so...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMalignant Kidney Tumour 10728...India
In 1999 48-year-old man went to a hospital for treatment of haematuria (blood in his urine) and painful urination. Tests showed he had a malignant kidney tumour. He underwent surgery to remove the tumour but over the next several years, it kept coming back. By the time he sought vibrionics treatment in 2012, the tumour had been removed 3 times...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPost-Surgical Wound on Foot 00534...UK
The practitioner writes: To repair a ruptured posterial tibial tendon on the side of my left foot, I had extensive surgeries beginning in May 2007. The work included restructuring the foot with bone grafts to attach a new tendon, breaking the big toe and realigning the foot by removing part of the heal bone. I had 7 large surgical scars from each of the 7...(continued)
UTI, Asthma 02707 & 02766...UK
On 28 April 2014 the practitioners’ nephew (aged 46) was admitted to hospital with severe vomiting. He had many chronic health problems for which he was taking allopathic medicines. He could not walk or talk, and suffered from epilepsy, a spastic arm and also arthritis in his legs. He had trouble breathing due to asthma and allergies, and also...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाHypothyroidism, Swelling of Feet, Joint Pain, Incontinence, Mental upset 02817...India
The practitioner writes: We met a 73-year-old woman at the home of a common friend who was taking Vibrionics. The woman was suffering from various problems for the last 15 years: a burning sensation in the soles of her feet and swelling in the soles and toes, she was mentally disturbed and had a very low self esteem, had difficulty in walking and...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाConstipation, Oedema of thighs and legs 02779...Japan
A 45-year-old woman suffered from severe constipation for several months. Her doctor told her she needed to be hospitalized for it. In addition, she developed swollen thighs and legs, which prevented her from sitting in the traditional formal manner, with legs folded under her knees, resting on her heels. She contacted the practitioner on 23 July...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney Failure 00971...Japan
A 64-year-old woman visited the practitioner on 24 August 2014 after a check-up with her doctor revealed that she had a high probability of kidney failure. A blood test showed that her creatinine level was almost high enough to warrant dialysis. She was scheduled for another blood test in about a month’s time at the end of September. She wanted to...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney Stone 00971...Japan
A 62-year-old man visited the practitioner in October 2007 complaining of tiredness and pain from a kidney stone. His doctor had recommended surgery to remove it. He hesitated to do so out of fear of surgery, only to live in suffering. When his daughter first suggested that he take Vibrionics, he just turned it down, but she did not give up while witnessing...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic Abdominal Pain & Constipation 03523...UK
An 8-year-old girl had been suffering from abdominal pain for three years. This was a dull pain that fluctuated during the day but increased at night. Some nights she would roll around on the floor due to the severity of the pain. In spite of hospital tests, doctors were unable to identify the cause. For the past 11 months she had also been suffering from...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाDementia and Slurred Speech after Breast Cancer Treatment 02864...USA
A woman (aged 47) contacted the practitioner seeking relief from ailments that had developed as side-effects of her allopathic treatment for breast cancer. After a double mastectomy in April of 2014, the patient had completed chemotherapy in November 2014 and radiation treatment in January 2015. Afterwards, she began to develop dementia and a slur or...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाStroke, Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Breathing Problem, Epilepsy, Double Vision, Speech Impairment 02895...UK
A 62-year-old man was admitted to hospital on 23 March 2014 with with fever, weakness and loss of appetite thought to be due to tuberculosis (TB). He was diagnosed with collapsed right lung and pneumonia, and was transferred to the Intensive Therapy Unit during the night, where heavy doses of TB medication were administered intravenously. His condition...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPsoriasis, Type 2 Diabetes, Watery Eyes 02799...UK
A 59-year-old man suffering from severe psoriasis for the past 20 years was seen on 11 June 2014. The skin on his legs was dark, thick and scaly; this caused him much distress. He had been prescribed steroid creams, which he used regularly without much benefit. The patient also was being treated for type 2 diabetes for the past 12 years but the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाOveractive Bladder, Incontinence 03507...UK
A 79-year-old man suffering from an overactive bladder and incontinence was seen on 21 April 2015. Fifteen years earlier, he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and had undergone a radical prostatectomy. There was some remnant scar tissue after the surgery. Because of the prostate surgery and the scar tissue, the bladder capacity was much reduced...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic Bedwetting 11567...India
A 5-year-old boy was brought in on 29 March 2015 for treatment of chronic bedwetting. The problem had been going on for 2 years but his parents did not seek any treatment initially as they thought he would grow out of it. The problem was worse during winter, when he would wet the bed every night. During summer, the episodes were...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाUrinary incontinence 01620...France
A 65-year-old woman, ill and depressed with the loss of a very close relative, was admitted to hospital for treatment after which she gradually became weak and incontinent. Two years later in Sep 2014, after reading a Sai Vibrionics newsletter she asked the practitioner to treat her for urinary incontinence. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.3...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाEnuresis, stress 01480...France
A 12-year-old young boy came to the practitioners with his mother who expressed her concern that the boy often had bedwetting episodes in the night for almost 10 years. He also suffered from stress and anxiety and exhibited sporadic outbursts of anger. The practitioners treated the boy with the following combo:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence +...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाBedwetting 11422...India
Mother of an 11-year-old girl came on 11 August 2014 with a complaint of chronic bedwetting by her child right from an early age. The frequency increased from the age of 10 to daily episodes of bedwetting. The child expressed that she had some kind of fear gripping her at night during sleep. The parents did nothing to consult any doctor and no treatment of...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाWhite Spots 10940...India
A 35-year-old businessman sought a Vibrionics cure for small white spots of 6-8 months’ duration on his neck and thigh. Treatment commenced on 10 July 2013 with:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses
#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS
After 3 months (9th October), the patient showed 30%...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney failure 11993...India
A 44-year-old male contacted the practitioner on 31 August 2013 because he was on dialysis three times a week for the past one year. The patient had a long-standing history of various problems such as anxiety, stress and migraine for which he was dependent on several allopathic medications. The kidney problem first started three years ago in 2010. Two years...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney stones 11993...India
A 32-year-old lady diagnosed with kidney stones in January 2013 contacted the practitioner in September seeking vibrionics treatment. Scan showed four stones of 3mm, 6mm, 6.5mm and 8mm in size. She was suffering from severe back pain, hip pain and swelling in her feet, and had difficulty in urinating. She had taken allopathic treatment for the past eight...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाBedwetting 11276...India
The parents of a six-year-old boy, who had been bedwetting practically all his life, contacted the practitioner on 9 November 2015. During the last five years, they had tried allopathic, ayurvedic and homoeopathic treatments but without any success. The little boy was much distressed by the problem, which was probably made worse by the parents who often...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney missing in utero 01339...USA
A 29-year-old married woman was expecting a baby boy in early May 2016. During a routine ultrasound scan in the 20th week of gestation, the doctor found that one of the baby’s kidneys was not present. So he requested additional ultrasound scans to be done every four weeks during the remaining months of pregnancy. The young couple was very upset...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाUrinary tract infection 00462...USA
One night in the year 2001, a neighbour’s son knocked on the practitioner’s door saying that his mother was doubled up in severe pain. The practitioner rushed to their house and found that the 45-year-old lady from Peru had severe lower abdominal pain and burning sensation while passing urine. Due to language problems, he could not ask many...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाBurning urination 02308...Slovenia
On 21 June 2016, a 74-year-old lady sought treatment for acute burning during urination that had persisted for four days. Stress was a possible cause for her condition. Even after completing the 3-day course of antibiotics given by her doctor, burning persisted. Due to her positive healing experience with vibrionics in the past, she was prompted to visit her...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney Stones 03522...Mauritius
A 27-year-old man was suffering from back pain, indigestion and acidity for two years. He had developed these symptoms after his mother’s demise. As a result, he was unable to concentrate on work and often took sick leave. He consulted a physician who prescribed allopathic medicines, but these provided only temporary relief. After an...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney stones, hair loss 03522...Mauritius
A 27-year-old male visited the practitioner on 27 May 2015. For the past 2 years he had been suffering from back pain which became so severe over the last 6 months that his normal life was affected. A scan revealed kidney stones and he was put on the waiting list for lithotripsy (ultrasound procedure for breaking the stones). Apart from pain-killers, he...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाProstate cancer, phobia 02799...UK
A 54-year-old male came to the practitioner on 23 March 2017 with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. He had been experiencing nocturia for the past three months. On 16 February 2017 his PSA (Prostate-specific antigen) count was 37 ng/mL. He also had a history of phobia of darkness since he was 25 years old and he could not even go out at night. His anxiety was...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIncontinence, dry mouth, high BP 10001...India
A 79-year-old woman had been suffering from frequent urination, sometimes with burning sensation, for the past 6 months. Her tongue would suddenly become dry and red and her speech would become unclear once or twice a day.
On 27 April 2018 she was given the following combo:
#1. CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental &...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाAcidity, incontinence, pelvic inflammatory disease 11601...India
An 86-year-old woman had multiple acute and chronic ailments. For the past one year she was suffering from heartburn every day and burping after every meal. She could not eat with ease due to constant burning sensation in the throat and oesophagus. She visited the practitioner on 25 September 2018 as the symptoms of acidity had become severe....(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाBetwetting/Enuresis 11568...भारत
A 13-year-old boy, timid by nature, had episodes of bedwetting every night for the past 10 years. This used to happen within 3 hours of going to bed, around 1am, even though the mother ensured that he would pass urine just before sleeping. She would also take care, especially during colder weather, that he does not drink much water in the evenings...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाFrequent urination 11615...India
A 94-year-old male suffered from frequent urination, 10-12 times a day (in 24 hours) for nearly 9 months, his normal frequency being 5-6 times a day. At times it was uncontrollable and wetted his undergarments. He was taking allopathic medicine Urimax-100, though it did not give him much relief. Additionally he wanted to try vibrionics and so, on 12 August...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाUrinary incontinence 11624...India
An 82-year-old male suffered from urinary incontinence for four years and his physician diagnosed the cause to be prostate enlargement. He was treated with Dynapres that gave partial relief but due to its side effects, he discontinued it after three months. He managed to live with this condition in spite of some aggravation five months ago. His condition...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाDialysis 02640...India
A 45 year-old male patient, telephoned the practitioner in India from Los Angeles, USA, to ask if she would send Vibrionics medicine to help him with his gravely sick kidney and high blood pressure. While waiting for a kidney transplant he was undergoing dialysis three times a week with each session lasting 5 hours. The practitioner couriered him:
CC3.3 High...(continued)
Kidney Infections 01159...Croatia
A 28 year-old woman came to see the practitioner because she was in severe pain and suffering with nephritis - a kidney inflammation caused by bacterial infection and cystitis – frequent urination accompanied by burning. She was given:
#1. NM21 KBS + BR11 Kidney...TDS
#2. SR296 Ignatia...Single dose
In just one day she felt much...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाEnlarged Benign Prostate 02762...USA
A 72-year old man had a history of difficult and painful urination which was diagnosed as an enlarged prostate. The doctors recommended a prostate operation. He asked the healer for Vibrionics treatment to avoid the surgery. He was given:
CC10.1 Emergency + CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC 13.2 Frequent Urination + CC 14.2 Prostate...TDS which was...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाProstate adenoma (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) 03558...France
A 65-year-old man used to wake up frequently at night for urination since August 2018. Slowly, this frequency increased during the day as well. On 23 Sept 2018, he was diagnosed with prostate adenoma (enlarged prostate, restricting the flow of urine). His urologist suggested prostatectomy (surgery for partial/complete removal of the prostate) and also...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney stones 11599...India
A 62-year-old man had a history of kidney stones ever since he was hospitalized for ten months due to a compound fracture in his right ankle caused by a car accident in April 2007. He would get excruciating pain in both flanks once every 18 to 24 months and each episode would last for 4 days. Depending upon whether the stone was present in the kidney, ureter,...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाUrinary Tract Infection (UTI) 02799 ...UK
A 42 year old lady from Sri Lanka for 10 years was often suffering from UTI and had been passing blood in her urine for 3 years. She had been taking allopathic medications. On December 8, 2010, I gave her:
#1. CC13.1 Kidney + CC13.2 + Kidney & Bladder infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS.
After 2...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic Constipation 02802 ...UK
A 9-year-old girl had chronic constipation and recurrent urinary tract infections since the age of 3. She had to take Movicol to relieve the constipation every day, otherwise she could not open her bowels. Her mother wished she could stop using the Movicol.
She was given the following combination on 26/04/13:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic Ear Pains 02802 ...UK
A 30-year-old car mechanic had chronic pains inside both ears for eight months. The ENT Specialist told him he had a blockage in the ears due to fluid build up, which had not responded to antibiotics. He was offered surgery to help relieve the problem; however, he preferred to wait before resorting to this. He also had asthma, and got...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney Stone 02819 ...UK
A 38-year-old man with kidney stones was suffering silently, because he did not like to go for an operation. He had known about his problem for two months. He came to his friend’s house where the practitioner was talking about vibrionics. Immediately he talked about his problem. On Tuesday June 28, 2011, he was given the following combos:...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाDiverticulitis & Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) 01427 ...Singapore
A female patient, 50-years-old, came to the practitioner for treatment of her diverticulitis. She had been on allopathic medication since 2005. In 2007 she had an hysterectomy. Since then she occasionally had pain in the abdominal region and sometimes it lasted for a few hours. She asked for surgery in 2009 but the doctor told her it was too...(continued)
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 11520...India
A 75-year-old lady had a history of frequent urinary tract infections. Each time she had to take antibiotics, even by injection but the problem would come back. This time she had the UTI for one week with pain in the lower abdomen, burning sensations while passing urine and increased frequency of urination. She...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMultiple Problems 11520...India
A 79-year-old man approached the practitioner with multiple problems. He was diabetic and had an enlarged prostate. He had also been suffering from constipation for the past thirty years. Recently he had been suffering from a stiff back, frozen shoulder, deafness, enlarged liver and a frequent urge to urinate. The treatment was started in March 2013 and the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIncontinence 12051...India
A 78-year-old lady was paralysed 18 years ago on her right side. Recently about five months ago she had a fall and had a hairline fracture on her left thigh bone. She took complete rest with a cast for 6 weeks. At that time she was given:
#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.7 Fractures...QDS
She continued...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic Pain 11990...India
A male, aged 53 years, came to the healing centre in January 2013. His symptoms were chronic back pain, and difficulty and severe pain in passing urine. Two years ago he took Ayurvedic treatment for 21 days for kidney stones. At that time he got some relief but later severe...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाUrinary Incontinence 10590...India
A female patient aged 75, was suffering from incontinence of urine during the day as well as at night. She used to drink less water and therefore frequently suffered from urinary tract infection (UTI). She had undergone all the necessary investigations to rule out any obvious cause, but all her reports were normal. She was advised an operation by the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाCat with Blood Poisoning 00523...Belgium
A 10 year old Persian cat suffered from blood poisoning due to kidney failure. Symptoms were inability to eat, nausea, vomiting, excessive drinking, excessive urination, and extreme lethargy.
The veterinary surgeon diagnosed that the kidneys were more than 75% damaged, with less than 50% chance of recovery even after three full blood transfusions....(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाRecurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) 11235...India
A 67-year-old woman had been suffering from recurrent UTI with fever and pain during urination, for more than six months. This would occur every two months and she would take a prescribed course of antibiotics for 5 to 7 days after which her symptoms would go away. When she next developed the usual symptoms on 8 Aug 2014, instead of going to her doctor, she...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney stones 03601...Nepal
A 17-year-old female was taking four different allopathic medicines for anaemia, menstrual problems, and water accumulation in cervix for two years. Although her menstrual problems got normalized after seven months of taking these medicines, she developed other symptoms such as pain in the abdomen when lifting objects, dizziness, vomiting (early mornings...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाRecurrent UTI, constipation 11632...India
A seven-year-old girl was suffering from recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) with fever and burning sensation while passing urine, for the past two years. She took prescribed antibiotics during each episode that lasted 1 to 2 weeks. However, the infection would recur every alternate month. In addition, for the past three years, she had...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाUrinary tract infection (UTI) 03607...UK
A 33-year-old woman had been suffering for seven years, from severe burning sensation during urination. Each time she passed urine, she had to wash the vaginal area thoroughly to relieve the intensity of burning. She also had frequent urination 12-13 times during the day and three times at night. During pregnancy she had urinary tract infection with...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाKidney stones 11220...India
A 19-year-old boy was suffering from painful urination along with severe abdominal and back pain, every 2 to 3 days for the past four years (since 2009). A scan revealed kidney stones. His doctor advised him to increase water intake and take painkillers whenever he had severe pain but these only gave him temporary relief. He underwent a ureteroscopy and the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIncontinence in dog 11615...India
The practitioner’s 14-year-old female dog suddenly developed incontinence on 27 Jan 2023. She was wetting her bed or the floor 2 to 3 times at night and sometimes during the day. Her vet ordered a urine test but the reports were found to be normal. Diaper pads were tried but the dog would shake them off and continue to wet the bed or the floor randomly....(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाBedwetting 11594...India
An 8-year-old boy was bedwetting since early childhood, usually once every night. Since the father felt that the boy would grow out of it, he did not try for any treatment. But the problem became worse as the boy now wet the bed twice every night. So the father consulted the practitioner who gave on 14 Mar 2019:
#1. CC12.2 Child...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाFungal infection 11612...India
For the past 6 months since March 2022, a 68-year-old woman was distressed by persistent itching in her vagina and urinary urgency. The doctor diagnosed this as a fungal infection and the prescribed medicines would relieve her symptoms within a week but only to come back after some days. As the itching would sometimes be severe, she was taking prescribed...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचा