विशिष्ठ रोगाशी संबंधित केसेस
स्त्रियांची जननेंद्रिये
Mouth Ulcers, Vaginal Discharge & Fibroadenoma 11964...India
On April 16, 2014, a 24-year-old woman presented with multiple health problems. She looked weak and pale. She had been experiencing acute pain in abdomen and continuous vomiting. Her doctors suspected intestinal obstruction and likely Koch’s Abdomen (abdominal tuberculosis), and had ordered a laparoscopy in 8 days’ time. She had been...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfertility cases 10717...India
I have treated several cases of infertility. My first patient came to me on September 9, 2009. She was a housewife who had been married for 10 years. Her husband was a driver. The couple were unable to have a child. For the past five years, they had sought treatment from different gynaecologists but she never conceived. They were desperate as their hopes...(continued)
Uterine Cancer 02703...Japan
A 67-year-old lady was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus and the doctor advised an operation. She approached a Vibrionics practitioner for help and she was given:
CC2.1 Cancers - all + SR350 Hydrastis + SR391 Kreosotum + SR537 Uterus…QDS
Two months later, she had a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) even though the cancer was found to be less in the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPostnatal Infection with Breast Pain 02802...UK
A 28-year-old mother had a C-section (caesarean section) delivery 2 weeks previously. A week after the birth, she suffered a viral infection; the symptoms were excessive sweating and body ache with a tired and drained feeling. She was also finding it painful to breastfeed her baby. Her doctor had given her a course of antibiotics but there was no...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाDifficulty in Conceiving Children 10437...India
A 29-year-old female patient, having been married for 10 years, was not able to have a child. She had once become pregnant but had lost the foetus early during the pregnancy. Medical tests had showed nothing abnormal in her and in her husband but she was obese. Earlier, she had been operated on for removal of fibroids and possibly suffered from hypothyroid....(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenses Irregular 02799...UK
An English female medical doctor age 33 came to see the practitioner because her menses were irregular since puberty. Her period was always late generally between 35 and 45 days instead of the usual 28 days. It was also very scanty. She had taken allopathic medicine without success. She was given:
CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC15.1 Mental...(continued)
Infertility 11476...India
A woman aged 33 had not been able to conceive a child for 8 years even though she had tried various artificial allopathic methods. When she came to the practitioner in October 2011, she was tense and agitated. She had been taking allopathic medicines for diabetes for 6 years and hypothyroidism for 3 years. She was given the following:
#1. CC6.2 Hypothyroid +...(continued)
Infertility 02799...UK
A lady of 36 years had been married 11 years and had been unable to conceive due to a problem with immune system and with chromosomes. She had been given three IVF treatments but they had failed. It was suggested she should adopt a child but she had set her heart on having her own. The practitioner gave her:
NM7 CB7 + OM24 Female Genital + BR7 Stress + BR16...(continued)
Ongoing Bleeding after Delivery 12011...India
Ever since she gave birth 14 years ago, this patient was suffering from very heavy menses every month and intermittent bleeding throughout the rest of the month. She had taken costly allopathic medicines but there was no improvement. During her menses, she was so anaemic that she had to be given blood transfusions. During this time she also contracted TB...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenopausal Problems 02322...USA
A female patient aged 55 years came to the practitioner with typical menopausal symptoms of hot flushes, emotional mood swings of anger, depression, sadness and restlessness. She had little enthusiasm for her daily chores and generally lacking in any positive outlook. She was given:
SR513 Oestrogen…BD in vibhuti, one dose on waking and the other...(continued)
Irregular Periods 11386...India
A female patient of 24 years came to see the practitioner because she had been suffering from irregular periods and sometimes missed her period for three months. Her doctor had diagnosed that she had ovarian cysts and gave her steroids. As a result she gained weight and hair started to appear on her face. This excessive facial hair and her increase in weight...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाBlisters in the Cervix 11389...India
A 13 year old girl had suffered for a week from small white pus-filled blisters in the cervix. They were very itchy and painful. On 3 August 2013 she was given:
CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix...6TD for 3 days and TDS for 2 days
Within 4 days the old blisters disappeared but at the same time a few new ones appeared. The remedy was changed to the following:
Difficult Pregnancy 11476...India
A 33-year old woman came to see the practitioner in October 2012 because she had been trying to have a child for 7 to 8 years without success despite allopathic fertility treatment. She was also taking allopathic drugs for hypothyroidism (Thyronam 25 mg OD, since 2008) and for diabetes (Centapin XR tablet OD, since 2005).
She was given:
#1. CC6.2...(continued)
Repeated Miscarriages 02763...India
This practitioner had a patient who had suffered four miscarriages. She was given CC8.1 Female Tonic + CC8.2 Pregnancy from the start of her next conception. She took the combo throughout her pregnancy and successfully delivered a healthy baby.
पूर्ण केस वाचाPCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) 10728...India
A 42-year-old woman was suffering from heavy bleeding and severe pain during menses, irregular periods and multiple cysts on both ovaries. She was started on the following Vibrionics combo:
CC8.7 Menses Painful + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS
A month later, her menses were normal and painless. However, the ultrasound report showed an enlarged right...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfected Pimple on Breast 01339...USA
A 69-year-old woman had, what she called, a blackhead pimple located near her upper left breast for three years. She did not seek medical care. Periodically, she would squeeze it and pus would ooze out. One day she noticed the area had become inflamed, painful and tender to touch. During sleep, she needed to use a pillow under her breast for comfort. She...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाUterine Cancer 11993...India
A woman aged 45 had been suffering from uterine cancer for 4 years. She had been undergoing allopathic treatment including a course of chemotherapy but had discontinued it because it was not bringing any relief. In fact she had become bedridden due to the side affects. The treatment started on 15 October 2012 when she was given the following:
CC2.1 Cancers +...(continued)
Pre-eclampsia in Pregnancy 02802...UK
A 30-year-old mother of an 18-month-old child who was 16 weeks pregnant, had developed severe pre-eclampsia in pregnancy. This is a very serious life-threatening condition causing hypertension in pregnancy. She was monitored by her doctor and spent a night in hospital. Her blood pressure had raisen to 173/98 and her doctor...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाArthritis, Irregular menses & PCOD 02817...India
A woman, aged 43, complained of back and joint pain. She had suffered from arthritis for 2 years. Her menses were also irregular. She had been diagnosed with PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) and used to get severe abdominal pain. Because of her illness, her life had changed for the worse. She was not able to even comb her hair. She was...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाDepression in menopause 02859...India
In January 2015, a 49-year-old woman told the practitioner that she was always unhappy and losing a sense of purpose in life. An otherwise cheerful person, she said that she had no desire to interact with people anymore. The frequency of her periods was also erratic. She was given:
CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC8.6 Menopause…TDS
In a...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIndigestion, Chlamydia, Menopause and Mouth Blisters 11572...India
On 29 April 2015 a woman (aged 49) sought treatment for a host of health issues from which she had been suffering for the past three years. These included indigestion, flatulence, food allergies and also Chlamydia and post-menopausal discomfort, including extreme vaginal dryness, hot flushes and depression with mood swings.
She would also develop blisters in...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic throat, Ankle pain and Hot flushes 11964...India
A 54-year-old woman came in complaining of throat infection, ankle pain and hot flushes. She had been suffering from cough, throat pain, itching in her throat and hoarseness for the past twenty years. The symptoms worsened after eating when she would feel a lump in her throat. She was also extremely allergic to anything sour. Whenever the throat...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic Lower Backache, Depression, Frequent Menses and Sneezing Allergy 03529...UAE
A 38-year-old female sought treatment for a variety of symptoms. She had been suffering from allergic sneezing since childhood when she lost one of her parents in an accident. For the past 4 years, she had been experiencing low back and leg pain so she was unable to sit straight for long in a cross-legged position on the floor. She became depressed...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPoor Circulation, Back Pain, Leucorrhoea and Urticaria 02799...UK
A 76-year-old lady suffering from very cold feet, back pain and leucorrhoea was seen on 23 July 2014. She had always suffered from cold extremities due to poor circulation since childhood. The back pain was due to spondylitis. It was of 20 years’ duration and was being treated with pain killers with poor relief. Apart from this, patient was...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाEpilepsy, Irregular Menses, Constipation 11310...India
A 13-year-old girl was seen for treatment of epilepsy on 16 September 2013. The seizures started when she was 8, six months after she fell from a 10-foot high roof. She began to have episodes every month. By the time she came for treatment, she was having seizures every 15 to 20 days, and she was suffering from headache and an urge to vomit. She was also very...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic Sneezing & Runny Nose, Irregular Menses 11177...India
A 41-year-old woman sought treatment for chronic runny nose and sneezing on the 25 September 2010. The problem had persisted over 20 years. She suffered from bouts of continuous sneezing, sometimes sneezing incessantly for over 300 times, especially after washing her hair. She would then be so exhausted that she would need to sleep for 4 to 6...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPainful and Irregular Menses, Conjunctivitis 11177...India
On 30 September 2010, a young woman aged 21 sought treatment for painful and irregular menses. For the past 1½ years, her periods were 5 to 10 days late. She had also contracted conjunctivitis 3 days earlier. She was not taking any medication for either problem. She was given:
For menses:
#1. CC8.8 Menses...(continued)
Insomnia, Tachycardia, Bulimia, Panic attacks, and Painful menses 02658...Italy
In November 2014, a woman aged 48 sought treatment for problems related to work stress. She complained of problems sleeping for the past 10 months and occasional tachycardia (abnormally rapid heartbeat). She was not taking any medication. She was given:
For insomnia:
#1. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…one dose to be taken ½ hour before...(continued)
Benign calcification of breast 11573...India
A 55-year-old close relative of the practitioner was worried after a recent mammogram showed that she had Category 2 benign calcification in her left breast. She had undergone surgery for cancer in her right breast nine years earlier and was having regular check ups since then. She came to see the practitioner on 3 May 2015 when she...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाLeucorrhoea and Prolonged Menses 11278...India
A 47-year-old woman sought treatment for leucorrhoea (white discharge) and excessive bleeding during menses. The problems had been going on for one year. The patient’s gynaecologist had diagnosed anterior wall fibroids and performed a D&C procedure in October 2012, but there had been no improvement in the symptoms. The patient also had...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाClinical Depression 03503...UAE
When a 60-year-old woman from Mumbai, visiting her daughter in Dubai, came to the practitioner on 21 January 2015, she was crying uncontrollably. Her family explained that for the last 21 years, she had been suffering from clinical depression. She was taking anti-depressants, which helped, but the depression had become worse over the last...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPainful Ovulation, PMS, and Painful Menses 03520...USA
On 21 March 2015, a 28-year-old woman sought treatment for painful ovulation (Mittelschmerz symptoms, mid-cycle syndrome), PMS and painful menses. The combination of these three had caused her great suffering.
She had been having mid-cycle ovulation pain for the past six to seven years. Her symptoms included bloating, nausea, stomach cramps and pelvic...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाLeucorrhoea 10399...India
In March 2009, a 50-year-old woman from a village was seen at a rural medical camp. For more than two years, she had been suffering from a white vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) along with pain in the waist area and general weakness. She felt more comfortable talking about her problem to the practitioner rather than to her doctor. She was given:
CC8.5 Vagina...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाOvarian Cyst 10940...India
A girl of 16 was given Vibrionics treatment after she was diagnosed by her gynaecologist with a complex left ovarian cyst in early August 2015. She had been experiencing pain in her lower abdomen for three months and irregular menses. For the past month, she had also been having diarrhoea with loose motions 6 or 7 times a day. She told the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfertility 11176...India
A childless couple who had been married for seven years were seen on 28 November 2013. The wife was 26 and the husband 32. They were desperate to have a child and had tried every possible treatment for infertility including allopathy, Ayurveda and homoeopathy without success. The practitioner prepared:
For the wife:
#1. CC8.1 Female tonic…TDS
पूर्ण केस वाचाOverweight, Irregular Menses, Infertility 02806...Malaysia
A 28-year-old lady contacted the practitioner on 20 February 2014 for treatment of her obesity. Her height is 168cm/5ft 5in, weight was 88kg/194lb and Body Mass Index (BMI) 31.6. She had also been having irregular periods over the past one year. She had no other health problem and was not on any medication. Since excessive body weight can cause menstrual...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenorrhagia, uterine fibroids 10728...India
A 48-year-old lady who was suffering from severe menorrhagia for the past six months contacted the practitioner in June 2013. She had heavy non-stop bleeding with clots throughout the month of June. She also experienced some pain. Investigations revealed that she had fibroids in her uterus, and she was advised by her doctor to...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfertility 10728...India
A childless couple who had been married for eight years contacted the practitioner for treatment of infertility on 14 March 2014. The woman was 34 years old and had no health problems. She had conceived soon after getting married but sadly had a miscarriage, after which she failed to conceive. She was very stressed as her husband`s family felt...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInsufficient Breast Milk 03526...USA
A 24-year-old lady, an acquaintance of the practitioner, had heard about Vibrionics and came to seek help for dwindling breast milk for her three-month-old baby girl, her first child. Her breast milk production was reducing fast and her doctor had merely suggested giving the baby bottled milk. However, she wanted to continue to breast-feed. She also...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाWhite Spots 10940...India
A 35-year-old businessman sought a Vibrionics cure for small white spots of 6-8 months’ duration on his neck and thigh. Treatment commenced on 10 July 2013 with:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses
#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS
After 3 months (9th October), the patient showed 30%...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाFacial discolouration, hirsutism 11958...India
A 70-year-old lady suffering from black discolouration of facial skin and hirsutism which she noticed three weeks ago, came to the practitioner for treatment on 29 February 2016. She had discolouration on both cheeks, and hair growth on both sides of the chin. Her work entailed exposure to the sun that potentially caused this condition. She had been...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाHigh BP, Varicose ulcers 11276...India
A 55-year-old lady had been suffering from high blood pressure for over seven years and varicose ulcers in both legs for fifteen years. On 14 November 2015 when she visited the practitioner, the ulcers emitted an odour and were oozing out blood and a whitish fluid. She was in pain. Her legs were swollen, right leg more than the left, and she was...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाHypothyroidism and irregular periods 11570...India
A 35-year-old lady was suffering from hypothyroidism for two and a half years. She had been taking thyroxine 50 mcg but this treatment was not helping her. She felt tired, frustrated and unable to cope. For the past one year, her periods were irregular, occurring 7-10 days later than the due date. She had tried allopathic medication to regularize her periods...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाChronic Leucorrhoea 11578...India
A 40-year-old woman was suffering from excessive vaginal discharge every day for the past twenty years. She never took any treatment for it, nor was she aware of any cause of the problem. However, the condition was quite distressing for her.
On 11 April 2016, she was treated with the following combo:
CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.5 Vagina &...(continued)
Severe asthma 11581...India
A 32-year-old lady with severe asthma attack and breathlessness was taken to the hospital on 16 September 2016. Patient had a history of childhood asthma and eosinophilia (high count of certain type of disease-fighting white blood cells) for which she had used inhalers. However, during the past 10-15 years, she had been completely free of...(continued)
Oral herpes and acute vomiting 02802...UK
A 45-year-old female who had been feverish for two days and had developed a large herpetic sore on the left upper lip, contacted the practitioner on 16 June 2017. Her whole mouth was sore and the tongue had a white coating. She also had acute vomiting for one day. She had undergone surgical removal of a breast cyst a...(continued)
Ovarian cysts, painful menstruation 11568...India
A 30-year-old woman, experiencing painful menstruation for the past one year, contacted the practitioner on 3 March 2017. Her symptoms included heavy bleeding, prolonged (lasting for about 15 days) and painful menstruation, burning sensation, swelling and weakness in both legs. She had previously taken allopathic medications for six months but these had...(continued)
Bubbles in uterus, infertility 11585...India
A 31-year-old female with a 6-year-old daughter was trying to conceive again for the past two years. For over six months, she took allopathic medicines which caused several side effects such as stomach pain, tiredness and vomiting. Moreover, she did not conceive. So two months ago the doctor had ordered an ultrasound scan which revealed bubbles/watery...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIrregular menses 11589...India
A 32-year-old female consulted the practitioner for the treatment of irregular menses which she had ever since puberty. These were characterised by heavy bleeding extending to 9-10 days, bad odour and menstrual cramps. Moreover, she experienced delayed menstrual cycle extending to 40-45 days as against the usual 28 days. She used allopathic, ayurvedic and...(continued)
Back pain, irregular menses 11595...India
On 28 Feb 2018, a 35-year-old female had been suffering from back pain for the past 6 months. The pain radiated from front to back and to the left knee along with tingling sensation that increased by evening. The patient felt that the pain was caused due to driving long distance on two wheeler on a daily basis. She had a history of irregular...(continued)
Menstrual pain 11542...India
A 16-year-old female had been suffering from menstrual pain for the past two years. The pain was so severe that the patient could not attend her classes for all three days of her menstrual cycle. She had been taking allopathic treatment for the past two years but there was no relief. She approached the practitioner on the first day of her menstrual cycle with...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPolyps in uterus 11585...भारत
A 37-year-old woman had bleeding during urination for the past 3 months. Medical tests revealed a 7cm long cervical polyp in her uterus. She was told that recurrence cannot be ruled out even after it is removed by surgery. After trying allopathic and homoeopathic treatments for 3 months without any success, her husband consulted the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाOvarian cycts 03524...यूएसए
A 23-year-old female was suffering from heavy bleeding and painful periods for close to 10 years. In June 2015, she was diagnosed with a 2mm cyst in her left ovary. She took allopathic medication for two months and stopped as there was no improvement. In December, she was diagnosed with a cyst of the same size in her other ovary.
On 16 February 2016, on the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMigraine, menorrhagia 11602...भारत
On 26 July 2018, a 32-year-old female came with multiple complaints. She suffered from headache, accompanied with nausea, once or twice a month for the last five years. It was left-sided throbbing headache which increased with stress and exposure to light. She had excessive menstrual bleeding, sometimes with pain, for the last 3 years, though her cycles were...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाLeucorrhoea 10596...भारत
A 38-year-old female had been suffering from white discharge with offensive smell for the past six years. This made her too weak to carry on with her daily chores and she became very depressed. She did not try any other treatments as she could not afford them. On 17 November 2017, she was given:
CC3.7 Circulation + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.5...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाBleeding after abortion 11601...India
In October 2018, a 34-year-old woman underwent an operation to terminate her pregnancy during the seventh month due to her health condition caused by bilateral minimal pleural effusion (fluid in the pleural space around lungs). Thereafter, she had frequent vaginal bleeding and vomiting which could not be set right despite hospital treatment for 3...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPrimary infertility 03572...Gabon
A 33-year-old woman could not conceive even after six years of marriage, despite several medical examinations and allopathic treatment for over 3 years. The attending doctors could not diagnose the cause as the medical reports did not show any abnormality. On 1 October 2018, she visited the practitioner in a desperate state as she was the only childless...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenorrhagia 12051...India
A 13-year-old girl, with the onset of puberty on 19 April 2018, had heavy menstrual bleeding for a week. As she had two more such difficult periods within the next five weeks, the practitioner, who is her mother, gave the following remedy on 23 May 2018:
#1. CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional Tonic...QDS
There was not much change as she...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचामासिक पाळीचे विकार 03560...USA
गेलया वरषांपासून अनेक आरोगयाचया समसयांमुळे तरसत असलेलया 48-वरषीय महिलेने नोवहेंबर ला परॅकटिशनरकडे संपरक साधला. तिची पाळी नियमित असली तरी, मासिक पाळीचया दुसऱया दिवसाचया वेळेत अती परवाहाने आणि वेदनेमुळे तिला खूपच कमकुवत व निषकरिय केले होते. काही दिवसासाठी. शकय तितकयापरयंत सामानय सथितीकडे परत येणयास तिला एक किंवा दोन आठवडयांचा कालावधी लागला तरीही तिने...(continued)पूर्ण केस वाचा
Infertility - erectile dysfunction, ovarian cyst 10980...India
A young couple had been trying to have a baby for 3 years since their marriage in 2011. On 10 March 2014 the 26-year-old husband came to the practitioner with his medical report which showed he suffered from erectile dysfunction. He had taken ayurvedic and later homeopathic treatment, at a huge expense, for 2 years but without any success. He was given...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenstrual pain, anaemia, acidity 11585...India
A 38-year-old female from a remote village suffered from severe pain during every menstrual cycle for the past 25 years, though the bleeding was normal. On her physician’s advice, she took painkillers only when the pain became unbearable. Two years ago she developed burning sensation in her stomach and took antacids to cope with it. In March 2017...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचास्नायू वेदना, श्वसन एलर्जी 03560...USA
दिवसातून काही वेळा शिंका येणे, पाणचट डोळे आणि दिवसातून काही वेळा धाप लागलयामुळे 46 वरषाची महिला गेलया चार वरषांपासून तरसत होती कारण तिला धूळ आणि परागकणा ची एलरजी होती. जेवहा जेवहा तिला एलरजीचा सामना करावा लागला तेवहा ती तवरित आराम होणयासाठी ऍलोपॅथिक औषध घेत असे. नऊ महिनयांपूरवी जेवहा तिला गाडीचया मागून धडक बसली, परिणामी लचक भरली (डोकयाचया जोरदार...(continued)पूर्ण केस वाचा
Infertility 11975...India
On 17 May 2018, a 32-year-old female and her 35-year-old husband visited the practitioner in a distressed state as they could not have a child in the past 8 years of their marriage. At the age of 20, the wife started having irregular menstrual cycles, only once in 2-3 months which gradually decreased to once a year. Four years ago, they decided to...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाCovid-19 during pregnancy 03572...Gabon
When a 33-year-old, 4-months pregnant female came to the practitioner, she looked pale and completely exhausted. She exhibited symptoms for COVID-19 - shortness of breath and tiredness. She couldn’t walk 10 meters without losing her breath. On the previous day, her mother was tested positive and hospitalized. So she was worried as she lives with...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfertility 02444...India
A couple, a 35-year-old male and his 32-year-old wife, had remained childless during fourteen years of marriage, despite 2 to 3 years each of ayurvedic, homoeopathic and allopathic treatment and also counselling. They ran a small beach shop in Goa where they met the practitioner who was on a holiday there.
On 14 September 2017...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाRepeated Miscarriages 02763...India
This healer had a patient who had suffered four miscarriages. She was given:
CC8.1 Female Tonic + CC8.2 Pregnancy
from the start of her next conception.
She took the combo throughout her pregnancy and successfully delivered a healthy baby.
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) 00728A...India
A 42 year-old woman was suffering from heavy bleeding and severe pain during menses, irregular periods, and multiple cysts on both ovaries. She was started on the following Vibrionics combo:
CC8.7 Menses Painful + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS
A month later, her menses were normal and painless. However, the ultra-sound report showed an enlarged right ovary...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPostnatal Infection with Breast Pain 02802...UK
A 28 year old mother had a caesarean section delivery 2 weeks previously. A week after the birth, she suffered a viral infection; the symptoms were excessive sweating, body ache with a tired and drained feeling. She was also finding it painful to breast feed her baby. Her doctor had given her a course of antibiotics but there was no improvement when she came...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाDifficulty in Conceiving Children 00437...India
A 29 year old female patient, having been married for 10 years, was not able to have a child. She had once become pregnant but had lost the fetus early during the pregnancy. Medical tests had showed nothing abnormal in her and in her husband but she was obese. Earlier, she had been operated on for removal of fibroids and possibly suffered from hypothyroid....(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfertility 02799...UK
A lady of 36 years had been married 11 years and had been unable to conceive due to a problem with immune system and with chromosomes. She had been given three IVF treatments but they had failed.
It was suggested she should adopt a child but she had set her heart on having her own. The practitioner gav
NM7 CB7 + OM24 Female Genital + BR7 Stress + BR16 Female...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfected Pimple on Breast 01339...USA
A 69 year-old woman had, what she called, a blackhead pimple located near her upper left breast for three years. She did not seek medical care. Periodically, she would squeeze it and pus would ooze out. One day she noticed the area had become inflamed, painful and tender to touch. During sleep, she needed to use a pillow under her breast for comfort. She...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenses Irregular 02799...UK
An English female medical doctor age 33 came to see the practitioner because her menses were irregular since puberty. Her period was always late generally between 35 and 45 days instead of the usual 28 days. It was also very scanty. She had taken allopathic medicine without success. She was given:
CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC15.1 Mental...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfertility 01476...India
A woman aged 33 had not been able to conceive a child for 8 years even though she had tried various artificial allopathic methods. When she came to the practitioner in October 2011, she was tense and agitated. She had been taking allopathic medicines for diabetes for 6 ...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाDifficulty in Conceiving Children 00437...India
A 29 year old female patient, having been married for 10 years, was not able to have a child. She had once become pregnant but had lost the fetus early during the pregnancy. Medical tests had showed nothing abnormal in her and in her husband but she was obese. Earlier, she had been operated on for removal of fibroids and possibly suffered from hypothyroid....(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाOngoing Bleeding after Delivery 10211...India
Ever since she gave birth 14 years ago, this patient was suffering from very heavy menses every month and intermittent bleeding throughout the rest of the month. She had taken costly allopathic medicines but there was no improvement. During her menses, she was so anemic that she had to be given blood transfusions. During this time she also contacted TB which...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPainful menses 11621...India
A 32-year-old woman had been suffering from painful menses since 2013 but she could manage without taking any medicine. She was married into an orthodox family, which followed practices where, during menstruation she could not participate in certain religious functions. So she started taking steroid medicines in 2013 to postpone her monthly cycle on...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाAnaemia, menstrual cramps 03560...India
A 17-year-old girl had been suffering from cramps, breast tenderness, and lower back pain during menstruation for the past one year and took painkillers for relief. She became breathless and tired easily, especially during periods. For the past three months, she was having blocked nose and sneezing due to pollen allergy. Each episode would last for a day or...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाEndometriosis, leg pain, ovarian cyst 03518...Canada
Since Sept 2016, after ceasing to breastfeed her son, this 41-year-old woman suffered from severe cramps (pain rating 9-10) and excessive bleeding during menses. She also had continuous daily pelvic pain (rating 5-9) that was radiating down the left leg to her ankle. In mid-2017, she was diagnosed with endometriosis and osteoporosis of the left hip. She was...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाScanty & irregular menses due to PCOD 02726...USA
A 38-year-old woman had been suffering for 20 years from scanty and irregular periods, also thinning of hair on the scalp and obesity; the doctor had diagnosed her condition as Polycystic Ovarian Disease, PCOD. With two years of hormonal treatment by endocrinologists, she started having periods 5-6 times a year but not regularly. She then went on to other...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPolycystic ovarian disease PCOD 02858...Syria
A 44-year-old woman was suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular menses and growth of hair on chin and face for three months. She was diagnosed with PCOD with multiple cysts on both ovaries. She was advised hormonal treatment by her gynaecologist. Concerned about their side effects, she did not want to take allopathic medicines nor did she want to...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाVaginitis 11629...India
A 40-year-old woman had been suffering from inflammation, itching, and blisters in the vagina (diagnosed as vaginitis) for 10 years. She also had inflammation, dry scaly patches, and tiny bumps on her ankles, arms, and lower torso for six years. She took allopathy for seven years and homoeopathy for two years, without any benefit; these provided temporary...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfertility 03572...Gabon
A 38-year-old woman was suffering from painful menses and was diagnosed with a 5 cm cyst in her right ovary in Oct 2015; the hormonal results were normal. Her gynaecologist prescribed for the cyst, lutenyl for 10 days but it did not help. She had an 8-year-old daughter and had been trying for a second child since Feb 2017. As she had not conceived by June...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPainful, frequent menses 11624...India
A 34-year-old housewife had been suffering from painful and frequent menses since her first delivery in June 2012. Her monthly cycle reduced to 15-18 days and bleeding would last 4 to 5 days. After the birth of her second child in Nov 2017, she also started getting severe back and leg pain which would start 4 to 5 days before menstruation and continue...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenstrual Pain 02870 ...USA
A 49-year-old female had a very long history of painful cramps, chronic anaemia, fatigue, and irregular, heavy bleeding during her menstrual period since puberty at the age of 12. She was averse to taking any pain medication and only took painkillers when the pain became unbearable. In 2005, her CT scan and pelvic ultrasound showed she had uterine fibroids...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाGoitre 02802 ...UK
A 42 year old lady from UK, who had developed a large smooth goitre around her neck for over 3 months, was awaiting an operation, which she did not want. She was seen on 09/07/10 and was given just one bottle containing:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC6.1 Hyperthyroid + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाWater Retention and Hormonal Imbalance 02802 ...UK
A 42-year-old teacher and mother developed swelling in both hands and could not wear her rings for three months. She felt it was due to hormonal changes as her periods were heavy and she had hot flushes and felt constipated and tired. Also she noticed a lot of hair loss. She was treated on 26/04/13 using the combination:
CC3.1 Heart tonic +...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInfertility 02820 ...UK
A couple, husband aged 29 years and wife aged 26 years, came to see the practitioner in May 2013. They have been married for the past 6 years and have been trying for a child since April 2012. Their family doctor said that there was a problem on both sides that prevented conception. The husband had a low sperm count and his wife had two cysts...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIrregular menses and Fibroids 02808...Romania
Female patient, 36 years of age, having irregular menstrual cycle (every three months) and fibroids in the uterus, comes for treatment September 2012.
Her maternal grandmother has hypertensive heart disease and type-2 diabetes. When her mother was pregnant with her, the grandmother had breast cancer, a fact that really shook the mother. When she was...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाInflammations of Udders 03040...Poland
In August 2013 we were spending our holidays at our friends’ place in Warmia, Poland. We had been supporting them with vibrionics since November 2012. At that time their six year old cow Białka (see pic) was expecting her fourth calf. It was one week before the due date when we noticed the beginning of...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाVaginal Discharge and Chronic cough 02806 ...Malaysia
On June 27th, a 91-year-old Chinese female complained of pain in the legs and knees. She was also having a long-standing chronic cough and was given the following combo:
#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue
Follow up on 4th July revealed that her cough had disappeared...(continued)
Endometriosis & Ovarian Cysts 02584...Italy
A female patient aged 43 years had suffered with endometriosis and ovarian cysts, with a continuous vaginal discharge of blood for one year. She had been told that surgery was required but refused as she has five children. Several cures had been tried including a course of penicillin but without success.
On October 2007 she was given:
NM23 ...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाCondyloma 02901...Italy
A young 20-year-old woman had suffered severe inflammation and itching of the genitals. She was treated by a homoeopath and an allopathic doctor for vaginitis without any benefit. On 22nd August 2011, she was given the following:
#1. CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS
Immediately there was a pullout that...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाFrustration in Pregnancy 02696...India
A young woman of 26 years became pregnant and complained that for past two months she was feeling so much anger, body pains, and frustration that she was unable to adjust to her new environment. I gave her:
SR327 Walnut…TDS
Subtly but steadily she improved and when I next saw her and asked, “How are you?” “Fine,” was...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाExcessive Menses Bleeding and Weakness 11414...India
This practitioner was approached by a 31-year-old female who complained of excessive menses bleeding and weakness. She had been suffering for the past nine years and had tried allopathic as well as ayurvedic medicines but with no relief. She was given:
#1. CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC12.1 Adult tonic…QDS
In two months, the excessive bleeding...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाAddiction, Pregnancy with Fibroids 11176...India
A 38-year-old lady addicted to tobacco chewing consulted the practitioner. In January 2012 she was given: #1. CC15.3 Addictions…TDS
Within a month she gave up chewing tobacco. She is a resident of a village in South India where the villagers were exposed and harmed by Endosulfan insecticide, including their unborn children. As a result, two deaf and...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenses, infrequent (PCOD) 03582...South Africa
A 45-year-old woman had infrequent menstruation occurring only once or twice a year with heavy bleeding on the first day. This was diagnosed as PCOD 15 years ago. She had low energy level which had a negative impact on her productivity at work. All these years, she had been taking allopathic treatment and towards the last eight months, also ayurvedic...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाFibroid and Cyst in Uterus 11993...India
A 49-year-old lady from Kasaragod came for help as for the past two years she had profuse bleeding and pain during menstruation. Doctors had diagnosed fibroids and cyst in the uterus and she was advised to undergo hysterectomy. She did not go for surgery and the problem persisted. So she visited the vibro practitioner who...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाHashimoto's Thyroiditis, Uterine Cysts, Coeliac Disease, Slipped Disc 00915...Greece
A 45-year-old woman suffering from Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and excessive stress approached the practitioner. She had multiple problems, namely cysts in her uterus, celiac disease-like symptoms and slipped disc. She was very overweight and had a lot of pain in her foot. So the practitioner talked with her a lot in order to help her to decide to lose...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाSuccessful Pregnancy 02295...Greece
Patient’s testimonial:
“In March of 2010 when I was 32 years old, my menstrual cycle stopped. At first I thought I was pregnant, having been married for eight years, but the tests showed otherwise. My gynaecologist ordered tests, which revealed a slight irregularity in the hormone levels. Also, the URS showed several cysts on one ovary. I...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIrregular menses 11616...India
A 21-year-old young woman had irregular menses since her menarche nine years ago. She got her periods only once in three months, each menstrual cycle lasting for six days with excessive bleeding on most days. She was not undergoing any treatment. Due to personal circumstances, she was currently under a lot of stress. Her last period was in Jan 2021 and...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenstrual pain 03591...Indonesia
A 27-year-old female had been suffering from painful periods since the age of 13. The painful cramps would begin two days before the start of and would last to the end of menses. There would be heavy bleeding for seven days and she would get exhausted. The pain was so bad on the first day that she had to take prescribed painkillers and also a day off...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPainful pimples 11632...India
A 28-year-old female started suffering from painful pimples on her face five years ago. The size of the pimples as well as the pain would start increasing a week before the start of her menstrual cycle and would decrease gradually during seven days after menstruation but would not go away completely. She could not afford any medical treatment, so applied...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIrregular periods and stress 11633...India
A 16-year-old girl was experiencing irregular periods since her menarche three years ago. She got her periods once every 2 to 3 months, with normal bleeding and no pain. Also, for the past six months, she had been very tense and tired. A day before her exams, she started having nausea and did not sleep well. This continued until the end of...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाFrequent, painful menses 11635...India
A 20-year-old woman suffered from frequent menses with heavy bleeding, abdominal pain, and fatigue since her menarche four years ago. Her periods occurred every 15 days and lasted 8 to 10 days each time. The USG scan and thyroid tests advised by her gynaecologist were normal. In Nov 2017, the doctor diagnosed the cause to be hormonal imbalance and...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाFibroids 11627...India
A 39-year-old woman had been experiencing abdominal pain for 16 years since 2004, for 12 to 14 days post-menses every month. Her menses would last 3 to 4 days with normal bleeding and no pain. She did not consult a doctor as the pain was mild. Five years ago in 2015, when the pain got worse, she consulted a gynaecologist and had a scan which revealed an...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPainful and prolonged menses 10760...India
A 50-year-old female was suffering from painful and prolonged (lasting > 5 days) periods for four years since 2018. She managed the pain with Primolut-N (hormonal-based) tablets, as prescribed by her doctor. In spite of this, the pain recurred during every cycle. In 2019, the doctor diagnosed it as adenomyosis and started her on hormonal therapy to...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPCOD & Migraine 11595...India
A 23-year girl had her menarche in 2015 at the age of 18 and had regular monthly cycles of 40 days with normal flow until 2017, thereafter her menses started occurring once in six months or more with only spotting. Having a family history of late puberty and irregular periods she presumed this to be normal and did not seek any treatment initially. Then on 18...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाFibroadenosis 18004...भारत
A 37-year-old female had a painful red lump in her left breast in Aug 2019; so she consulted a doctor and a USG scan revealed mild fibroadenosis. She was prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatories which she took for two years without improvement and stopped them in Aug 2021. Over the next few months, she noticed that the size of the lump as well as the...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाDouble vision after fall 03604...यूएसए
On 20 Sept 2021, when a 70-year-old man hit his face against some furniture, his right eye became bloody, swollen, tender and darkly bruised and he had diplopia (double vision). An ophthalmologist opined that it would heal naturally, so gave no medication. The injury healed within a week but diplopia continued; this was extremely fatiguing to the brain and...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenorrhagia 02726...यूएसए
A 45-year-old cook had been experiencing for over six months, painful and heavy menstrual bleeding lasting 10 to 12 days (menorrhagia). In the first week of Oct 2022, the doctor gave her some medicines which did not help. The doctor found her scan reports to be normal and recommended a hysterectomy. As she was not keen on surgery, her caring employer brought...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाLeucorrhoea 11633...भारत
A 36-year-old seamstress* was having foul-smelling whitish vaginal discharge every day for the past four months, since Sept 2022. She also had itching in the vaginal area; this made her uncomfortable at her workplace. In Nov, her doctor, suspecting an ulcer in the uterus, recommended a pelvic scan. Fearful of the scan, she opted for only the prescribed...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाMenstrual disorder 03614...यूएसए
A 44-year-old woman always had a regular 23-25 days menstrual cycle with normal bleeding lasting for four days. From Nov 22, there was with each successive period, a consistent decline in flow and duration of menstruation, accompanied by lower abdominal pain, bloating, and weakness throughout each period. By Jan 2023, her menses lasted for only three days...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाPost-menopausal hyperpigmentation, fatigue 11654...भारत
A 45-year-old woman had post-menopause concerns; her menses stopped one and a half years ago in Dec 2021. Since Mar 2022, she had been experiencing fatigue and irritability, accompanied by dark patches on both cheeks, these were gradually spreading, though not itchy. She did not take any treatment for hyperpigmentation and managed other symptoms through rest....(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाRespiratory allergy, knee pain, menses pain & fatigue 11648...India
A 37-year-old female with BMI of 33 had multiple health issues. Since her menarche in 1998, she was having severe pain in her abdomen and breasts every month during her 3-day menses. While homoeopathic pills provided relief, missing a dose would trigger the return of intense pain.
Soon after her father's passing in 2013, she suffered from...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाItching, knee pain during menstruation 11656...India
For the past ten years, a 19-year-old female had been suffering from itching on both her lower legs. Itching would begin after she stood up for five minutes and subside within ten minutes of sitting down. Believing that it would resolve itself, she never consulted a doctor. She avoided standing for prolonged periods and adapted her daily activities...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाVaginitis 11618...India
A 53-year-old dance teacher in her menopause for five years, suffered daily from whitish vaginal discharge accompanied by mild pain, odour and itching, for 21 months since May 2022. These symptoms occurred intermittently throughout the day, causing significant discomfort and embarrassment. Discharge and itching would suddenly flare up once a month, adversely...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाEndometrial hyperplasia, acidity 11655 ...India
A 35-year-old woman, 5’3” in height and 95 kg in weight, had been suffering from menstrual disorders since Nov 2021. She had whitish vaginal discharge for ten days prior to menses, excessive and painful bleeding with large clots, as well as severe back and leg pain; these persisted throughout her 6 to 7 day menses. She had a regular...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचाIrregular painful menses, depression 11623...India
A 33-year-old woman presented on 10 Oct 2023 with complaints of irregular and painful menses. Over the past six months, she had experienced only one menstrual cycle, which was scanty, lasted two days, and was accompanied by significant pain.
Her emotional distress stemmed from a recent divorce (4 to 5 months prior), leading to feelings of stress,...(continued)
पूर्ण केस वाचा