Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Όποτε βλέπετε έναν άνθρωπο άρρωστο, αποθαρρυμένο, απαρηγόρητο ή ασθενή εκεί ακριβώς είναι το πεδίο σας για προφορά " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 8 Τεύχος 1
January/February 2017
Μορφή για Εύκολη Εκτύπωση

Παρακαλώ εκτυπώστε αυτήν τη σελίδα, εάν απαιτείται αντίτυπο του πλήρους Ενημερωτικού Δελτίου

From the Desk of Dr. Jit Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners 

I wish you all a glorious 2017 and a very happy New Year. 

My heartfelt prayer to our beloved Swami is that 2017 usher in beneficent abundance for everyone in all aspects of life. With that said, I request all practitioners to take a moment to express their deepest gratitude to our guiding light, Sathya Sai Baba, for all that has been accomplished in 2016. It gives me immense pleasure to report our key achievements in 2016: 

  • Organizational improvements: dedicated volunteer administrators who collaborated to revise guidelines, policies and procedures, as well as organize workshops. A thorough selection process for new applicants was initiated. Continuing ongoing training & development.
  • Successful launch and implementation of regular practitioner meetings for effective mentoring, problem-solving, brain-storming and fostering research. These meetings are warm, informal, friendly and supportive.
  • Birth of Broadcast Network, initially launched in USA and Canada, to reach patients who are inaccessible due to location, hospitalization or other critical situations. Plan to roll-out an international network.
  • Remote access to practitioner records: migrated records to a cloud based computing infrastructure enabling remote need-to-know access for relevant administrators, coordinators and teachers.
  • One-to-one individual mentoring for all AVPs who will work closely with an experienced practitioner until they successfully make the transition to VPs.
  • Updated the 2004 Vibrionics Practical Guide for SVPs with a substantially enhanced 2016 version.

We are delighted to report that 2016 witnessed a pivotal improvement in the overall commitment and dedication of practitioners as evidenced by the number of impressive case studies received.

Swami says “Love has no limits.” May we fully imbibe this Divine principle and make 2017 a memorable year – living in the spirit of oneness. This year we aspire to improve our understanding and treatment of plants and animals by establishing a dedicated research team to investigate their respective requirements and pathologies. The goal is to develop comprehensive treatment for the healing and optimum health of both plants and animals. 

In 2017, we will also focus on harvesting the initiatives we implemented in 2016 such as expanding the mentor program beyond AVPs, and further exploring cloud computing and digital technology for greater efficiency. 

Many practitioners have expressed an interest in reintroducing the section on lifestyle and health as they found it very useful while counselling patients. As part of our focus on continuing education in 2017, from this newsletter onwards, a new sub-section on the interconnection of lifestyle and health is being initiated. In this issue we will cover the significance of fasting for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. We are introducing the work of Dr Yoshinori Ohsumi, a cell biologist from Japan, winner of 2016 Noble prize for Physiology and Medicine regarding his discoveries of Autophagy mechanisms. 

Despite these encouraging developments more practitioners are needed to meet our expanding outreach and improvements. We welcome all qualified helping hands and willing hearts and minds to join our vibrionics family in this expanding seva. With Sai's ever blessing hand, let us move forward in confidence, implementing and improving this precious gift of Sai Vibrionics for greater and fuller service to all life.

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal

Kidney missing in utero 01339...USA

A 29-year-old married woman was expecting a baby boy in early May 2016. During a routine ultrasound scan in the 20th week of gestation, the doctor found that one of the baby’s kidneys was not present. So he requested additional ultrasound scans to be done every four weeks during the remaining months of pregnancy. The young couple was very upset over the news that one kidney was not visible. The next two ultrasound results continued to show the absence of kidney. So when the husband shared this news with a Sai devotee friend, he told him about Sai Vibrionics. He also gave him contact details of the practitioner whom he contacted the same day. He sounded very upset when he asked for help.

On 24 February the following combo was given:

CC10.1 Emergenz + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC13.4 Kidney failure + CC13.5 Kidney stones + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS in water for 3 days and then QDS for the remainder of the pregnancy. 

The next 4-weekly ultrasound also showed the absence of kidney. But in the 36thweek scan, a second healthy kidney was seen in the ultrasound scan. The overjoyed young couple was convinced that Sai Baba brought back the missing kidney through vibrionics. The baby boy was born strong and healthy on 30 April 2016. 

Baby’s father’s comments: 
“….news of one missing kidney really shattered us….. Our pranams and gratitude to our Swami (Miracle Man). Really, I want to thank our practitioner from the bottom of my heart who was the instrument of Swami to help us during our hard times, …for her humble and loving words and for all the prayers to the baby. Thank You Swami for Your love and blessings."

Sinus Infection 01339...USA

On 18 March 2016, a 68-year-old man presented with what he said was a sinus infection which caused him pain for over six months. Various antibiotics had failed to permanently cure the infection. The resulting constant headaches interfered with his daily activities.

The practitioner gave him:

CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis…QDS in water.

Four days later, on 22 March 2016, the patient reported that the headache and sinus pressure were completely gone. He continued the remedy QDS for a week followed by OD for another week. At their last encounter on 27 Dec, he confirmed that the pain and pressure never returned and he requested a new remedy for a different issue.  

Chronic cough, breathing difficulty in dog 00462...USA

The tiny 13-year-old Japanese Chin dog of the practitioner's neighbour was having persistent dry cough and difficulty in breathing for over a year. Treatment from the vet did not provide any relief as the dog was still coughing and struggling to breathe. The vet had advised the owner to have the dog put down to end his suffering. In 2013, the practitioner offered vibro treatment. The neighbour obtained a few days' reprieve for the dog from the vet. On examination by the practitioner (also a trained vet), the dog's chest was clear, cervical glands were marginally swollen but were not painful. The dog was not on any medication.

He was treated with the following combo:
NM36 War + NM63 Back-up + NM95 Rescue Plus + CC19.6 Coughchronic…in his drinking water, to be changed twice a day.

Two days later, the neighbour walked in with the dog which had completely recovered with 100% improvement from both problems. Her husband had admonished her for not contacting the practitioner sooner! The remedy was stopped after a week. The dog remained completely free of the problems and lived for another year and a half and died peacefully in sleep.

Urinary tract infection 00462...USA

One night in the year 2001, a neighbour’s son knocked on the practitioner’s door saying that his mother was doubled up in severe pain. The practitioner rushed to their house and found that the 45-year-old lady from Peru had severe lower abdominal pain and burning sensation while passing urine. Due to language problems, he could not ask many questions, he deduced that she must be having a urinary tract infection. She was not taking any medication for it.

She was treated with the following combo:
#1. SM33 Pain + SR260 Mag Phos + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections...every 5 minutes

The patient was then taken to the hospital ER for emergency treatment if necessary. While waiting to be seen at ER, within 20 minutes she experienced 20% relief, which progressed to 50% in an hour. Patient was no longer doubled up in pain. She gradually straightened up, walked around slowly and could also pass urine painlessly to her great relief. Another 30 minutes later, she was 75% better at which time she was getting worried about her payments since she did not have medical insurance. 

Soon she was smiling and suggested going home. The nurses’ station was informed of her decision and she was brought back home. The remedy was continued at hourly intervals till the morning and then reduced to TDS.

On the third day, as there was not much pain, the remedy was changed to:  
#2. CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections...TDS 

The patient reported 100% improvement in a week's time. Remedy was then reduced to BD for a few more days and then stopped. Regretfully, as the family moved away, the practitioner is unable to get information about the current condition of the patient.

Hay fever and itchy scalp 02899...UK

On 29 March 2014, a 31-year-old lady consulted the practitioner for treatment of hay fever and itchy scalp. Since the age of 13 she had suffered from hay fever and was taking anti-histamine tablets. The symptoms included itchy and runny eyes, and sneezing that worsened when near water lilies. Although the anti-histamine tablets had helped her, the hay fever had become more severe after she moved home in September 2012.

For more than five years, she had also been suffering from constant itching on her scalp and the cause was not known. The itching had reduced significantly when she changed her shampoo as advised by her doctor; however it could not be completely eliminated. The patient was given:

For hay fever, itchy and runny eyes:
#1. CC7.3 Eye infections + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…TDS.

For Itchy scalp:
#2. CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS.

After a week, the patient reported that the itching on the scalp had gone completely and she continued the remedy at the same dosage for three more weeks. On the hay fever front, her symptoms related to eyes improved by 50% and she had reduced the anti-histamine dosage.

In June 2014, during the worst time for hay fever sufferers, the patient reported that improvement in hay fever had slowed down. On hot and dry days when the pollen levels were high, she felt worse. The patient was advised to take #1 in water and sip as often as possible during the day, still observing the 20 minute-rule. Four weeks later, the patient felt 100% better and was delighted with the result. She was advised to continue #1BD, which she did until September.

In January 2015, itching on her scalp returned but cleared within seven days when #2 was taken. During the summer of 2015, she took #1 intermittently and did not require any anti-histamine. She stated that the remedies had helped her tremendously and the significant improvement seen in the previous year was holding. Her only suffering was from sneezing when near lilies.

In the summer of 2016, combo #1 at a dosage of OD was sufficient to keep hay fever under control. It was suggested to increase the dosage to BD during forecast of high pollen count. She felt further relief in her symptoms, even when near lilies. Mild symptoms were experienced only on hot sunny days when the pollen count was very high. She did not need anti-histamine again this year. The patient suspended #1 in September 2016 and is expected to resume it in the summer of 2017 as a preventive. As of December 2016, itching on the scalp has not recurred. 

Mysterious pain in child 02921...Italy

A mother brought her 8-year-old daughter to the practitioner on 16 April 2016. The girl was afflicted with intense pain in the lower part of her stomach and intestine. She had been experiencing the pain for three months during which time it spread to the head, upper back, arms, and legs. She was on strong adult-dose painkillers. Yet they gave her relief only for a very short time. The physicians could neither diagnose her disease nor find the cause of the intense pain. The medical examinations also did not detect any abnormality in her system. According to the mother, the child had not undergone any emotional trauma in the recent past. She said, “The pain appeared anytime, anywhere and it would last from a few minutes to a couple of hours. My daughter has already missed 2 months of schooling.” The mother wanted to try vibrionics treatment, having heard about it from a friend.

She was given the following remedy which she started taking on 17 April:
CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC12.2 Child tonic…6TD

Within a day, the pain had come down by 75% and she felt comfortable for two days. However, on the third day she had a pullout that was characterized by unbearable pain. Even painkillers did not give her any relief. So the treatment was suspended for 2 days to allow the pain to subside.

After five days, the treatment resumed at a reduced dosage of OD, and she felt 10% relief the same day. Within a week, she stopped taking all painkillers and the following day, the pain again came down by 75%. Though the patient appeared nervous, the practitioner decided to continue the same combo. Two weeks later, the pain disappeared completely, recording a 100% improvement. The little girl was thrilled to be pain-free.

The remedy was continued OD for another three weeks, after which the dosage was reduced to 3TW for a week followed by 2TW for another week. Finally, she took the remedy OW for two weeks and the treatment ended on 30 June. As of October 2016, she continues to remain free of pain.

Deep vein thrombosis 10940...India

A 33-year-old lady was hospitalized with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in 2012. Three years later, the problem recurred, so she approached the practitioner seeking vibrionics treatment. She had cramping and stiffness in her right leg below the knee. This made walking uncomfortable and sitting in cross-legged position very painful. Her teaching profession involving long hours of standing and repeated use of stairs aggravated the condition. 

On 28 October 2015, the following combo was given:
CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS.

She did not take any allopathic medications prescribed by her doctor but did follow some exercises as recommended. 

After two weeks of treatment, she reported 60% relief in her symptoms but still had difficulty when standing or sitting for long periods of time such as during bhajans/prayers. She was asked to continue the same remedy but the dosage was reduced to BD

Three weeks later, she reported 95% relief in her symptoms. She was now able to stand comfortably for longer periods of time and found it easier to use the stairs. So the dosage was reduced to OD for the next month after which the remedy was stopped completely. As of December 2016, she is almost symptom free and has an overall relief of 95%. She faces slight relapses during over-exertion in her busy life, or when seated for a very long period of time. Symptoms usually subside after she rests for a while.

Psychosomatic Eating Disorder 11567...India

A 22-year-old young lady was brought to the practitioner by her mother on 20 March 2015. Right from her childhood, she had an unusual complaint of not being able to eat rice (staple diet in South India) as she felt that rice was getting stuck in her throat. She survived on snacks three times a day. 

The mother had consulted many doctors who confirmed that she did not have any obstruction in the food pipe in the throat. The cause of her problem appeared to be psychological. It was recommended that she should try eating small quantities of rice to begin with. Whenever she attempted to eat rice, she had to drink water with each morsel. But she could not eat more than a few morsels due to fear of choking. She had tried homoeopathic treatment which was unsuccessful. 

She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC15.4 Eating disorders…TDS

The following day, the practitioner was informed that after taking just one pill, she felt hungry and ate some rice. Ten days later, her intake of rice had increased by 25% and corresponding consumption of water had come down by 25%. Her fear of choking had gone completely. She was advised to continue the remedy for a complete cure. 

Editor’s comments: 
This is indeed a unique case, a healing of trauma at the subconscious level. It was possibly caused by premature weaning from milk to rice at a very young age.

Eating disorders 11577...India

A 60-year-old lady developed a sudden un-explainable aversion to all food and drink and completely stopped eating and drinking. After three days, she was admitted to hospital in an extremely frail state. Extensive investigations did not indicate any obvious cause for this, as all test results were normal. She was prescribed allopathic medicines and advised to take appropriate fluids and food. But the lady's extreme aversion to food and drink persisted and she refused to take anything including the prescribed medicines. She would just sip small quantities of water when forced by her family. After two days, she was discharged from the hospital. The family was extremely worried about her weakened state and her refusal to eat or drink. However, when she was informed about vibrionics remedies, she agreed to take them.

On 8 April 2016, she was treated with the following combo:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.4 Eating disorders...QDS in water

Within two days, there was some improvement as she had started to accept some food and drinks. Within a week there was substantial improvement. She was eating and drinking almost normally and was able to walk and talk with ease. By the end of April, there was 100% improvement and she appeared perfectly normal. She was advised to continue the remedy QDS for 2 weeks and then to reduce to BD for two more weeks before stopping. As of December 2016, she has had no relapse of the eating disorder.

Migraine, sleep problem 03516...Canada

A 40-year-old lady sought treatment for her chronic conditions on 10 March 2015. For three years she had been suffering from severe migraine and had difficulty in sleeping. Her migraine was characterized by excruciating headache and nausea. This affected her every day, from the time she woke up until she went to bed. She had to take regular naps during the day for some relief from her headache. This was the only way she could keep her eyes open and concentrate on her work. She had tried homoeopathic medicines which did not help. Allopathic doctors could not identify the cause of her migraine and so did not prescribe any medication. She was daily taking strong pain killer for the migraine with little relief and was not on any medication for sleep. She was in an exhausted state with constant headache and sleeplessness when she visited the practitioner who gave her:

For migraine:
#1.  CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities...TDS

For sleep problem:
#2.  CC15.6 Sleep disorders...2 doses before bedtime, 1 hour apart.

After one month there was 10% relief from migraine and her sleep had improved by 20%. After two months in May 2015, there was 50% relief in both migraine as well as sleeplessness and by August, this increased to 90%. So #1 was reduced to OD but she continued #2 as before. Incidentally, she had stopped taking the pain killer when she started vibro remedies.

In March 2016, the improvement was still 90%. She got the headache 2-3 times a week that lasted a couple of hours but the intensity was 10% of what it used to be before start of vibrionics. She managed the occurrence of migraine by taking an extra dose of #1 and resting afterwards. She seemed a much happier person wearing a constant smile. During the next follow-up, she was given a last refill of both the combos and the patient discontinued the treatment thereafter. The practitioner had also encouraged her to have a healthy diet and lifestyle.

In September, when she brought her son for treatment, she appeared healthy, full of energy and cheerful. She had been off the remedies and did not suffer any relapse for several months. On checking in December 2016, the patient confirmed that she was doing well.

Chronic Leucorrhoea 11578...India

A 40-year-old woman was suffering from excessive vaginal discharge every day for the past twenty years. She never took any treatment for it, nor was she aware of any cause of the problem. However, the condition was quite distressing for her.

On 11 April 2016, she was treated with the following combo: 
CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC8.6 Menopause + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS 

Within two weeks, she reported 75% improvement and in one month she was 100% healed. The dosage was then reduced to BD for a month, after which the treatment was stopped. Pleased with the result from vibrionics treatment, she continued with the practitioner for treatment of her arthritis and anaemia. She is in constant touch with the practitioner and has not reported any further issues with leucorrhoea over the past 7 months. 

Editor’s comment:
For all chronic problems, proper reduction procedure should be followed. In this case, considering the problem was 20 years’ old, the remedy should have been tapered gradually over a longer period, ending with a maintenance dose of OW.

Praktiker Profil 01339...USA

Praktikerin 01339...USA  beendete ihre berufliche Laufbahn als Vize-Präsidentin für Marketing und Verkauf bei einer großen Krankenversicherungsgesellschaft in den USA. Ihr Arbeitgeber, die Krankenversicherung und die pharmazeutische Industrie waren so gewinnorientiert und nicht Patienten orientiert, dass es für sie nicht dharmisch war. Mit der Zeit wurde es offensichtlich, dass ihre Arbeit und ihr spirituelles Leben nicht in Übereinstimmung waren. Ihr ständiges Unbehagen mit dem Unternehmen, dass routinemäßig verweigerte kranke Mensch zu behandeln, veranlasste sie sich zurückzuziehen. Seither arbeitet sie intensiv mit Vibrionics Patienten und mit der Administration. In den letzten 10 Jahren war sie bei den wohltätigen Gesundheits-Camps eine ständige freiwillige Helferin. Sie hat auch einige andere wohltätige Projekte imitiert, welche auf lokale als auch internationalen Ebene, Bedürftigen helfen

Im September 1999, bei ihrem ersten Besuch bei Sai Baba, hörte sie den Begriff Sai Vibrionics das erste Mal von ihrer Zimmerkollegin. Eines Abends ging sie zu Dr. Aggarwal und er akzeptierte sie für die Vibrionics Schulung. Nach wenigen Tagen verließ sie Prashanti mit dem SRHVP, den Karten, Pillen Fläschchen und mit großer Hoffnung dienen zu können, Die Praktikerin half wo immer sie konnte und war dabei sehr glücklich, Während der gleiche Reise wurde sie mit einigen Interviews mit Sai Baba gesegnet. Im ersten Interview sagte Er ihr, dass Er ihr eine neue Arbeit gibt. Sie fragte Ihn warum, da sie erst vor 3 Monaten mit einer neuen Arbeit begonnen hatte. Seine Antwort war: Ja, ja ich weiß, aber Ich werde dir eine Arbeit geben die dir mehr Erfüllung schenkt. Er fragte sie auch, was sie wolle. Ihre Antwort war: „Ich möchte Dir dienen“. Als sie sich von ihrer Arbeit zurückzog begann dieser Vollzeit Dienst.

Im Jänner 2009 kam die Praktikerin wieder in den Ashram und arbeitete mit Dr. Aggarwal. Er erzählte ihr von der neuen 108CC Box, die Swami mit Seinen Händen gesegnet hatte. Sie entschied sich sofort die Schulung für die Verwendung der 108CC Box zu absolvieren und kehrte mit dieser nach Hause zurück.

Einige Monate später besuchte sie ein Retreat in den USA und dachte, dass sie dort vielleicht ein wenig Bewusstsein für Vibrionics bei deren Medical Camp erwecken könne. Zu ihrer großen Überraschung behandelte sie bei diesem Camp schon am ersten Morgen 25 Patienten. Sie fand sich dort auf einem harten Boden zwischen Felsen eingeklemmt und hatte zu wenig Fläschchen, da sie nicht mit dieser überwältigenden Reaktion der Patienten auf Vibrionics gerechnet hatte. Sie hatte nur mehr 9 Fläschchen und sie betete zu Swami um mehr Fläschchen, da sie ansonsten Patienten wegschicken müsse. Als sie am nächsten Morgen ihren Tisch aufstellte, legte sie die 9 Fläschchen in einer Tasche auf eine Seite. Dann passierte das Wunder. Am Ende des Morgens hatte sie an 29 Patienten Fläschchen verabreicht. 9 Fläschchen hatte sie in ihrer Tasche und 20 Fläschchen materialisierten sich! Insgesamt haben 54 Patienten an diesen beiden Vormittagen Vibrionics Heilmittel erhalten. Ein gutes Beispiel von Swamis göttlicher Intervention als Bestätigung für die Praktikerin ihre Verbreitung der Liebe, in Form von Schwingungen, fortzusetzen.

Seit diesem Tag gab es für diese Praktikerin kein Zurück mehr. Die Nachricht über Vibrionics verbreitete sich und viele Menschen kamen zur Behandlung. Ihr Mann, ein Kinderarzt, hörte manchmal einige Wörter von einem Interview mit ihren Patienten und er war tief beeindruckt, von der liebenden Fürsorge mit der sie alle Patienten überhäufte und er war von den Vibrionics Heilmittel sehr angetan, aber noch mehr von ihrer Liebe und mitfühlenden Fürsorge.

Da sie in einer wenig besiedelten Gegend lebt, verrichtet sie ihre Arbeit hauptsächlich per E-Mail, Telefon, Skype oder per Post. Persönliche Empfehlungen von ihren glücklichen Patienten, die ihren Freunden und ihren Familien über die Heilerfahrungen mit Vibrionics berichten, lassen ständig neue Patienten zu ihr kommen.

Bei ihren zahlreichen Reisen in den Ashram kam sie immer zu Dr. Aggarwal und merkte, dass er viele Stunden  vor dem Computer saß, um die gleichen Fragen der Praktiker aus allen Teilen der Welt, immer und immer wieder zu beantworten. Es war sehr arbeits- und zeitintensiv. Sie empfahl ihm die Webseite zu aktualisieren und dort die häufigst gestellten Fragen und anderen Entwicklungen anzuführen, um dadurch mit allen Praktikern effizient und effektiv kommunizieren zu können. Dr. Aggarwal sagte: Großartig, das machen Sie“. „Ich mache das? Ich habe keine Ahnung von Webseiten“. Er sagte, dass ich das kann. Swami wird helfen.“ Sie konnte den Inhalt einer Webseite formulieren, sie hatte aber keine Ahnung über die Erstellung von Webseiten. Zur gegebenen Zeit sandte Swami Computer Experten die ihr halfen. Es dauerte 2 Jahre um die neu gestaltete Webseite fertigzustellen und diese Website wurde am Guru Poornima Tag 2009 gestartet. Ein passendes Zitat von Sathya Sai Baba verbleibt seit diesem Tag auf ihrem Schreibtisch. „Ganz gleich wie groß auch immer die Aufgabe sein mag, sie wird dir gelingen, denn ich werde den ganzen Weg mit dir sein! (Sathya Sai Newsletter 2007)

Das Wachstum von Vibrionics beschleunigte sich weiterhin und verlangte nach einer proaktiveren Vorgehensweise bei der Kommunikation mit allen Praktikern. So wurde im Juli 2010 eine Newsletter Projekt von der Praktikerin und Dr. Aggarwal in weniger als 2 Monaten durchgeführt und im September 2010 konnte die erste Kopie vom Sai Vibrionics Newsletter erstellt und Swami am 17. September 2010 präsentiert werden. Swami schaute sich mit Dr. Aggarwal jede Seite genau an, segnete den Newsletter und behielt ihn. Der Newsletter ist weiterhin eine Arbeit der Liebe von freiwilligen Übersetzern, Herausgebern von Fallberichten, Reviewer und Spezialisten für das Schreiben und Hochladen von Webseiten. Er hat die Vibrionics Weltgemeinschaft zusammengebracht, damit sie Erfahrungen und erfolgreiche Fallberichte teilen kann, Fragen beantwortet und inspirierende Fragen von Praktikern aus aller Welt beleuchtet.

Im Oktober 2012 koordinierte sie den ersten AVP Workshop in den USA in Hartford, CT mit 22 Studenten, die von Frau und Herrn Dr. Aggarwal unterrichtet wurden. Nach dem Workshop wurde sie zum ersten USA und Kanada Koordinator und Trainer bestellt. Seit 2013 führt sie E-Kurse für ausgewählte Kandidaten und einen 3-tägigen AVP Kurs durch. Sie arbeitet mit den aktiven freiwilligen Praktikern in ihrer Region und bietet ihnen technische Unterstützung. Das beinhaltet einen monatlichen Konferenzanruf für Praktiker, um relevante Themen zu diskutieren. Das Besendungs-Netzwerk hilft AVPs/VPs bei der Unterstützung von Patienten, denen es aufgrund von einem Krankenhausaufenthalt oder anderen Ursachen nicht möglich ist, Vibro Heilmittel einzunehmen. Dieses Netzwerk wurde am Guru Poornima Tag 2016 von der Praktikerin und ihrem SVP Team gestartet.

Seva, besonders Vibrionics Seva ist immer eine große Quelle der Arbeitsfreude für die Praktikerin. Swami versprach ihr dies beim Interview im Jahr 1999. Sie ist mit Seva, als vorherrschendes Element ihrer spirituellen Praxis, enorm gewachsen. Sie sagt: „durch meine freiwillige Arbeit mit den Patienten und Vibro Studenten ist mein Herz vor Mitgefühl aufgeblüht und drückt sich in der süßen Schwingung von Liebe, für alle die leiden oder selbst Vibrionics Seva ausüben wollen, aus. Ich bin Swami zutiefst dankbar, das Er mir, mittels Heilen und Lehren erlaubt, als Sein Instrument zu dienen.“ Es ist in der Tat ein berührend, wie der Meister Seine poetischen Geschichten spinnt!

Praktiker Profil 00462...USA

Praktiker 00462…USA hörte erstmals von Homöopathie im Jahr 1978 als er als Tierarzt in Bangalore arbeitete. Er hatte das Glück Swami Ananda und Swami Narayani bei einem ihrer Workshops zu begegnen. Sie haben eine Anzahl von homöopathischen Mischungen zusammengestellt, die dann später unter Narayani Mischungen bekannt wurden. Sein großes Bedürfnis, Lösungen für Fälle, die von der herkömmlichen Veterinär Medizin nicht zugänglich waren, zu finden führte dazu, dass er sich entschied selbst das Narayni Heilsystem zu erlernen. Begeistert von den erfolgreichen Behandlungsergebnissen beteiligte er sich als freiwilliger Helfer in den Kliniken des Narayani Heilsystems in Bangalore. Diese   wurden 2 Mal wöchentlich am Abend von 5 Uhr bis der letzte Patient untersucht wurde, abgehalten. Es wurden 200-400 Patienten mit großer Liebe und Hingabe behandelt

Der Praktiker erinnert sich daran, dass er besonders von einem älteren Praktiker (Sai Devotee) durch sein sanftes Auftreten sehr berührt und beeindruckt war und dieser Herr war auch bei der Behandlung der Patienten sehr erfolgreich. Dies war das Ergebnis seines Dienstes mit bedingungsloser Liebe, ohne Rücksicht auf Geschlecht, Gesellschaftsschicht oder religiösem Hintergrund. Dieser Herr spielte eine signifikante Rolle bei der Einstellung und dem Zugang des Praktikers gegenüber dem Dienst an die Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen. Der Praktiker übersiedelte 1986 in die USA und setzte begeistert mit dieser Behandlungsform in einem Rehabilitationszentrum für Wildtiere fort.

Over several decades of serving, the practitioner has realized that the answer to life’s complicated problems lies in simple solutions. Years of study and experience in treating various ailments have gone a long way for him in developing effective stock remedies for common ailments and seasonal-complaints. In particular he had great success with combos for allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, injury and general fever. For treating allergies, he has discovered an effective combination of vibrionics remedy and a homoeopathic over-the-counter remedy, Allergen Zone 5, based on regional pollens in Texas, where he is currently practicing. He carefully monitors each patient to ensure that seasonal allergies don’t deteriorate into serious respiratory maladies. His success in treating allergies has resulted in several referrals.

Nach Jahrzehnten des Dienstes am Nächsten hatte der Veterinär erkannt, dass die Antwort auf die komplizierten Probleme des Lebens in einfachen Lösungen liegt. Viele Jahre des Studierens und der Erfahrungen bei der Behandlung von verschiedenen Krankheiten sind für ihn vergangen, und er hat einen effektiven Bestand an Heilmittel für häufige Erkrankungen und saisonalen Beschwerden zusammengestellt. Er war besonders bei der  Behandlung von Allergien, rheumatischer Arthritis, Verletzungen und allgemeinem Fieber sehr erfolgreich. Für die Behandlung von Allergien hat er eine effektive Kombination von Vibrionics Heilmittel, ein im Geschäft erhältliches homöopathisches Mittel, Allergen Zone 5, basierend auf regionale Pollen in Texas wo er zur Zeit praktiziert, entdeckt. Er überwacht jeden Patienten sorgfältig, um sicherzugehen, dass sich saisonale Allergien nicht in ernsthafte Atemwegserkrankungen verwandeln. Sein Erfolg bei der Behandlung von Allergien führte zu einigen Weiterempfehlungen.

Der Praktiker ist auch aktiv bei der Forschung von chronischen Krankheiten wie Krebs und Psoriasis engagiert, indem er Patientenberichte detailliert aufzeichnet und unterschiedliche Fallberichte und medizinische Berichte prüft. Er teilt mit uns einen interessanten Fall von Krebs, den er kürzlich behandelt hatte. Eine Mitarbeiterin des  Rehabilitationszentrum vertraute ihm an, dass sie auf der rechten Seite Brutkrebs hat. Der Tumor ulzerierte und war an der Oberfläche. Sie hatte keinen Arzt aufgesucht, da sie keine medizinische Versicherung hatte. Da sie gesehen hatte, wie die Tiere in der im Rehabilitationszentrum erfolgreich mit Vibrionics behandelt wurden, ging sie zum Praktiker. Es verschrieb ihr die üblichen Kombos für die Krebsbehandlung mit einem mentalen und emotionalen Tonic, um ihr emotional Erleichterung zu verschaffen.

Bald nach Behandlungsbeginn, gemäß dem Gesundheitsplan, konsultierte sie einen Onkologen der einen Ganzkörper-Scann anordnete. Dieser Scann zeigte einen einzelnen Knoten in der Brust und 3 Knoten in der Achselhöhle, auf Metastasen hinweisend. Folglich verschrieb ihr der Onkologe eine Chemotherapie. Sie setzte gleichzeitig mit der Einnahme von Vibrionics fort, welche die Nebenwirkungen (zB die Übelkeit) der Chemotherapie abmilderten. Eine Folgeuntersuchung nach 2 Monaten Vibrionics Therapie und Chemotherapie zeigte keine Knoten oder Metastasen. Aktuell hatte sie eine gute Prognose erhalten und setzt mit beiden Behandlungen fort.

Der Praktiker schreibt seinen Erfolg bei der Behandlung der Patienten 3 Schlüssel Qualitäten zu: die vollkommene Hingabe an die göttliche Führung, unerschütterlicher Glaube in das Heilsystem und Disziplin bei der Ausführung, kombiniert mit dem Praktizieren mit einem reinem Zweck. Er sagt, dass er bei der Auswahl der Heilmittel manchmal feststellt, dass seine Hand „fälschlicherweise“ eine Karte oder Kombo unbeabsichtigt herausnimmt, welche sich dann beim Überprüfen als richtiges Mittel herausstellt. Der Praktiker hat entdeckt, dass er am frühen Morgen, bevor der Trubel und das Getümmel des Tages beginnt, bei diesem Seva das Beste geben kann. Er stellte fest, dass das genaue Führen von Aufzeichnungen und deren Aktualisierung auf einer täglichen Basis sehr wichtig für eine genaue Beobachtung, Betreuung und Forschung ist. Er merkte, dass Mediation seine Fähigkeit zur Diagnose und den Zugang zur Behandlung verbesserte. Weiters stellte er fest, dass Patienten es sehr schätzen und sich besser fühlen, wenn die Interaktion mit ihnen in einem Kraftfeld der Liebe stattfindet, und sie sich während ihrer gesamten Behandlung verstanden und unterstützt, alles ohne irgendwelche Erwartungen auf Gegenleistungen, fühlen können.

Miterleben zu dürfen, wie seine  Patienten heil werden ist für den Praktiker eine immense Quelle der Zufriedenheit und Inspiration. Einige seiner Patienten waren von ihrer Heilung und im Wunsch etwas zurückzugeben so inspiriert, dass sie selbst etwas Gutes tun wollten, indem sie eine gute Sache ihrer Wahl unterstützen. Einige absolvierten selbst die Vibrionics Schulung, um diese bedingungslose Liebe in Form der Vibrionics Heilung an viele weiterzugeben. Wahrlich ein Geschenk der Gnade für Sai Vibrionics!

The Answer Corner

1. Question: My patient wants to use ayurvedic oil (with strong fragrance of mint) for massaging his body, will this affect the efficacy of his vibro pills?

    Answer: In order to maintain the efficacy of the remedy, it is best to take vibro remedy at least 20 mins before or at least one hour after the massage.


2. Question: In order for the vibro remedy to be effective, we advise patients not to touch the remedy pills with their hands. However, will there be any contamination of the pills if we touch the blank pills?

   Answer: Even though the pills may not get contaminated if touched by clean hands, we strongly recommend that you use a non-metallic clean spoon to handle pills. In any case thoroughly wash your hands with only water (without using soap) before making remedies.


3. Question: We are not supposed to accept any donations or gifts but sometimes patients of their own accord bring bottles, pills or rose water (for making eye drops), can we accept these?

    Answer: Unsolicited gifts of such items for seva are acceptable provided we do not encourage the patients to bring them.


4. Question: My bottle of alcohol is charged with anti-radiation cards NM45 Atomic Radiation & SR324 X-ray. Can I use this alcohol for making nosodes. My understanding is that no other vibration should be added to a nosode.

    Answer: It is true that while preparing a nosode we generally do not add any other vibration but anti-radiation remedies can be added while making a nosode from a bodily discharge such as urine, sputum or pus. However, we recommend you to use only pure alcohol while potentising blood or hair as these two are integral parts of the body.


5. Question: If a patient is taking a blood nosode for a long period for some chronic problem and now develops an acute pressing problem, can we give appropriate remedy for the new ailment along with nosode?

    Answer: As the acute problem is likely to disappear after a short time, it is best to stop the nosode. It is possible to take both with a gap of an hour between nosode and new remedy. However, this may slow down the improvement of the acute ailment.   


6. Question: One of my patients is unable to take the remedy in normal cool water. He needs to warm the remedy water by keeping it in a glass bottle in a vessel filled with hot water. Is this method satisfactory? Or is it better to advise the patient in such cases to take the remedy in pills only? I am not clear if the heat from gas stove would affect the remedy adversely?

     Answer: It has been mentioned elsewhere that the vibro remedies should be kept at temperatures under 40C. The method used by your patient to warm up the remedy water is good provided the water in the outer vessel is not too hot.


7. Question: My plastic remedy vials do not have flat bottoms since the outer edge of the base is slightly raised. As the inner base is not in contact with the bottom of the remedy well, am I allowed to use them for preparing remedies? In fact, I have found that most plastic and glass bottles have a slightly raised outer edge at the bottom.

    Answer: We know that many bottles have a raised outer edge. The good news is that vibrations are able to travel up the raised rim to the medium inside; hence such bottles are OK to use.


8. Question: Do samples and remedy mediums need to be placed in containers with lids in the SRHVP wells?

    Answer: No, it is perfectly okay to prepare remedies in uncovered containers.


9. Question: While preparing a combo in the SRHVP using a drop of alcohol, sometimes a lot of alcohol evaporates, especially when using several cards. Can we still put the pills in and shake to prepare the remedy?

    Answer: Yes, you can still put the pills in and shake to prepare the remedy. Evaporation is less likely to occur if you put a lid on the bottle before placing it in the Remedy well. Nevertheless you must be comfortable before adding pills that there is enough alcohol in the bottle. When preparing a long combo which takes several minutes, use an extra drop of alcohol to take account of any evaporation. If you still consider that there is insufficient alcohol left, another drop can be added even after the charging process.


10. Question: When you give vibrational version of an allopathic medication to a patient, for example a painkiller or antibiotic, does the patient continue to take the allopathic medication or can he stop it and take only the vibro remedy?

      Answer: In the case of an antibiotic, it should not be stopped until the full course is completed. The painkiller can be reduced/stopped provided the patient feels comfortable and has advised his physician.

Divine Words From The Master Healer

"If some kind of hurt or harm is caused to others, we should make an attempt to help them by doing some service. It is not only by work and by keeping our surroundings clean that you can do service. You can do service by your words as well. With a good word, you can soothe their hearts, and by doing good deeds you can soothe their minds. Therefore, by using good words and doing good work, you will give comfort to others and this is good service." 
-Sathya Sai Baba, “Service To Man Is Service To The Lord” Summer Showers in Brindavan 1973


"Anger is another enemy of health. It injects poison into the blood stream and brings about profound transformation which damages it..... Another cause of ill-health is vice and vile conduct. People believe that a wicked person need not be a diseased person but most diseases are mental illness, fundamentally.

Doctors, too, have to deal with patients sweetly and softly and consider their profession as one calling for dedication to their fellowmen. It is best to preserve one's health by good thoughts and good deeds. It is best to be vigilant about food habits. Coconut kernel, coconut water, sprouting pulses, uncooked or half cooked vegetables and greens are good for health."
-Sathya Sai Baba, “Good Health and Goodness” Discourse, 30 September 1981 



 Upcoming Workshops

❖      India  Nagpur, Maha: Refresher & VP Seminar 18-19 February 2017, contact Rajan unter [email protected] or by telephone at 9011-058 530

  ❖   India Puttaparthi: AVP Workshop 17-21 March 2017, contact Lalitha at [email protected] or by telephone at 08555-288 377

 ❖    Poland Wroclaw: Nationales Refresher Seminar 25-26 March 2017, contact Dariusz at [email protected]

 ❖    USA Shepherdstown, WV: AVP Workshop 31 March-2 April 2017, contact Susan at  t[email protected]

In Addition

Caution for users of 108CC box

Practitioner 00002…UK, our Head of Research has noticed that many practitioners are giving too many combos for simple problems that are best treated simply, often with a single Common Combo (CC). She finalizes and modifies combos only after consulting Materia Medica, taking into account any feedback received from practitioners, her own extensive experience that includes many years of practicing vibrionics and radiesthesia and finally the inner guidance she receives for each combo in the 108CC system. 

Inappropriate use of too many combos dilutes the effectiveness of all the many remedies within each combo, prolonging patient recovery.  

If the CC chosen from the index at the back of 108CC book does not bring in the desired result, then any other appropriate CC may be added. In the event this too fails, write to [email protected] for guidance.



HEALTH TIPS - Can we enjoy fasting? 11422…India

Normally we see people enjoy eating. Do we see anyone enjoy fasting? Maybe we can, especially if we consider its immense potential to give us joy. Perhaps we need to learn more about the connection between our life's purpose, our health and the science behind it.

1. Know the science of fasting1

Autophagy is a Greek word which means the cellular body can eat itself (self-eating). This key cellular process enables the body to cleanse itself of invading micro-organisms and toxic protein aggregates. It mediates the digestion and recycling of superfluous cellular material during starvation. Unlike other cellular degradation mechanisms, autophagy removes long-lived proteins, large macro-molecular complexes, and organelles that have become obsolete or damaged. To summarize, after a few hours of fasting, a membranous structure called autophagosomes is formed in all the cells and it captures all unwanted cellular material, bacteria, virus etc. It then seals it and transports it to “Recycling compartments” called Lysosomes present in every cell for destruction. Simultaneously, useful parts are stripped out to build new cells. Thus, fasting stimulates this autophagy process; the body's ingenious internal recycling program. Though Autophagy was recognized in the 1960s, Dr Yoshinori Ohsumi scientifically proved the phenomenon with his research. This cellular biologist from Japan was awarded the Noble prize for Physiology in 2016 for these discoveries regarding the mechanisms of autophagy.

2. Fasting to increase immunity against cancer and other diseases

One of the simplest solutions for curtailing cancerous cells is periodic fasting. These cells need a lot more food than a normal cell, up to 30 times more. Just by denying oneself food on certain days, one can reduce the level of cancerous cells2. According to a research study, a prolonged nightly fast (not less than 13 hours) could potentially reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and other cancers; further research is ongoing3&4

3. Natural methods for cleansing and healing the body

One should neither feed nor fast forcefully. Like eating, fasting should also be in tune with the natural cycle of the body. Human physiology goes through a Mandala cycle approximately every 40 to 48 days. In this cycle, three specific days arise when the body does not demand food. The body knows its own days for cleaning. Traditionally in India, Ekadashi, which comes once every 14 days in the Lunar calendar (and comes thrice in a cycle of 48 days), is fixed as the day of fasting5&6.

4. Know how to fast intelligently with awareness

Both the body and the mind may have to be prepared for days or even months before one ventures into fasting, especially if one is unable to do without food due to habit, mental barrier, inadequate sadhana, or activity levels. To begin with, one needs to avoid snacking between meals. Eight hours is the Ideal break between meals. A minimum of five hours is a must5! One may drink warm lime water or green tea or an easily digestible small fruit to assuage any temptation to snack. One baby step towards fasting would be to daily observe a 13-hour fast through the night with adequate restful sleep. In other words, the time gap between dinner and the next day's breakfast should be 13 hours. Succeeding with this, the next step might be to have one meal on a fasting day, rather than a day-long fast. Finally, one might easily progress to fasting on a diet of fruits or fresh fruit juice before eventually graduating to a full-day water fast.

5. Follow Divine dictates7-9

Know the purpose of Life and true importance of Health

Our Divine Healer, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, has repeatedly said that the purpose of life is to know the Self, realize it; to liberate oneself from the cycle of birth and death! One is born to learn how not to be born again. All activities have this ultimate purpose and goal. All varieties of seva, worship and knowledge have this one ultimate purpose in life. It’s best to have a healthy body to achieve this. Therefore, one has to respect the body keeping in good health to achieve this noble purpose. 

Fasting to attain Spiritual strength and optimum Health

Baba says Fasting is “Upavaas”, meaning “Living in the Proximity of God”. “Remember that the purpose of fasting is spending time in the contemplation of God and not simply punishing the body by cutting a meal or a series of meals”…Sathya Sai Speaks vol 6 February 1966. “Fasts promote spiritual strength”…Mahashivratri Festival March 1966. Just as we ingest food through all our five senses, fasting also entails regulating all we take in through the five senses, in order to purify thought, word, and deed.

References and Links

  1. Discoveries of Mechanisms for Autophagy
  5. Is there any benefit to Fasting?
  6. Ekadashi fasting and Recipes if one must eat!
  7. Health, Food and Spiritual Disciplines, Divine Discourse, 8 October 1983 & Mahashivratri Festival, March 1966 - Sathya Sai Baba Speaks on Food, Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, First Edition, September 2014, page 33.
  8. Sathya Sai Speaks on Fasting
  9. Fast one day in the week


Refresher and Awareness Seminar, France

Practitioner 01620 reports that, on 11 September 2016, a seminar was conducted in Vienne (South East France) by 3 French trainers for the benefit of veteran practitioners and new prospective candidates. The veteran practitioners were trained in the early days of the vibrionics programme in using the SRHVP, much before the introduction of 108CC box. The old-time practitioners were eager to receive an update on developments in vibrionics over the years and advantages of the 108CC box as they had not been exposed to it. The prospective candidates were keen to understand what vibrionics is all about. 

Keeping in mind the varied expectations of the audience, the trainers started the seminar with an on-screen presentation of introductory French video on vibrionics. Slides from AVP training workshops were presented in order to build an appreciation and awareness around the benefits of using 108CC box. The trainers walked the audience through what it means to be a vibrionics practitioner and individual characteristics sought in prospective candidates. Profiles of dedicated role model French practitioners 01480* were presented to build a higher level of appreciation and instil inspiration. A prospectus for students and a vibrionics brochure were handed over to all. (*one Reg # for both husband and wife)

The feedback from the participants was that they were very pleased with the seminar as it met their expectations; they expressed their interest to receive formal training in the use of 108CC box.

Vibro camps in Vedanta school in Pune

Practitioner 10375…India reports that with Swami's immense grace, vibrionics practitioners of Pune beginning Sep 2016 have started a monthly vibrionics seva camp at one Vedanta School in Alandi, a temple town located 25 km from Pune. Alandi is a popular place of pilgrimage where the 13th century Marathi SaintDnyaneshwar, took Samadhi (gave up his body). There are nearly 100 Vedanta schools in Alandi, where students are trained in kirtan & abhang rendition (Marathi devotional songs on Lord Vitthal) along with study of Vedanta scriptures. In this school, there are 350 male students in the age group of 15 to 30 years. The students are very simple, humble spiritual seekers who hail from economically challenged backgrounds. As the town lacks proper medical facilities, vibrionics seva can play a critical role in addressing the students’ health needs. 

The practitioner is pleased to report that as a result of very positive feedback from the first camp, three more camps have subsequently taken place, dispensing remedies to 173 patients. Presently, a team of 4 practitioners from Pune conducts the camp on a monthly basis. The success of the camp has encouraged the practitioners to expand the vibrionics program to cover additional schools, villagers, and pilgrims in this spiritually charged town. The practitioner has approached the temple authorities for their consent to hold an additional monthly camp within the temple precincts. Her intent is to serve visitors to the temple for 2 hours in the afternoon following the camp at the school

Refresher Seminar, Chennai

Practitioner 11422 reports that the first refresher seminar for practitioners was held on 9 December 2016 in Chennai with 9 participants. Dr Jit Aggarwal addressed the group through Skype with both opening and concluding remarks. The seminar focused on four essential areas: 

1.     The need for practitioners to continually improve their knowledge and understanding by systematic regular study of vibrionics text books, newsletter and the first International Conference Proceedings book. Constant updating is encouraged through interaction with other practitioners by regularly conducting workshops and refresher seminars.

2.      Practicing with a clear understanding that Swami is the Healer and we are His humble instruments of Love.

3.      Instructions for making a precise and complete record of patients’ case histories and sharing successful cases.

4.      Importance of our oath to God for sending monthly vibrionics reports. These should be sent to the coordinator by the end of the last day of every month, thus enabling them to send the reports to Dr Aggarwal on the 1st of every month.

Questions mailed in advance by the participants were discussed with clarifications provided by Dr Aggarwal. During the seminar, the attendees pledged to update the AVP manual during the first half 2017 with each attendee adopting one chapter of the manual for revision.

Kerala shines

A new permanent vibrionics clinic that will function daily was inaugurated at Kizhuthani, a rural area in Thrissur district, Kerala on 23 November 2016, as a 91st birthday offering, to relieve the suffering of the sick – helping the helpless, spreading the joy of healing…

Om Sai Ram