Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Όποτε βλέπετε έναν άνθρωπο άρρωστο, αποθαρρυμένο, απαρηγόρητο ή ασθενή εκεί ακριβώς είναι το πεδίο σας για προφορά " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 15 Τεύχος 3
May / June 2024

Dear Practitioners

For Sai Devotees the world over, this time of the year around Aradhana Day, when our dear Swami left His physical body, is a time to reflect upon the message of prema that He exemplified through His life.

"Love is God, God is Love. Where there is Love, God is certainly evident there. Love more and more people, love them more intensely; transform love into service, transform service into worship; that is the highest sadhana. There is no living being without the spark of love; even a mad man loves something or somebody intensely… Without that spring of Love that bubbles in your heart, you will not be prompted to love at all… Do not seek anything in return for it from those to whom you extend it… Revere others as having God installed in them; revere yourself also as the seat of God. Make your heart pure so He can reside therein." - Sri Sathya Sai Baba, March 1965 (Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 5)

The promising updates on work done by vibrionics practitioners across the globe is certainly proof that we have installed Sai in our hearts whilst we are engaging our hands in service. I am grateful to be part of such a dedicated and diligent team! It is due to the hard work and selfless seva of 113 Indian practitioners that we are now conducting regular camps at 100 different venues spread across a dozen States. So far 16224 patients have been treated in approximately 500 camps. We soon hope to extend this service activity in other States too.

We started our IB journey exactly four years ago, and having updated it four times along the way, we crossed the one million mark sometime in Jan 2024. By the end of last month, the official number of beneficiaries stood at 1,033,011 people!

Under the leadership of our two most senior teachers10375 &11422, our Training department has evolved considerably over the last few years. They have made substantial refinements to course structures, workshops - both offline and online, and teaching methods. It is to the credit of these accomplished and dedicated teachers and their constant support and encouragement that lately we have received quite a few enquiries from practitioners about joining advanced courses in SVIRT. The eligibility criteria and other details will be conveyed in our next issue.

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend parts of some workshops and was delighted to note that our teaching methods have undergone a phenomenal change. I strongly recommend that all practictitioners should attend further courses and workshops to improve their practice; this will keep you up to date with the latest developments and may even help you acquire more in-depth knowledge of the subject. The changes in our educational system have also brought about a remarkable improvement in the case histories being submitted. New practitioners, using the updated patient record format (that is in a tabular form designed by an enthusiastic practitioner11646 are able to deliver case histories that are concise and yet contain all the relevant information. Due to the success of this format, we would encourage all practitioners, going forward, to switch over to using it for your patient records. It will not only be beneficial to you but to the case histories team as well. You can find this format along with guidelines for writing case histories in our practitioners site (Click Forms and then Download option on the left: Those filenames are self-explanatory.

I would like to express my gratitude to all of you who have already sent in your inputs for the collective offerings to celebrate the 100th birthday of our dear Lord. We have already received several emails with information about camps, exceptional case histories and writeups of extraordinary experiences with vibrionics, and promises from many practitioners to send in their articles soon. I would like to encourage all of you who have not done so to start working on your contributions now. We are happy to extend help and support in case you require assistance with writing up your submissions, please contact [email protected] (for case histories) and [email protected] (for experiences).

With Eswaramma Day just around the corner, let us look at the life of Swami’s mother, a selfless, compassionate, and uplifted soul who had only three desires, none of which were for herself. She asked Swami to give Puttaparthi a hospital to provide basic healthcare facilities, a small school and a constant supply of water. As we all know, these blossomed into mammoth undertakings - the SSS Educational Institutions, the SSS General and Super Specialty Hospitals and the SSS Water Project. Let us all strive to take a leaf from the book of the noble Mother and put the needs of the community above our own selfish desires and with this wonderful healing system given by Swami, serve society to the best of our ability. 

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal