Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 1 Issue 2
November 2010

From the Desk of Dr. Jit K Aggarwal

Dr. Aggarwal tells us that the feedback from the first newsletter was very positive, Swami blessed the first issue of the newsletter, healers have been updated about the 108 Common Combos, and that Swami blessed the master box of the 108 Common Combos on March, 2008.

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Case Histories

This issue’s cases include treatment of perforated appendix; repeated miscarriages; bipolar disorder; brain tumour; and opium addiction and others. Please click the button below to explore.

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Practitioner Profiles

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The Answer Corner

In this issue Dr. Aggarwal shares the answers to can vibrations be given if the patient is taking homeopathic or allopathic remedies, is the practitioner legally liable if the wrong vibrations are prescribed, can vibrations be taken by a patient taking vitamins and water from algae, how long the vibrations last in the pills, the importance of the healer's mental and physical and mental health when prescribing, and is the effectiveness of a remedy decreased if the details are not entered into the Case sheet for the patient.

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Divine Words from the Master Healer

Swami lovingly tells us that the Divine name is the panacea for all diseases and that seva opens our eyes to the comprehensive unity of creation.

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Dr. Aggarwal tells us about the upcoming workshops in India

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In Addition

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