Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Throat cancer 02090...India

In June 2014, the son of a 90-year-old man approached the practitioner concerning his father’s health. On the basis of an MRI scan, the diagnosis was ‘advanced stage of throat cancer’. The patient found it extremely difficult to eat and drink. The diagnosis was first made by an ENT surgeon and the patient was referred to a renowned cancer specialist in the state of Kerala. The specialist advised radiation therapy and warned the son about the possible consequences including cardiac arrest and death. In any case, the doctor advised that a feeding tube will be needed within three months for intake of food and water. The patient’s son consulted several specialists and they all gave the same opinion. Finally the family decided against the allopathic treatment and visited the practitioner for help with vibro remedies. However, the practitioner encouraged them to take vibrionics along with allopathy but they chose not to take allopathic medicines at their own risk. The treatment began with the following combo:

#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC19.7 Throat chronic…TDS

A review after one month revealed that he had good relief. There was considerable decrease in pain and he did not face much problem with respect to eating and drinking. Overall he felt 20% improvement. However, the practitioner was guided innerly to add the following combo, while continuing #1:

#2. SR522 Pituitary Anterior + SR523 Pituitary Posterior…TDS

There was progressive improvement in the patient’s condition. After two years of taking the vibro remedies, the cancer specialist conveyed to the patient’s son that the case was a mystery to modern science. There was no sign of cancer! The patient consumed normal food throughout without the need for a feeding tube. Later in July 2016, the patient had an uneventful death as he breathed his last peacefully.

Editor’s note: During the course of treatment for cancer, the practitioner gave suitable additional remedies for many acute problems such as fever, cough, fatigue and chest infection, as and when needed.