From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal
Vol 16 Issue 2
March / April 2025
Dear Practitioners
The centenary year celebrations have only just begun, and February brought us a profound spiritual experience here in the ashram. The already divine atmosphere of Prashanti Nilayam was further energized by the resonant chants of the Shri Rudram, accompanied by sacred fire offerings, as the Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam was conducted in Sai Kulwant Hall from 14 to 25 February. This yajnam, an extremely powerful Vedic ritual dedicated to Lord Shiva, the embodiment of cosmic energy, filled the space with transformative vibrations. Culminating a day before Mahashivaratri, it generated immense positive energy, purifying the environment and elevating the collective consciousness of all present, as well as those participating online.
When this yagnam was conducted in the physical presence of our beloved Swami in 2006, during one of His discourses He explained, “…the rituals being performed by the ritwiks (priests) confer great benefit on humanity; they are never a waste. Whatever is offered to God today is like this paddy and ghee; they all confer great benefit to humanity at a later date. Just as a bag of paddy sown in a field multiplies itself into fifty bags, similarly all the materials that are offered to Agnihothra (the fire-god) multiply themselves several times. There is only one thing that is to be offered to God by us. There are several desires, nestled in our heart. All these desires have to be offered to God. Whatever is offered to God with no desire for the fruit thereof will confer great benefit. Unable to realise this truth, people in general give importance to the external and worldly matters. They formulate their opinions on the basis of what they see outwardly. Whatever is offered to God, comes back to us thousandfold.”…16 Aug 2006, Prashanthi Nilayam Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 39 (2006)
And whilst on the topic of offerings, I would like to bring up our proposed oblations to commemorate the Centenary Year of our Beloved Bhagwan’s advent. As you may recall from Vol 15 Issue 2, these proposals were envisioned as a heartfelt tribute, reflecting the vibrionics fraternity’s commitment to seva and spiritual service. Since then, I have consistently urged practitioners in every newsletter to contribute towards these initiatives. To reiterate, the proposed projects include:
1. A Book of 100 Case Histories
Modelled after the Book of 90 Case Histories presented on Swami’s 90th Birthday, this collection will highlight 100 case histories, demonstrating the power and effectiveness of vibrionics healing
2. A Compilation of 100 Extraordinary Experiences of Practitioners
This will be a treasured compilation of interesting personal experiences of practitioners, each sharing some extraordinary healing, or their amazing journey to or after embracing vibrionics or some heart-warming anecdotes OR witnessing a miracle in their practice etc.
3. A Report of 100 Regular Vibro Camps pan India
This aims to document and showcase the outreach of our vibrionics camps, detailing their locations, activities, and the profound impact they have had on local communities.
While the contributions for the offering on vibro camps has been heartening, I must express concern over the slow progress in the first two projects. As time is now of the essence, it is imperative that we accelerate our efforts to collect and document the necessary material. To ensure timely completion, all contributions must be submitted as soon as possible but latest by 31 May 2025. This deadline allows the editorial team just sufficient time to review, refine, and compile the content into the final version. Let us join hands as a community to fulfill our commitment and present these meaningful offerings at the Lotus Feet of our Beloved Bhagawan.
May I also remind all practitioners that we have a wonderful resource at our disposal - the conference book of 2014. This will not only give you some ideas and inspiration for your submissions but it has a wealth of information on the background of vibrionics, how it works and experiences of different practitioners from around the globe.
I am delighted to witness the increasing momentum of vibro camps and clinics across India, particularly in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and the Northern regions. Regular updates highlight the dedication and selfless service of our practitioners. Clinics at the ladies and gents Sevadal buildings within the ashram, as well as the SVIRT office, are now operational for extended hours and additional days.
I am always inspired whenever I have the opportunity to attend practitioners’ meetings. The enthusiasm, depth of knowledge, and diverse discussions never fail to impress me. One such gathering was the first of the three UK meetings for 2025, held on 16 February (see the In Addition section). It reaffirmed my belief that we possess an abundance of talent and experiences waiting to be shared.
In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported and contributed to these initiatives. Your dedication and unwavering service are deeply appreciated. Let us continue with renewed vigour and determination, ensuring that we honour this historic milestone in a befitting manner. Together, let us move forward in unity and devotion, ensuring that our seva shines as a testament to Swami’s teachings and the power of Sai Vibrionics.
In Loving Service to Sai
Jit K Aggarwal