Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Answer Corner

Vol 14 Issue 1
January / February 2023

Q1. We have been using hand sanitizers since the beginning of Covid. Can this excessive use be harmful?

A. Alcohol in sanitizers has not been shown to adversely affect the skin as very little alcohol is absorbed, and most products contain an emollient to reduce skin dryness. Allergic contact dermatitis or bleaching of hand hair due to alcohol is very rare. However, a few cases of adverse effects such as headache, nausea and dizziness, mainly coinciding with the excessive use of sanitizers during the pandemic, have been reported to the FDA (US Food & Drug Administration). Washing hands with soap and water should always be your first choice. Healthcare professionals should use hand sanitizer in a well-ventilated area, especially when using it frequently throughout the day.


Q2. Now that the pandemic is over in most parts of the world, should we continue to take IB?

A. It may be premature to state that the Covid 19 pandemic is over. In any case practitioners have reported that regular intake of IB remedy helps to prevent common cold, cough, flu, sore throat, etc. and gives a feeling of general well-being. It is recommended that all should continue to take IB for better health and practitioners should continue to proactively distribute it.


Q3. What treatment and advice can be given to patients having Vitamin B12 deficiency?

A. CC12.1 Adult tonic or CC12.2 Child tonic (SR561 Vitamin Balance for SRVHP users) can be given to patients with vitamin deficiency. As dietary advice good sources of vitamin B12 include meat, fish, eggs and milk and dairy products. Vegetarians and especially vegans, most prone to vit B12 deficiency, can take nutritional yeast extract (eg, marmite), shiitake mushrooms, seaweed, fortified foods (eg, breakfast cereals), certain fermented foods (eg, miso, sauerkraut, kefir, idli/dosa) and organic soya products. Vitamin B12 tablets are readily available and for better absorption, it is best to combine them with potentised pills made in SRHVP. Also refer to health articles on B12 and anemia in vol 4 #6 and vol 9 #4 respectively.


Q4. I want to make a blood nosode for my patient to treat his diabetes. Should I ask the patient to stop allopathic medicines before collecting the blood sample?

AWe don’t ask any patient to stop taking allopathic medicines. The blood sample can be taken just before the patient is due to take his next dose of insulin, because by then the presence of insulin in the blood from the previous dose would be minimised.


Q5. In the last newsletter vol 13 #6, a combo for 5G radiation was given. Would it be prudent to add this to all bottles given to patients, as a protection?

A. Adding this particular combo to all remedies prepared for patients is not recommended due to its dilution effect. However, we do advise that you add the basic base combo (NM45 Atomic Radiation + SR324 X-ray) to every new alcohol bottle used for making remedies. We do believe that this provides almost full protection against most types of radiation.


Q6. As I could not find homoeopathic tincture for my 108CC box, I topped up all my 108 dropper bottles with local gin (low-purity alcohol). Whenever I add more than two drops from CC bottles to a bottle of pills, these get stuck to each other and form clusters which is not acceptable to my patients, is there an easy solution?

A. Until you obtain ethyl alcohol of 96% or greater purity, we suggest the following procedure. Add 1 drop from a CC bottle to your vial of pills, shake well and remove the lid and let the alcohol evaporate. Only then add a drop from another CC and repeat the procedure as many times as needed. Also, refer to vol 11 #6.