Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

In Addition

Vol 6 Issue 5
September/October 2015

AVP Workshop in Delhi, 4-5 April 2015

The Delhi-NCR Coordinator02859...India reports: An Assistant Vibrionics Practitioner (AVP) training was held on 4-5 April 2015 in Delhi, India. Six participants attended after successfully completing the correspondence course. After a review of the theoretical aspects of Vibrionics, the participants were guided into its practical aspects. Model clinics were carried out in which the participants took up real cases and prescribed treatments. Dr Jit Aggarwal interacted with the students via a Skype call. In what can only be divine design, the call continued for a full two hours with no connection problems!

Later, the new practitioners’ 108CC kits were charged. This was a very energizing experience as the chanting of Om Sri Sai Ram reverberated in the training hall. All the participants were overjoyed to receive their combo box. [Editor’s note:  The AVPs who completed their training at this workshop share their experiences as new practitioners in this issue’s Practitioner Profiles.]


First AVP Workshop in France, 21-22 June 2015

The French Coordinator01620…France reports: On 21-22 June 2015, three Vibrionics students from France and Belgium, who had successfully completed their e-correspondence courses,  came to Tours, France, to receive their AVP practical training. They were taught by three Vibrionics teachers, so it was almost private lesson: one practitioner per student! The applicants did well on their test and all three of them qualified as AVPs.

For the training, we installed a very large screen to project the Vibrionics  PowerPoint, so everyone could see it easily from their place and answer questions.

We also assigned a special training exercise for the first night. After giving the students the 108CC book and explaining how to use it, we asked each of them to choose a case they had cited on their training application form and write it up properly, including the combos they considered giving. The next day they each read what they had written. We then discussed the treatment for each of the patients and the presentation of the case histories. This enabled the students to begin to become familiar with case histories and gain experience in researching the appropriate combos.

For the training, we prepared vegetarian meals with many vegetables and fruits for the students. We took advantage of our meals to explain and put into practice the benefits of a good diet and a healthy lifestyle.

 At the end everybody was happy and blessed to have a long Skype interview with Dr Aggarwal.  The new AVPs were quite enthusiastic about their session and ready to do loving seva for Swami. 


Summary of the UK Practitioners’ Meeting held on 16 August 2015, Ilford, Essex

This report was compiled by UK Coordinator 02822…UK from notes prepared by Practitioner02899…UK , Practitioner 03507…UK and Practitioner03510…UK.

The convener UK Coordinator welcomed the15 practitioners in attendance including 2 participating via Skype and thanked everyone for their presence. He began by offering gratitude to Swami for blessing us with this healing science.

Excerpts follow:

1.0 Writing case histories

1.1 Guidelines for writing cases

For details, click here (You will first need to log into the Vibrionics website, using your username and password).

1.2  Criterion for submitting cases

This has been broadened as mentioned in July/August Sai Vibrionics Newsletter. Submissions are no longer limited to extraordinary cases but may include solid ordinary ones. All practitioners should review their patient records and submit relevant cases.

2.0  Receiving patients and staying centred on Swami during consultations

Suggestions based on group discussion:

2.1 Preparing for the appointment

2.2  Putting patients at their ease

2.3  Listening to patients

2.4  Connecting to Swami

2.5  Family versus individual consultations

In family group settings, some patients may take the opportunity to disclose problems to other family members, which they were unable to talk about before. On the other hand, one-on-one consultations may also allow greater openness for patients.

3.0  Questions for discussion

3.1 Question: We recommend patients to say the Ho'oponopono phrases,  “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you”. Whom am I saying this to? [Editor’s note: The practitioner is referring to a Ho'oponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) mantra, used in the traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.]


3.2  Question: What do you do when the patient is uncertain of what type of headache he has?

Comment: Add both combos, CC11.3 Headaches and CC11.4 Migraines.

3.3. Discussion of a difficult case: A lady plagued by intense jealousy

A Sai devotee was intensely jealous of her sister-in-law because of her many positive qualities. Along with vibro, different approaches were suggested:

3.4  Treatment of various diseases (Practitioners’ discussion)

Suggestions included:

3.4.1 For anger and fear

It is helpful to add CC4.2 Liver and Gallbladder tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic.

3.4.2  For sleep disorders

3.4.3 For epilepsy

Give CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC18.3 Epilepsy.

3.4.4 For diabetes

3.4.5 Back pain radiating down to the buttocks:

3.4.6 Psychosomatic disorders:

Give CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + C15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain and Memory tonic.

3.5  Comments on the use of particular CCs:

3.5.1 CC17.2 Cleansing

3.5.2 CC12.1 Adult tonic

It can be good to give this initially to build strength.

Om Sai Ram