Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Dr. Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 5 Issue 15
February 2014

International Conference of Sai Vibrionics  Puttaparthi, January 25-27, 2014


Delegates to First International Sai Vibrionics Conference and Exhibition at Prashanti Nilayam made their registrations for the Conference on January 25.

When the participants took their places in Swami's Old Mandir for the opening program on January 26, they were greeted by a large picture of Swami on the flower-decked dais raising His hands in blessing (see pic). Also, on the dais were statues of Asclepius - the Greek God of medicine and Hippocrates. An official conference registration badge was visible among the garlands identifying Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba as the Supreme Guest of the Conference. No one in the hall could doubt the Lord's presence. His Grace was felt in the holy atmosphere of the Mandir, in the waves of love that enveloped the participants, and in the strength of the heartfelt commitment to loving patient care that animated presentation after presentation. Finally, Swami's will was shown in the flood of reports delivered by practitioners from India and around the world testifying to the astonishing number of extraordinary cures produced by Him through Sai Vibrionics.

Honoured guests

Swami blessed the proceedings in other ways. First of all, meeting in this most auspicious venue, the Conference was singularly honoured to have as its opening speakers distinguished guest Sri R J Rathnakar and chief guest Mr Justice A P Misra, both members of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, who set the tone of the conference to a very high spiritual level. Other honoured guests included SSS Central Trust member and All India President of the SSS Seva Organisation Sri V Srinivasan, SSS Central Trust member Sri T K K Bhagavat, and Dr Michael Rakoff MD, management consultant to SSSIHMS. In addition, Swami Ananda of the Soham Foundation of South Africa (see pic) delighted the gathering by participating as a special guest and speaking twice. Following the day's proceedings, Sri K Chakravarthi, member of the SSS Central Trust, had graciously agreed to honour the Conference with his presence at the Celebration Dinner as its special guest. He was sadly missed by the delegates as he was held up in a Central Trust meeting.

Practitioners' experience

The numerous practitioners who converged on Puttaparthi for the event filled the Old Mandir to capacity. A total of 342 practitioners from 18 countries attended - 278 from Indian States and 64 from other countries. For this gathering, Swami cancelled out the differences among them so that the practitioners' hearts were united by a bond of kinship and a common commitment to loving seva. As a result, the event took on the feeling of a family function rather than a formal conference. This unexpected blessing made the occasion all the more joyful.

Fifteen practitioners delivered presentations during the program. Determined to absorb as much as possible, their fellow practitioners listened intently, then filled the Question & Answer sessions to the limit. Outside the official proceedings, practitioners seized precious opportunity to interact with one another informally. They wasted no time in getting to know the other members of their far-flung Vibrionics family. Practitioners who had not previously met, coming from widely separated areas, exchanged ideas and personal experiences, shared healing tips, and setting aside formalities, consulted one another about treatment issues and effects of specific remedies. Such interactions made this a full-time conference, in session 24 hours a day!

Swami's leela

At the conclusion of the Conference, Swami further blessed the proceedings by manifesting vibhuti in one of the 108 Common Combo boxes during the recharging event in the Old Mandir. A practitioner from India looked down on her box and saw that vibhuti had formed on the bottles (see pic) in the last few rows. Many practitioners witnessed this Divine leela. 'There will be an international vibrionics conference in Puttaparthi,' Swami had declared in 2007. Swami not only fulfilled His Word, but also left his personal calling card to show his approval of this inaugural gathering and His continued blessing of Sai Vibrionics as 'divine vibrations'.

Proceedings and video

The proceedings of the conference have been published. A fully illustrated volume entitled Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Sai Vibrionics, compiled and edited by Sai Vibrionics Founder Dr Jit K Aggarwal, was presented to Swami during the event and made available to participants. The book includes articles by 85 practitioners from India and 16 other countries, culled from a large number of submissions. These provide access to the work of many more practitioners than those who were able to attend the conference or those whose presentations could be accommodated in the program. The volume represents an unprecedented effort to share on a large scale the fruits of practitioners' experience gathered from twenty years of Sai Vibrionics work. The articles provide a wealth of information of direct use to those in the field. The goal is to support practitioners, at whatever level they may be, to build their capacity to provide the best care for their patients and also to inform practitioners about selected developments in Vibrionics practice around the world. In addition, the work provides a resource for health care professionals and others seeking a deeper understanding of Sai vibrionics -- its provenance, evolution, and current practices. It should be noted that besides the articles included in the present volume, many other valuable submissions were received too late for inclusion. In the near future, these too will be organized and published.

In addition to the book, a 14-minute video 'What is Sai Vibrionics' was presented to Swami and screened at the Conference. This was also made available on a DVD to the participants. Produced by senior practitioner Mr Dairusz Hebisz (Poland), and narrated in English by Dr Suneil Aggarwal (UK), the film tells the story of development of vibrionics and explains how the SRHVP device functions. The film provides a clear introduction to Sai Vibrionics that will be of immediate value to practitioners seeking to explain Vibrionics to potential patients and general audience.

The Exhibition

Accompanying the Conference was an Exhibition Sai Vibrionics around the World organized by Col. Samir Bose which utilized charts, maps, and photos to display the story of the Sai Vibrionics movement, what it is and where it came from. The exhibits included reports on Sai Vibrionics activities including practitioners‟ training and medical camps in India and many other countries.

A milestone event

In sum, the First International Conference of Sai Vibrionics was a milestone event. It is hoped that the Conference will provide a springboard for the next stage in Vibrionics, paving the way to increased collaboration among practitioners, catalyzing further developments in best practices and supporting education about Sai Vibrionics around the world. To date some 4500 practitioners have been trained and well over 1.8 million patients have been treated, but countless millions more in need still await treatment.

Thus with Swami's blessing, practitioners departed from the conference for their field of seva, filled with enthusiasm and faith, and determined through hard work and selfless service to discharge the mission of love that Swami has laid upon them.

CONFERENCE PROGRAM Sunday, January 26, 2014

In the early morning, participants assembled in the auspicious Peda VenkamaRaju Kalyana Mandapam (Swami's Old Mandir) in Puttaparthi, transformed by two practitioners into a beautiful bower decked with vibrant flowers and greenery. The conference began at 8:00 AM with the chanting of 3 OMs, followed by 6 minutes of Vedic chants offered by six practitioners.

Invited to the dais to Light the Lamp and convene the conference were honoured guests Sri R J Rathnakar, Chief Guest Mr Justice A P Misra, Sri V Srinivasan, Sri T K K Bhagavat, Swami Ananda and Dr Michael Rakoff. Mr Justice Misra then cut the ribbon to release the first copy of the book of the Conference Proceedings. Mr Dariusz Hebisz, Senior Practitioner and Vibrionics Trainer/Coordinator for Poland, was invited to offer to God his video What is Sai Vibrionics? The new video was shown to loud applause. The video will be put on our official website.

Session One

Welcome address: Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Master of Ceremonies, Ms Susan Sullivan-Rakoff, Vibrionics Trainer/Coordinator for the USA and Editor of the Sai Vibrionics Newsletter, invited Dr Jit K Aggarwal, Founder and Director of Sai Vibrionics, to come to the dais to deliver the welcome address. Dr Aggarwal began by welcoming all and invoking Swami's blessing on the gathering. In his talk Sai Leads - Vibrionics Takes Shape, Dr Aggarwal recounted his initial astonishment when Swami told him during an interview in April 2007 that an international vibrionics conference would be held in Puttaparthi. His Word is inevitable and is now being fulfilled. In the end, the response by practitioners to the Conference was overwhelming. With great effort and the help of many hands the event was realized. Dr Aggarwal then shared highlights of his personal experience of Swami's role in the development of Vibrionics, clarifying the extent to which our Lord personally guided and directed the work. To cite only a few examples, Swami evinced a keen interest in the SRHVP machine in numerous interviews, blessing the original model that Dr Aggarwal had designed in 1994 and then praising an improved smaller model in 1996; in 1998 He announced that Vibrionics consisted of His divine vibrations only; He repeatedly instructed Dr Aggarwal to teach about Vibrionics and directed its promulgation outside the ashram and in other countries; in 2008 He blessed the 108 Common Combos box. Even in March 2011, a few days before He went into the hospital, the Lord affirmed that Sai Vibrionics should continue in the Sai Organisation. Dr Aggarwal exhorted practitioners to make use of the golden opportunity provided by the Conference to learn from one other. He concluded by praying that the Lord's hand continue to guide and direct those who sincerely wish to serve.

Inaugural address: Sri R J Rathnakar

Dr Aggarwal then invited Sri R J Rathnakar to deliver the inaugural address of the Conference. Sri Rathnakar began by referring to Swami's statement in 2007 that there would be an international conference. He went on to emphasize that Swami wants each of us to know that whenever He says something, His words have such high-frequency vibration that it must become a reality. Sri Rathnakar admitted he didn't have much idea of what this conference would be like -- he thought it would be a classroom affair. He never thought it would be so vibrant. Two things were clear to the speaker from the Vibrionics handout: To do vibrionics, one must have a good heart, but to do anything in this world, Sri Rathnakar counselled, you will need a good heart. From a good heart, unity of purpose will come, and with unity of purpose, you will definitely reach the goal. Secondly, Swami is the healer of our patients, and it is a delusion to think otherwise.

Sri Rathnakar then related his personal experience of being a patient some years ago. As a result of a serious accident, Sri Rathnakar landed in the ICU of the Super Specialty Hospital for four weeks. Bhagawan would visit him there. Although Sri Rathnakar had suffered multiple fractures including severe damage to the leg, never at any time did he feel pain. Swami reassured him by asking him, practically from the day of the accident, 'When are you walking?' Despite the fact that the bone was pulverized, today he is walking with Swami's Grace. He had recovered to the extent that last year, on an outing with his sons, he was able to climb the nearly 600 steps leading up to Golakanda Fort. The first thing he did upon reaching the top was to offer a prayer of gratitude to Swami.

Sri Rathnakar went on to emphasize that this is the nature of the Divine. Once it is put into you, he said, it can never change or diminish but will always stay. Swami has given each one of us His love and put His vibration into us, just as He has put his energy into everything in the universe, filling the whole universe with His love. Sri Rathnakar recalled an incident that he witnessed during darshan when Swami came up to a man from Malaysia who had been on a stretcher for 9 years. Swami said to him, 'You will be walking again,' and then the man got up and walked in front of everyone. Such was the power of Swami's vibration in His word and in His touch that He could cure him. He referred to numerous other healings by the Lord that he had witnessed.

In closing, Sri Rathnakar had a message for Vibrionics practitioners: Knowing Swami, Sri Rathnakar said, He is very choosy about people because Swami knows what is important. Sri Rathnakar expressed his belief that this is why Swami chose Dr Aggarwal and guided him step by step, blessing him time and again. Sri Rathnakar continued by addressing the assembled practitioners directly: Swami is still blessing this wonderful method of healing and all of you who have come to practice this Vibrionics. You have been chosen by Bhagawan Himself. There are millions who are suffering and are in need of good health, support, love, service and care. As Sai devotees and as practitioners of Sai Vibrionics connected with the name of Sai, we have a sacred duty to serve with a pure heart to carry out this wonderful work. Sri Rathnakar continued, I pray Swami to fill you all with the vibrations to spread this healing to everyone on the planet, to bring forth God's own kingdom of love. Sri Rathnakar then posed the question, When Swami determined that there would be this Conference 6-7 years ago, don't you believe that He had decided who were going to be the participants? He exhorted practitioners, May you go back and spread what you have learned here to those who are in need.

Words of Wisdom: Mr Justice A P Misra

Then Conference Chief Guest Mr Justice A P Misra was invited to deliver Words of Wisdom. He began by thanking Dr and Mrs Aggarwal for giving him the opportunity to address this great audience of vibrionics practitioners who have gathered for divine purpose and divine values. Justice Misra remarked that the practitioners' lives have meaning because Swami has blessed them. Formerly, when antibiotics came into use and hospitals were built, everyone thought this would be the answer to disease, but nobody was aware that putting things into our bodies would cause more problems. Justice Misra also expressed gratitude to Swami for predicting the conference. He noted the significance of the venue, Swami's Old Mandir. He reminded the audience that this place is vibrating since it is near to where Swami was born. His mission also began here in His first Mandir. The fact that the conference is beginning in a place in which such an amazing Avatar began suggests that Vibrionics is bound to succeed for a long time. Justice Misra expressed his belief that vibrations have real curative power.

Then, putting Vibrionics in a larger context, he went on to explain that the whole universe is filled with vibrations. Vibrionics is only a limited part of what these vibrations can do for the good of humanity. Speaking eloquently, Justice Misra painted a dynamic picture of the universe in constant motion, the earth moving around the sun, the sun moving through the Milky Way, and the Milky Way itself travelling. All these celestial bodies are traversing vast distances at tremendous speeds. The energy of the universe is infinite. Swami came on earth and showed that these energies are contained in each one of us, the power of vibrations is in every devotee.

Therefore, when practitioners are doing Vibrionics, they should realize that they are not helping others: they are improving themselves. They are not serving humanity but rather themselves first. He then went on to give an example of the effects of loving service. Blood tests performed on students of Mother Teresa who were engaged in compassionate activities, show the presence of an immune factor, evidence that their health had been strengthened. Serving with devotion, dedication and surrender brings this about. Justice Misra exhorted practitioners to become pure vessels of love and compassion. He predicted that the Golden Age is coming. Today we are able to put vibrations into bottles, and the day will come when all diseases can be cured this way. He said with no hesitation that the day will come when Vibrionics will cover the world. In closing, Justice Misra graciously expressed his gratitude for the privilege of attending the Conference. He told practitioners that they were also privileged to be here, as Swami will make this a success, and they are all part of it. He wished practitioners all the best.

Following Justice Misra's address, the special guests were invited to the Exhibition area for the ribbon cutting ceremony to declare open the exhibition Sai Vibrionics around the World.

While the ribbon-cutting ceremony was going on outside the hall, the delegates enjoyed the eight-minute video produced by Mr Dariusz Hebisz, a compilation called The Blessing of Vibrionics. During 2008- 2010, on the auspicious occasion of each Guru Purnima, Swami blessed the Vibrionics team to offer Him a cake. On all three occasions, our benevolent Lord lit the candle, cut the cake and blessed the distribution of prasadam in the Mandir. We take this as a public blessing by Swami of Vibrionics and as encouragement to all practitioners that this work is under the direct guidance of Divinity.

Practitioner’s presentations

The lead speaker was Ms Pat Hunt 00002 UK, Head of Vibrionics Research, Trainer, and senior member of the core Vibrionics team. She spoke on My Journey to Vibrionics-Signs of the Unseen. She described how she was swept by Swami into homoeopathy, discovered Swami Narayani and Swami Ananda's Handbook on Healing, and then came to know the Aggarwals. They were then under the constant guidance of Swami in developing Vibrionics. As Vibrionics grew, the need arose for standard combos to cover many symptoms and diseases that were being regularly treated in healing camps and clinics. Ms Hunt was given the task of researching and formulating the mixtures and remedies that would be included in the 108 Common Combos. During the months she did this work, she continuously felt Baba's presence and guidance. She also shared her experience with mother tinctures of Arnica, Calendula (marigold), and Hypericum (St. John's Wort), and offered a new understanding of how to treat the TB miasm, among other insights.

The program facilitator Ms Susan Sullivan-Rakoff 01339 USA, presented the Impact of Depression & Role of Vibrionics in Healing. She spoke about depression, its causes and effects, emphasizing the mind-body connection, and explaining how she approaches such cases in her Vibrionics practice. Encouraging patients to increase their sadhana (spiritual practice) and making a heart-to-heart connection with patients are both important. Her article in the Proceedings also included case studies from her practice including not only treatment of long-term depression, but also cases of cigarette smoking, bipolar and eating disorder; knee injury; and the successful curing of jawbone deterioration from radiation therapy.

Ms Akasha Wood 00135 USA, Senior Practitioner, spoke on Probing the Fifth Element, the Akash, speculating on its role in vibrionics with her explanation of the origin and operation of the SRHVP machine, developed from its progenitor in Radionics. She discussed Dr Emoto's findings on the effects of human thoughts and emotions on water. In her article in the Proceedings, Ms Wood also presented case studies on treatment of spastic choking, conjunctivitis, bleeding cracked feet, nightmares and tantrums in a child, insomnia and anxiety from mild Asperger's syndrome, and haemorrhoids and constipation.

Session Two

Mrs Kamlash Agarwal 02817 India, Senior Practitioner and Trainer, shared her personal Journey of a Patient to a Practitioner, tracing her recovery from crippling arthritis to her current seva-filled life as a Mumbai teacher and practitioner. In her article in the Proceedings, she offered five remarkable case histories on the treatment of chronic arthritis, eye problems (allergy, ptosis of the lid, stye), and sinus and dust allergy. Mrs Agarwal also expressed her gratitude to Swami for the way in which He brought her to Parthi for her first and last darshan just before His Mahasamadhi.

Mr Makoto Ishii PhD 02779 Japan, offered An Educational Perspective on Vibrionics. Serving in Educare as well as Vibrionics, he shared his insights about the affinity between them. He talked about how to treat the sometimes pesky, often-wounded inner child -- the 'Little Me,' who is after all but another aspect of the divine being Swami tells us we are. His article in the Proceedings also included treatments for sarcoidosis, tumours, addictions, aortic dissection, fibromyalgia, Meniere‟s disease, heart failure and lung cancer.

Dr Dipa Modi MD 02802 UK, in One Doctor, Many Disciplines, told the story of how she met Swami as a young girl in Uganda, and how, later practicing as an MD in England, she came to see the shortcomings of allopathic medicine and journeyed into the world of alternative medicine in a search to find ways to ease patient-suffering. Her search led her to Vibrionics. Her article in the Proceedings also included treatments for bee infestation, goitre, chronic constipation, water retention with hormonal imbalance, chronic ear pain and recurrent kidney stones.

Ms Ana Sarasvati Konjar 01228 Slovenia, Senior Practitioner, shared her Diary of a Vibrionics Practitioner. After experiencing a remarkable healing with Vibrionics, she devoted herself to bringing Vibrionics to others. She described her inspiring practice in medical camps in Kodaikanal and villages in Andhra Pradesh, and also Slovenia, and shared several outstanding case studies including the cure of paralysis from a stroke and a resuscitation from a collapse. Her article in the Proceedings also included a case of boils and two cases involving distance healing of insomnia and vision loss due to glaucoma.

Mr Jullius Tan 02717 Malaysia, spoke on Vibrionics and the Three Gunas. Practicing since 2007, he discussed how he has integrated his knowledge of the three gunas into his Vibrionics work, tailoring his treatments to his patients' particular disposition. The following day, Mr Tan added a further report on his experience with Vibrionics treatments for infertility. Children born from Vibrionics treatment have proven to be exceptionally gifted.

Ms Anna Chinellato 02554 Italy, Senior Practitioner and Trainer, in Faith Moves Mountains, shared the story of how Swami during darshan gave her a dramatic, unequivocal confirmation that she was to study Vibrionics. Her practice has featured inspiring cases, including one concerning a 14-year-old boy who was hospitalized with chronic epilepsy and possible schizophrenia. His demeanour entirely changed after two vibrionics pills and loving words.

A delicious lunch was served in the dining hall (see pic) of the Mandir, provided by the delegation from Maharastra. Joining the conference as an observer and guest was Prof A Anantharaman, Media Coordinator for Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust.

Session Three

Dr Jit K Aggarwal opened the afternoon program by conducting a Question & Answer session for practitioners. He then invited Swami Ananda of the Soham Foundation to come to the dais. With the late Swami Narayani, Swami Ananda discovered the homoeopathic combinations that were later incorporated into Sai Vibrionics. It was Swami Narayani who, during a meeting with Dr Aggarwal, originally named the healing method Vibrionics. The Soham Series of books continues to be used today by all senior Vibrionics practitioners.

Swami Ananda's first talk

Swami Ananda began by stating that he was going to disappoint those in the audience who were expecting miracles because he was going to tell the truth about his journey to become a healer. He then recounted how Swami Venkatesananda and Swami Narayani came into his life. A friend had invited him to go and listen to Swami Venkatesananda, who was visiting South Africa to give a series of lectures on different topics. Swami Ananda went, but his initial attitude was arrogant and egoistic. He wondered what he was doing there among the crowds and the noise. But after that first experience he attended every subsequent lecture, even though the lectures were difficult for him to understand because Swami Venkatesananda's voice was so soft. Then another friend made an appointment for him to see Mataji (Swami Narayani). Swami Ananda was resistant but reluctantly agreed to keep the appointment. She greeted him with a smile. In the room, he saw a picture of her guru, Swami Venkatesananda. They talked until 1 am, and by that time, his life had changed altogether!

Swami Ananda then delivered a heartfelt message to the assembled practitioners. He said that we do not know where we are coming from and where we are going, but the practitioners here have been called by Baba and now have their calling. Having found the winding road, they are now following it. But life takes its own course. We think we are fully managing our lives. This is an illusion. What we have to learn is to put away our ego where it belongs and learn to surrender. Swami Ananda went on to say that he never expected to be standing here today. At age 70 he expected to be walking with a cane. He said that he was grateful for every single thing that was happening and he advised the practitioners, when you reflect on something you can be grateful for, the more grateful you become, the more doors open. Swami Ananda continued to underscore the importance of surrender saying that with surrender, God will take over and bring untold success. He said that Dr Aggarwal was doing a great job all because of Baba's Grace, and he urged practitioners to be aware that they are NOT aware. In closing Swami Ananda enjoined practitioners to serve with love and never think that they are doing their patients a favour. Instead, practitioners should be grateful to their patients for giving them the opportunity to serve, and in so doing, God takes over.

Practitioner’s presentations continued...

Mr Zbyszek Słowik representing himself and his wife, Mrs Alicja Słowik, 03040 Poland, Senior Practitioners, told of how they gradually became A Family of Vibrionics Practitioners after Alicja's successful childbirth experience with Vibrionics. Even their young sons intuitively select the correct remedies for themselves. They have spread their Vibrionics seva into their community. Mr Słowik related interesting cases involving the successful treatment of a pregnant cow with an inflamed udder and a dog with many chronic illnesses.

Prof Sangeeta Srivastava PhD 02859 India, Delhi Coordinator and Trainer, presented encouraging reports about Vibrionics experiments in Delhi with plants in A Spectacular Response of Plants to Vibrionics. One experiment indicates that plants grow best with CC1.2 Plant tonic and love. She also reported on findings by researchers Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, Grover Cleveland Backster, Stefano Mancuso, and Dr Konstantin Korotkov. Prof Srivastava reminded the audience that the dictum 'Love All Serve All' applies to plants too. The potential for improving agricultural produce with this method is immense.

Prof Susan Wei PhD 02793 USA, Senior Practitioner, asked practitioners to consider the question, Who is Treating Whom? On a deeper level, we find the roles of patient and practitioner are profoundly interchangeable. Using examples from her practice on treatment of fractures, rheumatoid arthritis and paralysis, mental abuse, and cancer, Ms Wei spoke about how Vibrionics practice bears out Swami's teachings: attachments wound, we are not the separate individuals we think we are, love opens the door to healing, and in our patients we also see God. Vibrionics can help us apprehend the oneness of all beings. Swami is the only healer.

Ms Marina Kouvaka 02295 Greece, Senior Practitioner and Greek coordinator, counselled fellow practitioners, Don’t Take on a Patient’s Stress. Sharing her own valuable experience, Ms Kouvaka related that she worried about her ability to solve all her patients' problems until she realized God is the Healer enabling her to release egoistic concerns. She described her new-found confidence and amazing cures with the use of the 108 Common Combos box. Once, because of a mix-up, she took CC13.3 Bladder remedy instead of CC11.4 Migraines to treat her migraine, but Swami fixed the error and the remedy worked anyway.

Session Four

Mrs Pavalam Gunapathy 02799 UK, Senior Practitioner and Trainer spoke on her Vibrionics experience in A River of Compassion. In only three and a half years of practice, she has treated over 2500 patients with nearly 100% success. She has also been a very active Vibrionics teacher, setting up workshops and healing camps in both Sierra Leone and the UK. She reported on varied cases of successful treatments for heart attack, chronic asthma, chronic sneezing, urinary tract infection and bone cancer. Countless more patients have received her loving care. She spends time with her patients to talk about their problems, recognizing that the root cause of physical ailments is often mental and emotional affliction.

Ms Vanitha Loganathan 02894 UK, shared her experience with Vibrionics treatment by Mr Kanagarajan Shanmugam 02820 UK, for severe frozen shoulder, previously treated unsuccessfully with allopathic medicine. She was so impressed with her experiences that she has recently become a Vibrionics practitioner. On the following day, Ms Loganathan added a report on recent leelas in her home. These included vibhuti forming on her 108 Common Combos box, Swami's photo and also on her own passport photo when she was considering attending the conference.

Valedictory speech: Dr Michael Rakoff, MD

The valedictory speech, Complementary Medicine -- a Connection to the Body, Mind and Spirit, was delivered by Michael Rakoff, MD, USA. Dr Rakoff spoke about his wife Susan's Vibrionics practice and his own first-hand experiences and observations of mind-body connections when practicing as a paediatrician and healthcare consultant in the US and India. He further talked about the development of mind-body medicine research in the US by the National Institute of Health. He summarized his talk with these six points from Swami: Treat the mind and the spirit; Treat the patient, not the disease; Radiate love and compassion to the patient; We are all surrounded by Divine vibrations that interact – one person to another; Have confidence, anything can be achieved; Be filled with love, your smile reassures your patients.

The day concluded with the delegates giving Dr Jit and Mrs Hema Aggarwal a standing ovation for their more than 20 years of tireless dedication to Sathya Sai Baba, for the development of free Vibrionics healing remedies and service to the sick around the world, and for the training and support of vibro practitioners everywhere.

Aarti was offered to our Lord by Swami Ananda and Ms Pat Hunt. With that, the Conference program ended for the day.

At 8:00 PM in the North Indian Canteen, a delicious dinner was served to all delegates and guests.


Monday, January 27, 2014

The half-day program commenced at 9:30 AM in Swami‟s Old Mandir. Dr Jit K Aggarwal reviewed the previous day's events and conducted an additional ‘Question-Answer’ session.

Swami Ananda's second talk

Swami Ananda began by graciously saying that it was a very humbling experience for him to be there. He noted that the previous day he had spoken about surrender. In this talk, Swami Ananda went on to explain surrender by sharing some inspiring experiences:

Mataji had the ability to surrender. She was able to do her great service by buying all her remedies. Once she had the opportunity to get a machine with cards and remedies from London through a friend who was coming to South Africa. But the cost was 100 pounds, which she didn't have. Mataji went into the prayer room and handed it all over to God, saying if You want this for the world, then please help me. She then went back to seeing patients. At 10 AM, the postman arrived with a big envelope covered with stamps. Inside was a cheque for 100 pounds with a strange note, 'Get off my back'. Unbeknownst to her, some time earlier, a friend from London had gone to Spain. this lady was sipping coffee on the balcony of her hotel facing the ocean when she heard a voice in her head telling her to send Mataji 100 pounds. The voice repeated the message, and then by the third time, it was shouting, Send it now! The lady then wrote the cheque, and slipping this and the note into an envelope, she plastered it with postage stamps and mailed it. When this woman arrived in South Africa and met with Mataji, they exchanged stories -- the cheque and the note had been hers. Swami Ananda went on to explain that when we surrender from the heart, it engages an energy far beyond anything we know. All we have to do is to keep endeavouring to surrender and to be aware. If we can't be aware it doesn't matter, but at least we should be aware that we are NOT aware.

The next experience Swami Ananda related was that of a patient who came to Mataji's clinic with what her doctor said was a malignant wart on her forehead. Mataji touched the wart with her finger and gave her some medicine. When the women arrived home and looked in the mirror, the wart was gone. She called Mataji to ask her what she had done. Mataji replied that she had done nothing, she had just surrendered. This was beyond her. It was the Grace of the Lord.

Swami Ananda then instructed the practitioners, You must not feel that YOU are curing. WE don't cure. We dispense food, not even medicine. How healing really happens we don't have to really know. It is all Baba's Grace, God's Grace. We just need to remember to remember this.

Swami went on to relate further experiences. First, a lady with a severe back problem, who had been referred to a super specialist, improved so greatly after treatments from their dispensary that her doctor came to find out what they had been giving her. The doctor said that he didn't understand the combinations but told the patient to continue with them because according to her X-rays, it was impossible for her to be walking around in her condition without surgery -- yet she was. At another time, in 1992-93, when the clinic they had started in 1987 was greatly in debt, a man arrived to give them a very large loan which enabled them to pay back their bond in only 2 years' time. The Divine takes care of all our worries, Swami Ananda said, so be aware, be aware, be aware.

Finally, Swami Ananda related a story about how the brakes failed in his car when he was driving Swami Venkatesananda on a trip to do homoeopathy. Swami Venkatesananda directed Swami Ananda to keep driving even though they had to go downhill. Fifty-two miles later, when they arrived at their destination Swami Ananda stopped the car to discover that the brakes were now fully functional. Swami Venkatesananda commented, „If a little bit of love can mend a car, what will it not do for the human heart?‟ Swami Ananda continued, this is what we must endeavour to remember all the time: When we come to love, God becomes active in our world. Be aware, be aware, be aware. When we say something, we must ask ourselves, is this love speaking or just my ego? With love, miracles will happen.

Dr Anant Gaitonde's speech

Dr Anant Gaitonde, presented concise insights on allopathy from his valuable experience as a doctor and professor of both endocrinology and bacteriology. „One and one equals two‟, is what we are taught in school, he said, but with allopathy‟s emphasis on pharmacology, modern medical practice appears to be under the delusion that „one plus one equals zero‟ -- disease plus drug equals no disease. Instead, ailments are often multiplied by the very drugs administered to eliminate them. Cancer patients often die not from their cancer but from conventional cancer treatment, which seriously compromises their immune systems making them vulnerable to other fatal afflictions.

Emphasizing Swami‟s blessing hand in the origin of vibrionics, he repeated Swami‟s teaching that the five fingers represent the panchabhutas, the five elements (earth, air, fire, water and ether). Their powerful vibrations enter food when it is mixed and eaten with hand, in the Indian style. He said that Swami illustrated His profound understanding of vibrations with His teaching, Love all - serve all; Jesus too, when He said, Love thy neighbour as thyself. Both taught about the unlimited, all-pervasive energy of love that sits in the heart. With this, all things are possible.

He suggested that Chinese medicine with its understanding of the loving relationship between different physical organs might be helpful to practitioners in diagnosing and treating diseases. Dr Gaitonde‟s insight opened vistas for further study and greater scope for vibrational healing.

Dr Sara Pavan's speech

Dr Sara Pavan, MD, retired Anaesthesiologist, delivered a clear thought-provoking PowerPoint discourse on Everyday Health Tips. He pointed out that integral healthcare is holistic, focusing equally on the preservation of health as well as the prevention and curing of disease. He identified Pasupathi, Lord Sai, as the only Healer in all disciplines including homoeopathy, allopathy, and naturopathy. Taking his cue from Swami, Dr Pavan compared the body to an automobile, elaborating the analogy with colourful illustrations. He also offered an appealing acronym, HEALTH:

H Hari (God); Source of Everything
E Exercise, Effort & Diet for Body and Mind

A Awareness & Acceptance
L Love for Life; Level-Headedness
T Thoughts; Shun Negative Thinking
H Harmony, Happiness & Humour

Dr Pavan shared a remarkable story of losing facility in his hands and their miraculous restoration through Swami. He stressed the role of human values and equanimity in maintaining health for a long and happy life, and concluded with the wise admonition, 'Live in ease, otherwise be in dis-ease'.

At the conclusion of the program, the audience once again rose for an enthusiastic standing ovation as efforts were made to garland Dr and Mrs Aggarwal in gratitude for all they have done for Sai Vibrionics and those in need around the world.

The 108CC box recharging event then took place, with Swami's wonderful leela (see Overview, above).

The conference closed with the chanting of 3 OMs and Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu and overflowing gratitude to Swami for this wonderful event.