Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 00534...UK

My journey to health with Sai Vibrionics

Practitioner00534...UK writes: My journey to becoming a vibrionics practitioner is very unusual.

When I was younger (I am 54 now), I was very active. I walked everywhere and ran distances of 14 miles.

I qualified as a Pharmacist in the UK in 1983. I had never been to a doctor before 1985 when I got married and opened a pharmacy business. Within 2 years, my health changed drastically. I contracted meningitis and nearly died. In the course of treatment, I had 8 lumber punctures (spinal taps), which left me frozen and unable to speak or walk.  My legs were paralyzed for more than 6 months. When I was eventually discharged from hospital with severe myalgia encephalomyelitis (ME, chronic fatigue syndrome) I was unable to walk or lift my arm to comb my hair.

30 years of illness

Over the next 30 years, I was plagued by successive health problems. I suffered from severe migraine (daily), chronic fatigue, and also fibromyalgia symptoms causing pain in every muscle and bone. The collapse of my immune system led to asthma, eczema, and severe allergies. I developed allergic reactions to food, tap water (It caused bleeding mouth ulcers), sunlight, chemicals, gold, nickel (I could not touch coins as they contained nickel) and anything on my skin. The dye on prescriptions paper would make my hands swell up. I felt continually nauseated and vomited even from the smell of perfumes.

As if this was not enough, I had IBS and developed chronic ulcerative colitis with bloody diarrhoea, sarcoma of the connective tissue on my right leg, cervical spondylitis and eventually diabetes. As a complication of diabetes, I developed an ulcer on my right leg covering half of my calf, which lasted 2 years and ultimately led to a minor stroke in 2003. I also developed high blood pressure and hypothyroidism.

Yet there was more to come. After I had overcome all of the above, in 2005 I fell and damaged my L4, L5 and S1 vertebrae putting me in a wheelchair for over 4 years.  After getting back on my feet, 6 years later I ruptured the tendons in my left foot requiring 7 operations over 7 years to enable me to stand and walk unaided.

A multitude of treatments and a dedication to patients

Despite my many health challenges, I continued to run a successful pharmacy business (1985-2005). To do so, I took daily doses of Ibuprofen (8 tablets), decongestants, an antihistamine for my allergies and codeine-based painkillers for 28 years just to get though the day but I refused steroids or inhalers for asthma.

I tried many systems of healing and many modalities in an effort to recover my health. These included Ayurveda, Touch for Health (healing by balancing meridians), Brain Gym Therapy (kinesiology), Bach flower remedies, homeopathy, tissue salts, Aloe vera, Frequency-specific Microcurrant (FSM), acupressure, gem therapy, colour therapy, Su Jok Therapy (a Korean system utilizing principles of acupuncture and acupressure), functional Medicine (an American system seeking to balance dysfunctional systems with nutriceutical supplements). I studied Dr Robert O Young’s Live Blood Microscopy (healing the blood with alkaline foods). I practiced EFT (tapping on meridian points to cure emotional issues). I regularly went to see psychic healers. Yet from all this, I got very little improvement, 10% only. While other patients healed from the above, I barely survived.

All this took an emotional toll on me and my family. My life outside the pharmacy was difficult to bear. But every morning when I put on my white coat, I was transformed. I was unstoppable during work serving patients at the pharmacy, albeit with the help of painkillers. Yet by evening, I could not even climb the stairs. Also, for years, because of my health problems, my diet consisted of rice with salt and pepper, and bread and chips sandwiches.

Healing with Sai Baba

In 1991 a customer of mine had a vision that an Indian guru with the name Sai Baba would heal me. So I went to Prashanthi Nilayam, India where I studied magnet therapy and acupressure, and was eventually introduced to Dr Aggarwal. This was in 1997-1998.  At that time there were only 316 cards and no casebooks or manuals to follow as we have now. I received an evening of training on how to use the Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser  (SRHVP) and this was the beginning. Vibrionics was Baba’s gift to me when I had lost all hope.

How I used the SRHVP machine

I first used the SRHVP to create nosodes and single remedies in water. I needed nosodes because I could not take vitamins, ayurvedic herbs, tap water, milk, fruits, or apply skin ointments for eczema and I was limited to allopathic drugs that did not have taste or smell. I used water to make remedies because even a drop of alcohol caused palpitations and dizzy spells.

I made a series of nosodes and took each in turn for a month, one dose per hour. During the first month, I took a nosode of Vitamin B complex. The next month, I took a nosode of SR325 Bach Flowers Rescue; then nosodes of gold, nickel, mercury (for mercury fillings), aspirin and magnesium; followed by SM1 Removal of Entities (up to 6TD, for nightmares), SM6 Stress (to reduce cortisol levels to balance sympathetic nervous system) and SM2 Divine Protection. I kept the whole Soham series of cards on my dispensing table arranged in a line, knowing that just constantly seeing them protected and healed me, and also helped prevent any mistake in dispensing them.

After I learnt about meridians, I started taking meridian remedies using the cards. I then did colour therapy by making nosodes of colours using the SRHVP. I took a coloured material eg, yellow or green, and I lined the sample well with it to make the remedy, which I took for a month.  Then I would change to a different colour.

All the while, I was improving my general wellness. Within 3 years, I was 20% better.

I progressed to making nosodes with combinations of ingredients. For example, I made a nosode of turmeric + ghee + caraway + cumin + black salt – an ayurvedic formula for the Vata symptom of feeling cold all the time. As I could not swallow the ayurvedic preparation itself (since it gave me nausea), I resorted to a nosode and it helped to balance my neurological and hormonal systems.

I used nearly every card in the Soham series, Volume 3. I took each remedy separately for a week and then changed. This taught me which cards to save for future reference and which cards made the greatest difference. I discovered some mainstays, which I took regularly as single remedies: NM6 Calming (for profound relaxation and sleep), NM36 War, NM75 Debility, NM81 Glandular Fever, NM86 Immunity, NM90 Nutrition, NM91 Paramedic Rescue, NM104 Tops (for memory and brain fatigue) and SR293 Gunpowder.

My leg ulcer healed eventually after treatment with a combo made from a nosode of Manuka honey + Baba’s vibhuti + trimovate cream + tea tree + amoxicillin + flucoxacillin + colloidal silver + turmeric powder + NM103 Bites & Stings…6TD, for 2 weeks in water. I also applied the above remedy to the wound before covering it up with a compression bandage. Within 2 weeks the ulcer healed leaving me with a one cm diameter hole, which healed after another month’s treatment.

Previously, when I had taken original homoeopathic remedies, tissue salts or essential oils, I had experienced such strong pullouts that I could not even get out of bed. But I discovered that I was able to tolerate nosodes of such remedies made with the SRHVP. They even made me feel energized.

Eventually, I made nosodes of all my allopathic drugs. Within 1 month of taking the nosodes, I found I could stop taking the drugs themselves. I have not touched them since July 2012.  This was surprising to me as codeine-based painkillers, which I had been taking for nearly 3 decades, are highly addictive.

All this time, I had been largely working in isolation, using my knowledge of detoxification and of alkaline foods, to help raise my health to a higher level. Then a dramatic turning point occurred.

Transformation through Sai Vibrionics

In May 2013, I attended a Sai Vibrionics camp and was captivated with Senior Practitioner 02799…UK. She looked like Mother Teresa and is now my Sunshine. I was amazed to learn how vibrionics had developed with some 4500 practitioners worldwide. I retrained as a JVP in December 2013.

I immediately started taking my blood nosode and have not looked back. I can now walk 2 miles, my mind is much clearer and I can eat most foods. My fear has dissolved, and I have recovered my inner strength and so much more. I am currently working with vibrionics to improve my short-term memory, dyslexia with numbers and blood pressure.

Every doctor and pharmacist I interact with has noticed my remarkable transformation. I am very grateful to be able to help their patients now, as I continue with my own journey to health. I regularly give patients potentised Vitamin B complex + NM90 Nutrition, with excellent results for them too.

When so much is given, so much is asked for. I am now in service to our Baba with love, stepping into a life with purpose.

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