Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Όποτε βλέπετε έναν άνθρωπο άρρωστο, αποθαρρυμένο, απαρηγόρητο ή ασθενή εκεί ακριβώς είναι το πεδίο σας για προφορά " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 11646...India

Practitioner 11646…India is a post graduate in Materials management, having earned his diploma in Mechanical Engineering and graduation in Business Administration. He is also a certified ISO 9001 lead auditor. In 2020, he retired after 42 years in the industry, having last served as Deputy General Manager at Fiat India Automobiles.

His first exposure to Sai at the age of ten was when, he used to attend bhajans at a neighbour’s house. Later in 1975, when he was 16, the family moved to Chennai and he started to attend Sai centre activities at Guindy on a regular basis. From this point onwards, Swami became the unseen protector of his family. Since 1980 he has been keenly involved in service activities like temple cleaning, distribution of vessels and clothes to the needy, facilitating poor children to receive an education, Narayan seva, providing financial and physical help to the blind, and assisting people to get hospitalised in an emergency. Interested in the life of saints, he has translated Gurucharitra into Tamil from English and written an article on Sant Gnaneshwar Maharaj. 

Since childhood, he had a thirst for knowledge and a propensity to do service. Being interested in the medical field, he used to have long discussions with a relative who was a medical doctor. In 2022 when he heard of Sai Vibrionics, he was filled with joy thinking that he would be able to participate in Sai’s mission, in line with his interest. Consequently, he qualified as an AVP in Nov 2022 and became VP in June 2023.

For admission to AVP course, all applicants are required to provide a list of potential patients. Not able to find enough people whom he could possibly treat, he approached the trustee of an orphanage housing 30 children. As he had been supporting this organisation, his request was well received and the trustee provided him with a list of 26 patients residing at the orphanage. Thus, he was able to fulfil one of the main conditions for AVP admission! After qualifying as a practitioner, he undertook the project of treating all the patients, mostly children with the support of his mentor and senior practitioners. Read more on how he meticulously went about this project in the In Addition section of this issue.

Having treated over 400 patients to date, the practitioner finds that the combo IB + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies gives excellent results in cases of sneezing, cold, cough, fever, throat infection, body pain and loss of appetite. He has obtained complete success with this combo in at least nine cases. When taken orally 6TD, and also prepared in water to be used as nasal drops, and for steam inhalation and gargling, the patients recover fully in 2 to 3 days.

He would like to share the case of a 55-year-old man whom he saw walking with great difficulty, near his house. He brought him indoors and the man mentioned that he was unable to see properly, had poor appetite for the last four days and felt devoid of energy. He had just completed a month-long pilgrimage, which had disrupted his food and sleep schedule. The practitioner immediately gave him water and a single dose of CC10.1 Emergencies and advised him to rest for a while. After just 20 minutes the patient reported improved balance, vision and energy! Diagnosing it to be a case of imbalance in the body clock (jetlag), he prepared a bottle of CC17.1 Travel sickness. As the patient now felt comfortable to walk home, he was given the remedy bottle to be taken 6TD, with the first dose administered in his mouth with prayers. Next day, the patient came back at 11 am looking cheerful and conveyed that after the first dose when he returned home, he was able to eat better. After two more doses, he was able to sleep well. He woke up that morning so refreshed that he ended up in a restaurant for a sumptuous breakfast. He was now feeling like his normal self again.

The practitioner derives great joy from treating people who cannot afford expensive medicines, like gardeners, housekeeping staff, and security personnel in his residential community. Along with a fellow practitioner, he conducted weekly camps for eight months at Madras Ganapathy mandir in Pune from July 23. He held an all-day camp at Alandi Festival in Pune in June 24 and treated 70 patients. When working in camps, he finds pre-filling the remedy bottles with pills to be a great time-saver. He is happy to help other practitioners write up their cases in English and Tamil, and train them to do the same; he is actively working on submitting case histories for the collective centenary offering of 100 CHs.  

He finds the Sai vibrionics website, newsletters and International conference book to be a treasure trove of information for practitioners to learn more in order to be able to diagnose diseases better and treat patients more effectively. Being a practitioner, he says, puts the onus on us to serve all those in need, and to always prioritise the patient. Since practising vibrionics, his level of patience has improved considerably, and he feels that Swami is slowly transforming him to become a better human being.

Cases to share: