Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Όποτε βλέπετε έναν άνθρωπο άρρωστο, αποθαρρυμένο, απαρηγόρητο ή ασθενή εκεί ακριβώς είναι το πεδίο σας για προφορά " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 4 Τεύχος 1
January/February 2013

1. Question: Can a vibration be put in Ayurvedic medicinal oil for external use?

Answer: At present, we don’t recommend this because we believe that vibration of ayurvedic medicine may interfere with vibrational remedy. We use oils such as almond oil, cold pressed olive oil or coconut oil because these are neutral. However, we are interested in getting a feedback for those who are willing to experiment with adding vibrations to ayurvedic medicines.


2. Question: How do allopathic medicines and vibrations complement each other for a faster cure?

Answer: Whereas allopathic medicines work on physical or gross level, vibrionics works on a higher or subtler level and this achieves faster healing.


3. Question: In the 108CC book, a few homoeopathic remedies are mentioned in the breakdown of the common combos. Does this mean that combos contain homoeo remedies?

Answer: No, common combos contain only vibrations including those of some relevant homoeo remedies.


4. Question: Should a patient continue with maintenance dose for a chronic illness while starting to take vibrations for another acute/chronic disease?

Answer: For a chronic disease, yes, but ensure that there is a gap of at least one hour between the maintenance dose and the new remedy. However when a patient has an acute illness, the maintenance dose may be stopped during the short period of acute treatment.


5. Question: I understand that SSS Seva Organisation distances itself from Vibrionics, which is discouraging news, particularly when the news is coming out after Samadhi! Your guidance, please.

Answer: Actually, the SSS Seva Organisation has been facilitating our workshops and other activities provided their name is not mentioned on any banner at such camps. Remember that Swami blessed the Vibrionics system physically at all stages of its evolution on numerous occasions from 1994 to 2011.


6. Question: Can Vibrionics be used as a protection against pests in agriculture?

Answer: In 108CC box, the CC1.2 Plant tonic will protect plants from damage caused by weather like frost or storms, fungus, insect infestation etc. 5 drops may be put in one litre of water to make the initial remedy. This can be further multiplied by using 1:10 proportion. It can be used to regularly spray the plants and water the soil.

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