Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 12013 &

Practitioners 12013 & 11553…India are a devout couple from spiritually inclined families. The husband, a qualified mechanical engineer with a postgraduate diploma in management studies, retired in 2010 as Senior General Manager after 38 years of service in a reputed organisation. The wife, a graduate in science as well as education, served as a High School teacher for 30 years before retiring in 2012.

The husband grew up witnessing Swami’s miracles and his wife came into Sai fold after marriage. For the last 40 to 45 years, they have been active participants in the Sai organisation and were blessed by Swami with many miracles. The wife has been a Balvikas guru since 1985 and is presently serving as Balvikas and Mahila coordinator at the local Sai Centre where the husband is serving as Spiritual coordinator. In 2011, the husband got an opportunity to play a lead role in getting the sponsorship, material procurement, and timely execution of a project that brought water to a village on a hill in Raigad district of Maharashtra. A well was built with the help of local villagers on the river side and water was pumped up into a tank built on the hill. This brought untold joy to 200 inhabitants who had to face enormous difficulty for years in getting water from the plains.

In 2008, the couple had the good fortune of closely associating with a senior practitioner. They witnessed how patients were getting cured by vibrational medicine with no side effects. They were inspired and motivated by the practitioner to undergo training and become vibrionics practitioners themselves. Soon after retirement, the husband completed his training in 2011 and his wife followed suit to become an AVP in 2012. Initially both husband and wife treated themselves and obtained relief from their chronic problems of acidity and knee pain respectively. This increased their confidence and conviction in treating various ailments. In the last 8 years, they have treated 500 patients and have achieved success with varied ailments such as varicose veins, acidity, diarrhoea, fever, cough and cold, rhinitis, migraine, vertigo, epilepsy, paralysis, arthritis, frozen shoulder, back pain, and psoriasis.

Many of their patients, having previously tried various remedial measures without much success, have finally resorted to and were cured by vibrionics. Such persons are very happy and boldly proclaim to others with similar problems that only because of vibrionics, they have got cured. In general, they find that the degree of improvement in a patient’s condition depends on the nature and history of the illness, the patient’s faith, patience, and perseverance. Those expecting instant cure get disheartened if there is only marginal relief. In such cases, practitioners work with them to build confidence and trust in continuing to take the remedies as advised. In their experience, about 70% of all patients get cured.

The practitioners have also been participating in weekly health camps conducted by their Sai Samiti. During one such camp in June 2016, they came across two male patients in their early 40's who were suffering from psoriasis for many months. One took homoeopathic and the other allopathic treatment, with no relief in either case. Within 2 months of taking the remedy CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.5 Dry Sores + CC21.10 Psoriasis, orally and in coconut oil for external application, the first patient got completely cured; it has not recurred for nearly 4 years. The other patient got about 80% relief in 4 months and the treatment is continuing. The couple feels that vibrionics should become a part of all health camps of the Sai organisation as many doctors, because of their faith in Swami and knowledge of vibrionics, refer their patients to them to expedite the cure. This applies specially to chronic illnesses like constipation, piles, sleeplessness, knee pain, back pain, and asthma because patients seek stronger medicines (for faster cure) for these ailments as these make their routine chores challenging.

The practitioners also send remedies by post to relatives and friends in different parts of India. When they visit their children in USA, normally once in 2 years, they carry with them, in addition to their Wellness kit, 36 essential remedies chosen from the 108CC box. These are for commonly occurring acute problems like cold, cough, fever, headache, indigestion and all pains as well as remedies for certain chronic ailments based on prior information received. Many Sai devotees in the USA have benefitted from their seva. Their daughter’s family has developed strong faith in vibrionics, so much so that their 4-year-old granddaughter only asks for “vibrionics medicines” whenever she is not well.

The practitioners feel that it is a blessing to humanity that such a medicine, which works at the vibrational level and has no side effects, is available and is free of cost! They give vibrionics remedies with firm faith that Swami is healing and they are only His instruments. Their own conviction about the efficacy of vibrionics has grown many fold over time. They are of the opinion that as more and more people get cured, they will recommend it to others and this field of medicine will grow. In the future, they hope that more devotees will get trained in vibrionics and reach out to areas not yet receiving its benefit. Doing seva through vibrionics is very fulfilling, like an offering to God, they conclude!

Cases to share: