COVID-19 11613...India
An 83-year-old male having asthma for 28 years and taking an inhaler and nebuliser, was also taking imitinab* (a chemotherapy drug that slows the growth of cancer cells) for blood cancer diagnosed ten years ago. On 12 July 2020 he developed fever 101º F and breathlessness, more than usual. As the symptoms persisted for four days, his family, using a pulse oximeter, checked his blood oxygen level which was 89% (the normal level is 95% - 100% but being an asthmatic, his normal was 92%). He was immediately admitted to the hospital on 16 July where he was given oxygen support. A swab test done on the same day found him Covid positive; so he was given vitamin-C, Zinc and Calcium tablets in addition to daily IV injections, presumably anti-viral although not disclosed by the hospital.
After three days on 19 July 2020, his fever was reduced to 99.5º F but the oxygen level went down to 84%. Immediately, a family member contacted the practitioner who gave the standard Immunity booster remedy, viz:
CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC9.4 Children’s diseases + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…one dose every 10 minutes for 2 hours, followed by 6TD
Next day, the fever came down to 99º F and his energy level and appetite increased substantially. After 3 days on 22 July, the swab test showed that he was still positive and his oxygen level stayed at 84%, so he continued to be on oxygen support. However, four days later on 26 July, much to his relief, he tested negative, his oxygen level improved to 98% and he got discharged from the hospital. The doctors were surprised that in spite of asthma and blood cancer, this man aged 83 recovered in just 10 days.
On 5 August, the dosage was slowly tapered down to TDS, BD, OD and the patient, not feeling any further need for the remedy, stopped it on 10 Sept 2020.