Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Dr Jit Aggarwal

Vol 10 अंक 4
July August 2019

Dear Practitioners

With Guru Poornima around the corner, it is time for us to rejoice living in the garden of love -- the field of pure potentiality. That pure and potent Love energy is none other than our dearest Lord. Swami has said “I ask only for purity of heart, to shower Grace. Do not posit distance between you and Me; do not interpose the formalities of the Guru-sishya (Preceptor- disciple) relationship, or even the altitudinal distinctions of the God-Devotee relationship, between you and Me. I am neither Guru nor God; I am You; You are I; that is the Truth. There is no distinction. That which appears so is the delusion. You are waves; I am the Ocean. Know this and be free, be Divine.” – Sathya Sai Baba, Guru Poornima Festival, Prashanthi Nilayam, 19 July 1970. 

It is time, my Brothers and Sisters, to wholeheartedly immerse ourselves in His Love and experience the expression of divinity in each and every aspect of creation. It is time to plug-in to the infinite reservoir of universal love and offer that love to each and every being that crosses our path. At our core, we are love. The electromagnetic vibrations of our hearts are tremendous and powerful which will recalibrate the dissonant vibrations around us into a more loving frequency. This, dear practitioners, makes it possible for us to serve ourselves and the world by remaining in a loving vibration, thereby helping to raise the frequency of those whom we treat. 

A practitioner recently wrote “time has come for each practitioner to bring in a potential new one”, to expand love and light through vibrionics and take up this seva activity. Let us each do our part to expand our vibrionics mission’s  field of love by getting those who have benefited from vibrionics to participate and experience the joy one derives from serving. Might I suggest that each one of us looks at our contacts including our list of patients to see if anyone is suitable to take up this seva activity. If the practitioner identifies a patient who feels inspired enough to undertake this seva, he may initially take his help with some simple tasks such as, filling bottles with pills, imparting instructions to patients on how to take remedies, and assisting us with organizing health camps. Later he can be encouraged to apply for training in vibrionics. The first one for you to consider could be your spouse or other family member!

It is very encouraging to see that we have had a lot of interest from our team of dedicated practitioners in moving forward and becoming SVPs. The need of the hour is that we are looking for those practitioners who want to actively contribute towards the running of vibrionics on an ongoing basis. As our expectations from SVPs are now greater, it is no longer a matter of clocking a certain number of administrative hours for becoming an SVP. If your recent application for becoming an SVP has not been approved, it is mainly because we are looking for practitioners with commitment and passion to take a lead role, as our human resource is limited. 

As we are acutely resource constrained, I humbly request all practitioners who would like to recharge their 108CC boxes to make advance arrangements. Also, kindly ensure that you are regularly submitting your monthly reports and that you are accompanied by someone with good eyesight, who will help to put drops in the bottle; unless, there is at least one other practitioner accepted for recharge and who wants to join you for recharging his 108CC box.

I conclude with my very best wishes and a call to all practitioners in helping change the world with your love. It can be done, one thought at a time, within the unfolding circumstances of life’s journey. May you all be joyous!

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal