Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Dr. Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 3 अंक 3
May/June 2012

Dear Practitioners

It is heartening to see the enthusiasm with which people continue to embrace Vibrionics training. Last month our certified teachers from India conducted two AVP workshops in Nagpur and Jabalpur. 18 new practitioners were trained in each workshop and the students have given us excellent feedback. We wish the latest additions to our Sai Vibrionics family all the best as they embark on this new seva journey!

A senior vibrionics practitioner (SVP) workshop was conducted in London recently for eight practitioners. They had obtained such amazing results that they were eager to become SVPs after only a year of practicing as Junior VPs. All of them passed with high marks (91-98%) and made a fresh resolve to do even more seva! Another workshop is scheduled this month in London for JVPs. It will be conducted by our certified teacher who is retired. She is now doing full-time seva with Vibrionics with marvellous results. She returned last week from a medical camp in Sierra Leone where she treated 306 patients in seven days and trained four persons to become JVPs.

We encourage all SVPs with adequate experience to consider taking the teacher’s training course so that they can conduct workshops and refresher courses in their respective states. Do think about it. And of course JVPs are welcome to apply for the Senior VP course.

On numerous occasions I received directions and advice about Vibrionics directly from Swami Himself. Those were unforgettable times! In an interview on 19 January 2005, when I said to Swami, ‘With Your grace, even cancer and AIDS are getting cured’, Swami said, ‘When you treat with love, all get better’. And this reminds me of another interview almost a decade earlier when I had completed treating around 2,000-3,000 patients.

One day, I carried my patient records’ notebook to darshan and, immediately, I was blessed with an interview. I was elated as I wanted to tell Swami that this therapy was so wonderful and that all these patients were getting better with His grace. There were many people in the interview room and I had kept the book next to me on the floor. The interview was coming to an end and I had not got a chance to talk to Swami about the patients. My elation was fast turning into disappointment. At that very moment, Swami said, ‘Aggarwala, what is that book on the floor?’ As you can imagine, my joy knew no bounds and I leapt up to show Swami the book. While flipping through the pages, I said, in an extremely happy tone, ‘Swami, look - all these patients have been cured with this wonderful system of Vibrionics’. Swami looked extremely happy and with a big smile on His face, He praised me, ‘You are doing a great job. I know all your patients are getting better but not because of your medicine! I am curing your patients’. That one sentence delivered a crushing blow and I clearly recall my thoughts at the time: ‘Let me run out of the interview room and fast!’ Our All-Knowing, All-Seeing Swami had seen my ego climb up to great heights and in one simple stroke, He brought it right down to the floor. That day I learnt a great lesson - I realised that ego is extremely subtle and it can enter one’s head without one even realizing it.

Keeping both these incidents in mind, let us remember to treat our patients with Love as LOVE is the most important ingredient in healing. Love is all powerful. It knows no barriers and hence it can achieve miracle cures! Incidentally, we have many such ‘healings by love’ on our records. And, before every healing session, let us pray to Swami to remove any trace of ego from our minds as He is the only one who can and will cure our patients. We are mere instruments, He is the only Doctor there is.

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal