Рассылка Саи Вибрионикс

" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Том 9 Выпуск 5
September/October 2018

Question 1: If a patient cannot stop his negative thoughts, can vibro still help overcome his illness and also his negative thinking?

Answer 1: Yes, vibro remedies can help with both – one’s illness and with one’s negative thoughts. Patients with positive thoughts get cured more quickly. So our first approach is to encourage patients to think positive and be hopeful. It goes without saying that the practitioner should have full faith and confidence that the vibro remedies will help cure the patients’ problems. Secondly, it is important to discover the source of negative thoughts in each patient; it is usually repressed emotions rooted in fear, rejection, shock, anger, grief etc. The practitioner should make a sincere effort to discover the underlying cause and give an appropriate remedy which could be chosen from category 15, 17 or 18. If the patient returns and the treatment has only been minimally effective, then he should further counsel the patient and plan out a strategy. Having said all this, sometimes a cure doesn’t take place. Then the practitioner should not himself lose heart or faith in vibro treatment, knowing that sometimes concerns beyond the power to change are at work eg, a patient may find it impossible to release his repression, maybe because of his difficult past karma. In the end, God, who is the Healer, knows when to heal a patient depending on his inner journey. People who truly believe in God will readily accept this, like Dr John Hislop who happily left his body full of cancer, truly believing he was not that body and through the sickness, the Lord was dissolving the last remnants of his karma.   

However sometimes illnesses are slow to heal due to a physical weakness in the patient caused by eg, malnourishment or environmental factors; lack of nurturing in children can mean they grow without the healing energy of love. When one has no hope in life, happiness and a healthy body and mind are difficult to achieve. The most important role of a practitioner is to give love, positivity and hope. 


Question 2: Any suggestions for treating gynaecomastia (enlarged breasts in men) other than using CC14.3?

Answer 2: If you have the 108CC box and no access to a senior practitioner, then CC14.3 is the best remedy for this condition. However, people with SRHVP can give SR262 Nat Phos 6X…OD along with SR381 Conium 1M…OW. It is worth mentioning that this problem occurs often in overweight males, so a diet for weight reduction may help. 


Question 3: Should SRHVP chakra cards be used alone or can they be all combined into single remedy?

Answer 3: No two chakra remedies should be combined. It is best to treat one chakra at a time. The potency is CM and dosage is OD (before sleep) and it usually takes 2 days to balance a chakra. During chakra treatment, other vibro remedies should not be given. If a patient is already taking another remedy, this should be stopped 3 days prior to starting the chakra remedy but can be restarted once the chakra has gone back to balance.


Question 4: What is the maximum number of times a remedy can be given in one day? Some patients find it difficult to take pearls TDS while others believe in taking more than 6TD to speed up the healing. Some patients are not regular in taking the remedies yet they complain that the vibro is not working.  How do I take care of such patients?              

Answer 4: Most people want a quick cure of problems they have had for years but healing can take time. The vibrations have to become strong in the energy field around the body before manifesting in the physical body. Although managing your patients’ expectations is important, you should also get them to agree to be patient and follow the instructions as part of your commitment to work with them. Taking the recommended dosage regularly produces faster results. However, taking the remedy less frequently is still better than not taking it at all. The maximum number of times a remedy can be taken in one day is 6TD except when taken frequently like one dose every 10 mins in highly acute cases. We have no group of published cases that have disproved 6TD in favour of more than 6TD.


Question 5: I have 3 patients with lice infestation. What is the best way to administer the vibro remedy?

Answer 5: Give CC11.2 Hair problems…TDS or SR315 Staphysagria…OD orally for a month. We don’t recommend the use of lice shampoo containing toxic chemicals. It is best to make the remedy in water and use this for massaging the scalp BD and later wash hair in the normal way.