Obj 15 Sprawa 6
November / December 2024
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From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal
Dear Practitioners,
The Veda Purusha Saptaha Yajna concluding on the auspicious day of Vijayadashami (this fell on 12 Oct this year) is one of the highlights of the Navaratri celebrations in Prashanti Nilayam. Raising the spiritual vibrations of the entire ashram, it is a fulfilling experience to witness and, also an opportunity to turn inwards. Swami says that yagnas are performed for the welfare of humanity but what is of greater significance is the Antar Yagna (internal sacrifice), burning of our evil tendencies like egoism, greed and envy at the sacrificial altar so that we can cultivate selfless love and engage in loving service in order to realise Divinity.
On the Vijayadasami day in 1999, Swami said, “It is the duty of each and every individual to participate in social service activities, be it in the village or city… You will be wasting your life, if you do not dedicate yourselves to the service of mankind. Body is gifted to serve the creator and the creation. Service to man is service to God. Render service to society with the feeling that God is present in one and all. …True service has twin benefits: it makes you blissful and gives happiness to others…Divine grace will flow in abundance only when you serve with the spirit of humility and equality.”…Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 16 Oct 1999, Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 32 (1999).
I am truly humbled to be in the company of many dedicated practitioners engaged in this true service and feel privileged to announce the recent appointment of one such diligent Executive Member 11573 of SVIRT to the Board of Governors of our Institute. We wish him all the best as he takes on the new role and greater responsibility!
It is encouraging to note that we have had a great influx of contributions for the three books that we are working on to offer on Baba’s centenary celebrations. The editing of case histories by our team of seven members under the able leadership of our the newly appointed, industrious and always eager to learn Executive Member 11568 of SVIRT is in full swing. We appreciate the contributions received so far but are still running short of the target especially for the compilation of ‘Extraordinary Experiences’ with vibrionics. We ask you all to take a stroll down memory lane and recall the wondrous experiences that I am sure each one of you must have encountered. Don’t worry if the write-up is sketchy or lacking in detail; all we ask is for interesting anecdotes with Sai Vibrionics. Send your contributions to [email protected].
I gratefully acknowledge the hard work being put in by so many practitioners in organizing and running vibro camps. In the last quarter from July to Sept, 477 camps were held at 113 venues (across 12 states of India) in which 135 practitioners served 15,218 patients. This is really wonderful progress and we commend you all for your dedication.
It is a great pleasure to witness how practitioners are connecting virtually on a regular basis using platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, etc for meetings and discussions. I would like to request all coordinators to send the outcomes of such meetings – ideas, queries, suggestions to [email protected]. While WhatsApp is a fantastic vehicle for sharing informally information like fixing a meeting date, meeting links, collecting data etc, it is not an official channel of communication recognised by SVIRT. On several occasions I have noticed that decisions taken and topics discussed in local meetings are circulated on WhatsApp to a larger audience giving the impression that this is the official voice of the Institute. Please ensure that it is not deemed as such. Any official communication from SVIRT is only sent by email. As a dynamic organisation we are actively working towards bettering our procedures for the growth and harmonious functioning of the Institute. SVIRT management is open to receiving suggestions from practitioners sent via the above admin email.
Finally, I would like to remind you all that personal health is of the greatest importance. As practitioners, we often tend to ignore our own wellbeing. We rush to make remedies for a friend or family member in need, but don’t do the same for ourselves. I admit I am guilty of the same neglect. We must prioritize our own health and enhance our wellbeing with immunity booster remedies and preventive combos for seasonal diseases going round or for diseases to which we may have a genetic predisposition.
As we enter Swami’s birthday month, let us reflect on His message: “Anyone who claims to be a Sai devotee should dedicate his life to Sai ideals. That is true devotion and real penance. That is the hallmark of humanness. It will be reflected in love, which will find expression in compassion that generates real Ananda. The greatest quality in every man is love. When love is absent, evil qualities like hatred and jealousy rear their heads. Make love the breath of your life.”…Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 23 Nov 1993, Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 26 (1993)
In the midst of Deepawali celebrations, the festival of lights, my prayer is that we all become beacons of His light and love and, immersing ourselves in His work, be worthy of His grace and blessings.
In Loving Service to Sai
Jit K Aggarwal
Skin disorder 18007...India
A 52-year-old female had constant swelling, itching and reddish skin primarily affecting her forehead, cheeks, and ankles for the past 22 years. The itching was particularly severe at these sites where she applied vermilion daily, a family tradition which she could not avoid. Despite taking allopathic and ayurvedic treatments for over 20 years from different doctors, she had only partial and temporary relief. Frustrated with lack of lasting results, she discontinued them upon learning about vibrionics. She expressed that she was embarrassed to venture outdoors due to her condition. On 1 Jan 2023, she was given:
#1. CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS orally and in vibuthi…BD for external application
One week later on 8 Jan, the patient reported on a video call, slight increase in reddishness on her face; the practitioner gently advised her to continue the remedies. By 15 Jan, itching intensified and the patient was feeling tense. Suspecting that her stress might be related to a hormonal imbalance (although she had reached menopause a few years back), the practitioner, after an intense prayer to Swami, enhanced the remedy to:
#2. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + #1…6TD for one week and then TDS
Two weeks later on 29 Jan, she reported 30% improvement and was advised to also apply #2…BD in water. On 8 Mar, the patient excitedly conveyed that all the symptoms had completely gone and the skin regained its normal colour; she expressed immense gratitude to Swami. The external remedy was discontinued but she chose to continue the oral remedy. She was overjoyed that she could go out freely without any concerns. On 14 Jan 2024, she reduced the dosage to BD and slowly tapered it down and stopped on 9 Mar. As of Sept 2024, she remains very happy and healthy.
Communication disorder & incontinence 18007...India
While on a visit to her grandparents in India, a 7-year-old girl, with significant communication challenges was brought to the practitioner by her mother. Although the child began speaking at the age of three, she exhibited disinterest in interacting with others. Additionally, she was reliant on diapers due to lack of control over her bladder and bowels. She refused to speak to anyone at school and had been labelled as unfit to attend school; this situation had caused considerable distress to the parents, leading them into a state of depression. During consultation, the girl appeared physically healthy but was indifferent to her surroundings, not responding to any of the practitioner’s gentle questions. The mother looked upset and uncomfortable to reveal whether the girl had previously been taken to a doctor; she mentioned that her daughter was not under any other treatment. On 19 Jan 2023, after intense prayer to the Lord, the practitioner prepared and gave the following remedy:
#1. CC9.4 Children’s diseases* + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS
15 days later, the patient’s mother excitedly called to share the wonderful news that her daughter began to communicate with family members and her reliance on diapers had decreased significantly. The family returned to the USA and the girl continued to improve. Two months later, the parents revealed that she had been facing challenges in learning to read or write, since joining school. On 7 Apr 2023, the remedy was enhanced and was collected by the girl’s father:
#2. CC18.1 Brain disabilities + #1…TDS
On 18 Apr, the patient’s mother conveyed from the US that her daughter had been waking up early in the morning, urging her parents to get ready for work and take her to school. She was now freely communicating with others and had completely stopped using diapers; this miraculous improvement brought immense joy to her parents, who expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Swami. Three months later on 9 July, the mother was overjoyed to report that the daughter was doing well in her studies and continued to communicate normally. The remedy was continued until it got exhausted in Sept 2023.
As of Oct 2024, the girl continues to remain healthy and is at par with children of her age.
*The practitioner was intuitively guided to add CC9.4 Children’s diseases while praying intensely to Swami.
Editor’s comments
In the absence of a proper diagnosis the girl could only be treated on the basis of symptoms.
Peripheral neuropathy 18010...India
A 68-year-old male sought treatment for numbness that extended from abdomen to both his legs up to the toes. The numbness first began in June 2022, occurring only on waking up and resolved on its own after a few minutes. By Jan 2023, it started to occur several times daily, each episode lasting an hour during which he was unable to walk; when his legs were massaged, he would get relief lasting for two hours during which he could resume walking. Also, he developed mild but constant tremors in both his hands, doctor diagnosed his condition as peripheral neuropathy. There was no history of diabetes or blood pressure and the underlying cause remained unidentified. He took prescribed medication for two months and as there was no relief, he managed his symptoms only through massage and rest.
On 18 Oct 2023, the practitioner gave:
CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC18.6 Parkinson’s disease…6TD for two weeks and then TDS
On 3 Nov, the patient joyfully reported that episodes of numbness had reduced to once every 2 to 3 days, each episode lasting less than 10 minutes; tremors now lasted a minute and occurred 2 to 3 times a day. By 18 Nov, tremors occured only once a week, each lasting less than a minute. By 1 Dec, numbness had completely disappeared and there had been no tremors since his last review on 18 Nov. Dosage was reduced to OD and remedy stopped on 22 Dec 2023. As of Oct 2024, there has been no recurrence.
Knee pain 18010...India
A 51-year-old female was suffering from severe pain and mild swelling in her knees for just over a year since Nov 2021. Pain significantly hindered her ability to walk normally, causing an unsteady gait. Walking exacerbated the pain and caused cramps in her legs. She was unable to sit on the floor, previously an effortless and regular activity. She relied on over-the-counter pain relief gel and took rest whenever necessary. On 13 May 2022, she consulted an orthopaedic doctor who conducted an X-ray and MRI scan, diagnosing her condition as Grade 3 osteoarthritis. She was prescribed ultrasound physiotherapy (UST), tablets and a gel. However, due to increased pain, UST was stopped after a week and tablets in another month due to lack of relief. She continued with the prescribed gel for seven months until she discovered vibrionics.
On 20 Jan 2023, she was given:
CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS
On 20 Feb, she reported 90% relief from pain, with swelling completely gone, allowing her to walk normally without cramps. By 30 Mar, pain vanished and she could comfortably sit or sleep on the floor. The dosage was reduced to BD and slowly tapered off until remedy stopped on 25 July 2023.
As of Oct 2024, she continues to be comfortable and attend to her daily activities.
Shoulder pain 11668...India
A 49-year-old female had been battling with constant pain in her right shoulder for 2½ years since Dec 2021, this made it difficult for her to raise her right arm. Even minor movements caused discomfort, making it challenging for her to perform simple tasks like lifting a small object. Despite efforts to rest and limit the use of right arm, the pain persisted. She was reluctant to seek medical attention as the fear of covid was still around.
In Nov 2023, as her pain worsened, she visited a physiotherapist who recommended a few exercises; these gave her mild relief, enabling her to partially raise her arm. The day after attending a talk on vibrionics at the local temple, the patient made an appointment with the practitioner. She also mentioned that she entered menopause six months ago and was feeling overwhelmed and stressed due to her household responsibilities.
On 11 May 2024, she was given:
#1. CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…OD in water for external application
#2. CC8.6 Menopause + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + #1...TDS
Within a week by 18 May, pain was 50% better, allowing her to raise the arm horizontally to the shoulder level without discomfort. By 29 May, pain had completely resolved and she could easily raise her arm straight overhead and use it normally. The patient expressed her happiness and mentioned that she felt mentally much calmer. #1 was stopped and #2 was reduced to OD and gradually tapered off until stopped on 13 July. As of Oct 2024, her arm continues to be absolutely fine.
Leg pain 11668...India
A 52-year-old male sought treatment for pain in the back of both his legs from knees to toes, for the past two years since 2022. The unbearable pain lasting for 20 minutes, would occur only between 11 to 12 pm every night, thus disturbing his sleep. He was unable to stretch his legs during these episodes. For relief he applied eucalyptus oil as he preferred herbal medicines.
When he consulted the practitioner, he mentioned that he recovered with herbal medicines when he had chikungunya in 2008. On 28 May 2024, he was given:
#1. CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS, three pills to be made into a paste in coconut oil and corn powder/vibhuti for external application
#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC9.1 Recuperation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + #1...TDS
He stopped applying eucalyptus oil and was pleasantly surprised that after only two doses of #2, there was no pain in his legs in the night. After ten days on 9 June, he reported that the pain did not occur once he started #2 which he was taking BD because his hectic work schedule did not permit him to take the afternoon dose and he had not even prepared the paste yet. The patient could hardly believe that two-year old severe pain had vanished after just two doses! #2 was reduced to OD and tapered down before stopping it on 28 June 2024.
As of 11 Oct 2024, he remains pain-free and is extremely grateful to Vibrionics.
Constipation, low appetite & insomnia 11659...India
A 47-year-old female presented with a history of constipation characterized by hard stools occurring once every three days, since childhood. Over the past three years, as her appetite had diminished, she could manage only one meal per day. She also had difficulty with sleeping for the past ten years, this she attributed to her family-related issues. She was averaging only 3 to 4 hours of sleep each night; this resulted in low energy levels during the day. Two weeks ago, she developed pain in her knees, particularly when walking long distances or climbing stairs. As a housemaid and sole breadwinner in her family, she could not avoid walking long distance daily to reach her workplace. Due to financial constraints, she never sought medical advice or treatment. During the consultation, the practitioner noted that her water intake was inadequate.
On 20 Jan 2024, she was given:
For constipation and low appetite:
#1. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.4 Constipation…TDS
For insomnia:
#2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders… one dose half an hour before sleep
For knee pain:
#3. CC20.2 SMJ pain…BD in vibhuti for external application
She was advised to gradually increase her water intake. A week later on 27 Jan, she reported passing normal stools daily and there was 80% improvement in appetite, 50% in knee pain, and she had 5 to 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night! As a result, her energy level improved significantly. She also said that she had been taking #3 orally as well.
In three weeks by 17 Feb, her appetite had returned to normal. However, her sleeping difficulty had recurred as she discontinued #2 due to concerns about potential dependence upon the sleep remedy. Despite the practitioner assuring her that she can take it safely without such worries, she chose not to resume #2.
On 14 Apr, she informed that she had discontinued #1 for the past two weeks as she felt better. However, she was now constipated as she did not pass stool for a week. So she temporarily used prescribed stool softener for relief and also requested a refill of #1. The practitioner gently reiterated the importance of taking the remedy regularly.
A month later on 15 May, she reported 100% relief from constipation, and 70% from knee pain, which occurred only after prolonged standing. To her pleasant surprise, she was sleeping normally even without taking #2, leading to good energy level during the day.
On 13 Jun, she mentioned that she had stopped taking #1 five days back, knee pain had further improved by only 10%. She was advised to apply #3 in coconut oil and also given:
#4. CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS
As on 14 Oct 2024, she remains free from constipation, continues to enjoy good appetite and 6 to 7 hours of restful sleep. She has 90% relief in knee pain and continues with #4 orally and #3 in oil.
Patient’s testimonial of 27 Sep 2024 - Video clip in Telugu is available and its transcription in English is given below:
“My name is Ramalaxmi aged 48 years. Since childhood I was having problem in passing stools. I was passing stools once in 3 days and was having low appetite. Now after using Sai Vibrionics, I am passing stools daily and also having good appetite. Now there is no problem of constipation.”
Knee pain, numbness in legs 11632...India
A 75-year-old fruit juice vendor, had constant pain in both his knees since 2019. His job required him to stand for 11 hours daily which worsened his condition. In Dec 2021, his doctor diagnosed it as calf muscle strain and prescribed a painkiller, which he took on alternate days with temporary relief; taking it daily was causing acidity. The pain restricted his ability to sit on the floor for prayers and to jog in the morning and evening - regular activities that were dear to his heart.
By Nov 2022, numbness developed in both his legs, particularly in the evenings; this was accompanied by an intense urge to scratch his left foot which had turned black. In Dec, he was advised by his doctor to refrain from scratching the foot, as this might have caused the darkening of the skin. Despite following this advice, the symptoms persisted.
He learned about vibrionics through a friend who had benefited from this treatment. As he lived in a different city, he contacted the practitioner by phone, and remedies were mailed to him, which he started taking on 24 Apr 2023:
#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…BD in mustard oil for external application
#2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.6 Osteoporosis + #1…BD
He stopped taking his regular painkiller. On 2 May, pain and blackness were 20% better; however, he developed swelling in his feet. #2 was enhanced and he started taking this on 6 May:
#3. CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + #2…TDS in water
He continued to apply #1 to his legs just once at night before going to bed.
On 10 May, the blackness reduced by 40%, the swelling and pain by 20%; by 24 May, there was 50% improvement in swelling and blackness and 30% in pain and numbness.
Three months later on 3 Aug, he reported complete relief from swelling and 50% from pain; blackness and numbness improved by 60%. By 3 Nov, he was completely free of all symptoms and joyfully shared that he had resumed his prayers five times daily, while sitting on the floor. On 5 Mar 2024, the dosage of #3 was reduced to BD, though later he preferred to take it TDS.
As of Oct 2024, he continues to be fine, although taking #1 and #3 regularly with refills once every quarter.
Psoriasis 11648...India
A 40-year-old male, had been suffering from painful red cracks, and scaly patches on his palms and feet since childhood. Diagnosed with psoriasis by a homoeopathic doctor in 1993, his symptoms disappeared after six months of treatment. However, they recurred in 1999 and 2007, each time resolving with homoeopathy. He noticed that consuming pumpkin exacerbated his condition leading to deep and more painful cracks; hence he avoided it as much as possible.
In Jan 2021, he faced a resurgence of deeper, painful cracks after consuming pumpkin, which he could not avoid as it was often included in his office meals; this severely impacted his daily activities. Over the next year, allopathic treatments comprising tablets and topical ointments, provided minimal relief.
In July 2022, when his symptoms had worsened further, he returned to homoeopathy, but there was only slight improvement after several months. The doctor informed him that complete recovery could take a very long time, so he was concerned about the ongoing treatment costs. His joy knew no bounds when he learned about vibrionics from his boss, so promptly requested an appointment.
The practitioner noticed at least four deep, reddish cracks, each about 1½ inch long on each palm and two of similar size on each foot, along with a few dry, scaly patches. As the patient preferred to finish his current homoeopathic remedies, which would take another month, he was provided with only a topical remedy on 23 Jan 2023:
#1. CC21.10 Psoriasis…BD in coconut oil for external application
He was also advised to gradually increase his water intake, as it was found to be inadequate.
On 25 Feb, the patient reported that #1 provided a soothing effect on his pain; he was then given an oral remedy:
#2. CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions + #1…TDS
By 12 May, there was 60% relief in his palms and 20% in his feet. After a month on 16 June, he reported 50% improvement in his feet with the cuts healing fast, but more kept appearing on the palms.
On 27 July, as the patient had injured his left palm after a fall, he was given:
#3. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…6TD
#1 was continued and #2 was suspended.
On 21 Sept, he informed that his injury had completely healed two weeks back, so he had stopped #3. At this juncture, the patient mentioned experiencing occasional outbursts of anger, and hence was given only:
#4. CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + #2…TDS
After three months by 25 Dec, there was 100% improvement in his feet and 80% in palms. He was advised to include fresh seasonal fruits, more vegetables and seeds in his diet, and engage in regular walks to enjoy nature. The patient diligently followed the recommendations.
On 19 Feb 2024, he reported recurrence of symptoms in his palms, and additionally mild knee pain; #4 was replaced with:
#5. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC20.2 SMJ pain + #2...TDS
Within two weeks, there was 75% relief in existing symptoms, with no new cracks or patches appearing.
After a month on 22 Mar, he reported complete relief, even after consuming pumpkin. The dosage of #5 was reduced to OD for five weeks and then gradually tapered off before stopping on 15 Aug. For patient’s comfort, #1 is being continued.
As of Oct 2024, the patient enjoys a wholesome diet, including pumpkin, with no recurrence.
Patient’s Testimonial
“My boss in my office referred me to the practitioner and so I started using Vibrionics. I am very happy after using Vibrionics. I also understood that good eating habits and walking are important for us for being healthy and happy. I sincerely thank the practitioner for helping me.”
Endometrial hyperplasia, acidity 11655 ...India
A 35-year-old woman, 5’3” in height and 95 kg in weight, had been suffering from menstrual disorders since Nov 2021. She had whitish vaginal discharge for ten days prior to menses, excessive and painful bleeding with large clots, as well as severe back and leg pain; these persisted throughout her 6 to 7 day menses. She had a regular cycle of only 20 to 25 days. Occasionally when the bleeding lingered on, she took the prescribed medicine which stopped the flow in four days. However, it did not relieve menstrual pain or back and leg pain.
For over two years since mid-2021, she was also having acidity with burning sensation in her upper abdomen every morning, this would subside as the day progressed. She found some relief on drinking white pumpkin juice. During severe episodes, she relied on an OTC antacid for relief.
In May 2023, the doctor ordered an ultrasound and diagnosed her condition as endometrial hypoplasia (thickening of endometrium) with endometrial thickness of 17.5 mm. She underwent a D&C procedure and then was symptom-free for a month before these returned with even greater intensity.
Three months later, she consulted the practitioner and mentioned that she had taken the prescribed medication that day due to profuse bleeding for 15 days. Her husband shared that during menses, she exhibited violent behaviour including yelling and hitting. It also transpired that she was consuming a lot of oily foods and sweets. She was given the following remedies on 21 Aug 2023:
#1. CC20.5 Spine…BD in sesame oil for applying to the back and legs during menses
#2. CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + #1…6TD
#3. CC4.10 Indigestion…TDS
She was advised to reduce intake of spicy and oily foods and include more fibrous vegetables and fruits in her diet.
She continued the prescribed medication, and as expected, bleeding stopped on 25 Aug after four days. After one week, menstrual pain, back pain and abdominal burning were 50% better. #2 was reduced to TDS.
Over three months later on 9 Dec, the patient happily reported that menstrual pain, back and leg pain and abdominal burning were totally gone! #1 was stopped. During Sept, Oct and Nov, her menses lasted 8 to 10 days because she resorted to the prescribed medicine after 4 to 6 days of bleeding. Her husband joyfully shared that her violent behaviour had completely ceased during this period. #3 was reduced to OD for three weeks and slowly tapered down before stopping it towards end of Feb 2024.
A ultrasound dated 12 Feb indicated an increase in endometrial thickness to 20 mm, along with findings of Grade 1 fatty liver (report available).
On 25 Feb, she reported being pain-free but had been suffering from heavy bleeding for the past 20 days. Worried about its side effects, the patient did not take the allopathic medicine. The practitioner advised her to take the remedy #2 at 6TD and, also gave:
#4. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS
After two days, bleeding reduced considerably with fewer clots and stopped completely after a week on 3 Mar; #2 was reduced to TDS. In Apr, her menses lasted 6 to 7 days with normal bleeding. A follow-up scan in May revealed endometrial thickness of 17.3 mm (report available). In the first week of June, her menses remained normal.
On 14 July, a follow-up scan confirmed that the endometrium was of normal thickness of 8mm! (Report attached). The dosage of #2 was reduced to OD for a month. By 14 Aug, her weight had reduced to 75 kg; #2 was further reduced to OW. She mentioned that she had changed to a healthy diet with complete avoidance of oily foods.
As of Oct 2024, her weight has further come down to 67 kg and she remains well without any acidity or recurrence of menstrual symptoms. She continues to take #4 for fatty liver.
Practitioner’s comment: The patient’s doctor was surprised at how she was cured of her problem and asked her the details of the treatment she had taken and was given information on vibrionics.
Cough dry 03607...UK
A 67-year-old woman sought treatment for dry cough that had been bothering her for the past six years since 2017. She had the cough almost daily, worsening at night and while speaking, leading to significant discomfort, sleep disturbance and low energy level throughout the day. In 2019, she tried allopathic treatment which included a ten-day course of antibiotics and three weeks of cough suppressants; these measures provided relief for about a month before the cough returned. She did not try any other treatment and found partial relief at night by keeping cloves in her mouth.
On 23 Sept 2023, she approached the practitioner who gave her:
CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic …TDS
After just over two months by 30 Nov, cough had reduced by 80% and in another month by 31 Dec 2023, it was completely resolved. When she visited the practitioner on 7 Jan 2024, she joyfully conveyed that she has been enjoying restful sleep and experienced increased energy level. The dosage was reduced to BD for a month and then to OD before stopping it in the last week of Feb.
As of Oct 2024, the patient remains free of cough and is in good health.
Numbness in hands 11657...India
A 45-year-old woman had been experiencing numbness in both hands for 14 months since Dec 2022. Whenever she held an object for more than five minutes or lifted anything heavy for more than a minute, her hands would become completely numb, causing her to drop the item. Each episode of numbness lasted about 30 minutes, during which she was unable to work with her hands. Occasionally, she struggled for 10 to 15 minutes to open her hands from a closed position. Employed at a coir-making company, her job required her to carry heavy bundles of coir; this was becoming increasingly difficult as time passed. The numbness hindered her household activities, such as lifting her grandchild for more than five minutes, leading to considerable frustration.
She had not sought any treatment due to financial constraints and had tried using a herbal oil but found no relief. Her sister-in-law who had successfully overcome her migraine with vibrionics, referred her to the practitioner.
On 21 Feb 2024, she was given:
CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia…TDS and in coconut oil for external application…BD
A month later on 19 Mar, she reported that episodes of numbness lasted only 15 minutes, and by 18 Apr, less than five minutes; these occurred only when she held an object for over 30 minutes – altogether a remarkable improvement. Also, she did not experience even a single instance when she was unable to open her hands from a closed position. She was also able to lift heavy objects at her workplace without any difficulty. Overjoyed with her progress, she expressed immense gratitude for Vibrionics.
On 5 July, she conveyed that there had been no episode of numbness in the past month; the dosage was reduced to OD and tapered off before stopping it on 19 Aug. As of Oct 2024, she remains completely free from numbness with no recurrence of any symptom.
Practitioner Profile 18007...India
Practitioner 18007... India works as an office assistant at the NRI Institute of Medical Sciences, Vishakapatnam. In her spare time, she loves reading, and listening to Sai bhajans. She came to Swami’s fold in 2014 and, from 2015, has been participating in service activities like Narayana Seva, buttermilk distribution during the hot summer months, helping in blood donation camps, and cleaning seva at King George hospital. In 2016, she had the golden opportunity of seva in Kulwant Hall, Prashanti Nilayam. She is also a faculty member of the Sri Sathya Sai Disaster Management Team.
Her introduction to vibrionics came in a unique way. Three days after completing a spell of seva in 2015, she had a major accident. It took her three months to recover completely; she was so grateful to Swami for this ‘rebirth’ that she prayed to Bhagawan to give her an opportunity to serve Him for the rest of her life. At the time, her mother was suffering from acidity, sleeplessness and anxiety and her sister, from severe migraines. They had tried various medications without relief. The youth coordinator of her area offered to help by making an appointment for an allopathic or ayurvedic or vibrionics treatment for them. She decided to go for whosoever gives the appointment first. This happened to be vibrionics. After taking the remedies the symptoms of both her mother and sister improved significantly. On another occasion, she had a lot of swelling in her body after taking a course of antibiotics prescribed for fever, cold and cough. Once again, it was vibrionics that came to the rescue and she was soon relieved of her symptoms. The grateful mother requested the SVP11567 if her daughters could accompany him for seva at weekly medical camps. They did this seva every Sunday for three years! During Covid they assisted him in distributing bottles of IB and sent many patients his way. Watching the practitioner counselling his patients, and treating them with so much love really touched her heart and inspired her to become a practitioner herself. In 2020, her application to become an AVP was not accepted as she did not meet the minimum requirements but she didn’t lose heart. When the new stream of Assistant Practitioners (APs) was introduced in 2021, the admissions team conveyed this to her and she immediately applied, was accepted on the course and qualified in Jan 2022.
To date the practitioner has treated over 1,000 patients including those from her home as well as two different wellness centres, she attends monthly. She would like to share some of her interesting cases with us.
In Dec 2022, a 19-year-old man weighing 96 kg approached the practitioner with the complaint of obesity. The practitioner gave him CC15.4 Eating disorders…OD. A month later, the patient reported that he was feeling better but was under a lot of stress due to his exams and was unable to remember what he studied. The remedy was enhanced by adding CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic to it. In July, the patient complained of poor digestion since he eats outside food. So he was also given CC4.10 Indigestion and IB…OD. Digestive issues got resolved within two weeks. When the practitioner met the student a month later, he expressed concern that he was going to fail his exams. However, the opposite happened and he passed with top grades! In Sept, nine months after starting treatment, the patient was overjoyed to report that he had lost a total of 10 kilos!
In another case, she treated a 24-year-old woman brought to the practitioner by her mother in Sep 2023, she was suffering from mouth sores for which she was given CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC11.6 Tooth infections. She also had other long-standing afflictions - due to paralysis of one leg, she had difficulty in walking, and also in speaking right from her childhood. For these, she gave CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.2 Alzheimer’s disease + CC18.4 Paralysis + CC18.5 Neuralgia. During their next visit to the camp two months later, mouth sores had disappeared. Then she was given CC20.5 Spine for her chronic back pain. At their next visit after two months, the mother conveyed that her back pain had vanished but she had gone into depression as her neighbour was not talking to her, also she had headache. She was given CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders and CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines. On their return the following month, the mother was very happy that her daughter had improved so much that now she was even helping her in the kitchen. However she was not able to eat properly, so she was given CC15.4 Eating disorders. There was 100% improvement in her appetite within a month and she decided to continue with the remedy.
The practitioner finds CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic to be a wonderful remedy to boost memory power and her own sister has benefitted tremendously from it. Another fabulous combo for wellbeing is IB, so she makes sure that she gives it to each one of her patients. She finds taking IB...6TD for a week to be an excellent mood booster when someone is a bit under the weather or not feeling so good. In her practice she has experienced that vibhuti is an excellent medium for remedies that need to be applied externally. She has been particularly successful in treating skin allergies with CC21.3 Skin allergies…BD and body pains with CC20.5 Spine…BD, both made in vibhuti.
As a result of her practice, the practitioner has learnt to become very patient. She has found great happiness in serving through vibrionics and is immensely grateful to Swami for blessing her to be a part of this miraculous healing system.
Cases to share:
Practitioner Profile 18010...India
Practitioner18010… India holds a BTech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and works as a senior manager in Vizag Steel Plant. In Jan 1999, he was fortunate to be able to join the Parthi yatra organised by his company and have Sai Baba’s darshan. At the time, conditions were not favourable at the steel plant but Swami blessed the practitioner profusely and his concerns melted away. From then on, he and his family began to actively participate in all Sai activities like bhajan singing, Bal Vikas, village seva. In July 2022, his wife developed severe knee problems and was advised surgery in both the knees. Having just heard about vibrionics, she decided to give it a shot and, within a month, found a remarkable improvement in her condition. This wonderful first-hand experience provided the necessary impetus for him to learn this healing method and he qualified as an AP in Nov 2022.
He is extremely happy to be practising vibrionics and has obtained excellent results with vibro remedies, this he attributes to Swami’s immense grace and mercy. He has found that several of his patients who were taking Pantoprazole 40 mg daily have stopped taking it after experiencing the power of Eat Well Combo (CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion), which alleviates gastric reflux, stomach and acidity issues. However, in the case of Move Well Combo (CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine), if occasionally it does not give the desired result, adding CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia solves the problem.
The practitioner would like to share the case of a 63-year-old woman who approached him in Feb 2024 complaining of a buzzing sound in her ears, after a fever a month prior. He gave her CC5.2 Deafness + CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC9.1 Recuperation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD. She started to improve immediately and within a month, the problem had completely disappeared, and the happy patient has been recommending vibro to all her family and friends!
In another instance, he treated a 50-year-old female who had severe knee pain for ten years making it difficult for her to move around and do her work at home and in the office. She was given: CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…6TD. Within 15 days the pain vanished, and the patient was grateful that she was able to move her legs freely and do her job comfortably. The remedy was continued at TDS until Jan 2024 and she has been totally pain-free.
Recounting a personal experience, the practitioner says that in Nov 2023, he and his family were to take a taxi to the railway station to catch a train. Due to heavy rain, they were unable to book a big enough car and they had to carry several bags on their laps. His daughter put a big trolley on her lap but when they were halfway to the station, she shouted and asked the driver to stop the car. She was unable to talk or breathe properly as the heavy luggage was pressing against her chest. The father immediately gave her a dose of CC10.1 Emergencies and asked the driver to take them to the nearest hospital. Within five minutes, the girl was completely fine and by the time they arrived at the hospital, breathlessness had vanished and the doctor declared her parameters were normal with oxygen level at 100. They received green signal to proceed on their journey and the hospital did not even charge a fee!
The practitioner has learned through the course of his practice that having total faith and praying to Swami whilst making the remedies is extremely important, and just as crucial is, being meticulous about keeping proper records and following procedures laid down. He spends all his free time seeing patients and serving in Sai Vibrionics wellness camps at 3 different locations and says he has learnt a lot about how to treat complex cases from senior practitioners at such camps. In the future, he has planned to participate in Prashanthi Nilayam vibrionics seva once a year and he aspires to become an AVP and then SVP as soon as he can meet the requirements.
Living his life according to Swami’s dictum ‘Service to Man is Service to God’, he strives to enrich his life by immersing himself in seva and reaching out to as many people as possible with this wonderful system of healing. He is ever-grateful to Swami for blessing him with good health and energy to serve.
Cases to share:
Answer Corner
Q1. My patient who reads our newsletters regularly, came to know of our powerful broadcasting technique. She is convinced that broadcasting achieves faster results than oral remedies. So she insists on broadcasting remedies to her even though she is able to take them orally. How can I handle this situation?
A. Broadcasting means you, as a practitioner, are taking responsibility for your patient’s healing, and the patient is not. Suggest to your patient gently that she needs to pay attention to herself for sustained healing; it is our own sincere effort combined with the power of vibro remedy that actually works. Illness is a reminder that we have not paid enough attention to ourselves. Broadcasting, however meritorious, is best in an emergency when oral intake is not possible eg, in ICU. We advise every patient to take responsibility for himself and not expect another person to take charge of his health, which does not work in the long run, as it is likely that the illness may return. Our experience and feedback from other practitioners, is that it is always best to take oral remedy with external application where appropriate, and only when this is not possible, resort to broadcasting.
Q2. I have been practising vibro for ten years over which I have accumulated a huge number of my patients’ records. Many of them have not consulted me for the past several years and I am still storing their records. How long do you suggest that I retain them?
A. We want to maintain a long association, hopefully life long, with our patients for their physical, mental, and emotional problems and hence educate them accordingly. Any patient who experienced benefit from vibrionics remedies might come back to us at any time! We recommend that records are kept for seven years from the date of their last contact. The reason for maintaining these for so long is two-fold – it saves us taking the earlier history all over again and if the current problem is similar to the old problem, it is useful to know the treatment given last time. However, before destroying any records, it is best to offer them back to the patient. You may want to take this opportunity to re-establish contact with the patient by offering him immunity booster and/or cleansing remedies.
Q3. I understand that all acute symptoms are treated together by making a combo in one bottle. But if a patient is undergoing an acute flare-up of his various chronic symptoms, and I mix combos for different problems in one bottle and prescribe 6TD, could this cause a severe pullout?
A. A patient suffering from acute flare-up needs immediate relief, so 6TD dosage is certainly appropriate and if the condition is highly acute, perhaps a dose every ten minutes for up to two hours will be needed. The good news is, when several symptoms are being treated simultaneously with a mixture of combos, the likelihood of a pullout is remote because of the dilution effect.
Q4. Some patients report that pills work better on them than when dissolved in water. Some say if they pop in two pills at a time instead of one, it works better for them! How should I respond to such situations? I tell my patients that remedy in water is more effective than pills, and the effect of two pills is identical to that of one pill.
A. The protocol for taking a remedy in water is recommended in the best interest of the patient for faster relief. This is based on feedback received from many practitioners backed by their experience with several patients. If the belief and comfort of a patient lies in taking the remedy in pill form OR two pills instead of one and he feels relief this way, then it is better for that patient to follow what he believes is best suited to him. Ultimately, it is the relief to a patient that takes precedence over technicalities which apply to most patients; exceptions should be embraced too!
Q5. I have a sample of potentised Thyronorm 100 mcg, which was made for an earlier patient. one of my new patients is taking Thyronorm 25 mcg and another Eltroxin 50 mcg. Do I have to potentise Thyronorm 25 mcg & Eltroxin 50 mcg separately for these patients or can I make a nosode* from my existing sample?
A. So long as a patient is taking Thyronorm, (any strength 25, 50 or 100 mcg), we only need to potentise Thyronorm once and save it in dilution to be used as a sample for any future patient taking Thyronorm. Now, though we appreciate that the active ingredient in Thyronorm and Eltroxin is the same viz, Levothyroxine but since these are manufactured by different companies, other constituents might differ. So it is recommended that we make a different potentised sample from Eltroxin in a dropper bottle with label ‘Eltroxin and the date’. However, a practical alternative solution would be to store two tablets separately, Thyronorm and Eltroxin (any strength) to be used for future. *the term ‘nosode’ is used when we potentise a morbid matter eg, urine, pus, or saliva etc.
Q6. I became an AVP in 2012. In my 108CC box, I need to replace 22 dropper bottles since their rubber teats have become soft and sticky due to excessive use at Vibrionics camps. Is it possible to obtain just the bottles and if so, how?
A. The only perishable part of a dropper bottle* is the rubber teat which can be procured by an active practitioner who is uploading his seva reports on the practitioners’ website every month. You should send your requirements to [email protected] and the appropriate team would guide you further. Normally, you are expected to collect any such supplies from our head office in Puttaparthi, whenever you visit.
*In this case, you do not need to get the complete bottle as the teat alone is separately available.
Divine words from the Master Healer
“We partake of a variety of items as food to sustain the human body. But none is making an enquiry whether the food one partakes of is proper and healthy, whether it is beneficial for nourishing and nurturing one's physical, mental, and spiritual health…The children at least should abstain from rajasic and tamasic food and demand from their parents only satvic food. One has to consciously cultivate the habit of partaking of only satvic food. Only then will one be able to develop sattva guna.”
...Sathya Sai Baba, “Cultivate Satvic Qualities Right from Childhood” Discourse 22 October 2005
The service activities that we undertake are meant to experience unity in society. It is a great mistake if you think that you are serving others. In fact, you should not consider anybody as "other", for all are the embodiments of divinity. But man is not making efforts to realise this truth. Hence, he is subjected to difficulties. Once man realises that God is all-pervasive, he will be free from suffering. In order to get rid of suffering, man has to practise the principle of unity in society.”
...Sathya Sai Baba, "Service Activities For Unity In Society" Discourse 21 July 2002
Forthcoming workshops*
- India Puttaparthi: Virtual AVP Practical Workshop 4-22 Nov 2024 followed by face-to-face workshop 26-28 Nov 2024, contact [email protected]
- India Puttaparthi: SVP workshop 1-3 Dec 2024 contact [email protected]
- India Puttaparthi: Teachers Training Workshop# 5-7 Dec 2024** contact [email protected]
*only for those who have undergone the admission process and the e-course.
**Subject to change
# Only VPs and SVPs are eligible
In Addition
Health article
Keep the Accessory Digestive Organs Healthy
“Thick milk contains plenty of fat, calcium, and glucose. When blood is saturated with too much glucose, it turns the residual glucose into acid. The result is that you develop boils. This acid and blood combine to form stones in the gall bladder. Avoid taking excess of curds, they have too much protein… One has to be vigilant about food and drink consumed by both body and mind.” …Sathya Sai Baba1-4
We had dealt with the organs of the digestive system in the previous health articles on “Oral health” and “Healthy Gut Healthy Life” published in the newsletters (vol 12 # 2, March-April 2021 and vol 15 # 3, May-June 2024).5,6 This article will dwell upon the accessory organs of the digestive system which are glandular in nature, namely, salivary glands, Liver, Gall Bladder, and Pancreas; though not a part of the digestive tract, they play a pivotal role in digestion by releasing fluids and enzymes to break down food.7
1. Role of Salivary glands and saliva
1.1 Our mouth has three major salivary glands, beneath and in front of the ears, under the lower jaw and underneath the tongue, with many minor glands dispersed throughout the lips, mouth, cheeks, and throat, to aid in digestion. Every day, these glands produce 0.5 to 1.5 litres of saliva, which is a complex mixture of 99% water and some proteins, enzymes, and mucus. Food first gets mixed with saliva before the taste buds react. Saliva keeps the mouth moist to make chewing, swallowing, and speaking easier, lubricates food, protects against infections, improves taste perception, and dilutes and neutralizes the stomach acid. Just one drop of saliva contains a sample of our complete genetic make-up.8,9
1.2 Disorders could be salivary gland infections caused by bacteria or virus eg, mumps, a contagious viral disease that can swell up these glands, accompanied by severe pain and fever, mostly affecting children between the ages of 2 and 12; less saliva production may lead to dry mouth and tooth decay, common among adults due to some health condition, treatment, or medication; blockage of glands due to stones, cysts, or tumours and some diseases.8-11
1.3 Symptoms of salivary gland disorders are swelling in the face, neck, or under the tongue, lumps in the cheek, jaw, lip, or inside the mouth, bad taste or unpleasant smell in the mouth, weakness or numbness in the face, pain in the mouth or face while eating, difficulty opening the mouth, redness on the side of face or upper neck, or fluid from ear, with or without fever and headache.8-11
2. Vibrant liver - major metabolic organ
2.1 Structure: The dark reddish brown cone shaped liver with four main lobes, two large and two small, and many lobules is the largest internal organ and gland in the body weighing about 1.4Kg (3.1 lb), located at the upper right abdomen, beneath the diaphragm, and on top of the stomach, right kidney, and intestines.12-16
2.2 Functions of liver: Critical for health, liver plays a central role in more than 500 metabolic processes in the body to nourish it and keep it safe from toxic elements and to sustain life. Blood from the digestive organs (stomach and intestines), carrying nutrients, medication and toxic substances, flows through the portal vein to the liver. The liver synthesises and metabolises fats, proteins and carbs, balances/regulates blood levels of amino acids, makes the nutrients absorbable, and detoxifies the system from medications, drugs, alcohol, ammonia, and caffeine. It also stores vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12, minerals like iron and copper, and glycogen, processes haemoglobin and regulates blood clotting, maintains the level of bilirubin (a pigment that gives bile and stool its distinctive yellow colour; it is a by-product of broken-down red blood cells), removes excess glucose from blood and releases when needed, and eliminates bacteria. Liver produces every day nearly 0.8 to one litre of bile to help emulsify fats and lipids and assimilate them. Waste is excreted into the bile or blood. Bile by-products enter the intestine and leave the body as faeces. Metabolic by-products are filtered out by the kidneys and leave the body in the form of urine.12-17
2.3 Liver disorders: Liver has great regenerative power, but too many toxins can overwhelm it and give way to chronic diseases, mostly due to faulty living. There are over 100 types of liver diseases which can be reversed or managed in the early stages. A well-known liver problem is jaundice, where the skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow because of too much bilirubin. Common in newborns and infants, it goes away within a couple of weeks, usually not serious. It is not a disease in itself but a symptom to indicate an underlying health problem. Liver diseases can be congenital, or due to autoimmune or cardiovascular diseases too, apart from infections and toxins. Metabolic conditions associated with obesity, high blood sugar or lipids can cause excess fat storage in liver causing inflammation known as non-alcohol related fatty liver disease. Hepatitis which is an inflammation of the liver can take varied forms; it can be infectious too!15,18-20
2.4 Viral hepatitis is grouped as A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis A is found in the faeces of an infected person and can easily spread through contaminated food or water, usually acute and treatable. Hepatitis B, the most infectious, lives in blood and sexual fluids, and is often passed from mother to the baby during child birth. People can carry the virus without feeling sick but still spread the virus through infected blood and unprotected sex. Though not considered curable, and also a primary cause of liver cancer, one can lead a normal life with regular check-ups. Hepatitis C normally spreads through blood-to-blood contact or contaminated needles and is curable. Both B & C can lead to chronic conditions. A & B can be prevented by getting a vaccine; there is no vaccine for Hepatitis C. Hepatitis D, though rare, infects those who have B. Hepatitis E caused by ingestion of contaminated water is most prevalent in Asia; though vaccines exist, they are not available everywhere.21-24
2.5 Four stages of a Chronic liver disease: It starts with an episode of acute hepatitis with initial symptoms of fever, upper abdominal pain, nausea or loss of appetite, and fatigue, sometimes with enlarged liver/spleen. Second stage is fibrosis, a gradual stiffening of liver reducing its vitality. It is indicated by jaundice, dark urine, pale stool, weight loss and muscle loss, musty smelling breath, difficulties in digesting fats, and itchy skin. If undetected, over the years, symptoms can intensify with pain in abdomen, tremors, loss of balance or constant fatigue, confusion, discolouration and change in shape and growth of nails and skin, easy bleeding or bruising, ascites (swollen abdomen), and swollen ankles, feet, hands, and face. The third stage is cirrhosis, severe permanent scarring of liver causing nearly irreversible damage; most common cause of deterioration being alcohol and drugs, viruses, and metabolic factors. The end stage, though rare is liver failure when it can no longer function adequately.25-26
3. Role of Gallbladder in digestion
3.1 A small pear-shaped organ located just beneath the liver, it stores bile, also called gall. Before we start eating, gallbladder is full of bile. As we start eating, it gets released into duodenum when fat-containing-food is detected. After we eat, it gets emptied resembling a deflated balloon waiting to be filled up again.27
3.2 Diseases of gallbladder: The most common is gallstones - hard deposits of cholesterol and bilirubin, these develop in gallbladder or bile ducts. When level of cholesterol in bile becomes too high, excess cholesterol forms into stones and most patients are unaware of it. Though usually considered harmless, they can cause inflammation, nausea, vomiting, upper-right or mid-abdominal pain especially after a fatty meal, radiating to right shoulder or back, light brown stool, fever or chill, and jaundice. If the gallstones block the movement of bile due to inflammation of gallbladder, it is called cholecystitis with symptoms of severe pain and fever requiring surgery and removal of gallbladder (cholecystectomy). It is said one can lead a normal life without this organ. However, as an after-effect, all the bile starts flowing directly from liver to intestine. Without any storage for extra bile there will be difficulty digesting fat. until the body readjusts itself. So, at least for a few weeks post-surgery, one must avoid fried and greasy foods. Later, gradually reintroduce high fibre foods to prevent bloating and gas, keeping fat calories in the diet to a tolerable minimum.27-30
4. Role of Pancreas in digestion
4.1 Located inside the upper left abdomen just behind the stomach, size of our hand, the tadpole-shaped pancreas has a dual role as an organ of both digestive (90%) and endocrine system (10%). The exocrine (with ducts) component of pancreas produces juices called enzymes to digest food, esp. sugar, fat, and starches; the endocrine (ductless) component makes hormones including insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels and appetite, stimulate stomach acids, and message the stomach when to empty.13,31-33
4.2 Pancreatic disorders, hard to diagnose due to the location of the organ, include diabetes, pancreatitis (inflammation of pancreas), and pancreatic cancer. When a gallstone travels and blocks the pancreatic duct, it may lead to pancreatitis causing severe abdominal pain. Chronic pancreatitis is caused by alcohol consumption and if 90% of pancreas stops working, it causes diarrhoea, weight loss, and malnutrition.31-33
5. Tips to prevent diseases
Have a healthy life style and keep weight in check with a healthy fibre-rich diet of wholegrains, fresh fruits, and vegetables to keep all the glandular digestive organs healthy. Avoid high fat, sugar, and salt in diet.34,35
Keep the mouth moist: Drink adequate fluids (diet itself should have enough water content), take small bites of food and chew well, practise good oral hygiene, chew sugarless candies or figs to stimulate saliva and avoid commercial mouthwashes, acidic drinks, and tobacco.8-11
Keep the Liver alive. Many liver diseases are not detected in early stages. So, avoid toxins like smoking, immoderate drinking, and exposure to chemicals. Take safety measures to prevent infections and transmission of disease.16,34,35
Prevent gallstones and pancreatitis by including nuts, especially pistachio, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, olive oil, and omega-3 fatty acids in diet; consume coffee in moderation.36,37
References and Links
- Sathya Sai on preventing gallstones: https://sathyasaiwithstudents.blogspot.com/2014/03/three-point-personal-lifestyle-charter.html
- http://saibaba.ws/teachings/foodforhealthy.htm
- https://static.ssssoindia.org/wp_uploads/2018/03/26172212/Preventive-Health-Care-Module.pdf; page 15
- Sathya Sai Baba Divine Discourse of Ramanavami on healthy living, “Pappu and Uppu”, 19 April 1965 : https://sssbpt.info/ssspeaks/volume05/sss05-33.pdf
- Oral health: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/337, vol 12, #2, Mar-Apr 2021
- Healthy Gut Healthy Life: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/437 , vol 15 #3, May-June 2024
- Accessory organs of digestive system: https://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/digestive/regions/
- Salivary glands: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/understanding-salivary-gland-conditions
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/23462-salivary-glands
- Salivary gland disorders: https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/ear-nose-and-throat-disorders/mouth-and-throat-disorders/salivary-gland-disorders
- Symptoms of salivary gland problems: https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/health-info/saliva-salivary-gland-disorders#
- Liver: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/liver-anatomy-and-functions
- Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, Edition 20, 2001, page 1259,1576.
- How does liver work: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279393/#
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/21481-liver
- https://columbiasurgery.org/liver/liver-and-its-functions
- What is bilirubin: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/17845-bilirubin
- Liver diseases: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17179-liver-disease
- Jaundice in newborns: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22263-jaundice-in-newborns
- Adult jaundice: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/15367-adult-jaundice
- Hepatitis: https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/hepatitis/#
- https://www.hep.org.au/blog/difference-between-hepatitis-a-b-c/
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/hepatitis
- https://www.hepb.org/what-is-hepatitis-b/the-abcs-of-viral-hepatitis/
- Liver Fibrosis: https://www.hoag.org/specialties-services/digestive-health/diseases-conditions/liver-fibrosis/
- Cirrhosis of liver: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15572-cirrhosis-of-the-liver
- Gall bladder: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21690-gallbladder
- Gallstones: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/7313-gallstones
- Cholecystectomy: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/procedures/21614-gallbladder-removal
- Diet after gall bladder removal: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/diet-after-gallbladder-removal
- Pancreas: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/the-digestive-process-what-is-the-role-of-your-pancreas-in-digestion
- https://columbiasurgery.org/pancreas/pancreas-and-its-functions
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21743-pancreas
- Liver Health: Do’s and Don’ts: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/liver-health-infographic
- Healthy liver Tips: https://liverfoundation.org/resource-center/blog/healthy-liver-tips/
- Prevent gall stones: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/gallstones/eating-diet-nutrition
- https://www.medanta.org/patient-education-blog/6-ways-to-prevent-gall-bladder-stone
2. Camps & Clinics
Vidya Jyothi School, Kukatpally, Medchal Malkajgiri District, Telangana, 18 Oct 2024
The camp was inaugurated in a government school on behalf of the Sai Samithi. After the School Principal addressed the children the Samithi convenor gave a short talk on the efficacy of vibrionics, based on his own experiences, followed by an introduction to Vibrionics by Practitioner 11656. A total of 23 patients were treated for various ailments, knee arthritis, leg pain, body pain, weakness, respiratory allergy, cold, cough, headache, migraine, stomach problems, ear infections, back pain, menses issues, muscle cramps.
This clinic will be run once a month from 10 am to 2 pm by Practitioners 11656, 11632 with the help of sevadals from the Kukatpally Samithi.
3. Anecdotes
1. From the diary of Dr Jit K Aggarwal: Stunning response to a tiny pill!
Going back to those early days of vibrionics practice in mid-nineties, one evening after Swami’s darshan, a very tall and brawny man from the USA visited the clinic seeking remedy for his chronic back problem. After asking a few questions Dr Aggarwal prepared NM38 Back Pain using the SRHVP. He put one pill in the patient’s mouth and gave him the remedy bottle asking him to come back in a week’s time. Non-plussed, the patient looked at the bottle of tiny pills, and with a queer expression on his face, he asked with indignation as to what that tiny pill could do to this huge body. ‘Let’s see what Swami does?’ was the prompt reply. The next morning, the patient landed at his doorstep with a bewildered look, narrated with exasperation how the whole night his body was shaking with vibrations, and he could not sleep a wink! Totally awed he blurted out, ‘What did you give me, an atom bomb?’ With such a huge pullout, it was obviously the correct remedy for his problem and a great knowing for both the patient and the practitioner! Needless to say that his pain vanished before he left the ashram a few days later.
2. Amazing power of nosode 00030…India An 80-year-old man with progressive metastatic prostate cancer started in Sept 2024 Lutetium 177 therapy, a treatment which uses a radioactive agent that specifically targets and kills cancer cells. A side effect of this therapy is a "bystander effect" where the radioactive agent affects the normal bone tissue surrounding the cancer cells, resulting in severe fatigue. Additionally, destruction of cancer cells itself can cause fatigue and flare-up of bone pains which may last for several weeks after treatment. As the metastatic lesions were widespread throughout his skeletal system, he was experiencing severe fatigue the day after therapy, likely due to the 'bystander effect'. He found it difficult to sit, stand, or walk, and almost became bedridden. As a sample of the injection needed for making a nosode was not available, the same was prepared from his saliva (radioactive agent is eliminated through saliva and urine) at 200C on the second day. After just two doses, there was significant improvement in fatigue which then progressively improved and he experienced no bone pain at all. He returned to his normal seva activities within ten days of the procedure. The nosode will continue to the end of his therapy.
Editor’s note: A nosode not only alleviates the side effects but also accelerates the healing process.
4, In Memoriam
With deep regret we announce the loss of Sri Kisan Borkar12036, VP from Nagpur Maharashtra who passed away peacefully in his sleep due to cardiac arrest at 5 am on 26 September 2024 at the age of 81. Over the 13 years of practice, his vibrionics seva increased phenomenally, so much so that in the last one year he was regularly attending vibrionics camps held at six locations around Nagpur, in addition to giving remedies to villagers and slum dwellers during the fortnightly Mobile Medicare Camps organised by the SSSSO, attending to more than 3000 patients in one year. In fact, at a vibrionics camp two days before his demise, he felt uneasy and was given a remedy by a co-practitioner11000, he felt better and continued his seva that evening. In a true sense, he served Swami until his last breath.