Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Food Allergies 03523...UK

A woman (aged 67) sought treatment for a skin allergy she had been suffering from for seven years, ever since her return from a trip abroad. When she ate certain foods such as wheat and nuts, skin on her neck and head would blister and weep. Two years prior, she had also been diagnosed with high blood pressure, which developed after the death of a close family member. She was taking the antihistamine for her skin (Cetirizine tablets) and Amlodipine 5mg for high blood pressure. 

On 25 June 2015 the patient was given:

#1. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.7 Circulation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies...TDS

#2. CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies in water to dab on the affected areas with cotton wool as needed

During the first week she noticed that her skin rashes worsened. They became dry and then started to turn black. She was aware of a possible pullout and so continued taking the remedies. After another week, she stopped taking her allopathic allergy medication as her skin was steadily improving. After a month she said her skin was 95% better. She had also started to reintroduce wheat and small quantities of nuts into her diet. The practitioner asked her to reduce #1 to BD and to continue to use #2 only when her skin felt itchy. 

As of 15 October 2015 she was able to eat wheat and nuts without getting skin rashes and she continues to take #1…OD as a preventative. Her blood pressure is normal when measured by the doctor but she has been asked to stay on her allopathic medication for BP.

Patient’s testimonial:

These pills have really helped my skin condition when other treatments haven’t. I had stopped going out as my skin looked so bad, especially on my face. Now that it is all better, I am so happy. If I start to feel itchy I take the remedy straight away and the itching stops. I can now eat bread, chapattis and nuts in my food without the rash appearing.