The Answer Corner
Obj 6 Sprawa 3
May/June 2015
1. Question: I send my monthly reports regularly but I always find it time consuming to go back to the month's records to work out the hours of seva and the number of patients treated during the month. Can you please suggest an easier way of doing this?
Answer: Make six columns with titles as shown in the table below:
Date Hours spent New patients Old patients Animals Plants
1.4.15 2.5 1 3 1 6
3.4.15 0.5 0 1 0 6
......... ........ ....... ....... ....... .......
30.4.15 3.5 2 1 0 3
Total 31 24 15 5 99
At the end of each healing session, record the appropriate numbers as shown in the above example. Round up the hours to the nearest half-hour. At the end of the each month, you just need to add up the numbers in the 5 columns to complete your monthly report.
2. Question: Sometimes I find the vibro pain remedies do not alleviate the pain. Can you suggest some alternatives?
Answer: We have had good results by potentising a strong allopathic painkiller such as Diclofenac. However some patients had to simultaneously take the original painkiller and then slowly reduce the dosage of the same, even as much as down to zero. In addition you can advise the patient to try to think about his pain in a different way, e.g. imagine that pain is reducing, and also engage in interesting activities because they distract the mind from the pain. Also repating positive affirmations can help considerably including such statements as: 'I have no pain, there is nothing wrong with me, with God's grace, I have no problem'.
3. Question: While giving a nosode to my patient, can he also continue with his other Vibrionics remedies?
Answer: When treating a patient with a nosode, it is best to give the nosode alone and not add to it or separately give, other Vibrionics remedies. In some special cases, a nosode can be given alongside other vibrations but each case must be treated on its own merit. You can always seek specialist advice by writing to our research team at [email protected].
4. Question: Some of my patients drink water kept in a copper or silver vessel. Is this a problem while they are taking vibrionics remedies?
Answer: Drinking water from a copper or silver vessel can be beneficial to one's health and the good news is that it does not neutralise the vibro remedies taken previously. The vibro remedies must be kept separate. Vibro remedies should never be prepared or stored in metal vessels of any kind, or touched with metal implements, as the metal will conduct away the vibrations
5. Question: It was suggested to me recently that I should not write the name of the disease on the label of the remedy bottle. What would be most appropriate to write on the label?
Answer: The easiest way of keeping records is to allot each patient a reference number on his first visit. This number can be written on the bottle label. On subsequent visits, it becomes very easy to go back to the patient's entire record, if the records are kept in a numerical order. Please remember not to write on the label the name of the disease or morbid condition. When two or more bottles are given, some positive message could be written such as "Feel Better", "Heal pain", "Peace", depending on the problem; this helps to differentiate between bottles. If you are treating more than one patient in the same family, you may put the patient's initials on the label.
6. Question: The Manual says drink about 8-12 cups of water per day. One patient had uterine fibroids which pressed on her bladder and prevented her from urinating. She told me that drinking too many glasses of water was making her problem worse. Some other patients have also asked me if we need to strictly follow this 8-12 cups of water per day recommendation. Can I just advise them to do the best they can?
Answer: It’s important to flush out toxins for healing and drinking enough water can bring about faster elimination of toxins. Another good reason for drinking 2-3 litres of water per day while taking these remedies is that if there is any pullout it will be gentler as toxins are being expelled faster. You can tell your patients to do the best they can and gently encourage them to take a bit more than they normally do. Don’t make them feel guilty under any circumstance.
7. Question: Some of my patients have difficulty in taking the afternoon dose as they are at work. They do not wish to carry the whole bottle with them to work due to the possibility of its exposure to radiation from computers/mobiles.
Answer: To protect the whole bottle of pills from such exposure, one or two pills wrapped in tissue paper can be taken to work. If you use a thick foil wrapper to protect the pills from exposure to radition, do not allow the foil to make direct contact with the pills.