Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Alcoholism 00534...UK

The practitioner writes: A 25-year-old woman suffering from alcoholism and mood swings was for the last five years consuming a bottle of spirits every night. She was in denial about her addiction. She would become aggressive and angry towards family members. She was unable to hold her job for more than two to three weeks at a time due to her mood swings and poor time-management.

During her consultation on 9 July 2015, I asked her to tap along meridian points on her face (using EFT, the emotional freedom technique) as she was telling her story. She then began talking about having abusive partners (3 in all) since the age of 18. She was beaten up regularly but thought that this was normal and even a part of love. After her second partner, who was violent towards her, she started drinking to forget her pain and suffering.  I explained the effects of drinking on her health and helped her to understand the benefits of developing a positive outlook and releasing negative memories, helping her to realise that we attract and become what we constantly think about (the “Law of Attraction”). 

I gave her the following combo:

CC3.7 Circulation + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies +CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorder + CC15.3 Addictions + CC15.4 Eating disorder + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.1 Brain disability + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.7 Throat chronic...TDS in water.

I also advised her to take a Vitamin B complex supplement as these nutrients would have been lost through years of alcohol abuse.

During the week following, she sent text messages to stay in touch, sharing her experience of how beautiful each day was. She then had an argument with her violent boyfriend and just let him go. She found this very easy to do. Having done so, she felt massive relief in her body. Two week later she was spending time in the temple saying she felt “peaceful and balanced'' there.

After five weeks, she booked a follow-up consultation. I asked her to bring her liquor with her so a nosode could be made. She did not agree to this, but during the session, she said she did not in fact drink any more. She had stopped within a week of starting vibrionics treatment and had also started a new job. She was very happy. She said was planning a short holiday. She had already applied to go back to full-time studies to start a new life.

The practitioner’s comment:
For the first consultation, I had reluctantly agreed to see the patient’s mother about the problem rather than the patient herself as she initially refused to attend, but in the end she decided to come with her mother. By agreement with the mother and patient, I worked with the patient alone while her mother went for a walk. To encourage her to open up, I let her talk first about her health and her diet. This helped her to get over her nervousness. When the mother returned an hour later to pick her up, her daughter was smiling. The mother looked quite shocked to see that.

During the second consultation, the mother wept and said that she “had her daughter back". They cooked together and went for walks together, and there were “no angry outbursts at night”.  As of the end of September 2015, the patient continues to send me text messages saying she is fine.