Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 5 अंक 2
March/April 2014

1. Question: In the case of a patient suffering from piles, is CC4.4 Constipation sufficient or is some additional remedy required?

Answer: It would be a good idea to give CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic and also a liver remedy such as CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic. Also, advise your patient to drink lots of water every day and to eat a healthy diet, which includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.


2. Question: If a mobile phone in your pocket rings when you still have the vibro pill in your mouth, will it get neutralised?

Answer: Certainly not because once the pill is in the mouth, the vibration in the pill would already be well on its way to the appropriate organ of the body.


3. Question: If a patient is asking for a vibro calcium supplement, which is the combo to be given?

Answer: Both CC12.1 Adult tonic and CC20.1 SMJ tonic have the vibration of calcium in them. So, either or both of these Common Combos can be prescribed.


4. Question: Can we charge stones with vibrations? If so how long will it take? Answer: To charge a quartz crystal, leave it in the remedy well for 24 hours.

Answer: To charge a quartz crystal, leave it in the remedy well for 24 hours. 


5.  Question: If a combo is included in another combo—for example, CC20.3 has CC20.2, and CC20.2 has CC20.1 in it—do we add all 3 in a bottle or will CC20.3 alone be sufficient?

Answer: In general, we don‟t add CC20.1 or CC20.2 to CC20.3 because CC20.3 already contains the other two. However, when CC20.3 is found not to act quickly, we have found that it sometimes strengthens the combo to add one or the other!


6. Question: If a patient is being treated for more than one disease, can he be given different combos mixed in one bottle?

Answer: For beginners, we recommend that they treat one chronic disease at a time (plus any related problems). Only after the patient is making reasonably good progress, we consider treating the second chronic problem. If we were to treat 2 or more chronic problems with all combos in one bottle and the patient experienced a pullout, we could not be sure which remedy is causing the pullout. With experience, however, a practitioner can often decide to treat more than one disease at the same time, giving only one bottle to the patient. This often happens because patients generally like to receive as few bottles as possible.


7. Question: There is no medicine in allopathy for hernia except surgery. How effective is Vibrionics in reducing the bulging part or the related pain?

Answer: CC4.9 Hernia is certainly very effective for hernia pain. So our recommendation is that you should take Vibrionics for at least 2 months before considering surgery. 
