Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

In Addition

Vol 6 अंक 4
July/August 2015


Session for Recharging 108CC Boxes held on 11 July 2015, Hartford, CT, USA

The USA & Canada Coordinator01339…USA reports: A large group of qualified candidates were trained as JVPs in October 2012, in Hartford, CT, USA. These practitioners are now due to have their 108CC boxes recharged to ensure the potency of the combos.  On Saturday, 11th July, 9 boxes were recharged at a special two-hour session. At the session, Practitioner02867…USA gave a presentation about an organic farm that is using Vibrionics to grow healthy, blight-free vegetables. Practitioner 02873…USA showed the group the aluminium carrying case he uses to store his 108CC box and supplies (see photo below). He reports very low evaporation by using the case. Another recharging session is planned for later in the year at a location to be announced.

[Note: The 108CC boxes should be recharged every two years. The potency may be extended an additional year by tapping each bottle nine times against the palm of the other hand. This group is approaching the end of their third year.]


Vibrionics Practitioners’ Refresher Meeting held on 19 April 2015, Illford, Essex, UK

As reported by UK Coordinator 02822…UK and edited by Practitioner 03513…UK: The refresher workshop was convened on 19th April with 30 practitioners present and 2 guests. Dr Jit Aggarwal presented and was assisted by his wife, Hem. He thanked the organiser of the day, Practitioner02822…UK, for all his work as UK Coordinator.  A summary of highlights follows:

1.0 New Vibrionics logo

Dr Aggarwal announced that Sai Vibrionics now has a new logo and the leaflet with the new logo will be circulated shortly.

1.1 Master Combo additions

As and when new information comes to light, remedies in the Master Combo box are updated. For example, two new remedies were added to the Master box in April 2015. Practitioners who are up-to-date with their monthly report are eligible to get them from their regional or country coordinator.

1.2 108 Common Combo box recharging

All combo boxes need to be recharged every two years as the effectiveness decreases due to electromagnetic radiation.

1.3 Adding CC10.1 Emergencies to remedies

Dr Aggarwal recommends that all practitioners add CC10.1 Emergencies to their remedies for the next three months to see whether the efficacy of treatment can be improved as observed by some practitioners. Please provide feedback. An evaluation will be done at the end of 3 months.

1.4 Patient record-keeping and submission

Monthly reports should be submitted on the first day of the month as practitioners have pledged in their signed “Promise to God” declaration.  Maintain a separate summary record sheet of each month’s activity.  On the monthly summary sheet keep a column each for “Old Patients”, “New Patients”, “Animals” and “Plants”, and in the relevant column numerically list the name of the patient and date seen. This makes it easy to retrieve patient details when needed and to send in monthly reports. Additionally, for each patient, a checklist may be used to get a good history including details of the type of symptoms, date of onset, duration of the condition and how it started in order to understand the cause and the patient’s current medication.

1.5 Labelling remedies

Label the bottle given to the patient with the patient's reference number as recorded in your patient book to enable tracking. Do not write the name of the illness or symptoms on the label. The patient’s initials may also be used along with a positive name for the remedy such as “Feel Better”, “Wellbeing”, or “Healing”.

1.6 Preparing remedies

Always prepare the remedy in water, as water is neutral and has the best memory for vibrations. Also the pills last longer when patients take the remedy in water.

In patients with terminal illnesses, the priority should be that the patient is comfortable and peaceful. Sai Vibrionics remedies work on the mind, helping patients to feel peaceful and thus improving the quality of their life, in addition to prolonging life to some extent. Although sometimes we cannot see the effect of the remedy, healing does happen deep within one’s being, in unseen ways.

1.7 Mixing remedies 

The current policy regarding the preparation of remedies is that several combos can be combined in one bottle if we feel the patient will benefit. However we always need to look at the cause of chronic problems and include treatment for that. For example, if the cause is neurological, then CC18.5 Neuralgia is useful.

1.8 The use of nosodes

1.9 Treatment of addictions including smoking

For patients addicted to drugs, alcohol or tobacco, making a nosode is helpful.  For cigarette addiction, a nosode made from the cigarette should be taken TDS. It will reduce the craving. The patient need not be told to stop smoking. If a wife requests a remedy for her husband to stop smoking, it is best to get the patient to come himself and not give the remedy to the wife. When the patient attends, he should be counselled and asked whether he sincerely wishes to give up smoking. If the patient is sure, ask him to write the following affirmation on a piece of paper: ‘I know that smoking is bad for my health so I promise to give up smoking’. The patient should keep this paper in his cigarette packet and read the affirmation aloud each time before taking out a cigarette. The smoking habit can be eradicated using this method.

2.0 Q & A with Dr Aggarwal

2.1 Q: When treating a new patient, do we always begin with a prayer while putting the first pill ourselves under the tongue of the patient?

A: Yes, Swami is the Healer. The treatment should start with invoking Swami's blessings. The practitioner should administer the first dose, whether in water or pill under the tongue. A connection is made with God and the practitioner merely acts as a conduit for the Divine energy to flow to the patient. You can ask the patient to pray to whichever form of God he feels comfortable with. If you are sending the remedy by post, you can advise the patient to ring you before taking the first dose. The practitioner can then say a prayer while the patient is on the phone and takes the first dose. 

2.2  Q: In India we have water purifiers in most town homes where water is treated with UV rays. Is such water OK for preparing Vibrionics remedies?

A: Once the water has been treated and purified, the UV rays are no longer present, and the water is safe for preparing Vibrionics remedies. Any water which is pure and safe for drinking can be used to prepare Vibrionics remedies.  Also, drinking water kept in a copper vessel can also be used to prepare remedies.

2.3 Q: How long do vibrations last in pills? The manual says they last for six months. However, I was informed by a senior practitioner that they only last for three months. Would you please clarify this?

A: Ideally, if the pills are kept in a harmonious and peaceful environment free from radiation eg, a prayer room, vibrations in the pills do last for six months. But if the pills are moved around and exposed to sources of radiation including wireless broadcasts, then vibrations may last for shorter time, say, two or three months. 

2.4 Q: If a person is suffering from urinary incontinence plus constipation, would giving CC4.4 Constipation make the incontinence worse?

A: It is fine to give CC4.4 for relief from constipation to a patient also suffering from incontinence. Emptying the bowels might actually reduce the pressure on the bladder.

2.5  Q: A senior practitioner told me that when she refills the CC bottles with fresh alcohol, she chants 'Om Sri Sai Ram' 108 times.  She feels this recharges them and makes them more potent. Could you please confirm this?

A: It is not necessary to chant 'Om Sri Sai Ram' 108 times when refilling the combo bottles. [Editor's note: Any practice that helps a practitioner to infuse his or her practice with remembrance of God and loving surrender to Swami as our Divine Healer should by all means be continued.]

2.6 Q: When a patient takes the remedy in water, should the patient keep the water in the mouth for a certain amount of time before swallowing?

A: Yes, the patient has to keep the vibro water in the mouth for one minute before swallowing.

2.7 Q: We have heard that nosodes produce quick healings when treating allergies or addictions. Can AVPs and JVPs, who cannot make nosodes, get the same response using the 108CC box?

A: No, we do not expect to get the same response with a Common Combo that we get when using a nosode because the nosode treatment is specifically targeted at the particular condition; hence the response is faster.

2.8 Q: How do we treat sciatica?

A: For sciatica pain, using CC18.5 Neuralgia alone can help or use SR289 Drosera. Further, balancing the kidney and bladder meridians using the cards SR240 Kidney and SR242 Liver with the SRHVP machine can help.

2.9 Q: What more can be done for a patient suffering from itchy legs due to his blood pressure medication when Vibrionics is not working?  The patient was diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years back and prescribed the allopathic drug Perindopril. This caused itching on his legs so the medicine was changed to Ramipril and Felidopin. But the itch still persisted and neither Ayurvedic nor various Vibrionics combos were able to provide relief.  (Incidentally, the patient had no itchy feeling during a visit to the Far East)  In addition, the patient developed tinnitus earlier this year, and the buzzing in the ear has not been reduced or cured after taking the vibro combo. Itchiness and tinnitus are known side-effects of Ramipril, Felidopin, and Perindopril.

A: Make a nosode using all the three blood pressure tablets together. The nosode will help to remove the side effects. The card SR317 Sulphur 30C can be effective for itching but this should be used with caution because of the possibility of a pullout.

3.0 Dr Aggarwal’s message 

Dr Aggarwal called on practitioners to help create awareness of Sai Vibrionics:

We need to bring more awareness of Sai Vibrionics to society at large so people can avail themselves of this treatment, which is free from side-effects. 

Please do your part by referring friends, family and patients to Vibrionics resources such as the website, the ‘What is Sai Vibrionics?’ video and also the International Conference book. Feel free to forward the Sai Vibrionics Newsletter to those interested and also provide printed copies but to avoid confusion, please do not provide other printed information sheets of your own.

If you are invited to give an information session on Sai Vibrionics, up-to-date PowerPoint presentation packages are already available for use. Please advise me of your needs. Before the presentation, please send me any material of your own that you intend to present so that the information can be verified. 

We now have several volunteers to take on some of the admin workload of Sai Vibrionics UK.  Materials in other languages (Gujarati and French) are planned or are in process now.

Finally, thank you all for your service to the Lord.  As always, never forget that Swami is the Healer and we are merely His instruments. The practitioner’s Love and Faith are what matter most. They help to raise the vibrations. Keep your knowledge of Vibrionics fresh and up-to-date. Go through the manual on a regular basis and absorb new information provided in the Newsletter and other Vibrionics sources. Remind patients that the most important tool for healing is one’s own mind.  A change in thought pattern by using visualization techniques, affirmations, practicing gratitude or forgiveness will help in enhancing the healing process.

Om Sai Ram