Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Dr Jit Aggarwal

Vol 7 अंक 4
July/August 2016

Dear Practitioners

It is only when one begins to have a glimpse of basking in the glory of the Guru that one experiences pure bliss and enlightenment. How fortunate are we to have none less than the Lord Himself as our Guru. The word Guru has its roots in Sanskrit and it means ‘the one who expels darkness’. I believe that faith in one's own Guru is paramount! It is only through unconditional faith in the Guru that one receives the ‘ultimate’ light. 

I am pleased to be writing to you close to the festival of Guru Poornima, one of the most auspicious occasions in Prashanti Nilayam.  May our hearts turn even more strongly and with greater devotion to our Beloved Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Healer of healers. May we all pray to be bathed in His light of Love and Service at this very special time.

It gives me immense joy to share with you that the Vibrionics program is going through a great progressive evolution as a direct result of harnessing the power of collaboration. In the last newsletter, I had reported that regular meetings had been scheduled by groups of practitioners in India, UK and USA for continuous development and learning. Not only have some of the meetings taken place but these have proved to be a resounding success in terms of outstanding attendance and content.

The meetings were very structured. Senior practitioners made presentations on highly enriching topics relating to diet, body systems, vital organs, remedies and  combos. Practitioners shared their success with purpose made combos such as the energy combo and cortisol combo (for more details, please refer to In Addition section of this newsletter). The importance of a healthy diet for sustaining a healthy lifestyle was emphasized and discussed in depth. Additionally, various prescriptions for managing severely debilitating chronic illnesses such as lupus and obsessive compulsive disorder were shared by those who had success with them. Some meetings also included discussion on advanced subjects such as compatibility of Radionics & Vibrionics and transmutation of negative energy into positive energy through the power of love, gratitude and forgiveness.

Another significant initiative that has taken off exceptionally well, thanks to the efforts of Practitioner03531…UK, is the migration of our Practitioner records to a cloud-based database for seamless remote access for the admin team and all coordinators and teachers. We anticipate the roll-out to be completed over the next few months.

Given the rhythm and the pace at which we are progressing steadily towards evolving into a world-class free-to-patients alternative healthcare-delivery institution, I am very confident that Vibrionics will, in times to come, emerge as a mainstream therapy of choice across the globe. I am truly humbled to be around to see the magnificent shape and form Swami’s Vibrionics mission has taken in our lifetime. The credit goes to all those who have been rendering seva to the vibrionics mission! I am reminded of Professor N. Kasturi’s words from the Preface to Swami’s Prema Vahini where he says “…while enjoying the thrill of sadhana (spiritual practice) prescribed here, you are responding to the majesty of the very Ocean of Mercy.”

In loving service to Sai
Jit K Aggarwal