Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 3 Uscita 2
March 2012

Dear Practitioners, Loving Sairam!

I hope all of you had a holy and beautiful Mahashivratri. Here in Prashanti Nilayam, not only were the bhajans soulful but we had something special for Vibrionics too. You will be happy to know that the All India President of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Sri Srinivasan, organized a Vibrionics workshop for all the State Presidents of India and their medical coordinators on 20th February 2012, the auspicious day of Mahashivratri. The purpose of the seminar was to spread awareness about Vibrionics amongst the office bearers in the Organisation. As we no longer have Swami in His physical form to give us direct instructions, it was important that official position on Vibrionics was made clear.

We began the workshop by invoking the blessings of the Lord with Veda chanting and lighting of the lamp by the All India President. He, in his inaugural address, assured us that while Vibrionics seminars in India will not be held under the banner of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, they will facilitate workshops that we conduct in different states of India.

I gave a brief introduction to this system of healing and a demonstration as to how the Sai Ram potentiser is used to make remedies. We felt it was necessary to tell the audience about Swami’s constant physical involvement in this system since we started practicing it in the ashram in 1994 under His direct command. So, we elucidated on how Swami blessed the first Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser, how He blessed us to conduct seminars overseas and in India, how He assured us time and again that non-doctors could practice this system (we are not Healers, He is the only Healer and true Doctor), how He blessed various new books, the 108 Common Combos box, the Newsletter, and how He blessed and cut our Vibrionics cake on three successive Guru Purnima. In fact, when we listed Swami’s blessings and instructions for Vibrionics, it was simply amazing to see how much He had given us in the last 18 years! We are indeed fortunate to have had such a loving Lord to turn to for guidance and support.

The Vibrionics Coordinators of Maharashtra, Delhi-NCR, Kerala, Karnataka and J & K, and a member of the teaching faculty gave short speeches. They touched on: how Vibrionics is such a simple form of seva, how faith (of the practitioner) is key to effective healing, how camps are being conducted in villages and slums with astounding results, some wonderful examples of patients who were completely cured and incredible statistics of the number of patients being treated and number of seva hours being logged by dedicated practitioners.

The Coordinator for Poland spoke about how Vibrionics is a Sadhana and takes us closer to our Lord, how Vibrionics came to Poland in 1999 and how they conduct seminars and refresher courses regularly there. One of our active practitioners from the UK presented some almost unbelievable cases of complete healing. She made a very important point that it is not merely the remedies that work in the cure but just talking to the patient and letting him unburden can start the healing process. Our head of research from the UK, spoke about her conviction in the system and how it is powered by Swami’s love for all of us.

A practitioner, who is also the editor of this newsletter from the USA, recounted how this initiative was born and blessed by Swami. She invited anyone wanting to do service, to translate the newsletter into popular Indian languages. She also gave the audience a live demonstration of our new-look website which was launched on Swami’s birthday last year. We had a short question-answer session and the workshop concluded with a touching video showing pictures of a few of Swami’s countless physical blessings to Vibrionics.

Indeed, it was a very successful day and we hope that it was as productive for the audience as it was fulfilling for us - the practitioners. May this be a fruitful step in spreading worldwide the Sai seva through Vibrionics.

Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu!

In loving service to Sai
Jit Aggarwal