Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

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Infezione Respiratoria, Sinusale e della Gola 01176...Bosnia

Una donna di 75 anni venne a chiedere aiuto per un dolore acuto alla gola, una brutta tosse accompagnata da espettorazione e seni nasali infiammati. Soffriva di questi sintomi da diversi giorni. Le fu somministrato:
#1. NM36 War + NM70 CB9 + NM71 CCA + NM113 Inflammation...TDS
#2. SM21 Sinus + SM26 Immunity + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM35 Infection + SM40...(continued)

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Tosse cronica , disturbi del sonno 02870...USA

Durante gli ultimi 4-5 anni, una donna di 74 anni aveva sofferto di una tosse cronica, che durante il giorno era continua e di notte le impediva di dormire. Poiché soffriva di allergia alla polvere e ai pollini, la sua tosse peggiorava durante la stagione dei pollini e lei era anche predisposta a frequenti infezioni. In passato era stata ricoverata in...(continued)

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Mal di gola, tosse e sinusite 01176...Bosnia

Una donna di 75 anni venne a chiedere aiuto per un acuto mal di gola, una brutta tosse con espettorazione e seni infiammati di cui soffriva da parecchi giorni. Le fu somministrato:
#1. NM36 War + NM70 CB9 + NM71 CCA + NM113 Inflammation...TDS
#2. SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM35 Sinus + SM40 Throat...TDS

Quando tornò, una...(continued)

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Asma 02789...India

Questa paziente era una bambina di 12 anni che aveva sofferto di attacchi d’asma fin dalla nascita. Le fu somministrato:
CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack...TDS.

Durante questo periodo non si verificò un solo attacco d’asma. La bambina continua ad assumere le combo.

I commenti dell'editore:
Potenziatore Sai Ram: quando...(continued)

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Macchie Bianche 10940...India

Un uomo d’affari di 35 anni chiese una cura Vibrionica per piccole macchie bianche che duravano da 6-8 mesi sul collo e la coscia. Il trattamento iniziò il 10 Luglio 2013 con:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C...OW, 4 dosi

#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections...QDS

Dopo 3 mesi (il 9 Ottobre), il paziente mostrò un...(continued)

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Multiple Problems Cured by Blood Nosode Missing...Belgium

A 64 years old male had been suffering from severe knee pain for the past 10 years. He was
obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not
stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both
ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C....(continued)

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Sore throat, cough and sinusitis 01176...Bosnia

A woman, aged 75, came for help because of a severe sore throat, a bad cough with expectoration and inflamed sinuses that she had been suffering from for several days. She was given:

#1. NM36 War + NM70 CB9 + NM71 CCA + NM113 Inflammation…TDS

#2. SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM35 Sinus + SM40 Throat…TDS

When she...(continued)

Lettura Caso Completo

Multiple Problems Cured by Blood Nosode 02836...India

A 64 years old male had been suffering from severe knee pain for the past 10 years. He was
obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not
stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both
ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C....(continued)

Lettura Caso Completo

Multiple Problems Cured by Blood Nosode 02836...India

A 64 years old male had been suffering from severe knee pain for the past 10 years. He was
obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not
stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both
ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C....(continued)

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