Рассылка Саи Вибрионикс

" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 02859...India

Profiles from a diverse group of Delhi practitioners are presented in this special section, in which six new practitioners share their outlook and experiences to date. The Delhi profiles were organised and compiled by the Delhi-NCR coordinator02859...India. Her profile opens this section:

Practitioner02859...India writes: I have been teaching Electronics at the University of Delhi for over 28 years and started practising Vibrionics in July 2011. Since then, I have had the opportunity to treat various acute and chronic conditions. Holding workshops and coordinating the Vibrionics activities in the Delhi-NCR region have also been a part of my activities.

Before discovering Vibrionics, I always had a very strong desire to serve but never found an appropriate platform. The sole purpose of my going in for Vibrionics course was to search for one such platform. One of my first patients was the maid at a relative's place. I saw her limping on swollen feet that were obviously hurting and also full of pus. With the sincerest of prayers to Baba, I gave her my first remedy. In one week's time, all the pus had drained away, there was no pain and she was walking normally. It was unbelievable! [Editor’s note: The complete case history is given below in ‘Cases to Share’] I wondered how and why I was chosen as a tool to bring about relief in this person's life. As time elapsed, I was blessed to have many such moments where I was left wondering, ‘Why me?". Serving in camps and bringing relief to the underprivileged has brought me unbounded joy. My deep desire to serve has been answered by Baba in the most unlikely way. Somewhere along the way, one has learnt to live with miracles.

I have also noticed that the world of vibrations is so strong that many inexplicable connections are established all the time. To cite one incident that occurred recently, a colleague at my workplace was discussing how in the eighth month of pregnancy, her only complaint was that there was a lot of itching. Later, when I was going through my emails, a practitioner had actually sent in a case history with exactly the same problem describing how it had been dealt with very effectively! Such things happen all the time and remind us of Baba's unseen divine presence. 

On a different level, Vibrionics is perhaps the best evidence that the connection between science and spirituality is very real – and at the same time, quite mystical. It is extremely fascinating as a topic for research. And of course, practising vibrionics is one of the best possible ways to Love All, Serve All!