Рассылка Саи Вибрионикс

" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 11645...India

Practitioner 11645...India is a qualified mechanical engineer who worked with ONGC for 32 years and retired as Deputy General Manager in June 2021. During his career, he received five meritorious awards for his contribution to maintenance activities of both offshore and onshore machineries.

It was in 1968 at the age of seven that he had his first introduction to Swami when his father brought home Baba’s photo after having His darshan, when Baba was visiting their hometown in Kerala. His aunt was an ardent Sai devotee and, as a child, he used to attend aarti at her home. In 1994, in what he considers a great blessing, he got married to a Sai devotee and started to involve himself in Sai samiti bhajans and service activities. From 1997 to 2021, he and his wife actively participated in medical camps and Narayana seva in Pondicherry where they lived at the time. Post retirement, he participated in monthly food distribution, along with other devotees from his Sai samiti in Kochi.

He heard about Sai Vibrionics from his aunt, a practitioner since 2011, but he did not pay much attention to it. It was not until January 2022, having witnessed first-hand how vibro cured a close family member suffering from anxiety and insomnia within a week, that he was inspired to become a practitioner. He successfully completed his AVP course in Nov 2022 and got promoted to VP in July 2023.

The practitioner has treated more than 100 patients both for acute and chronic ailments and would like to share a few interesting cases with us.

In March 2023, he treated a 75-year-old lady who was suffering from insomnia for 3 years. He gave her CC15.6 Sleep Disorders…OD half an hour before sleep. A mere week later, she reported that she was sleeping soundly through the night, waking up only once to use the toilet. She has continued to take the remedy and is fine.

In Feb 2023, a 41-year-old female approached him for severe anxiety due to her mother’s multiple health issues. For the past eight months, she had lost her appetite and always felt as if she was full. He gave her Eat well - CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion. Within five days, her anxiety had reduced and she started eating normally, so the dosage was gradually tapered down.

In November 2023, a one-month-old baby girl started passing loose motions 10 to 12 times a day and also became very cranky. The paediatrician diagnosed this as intolerance to cow’s milk protein from the mother’s breast milk. The mother stopped all milk products and gave the prescribed probiotics syrup to the baby but with hardly any improvement. The practitioner gave the baby CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.2 Child tonic…6TD in water (1-2 drops in mouth*). The very next day, the frequency of loose motions came down to 5 to 6 times a day and two days later to 3 to 4 times a day and the child became calm. The dosage was reduced to TDS, the baby started passing normal stools and a week later it was further reduced to OD which was continued until the baby was six months old.

*applicable only to babies under six months, as their bodies are not suited for water. Also refer to vol 14 #3.Q1, May-June 2023.

The practitioner finds the combo CC4.4 Constipation to be an excellent remedy for constipation and other stomach-related issues and he has treated three patients who quickly got complete relief with this combo. He has witnessed the healing power of IB remedy for viral infections in at least ten patients.

Practising vibrionics has given him immense pleasure and satisfaction, especially knowing that vibrionics has proved to be literally a lifesaver where other systems of medicine have failed. He is eager to play an active role in SVIRT and expressed his wish to translate case histories from Hindi and Malayalam into English, any kind of documentation work, or initiatives to raise awareness about Vibrionics. He has recently been allocated the work of transcribing cases/experiences from Malayalam to English. The practitioner feels blessed to be an humble instrument of Swami and says that a favourable outcome is assured if one serves with a pure heart and surrenders completely to the Lord. His sincere prayer to Swami is that the sick and needy everywhere be blessed with access to Sai Vibrionics treatment. 

Cases to share: