Рассылка Саи Вибрионикс

" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Tennis Elbow 03511...UK

A 58-year-old man had developed tennis elbow in his right arm six months ago. He had been a regular tennis player but had to stop playing because of the unbearable pain which limited the movements of his elbow. He could not lift even small objects. Physiotherapy and cortisone injection did not alleviate the pain. The physiotherapist informed him that the tendons at the joint were so severely damaged that he would need surgery to rectify it. He advised the man to take Naproxen tablets for inflammation but these did not help either, so he stopped them. The patient did not want to have surgery.

So on 7 July 2018, he visited the practitioner who treated him with the following remedy:
CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue...TDS

After 2 weeks, the pain had reduced by 90% but the arm still hurt when lifting objects. The dosage was reduced to BD. After 2 weeks on 5 August 2018, the patient reported the pain had disappeared completely. He could move his right arm normally and lift objects without any pain. He was asked to take the remedy OD for two more weeks and then stop. The practitioner last saw him on 13 October. He has had no relapses and was on no medication at all. He had resumed playing tennis twice a week just as before.