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" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Respiratory allergy, knee pain, menses pain & fatigue 11648...India

A 37-year-old female with BMI of 33 had multiple health issues. Since her menarche in 1998, she was having severe pain in her abdomen and breasts every month during her 3-day menses. While homoeopathic pills provided relief, missing a dose would trigger the return of intense pain.  

Soon after her father's passing in 2013, she suffered from cough, fever, weakness, and phlegm in throat. While fever subsided and cough resolved within 2 to 3 months, phlegm persisted. From April 2014, she started to have watery left eye and nostril, mild headache, and nasal blockage with breathing difficulty. These episodes, each lasting 4 to 5 days with medication, recurred about three times a month, often triggered by two consecutive days of head baths. She would take homoeopathic remedies and if there was no relief, would turn to allopathy.

She tested positive for Covid in July 2020 and was treated with high-doses of steroids; as a result, she was constantly fatigued. Since Dec 2021, she was having an increased urge to pass motion 3 to 4 times a day and she attributed this to her second dose of Covid vaccine.

In Sept 2022, while preventing herself from falling off a bike, she sprained her left foot which eventually healed. However, she developed pain and swelling in the left knee and ankle, the condition worsened by the end of Oct. Once in three days, the pain was severe, so she took prescribed painkillers along with a course of calcium tablets and vitamin D supplements. Despite these measures and adequate rest, her mobility significantly decreased. She could no longer walk freely even within her office, a stark contrast from her previous ability to walk 4 km daily.

Desperate for a permanent solution, she approached the practitioner and expressed that respiratory symptoms were troubling her the most, followed by knee and menses pain. During consultation, she presented with all her allergy symptoms in addition to a reddish face and a low voice; she had stopped all medications. On 12 Dec 2022, she was given:

For respiratory allergy:

#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…6TD for one week followed by TDS

For knee pain:

#2. CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.2 SMJ pain…TDS in mustard oil for external application.

For menses pain: 

#3. CC8.7 Menses frequent…TDS to be taken during menses and three days prior to the expected date

Within a week on 18 Dec, she reported 25% relief in allergy symptoms. Oil application would provide immediate relief from knee pain but only for two hours. So #2 was enhanced as follows and given orally on 20 Dec:

#4. CC10.1 Emergencies + #2…TDS 

After two weeks on 5 Jan 2023, she excitedly conveyed that she had pain-free menses in Dec 2022 for the first time! Additionally, there was 40% improvement in knee pain and about 60% in respiratory symptoms.

On 30 Jan 2023, she joyfully reported that fatigue had vanished and all other symptoms were better by about 75%. On 26 Feb, she reported 100% relief in the respiratory symptoms even though she had been taking head bath for several days; #1 was reduced to OD. Subsequent follow-ups could not be done due to emergency situations in her family.  

It was not until 14 June that she informed that there had been no recurrence of respiratory symptoms or the menses pain. The urge for frequent bowel movements and the knee pain disappeared, except for slight knee pain during excessive strain which resolved with rest. She resumed her 4 km daily walks. #4 was also reduced to OD; #3 was advised SOS just in case.

At this juncture she also disclosed 30% improvement in her food cravings, an unexpected bonus, stemming from hypothyroidism diagnosed in Apr 2014.

On 24 June 2023, #1 and #4 were tapered off and stopped, along with #2 on 4 Dec.

As of Apr 2024, she has been free from all symptoms. Recently, she has started taking remedies for hypothyroidism and overweight.