Vol 8 अंक 4
July/August 2017
From the Desk of Dr. Jit Aggarwal
Dr Aggarwal shares his experiences on the growth and acceptance of vibrionics around the world. This is not only by the growing ranks of patients but also by an openly receptive medical community.
पूर्ण लेख वाचाकेस हिस्टरीज
In this issue are cases about respiratory and allergies, burning urination, sun allergy, hair oil allergy, allergy to chlorine, cellulitis, paralysis of fingers, acidic, fungal infection and arthritis, migraines, chronic allergy and constipation, severe asthma, and stomach cramps
केसेस वाचाप्रॅक्टिशनरचा परिचय
We are introduced to two practitioners, one from Slovenia who was very interested in expanding her selfless service activities, and one from India who in addition to being a practitioner helps organize awareness building talks and mentoring new students.
प्रॅक्टिशनरविषयीं वाचाThe Answer Corner
In this issue Dr Aggarwal shares advice on clearing ear wax, how to encourage patients who don't return, the use of vibros on organs removed surgically, how to administer remedies to someone allergic to sugar, and how far to keep remedies from electronic devices
पूर्ण लेख वाचाDivine Words From the Master Healer
Swami teaches us about the value of raw food, and the importance of a life with love and selflessness
पूर्ण लेख वाचाAnnouncements
Announcements about upcoming workshops and refreshers
पूर्ण लेख वाचाIn Addition
Dr Aggarwal explains about acidity, what it is, symptoms, effects, and what to do about it
पूर्ण लेख वाचा