Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Constipation, recurrent cough & cold in young boy 11645...India

An eight-year-old boy had severe constipation - dry, hard stools once in two days, since the age of two and would cry in pain while defecating. He was given gripe water, banana, soap enema but none provided any relief. His water intake was only two glasses per day. From the age of four, he was treated with ayurvedic medicines for two years and allopathic laxatives for one year; these provided 50% relief that too was only temporary. In Jan 2022, he started having intermittent wet cough, runny nose and throat pain, once a month during winter and once in three months during other seasons. Each time he had to take allopathic medicines including an antibiotic for 5 days to get complete relief. On 16 Jan 2023, he was given:

#1. CC4.4 Constipation + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…BD in water

#2. IB*…BD in water, also added to his school water bottle

He used nasal drops for one week but did not take any other medicine and in nine days by 25 Jan, the severity of cough reduced by 20% and constipation by 30%. The stools were not so hard or dry and the boy did not cry anymore. By 25 Feb, he was passing normal stool every day and constipation vanished, so #1 was reduced to OD. The cough improved by 90% and the runny nose by 60%.

By 15 Mar 2023, all respiratory symptoms disappeared, so #2 was also reduced to the maintenance dosage of OD. Though there has been no recurrence of any symptoms until the last review in June 2023, the boy’s parents decided to continue both remedies at OD for several months.

* IB combo as per newsletter vol 12 #4.

Editor’s note: It is important to emphasise on drinking plenty of water especially in cases of constipation.