Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

In Addition

Vol 7 अंक 4
July/August 2016

Practitioner meetings are playing an instrumental role in the evolution of Vibrionics

As mentioned at the beginning of this newsletter, several practitioner meetings have been held in UK, India, and USA (in the US via conference calls, due to huge geographical distances). These will continue to take place regularly and play an instrumental role in the evolution of the Vibrionics platform. 

Vibrionics being an integrated form of healing, success of this treatment involves building awareness amongst both, practitioners and patients, on the various facets of treatment protocol. These meetings were conducted with that end in mind and as such, several varied and interesting topics came up and rich discussions were encouraged. Some of the key messages from these meetings are provided below.

  1. A common discussion point in all the meetings revolved around raising awareness of Vibrionics so that more and more people could benefit from it. From results obtained by some very experienced practitioners, it was deduced that the key ingredient for success in attracting more patients and for achieving positive outcomes is to operate with pure dedication, absolute faith in Divinity and in the therapy, and a heart filled with love and compassion. Furthermore, creating a healing atmosphere with prayers and love is essential for continued success in vibrionics.  
  2. It is important that new patients are encouraged to visit our website and watch the Vibrionics introduction video. The practitioner should then discuss any doubts arising and answer their queries. This ensures that patients are well informed about vibrionics. It helps to strengthen their faith in the system, thereby resulting in higher success rate.
  3. In order for practitioners to cleanse themselves from negative energy that they may have picked up during counseling and treating patients, they should make the ancient Hawaiian prayer called Ho’oponopono where the following four sentences are repeated together: I am sorry; I love you; Please forgive me; Thank you.
  4. While treating patients, practitioners should operate in the spirit of complete surrender to the Divine and need not worry that they may not have identified and addressed all the symptoms and ailments. What is more important is, they dispense the remedies with love and silently pray “My work is over, now You please take over.”
  5. There were discussions on the important role played by liver, kidneys, adrenal glands and intestine in maintaining good health. Practitioners, while treating chronic diseases, should also consider adding remedies which would balance one or more of these organs. For instance, overload of toxins in the liver can cause cancer of say, breast, brain and blood; undigested food in the guts causes systemic inflammation resulting in food intolerances and diseases such as autism, Alzheimer, type 1 diabetes, obesity; malfunction of adrenal glands can lead to diabetes, high BP and depression etc. 
  6. The big take home message is that our genes are not permanently programmed i.e. they can evolve depending on our environment; mainly, influenced by what we take in through our five senses. Hence it is important that we make the right choices.
  7. It is essential to educate patients on the importance of good diet, meditation, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, doing things joyfully. However it is important to defer making suggestions about diet and lifestyle until the practitioner establishes a rapport with the patient; any insensitive insistence at the initial appointment might put them off vibrionics.
  8. Several specific combos prepared by practitioners and found to be highly effective and beneficial to their patients are given below:
    • Cortisol combo: NM36 War + NM45 Atomic radiation + NM113  Inflammation + SM2 Divine Protection + SM5 Peace & Love Align + SM6 Stress + SR324 X-ray + SR348 Cortisone
    • Energy combo: NM2 Blood + NM12 Combination 12 + NM45 Atomic radiation + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM63 Back-up + NM67 Calcium + NM86 Immunity + OM1 Blood + OM28 Immune System + BR1 Anaemia + SM2 Divine Protection + SM5 Peace and Love Align + SM6 Stress + SM26 Immunity + SM41 Uplift + SR216 Vitamin E + SR223 Solar plexus + SR225 Throat + SR256 Ferrum Phos + SR281 Carbo Veg + SR306 Phosphorus + SR324 X-ray + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR361 Acetic Acid + SR494 Haemoglobin + SR509 Marrow + SR529 Spleen + SR561 Vitamin Balance
    • Travel tonic: CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases + CC10.1 Emergencies
  9. In the case of allergies, since the immune system has weakened, adding CC12.1 Adult tonic and CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases to the regular combos such as CC4.10 Indigestion for food allergy, CC19.2 Respiratory allergies and CC21.3 Skin allergies, was found to be very successful.
  10. US practitioners found that nosodes made from anti-allergy medicines, local pollen, food allergens or patient’s sputum are very effective for relief of symptoms. Vibrionics remedies need to be taken over a long period of time (sometimes over months) for a complete cure. 
  11. Practitioners shared how they constantly felt Divine presence while treating patients. Not only was this reassuring but also very inspiring.
  12. The main problem faced by many practitioners was that a large number of patients did not report back. Here it is important that the patient is given a card showing the time and date of the next appointment and to emphasize that they should let you know in advance, if unable to keep the appointment. 

Om Sai Ram