Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 8 Uscita 3
May/June 2017
Versione Stampabile

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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Cari professionisti,

Il 24 Aprile 2017 ricorreva il 6° Aradhana Mahotsavam (la pia giornata della commemorazione). Questo giorno del Mahasamadhi di Swami (la dipartita dal suo corpo fisico) è molto toccante per tutti i devoti di Sai e ci ricorda di concentrarci verso l’interno per trovare il Signore Sai – la nostra stessa essenza. Anche Gesù insegnava che “il Regno dei Cieli si trova all’interno”. La vera domanda, a questo punto, è: “Come attivare quell’intima connessione interiore e vivere eternamente nella beatitudine di questo Regno?”. La risposta viene dal Maestro Stesso: “Per gli esseri umani, amore e servizio sono come due ali, con l’aiuto delle quali ci si dovrebbe sforzare di realizzare lo spirito.” …Sathya Sai Speaks 28.34: 21 Novembre 1995. Quindi, apriamo i portali del nostro cuore e liberiamo quel divino amore convogliandolo attraverso il servizio altruistico. Questo è il segreto della vera felicità.

Vivendo nello spirito degli ideali del nostro Maestro, abbiamo molti praticanti appassionati che hanno fatto un eccezionale servizio alla Vibrionica. In questo numero, ringraziamo i traduttori della nostra newsletter e di altri contenuti relativi alla Vibrionica. Il loro lavoro è essenziale per la nostra reciproca comunicazione, essendo utile in molti modi indispensabili. Apprezziamo profondamente i loro generosi sforzi. Come segno del nostro grato riconoscimento, abbiamo inserito brevi resoconti delle loro esperienze di seva.

Il mese scorso, dal 24 al 27 marzo, abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di condurre un seminario nazionale in Polonia. È stato davvero fantastico, poiché erano presenti anche altri praticanti dei paesi vicini, come Germania, Norvegia, Romania e Slovenia! Hanno condiviso alcuni eccezionali casi di guarigione, così commoventi da provocare lacrime di gioia in molte delle persone presenti! Una tale dimostrazione della crescita della Sai Vibrionica in Europa, grazie all’importante impegno personale e allo sviluppo professionale da parte dei volontari di Vibrionica, è molto incoraggiante. Speriamo di condividere in dettaglio i risultati di questo seminario in una futura newsletter.

I nostri praticanti degli Stati Uniti hanno dato inizio ad un progetto di ricerca per aumentare la nostra comprensione nel trattamento di molte condizioni che interessano piante e animali. Essi sperano di trovare nuove intuizioni che migliorino i nostri protocolli per una maggiore efficacia nel trattamento di un’ampia varietà di malattie relative sia al regno vegetale che animale.

Con l’unica motivazione di toccare quante più vite possiamo con le vibrazioni guaritrici di Swami, vi esorto tutti ad aumentare la vostra pratica, tenendo sempre in considerazione il patrimonio divino di tutti e l’amorevole missione di Sai. Invito inoltre tutti i praticanti a far domanda di iscrizione alla nostra Associazione Internazionale di Praticanti di Sai Vibrionica accedendo al nostro sito e compilando il modulo online sotto Resource Library. Spero che vi sentiate sempre liberi di contattare il coordinatore del vostro paese/stato per i vostri quesiti e la vostra offerta d’aiuto se siete interessati a contribuire alle nostre attività organizzative o amministrative. La necessità è costante e l’apprezzamento abbondante!  

Rimaniamo eternamente grati a ciascuno di voi e soprattutto a Swami per averci dato l’opportunità di “Amare Tutti, Servire Tutti” attraverso la Vibrionica.

In amorevole servizio a Sai.

Jit K Aggarwal

Throat cancer 02090...India

In June 2014, the son of a 90-year-old man approached the practitioner concerning his father’s health. On the basis of an MRI scan, the diagnosis was ‘advanced stage of throat cancer’. The patient found it extremely difficult to eat and drink. The diagnosis was first made by an ENT surgeon and the patient was referred to a renowned cancer specialist in the state of Kerala. The specialist advised radiation therapy and warned the son about the possible consequences including cardiac arrest and death. In any case, the doctor advised that a feeding tube will be needed within three months for intake of food and water. The patient’s son consulted several specialists and they all gave the same opinion. Finally the family decided against the allopathic treatment and visited the practitioner for help with vibro remedies. However, the practitioner encouraged them to take vibrionics along with allopathy but they chose not to take allopathic medicines at their own risk. The treatment began with the following combo:

#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC19.7 Throat chronic…TDS

A review after one month revealed that he had good relief. There was considerable decrease in pain and he did not face much problem with respect to eating and drinking. Overall he felt 20% improvement. However, the practitioner was guided innerly to add the following combo, while continuing #1:

#2. SR522 Pituitary Anterior + SR523 Pituitary Posterior…TDS

There was progressive improvement in the patient’s condition. After two years of taking the vibro remedies, the cancer specialist conveyed to the patient’s son that the case was a mystery to modern science. There was no sign of cancer! The patient consumed normal food throughout without the need for a feeding tube. Later in July 2016, the patient had an uneventful death as he breathed his last peacefully.

Editor’s note: During the course of treatment for cancer, the practitioner gave suitable additional remedies for many acute problems such as fever, cough, fatigue and chest infection, as and when needed.

Learning disability 02090...India

On 8 January 2017, a young mother brought her 8-year-old daughter to the practitioner. The child was in 3rd grade and had a history of learning disability. This was apparent from the fact that she had not even learnt the alphabet properly. The practitioner talked to both, the girl and her mother, and prescribed the following remedy:

CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.5 ADD & Autism + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS

Six weeks into the treatment, the mother was happy to report the recent remarks from the child’s teacher. According to her, the girl had learnt the alphabet well in a short span of time and her ability to concentrate on studies had improved considerably. The practitioner has advised the mother to continue the remedy for another year. 

Editor’s comment: The practice of giving various tonics to children and students has been followed by Kerala practitioners for some years and it has gained popularity owing to the excellent results obtained.

Osteonecrosis of ribs 10602...India

A 67 year-old-lady approached the practitioner on 7 September 2016 with complaints of very painful boils with pus in and around the scar from an earlier operation. A leading surgeon concluded that the boils were due to osteonecrosis which usually results from radiotherapy. Eighteen years ago, she had undergone radiotherapy for breast cancer and later major surgery for removal of severely infected ribs. The surgeon suggested removal of the infected ribs to stop further spread of the infection. The patient was very scared to undergo surgery this time as she had to bear acute pain not only before but also for a fortnight after her previous surgery. The practitioner counseled her to have courage and go ahead with surgery but keep unflinching faith in Swami, the Divine Doctor. She gave her the following remedies:

#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS 
#2. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…6TD

On 27 September, she underwent surgery with full faith as advised by the practitioner. The operation took over 5 hours and to the patient’s surprise it was painless. The next day the patient spoke to the practitioner from her ICU bed and said she felt no pain either before or after the operation and was very happy. To the surprise of the surgeons, infection had not spread as they had expected and only one top right rib was removed. 

After a month, the dosage of #2 was reduced to QDS. After two months, the dosage of #2 was further reduced to TDS but to BD for #1. After three months, the patient visited the practitioner to express her gratitude. She was advised to continue both remedies OD for a month and thereafter reduce to maintenance dosage of OW. In a recent follow-up visit the patient was happy and healthy with no complaints and did not feel the need to continue the remedy.

Chronic abdominal pain 10602...India

A 93-year-old woman suffering from chronic abdominal pain for over 40 years came to the practitioner on 7 March 2015. Over this period, she had taken allopathic treatment and undergone various surgeries such as removal of uterus 35 years ago, removal of gallbladder 20 years ago, treatment for pancreas and kidney stones 10 years ago and surgery for hernia five years ago. Despite these treatments, the real cause of abdominal pain could not be found. The practitioner found that apart from her long-standing abdominal pain, the patient had acute stomach pain with burning sensation as well as giddiness for the last two weeks. She had no appetite or energy and had considerable irritation and frustration.

Prayerfully, the practitioner gave the following remedies: 

#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.7 Vertigo…6TD
#2. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.3 Appendicitis + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.9 Hernia + CC4.10 Indigestion…6TD

After two weeks, the patient happily reported that the frequency of her stomach pain had reduced by 50% and vertigo was completely gone. She could eat reasonably well and felt energetic. So the dosage of #1 and #2 was reduced to QDS. After a month, the patient was delighted to report that all her complaints were resolved and she was now 100% fine. The remedies were continued with further reduced dosage of BD for a month and then OD for another month and stopped thereafter.

On 20 January, 2016, the patient visited the practitioner just to express her happiness and gratitude to her and to Baba for having cured her fully. At the time of writing in April 2017, she is happy with no recurrence of her symptoms.

Diabetes 11576...India

A 78-year-old woman, diagnosed with diabetes in 2009, approached the practitioner on 3 Apr 2016. She had excessive tiredness and needed to rest frequently. Many years of restricted diet and the need to have controlled intake of sugar seemed to have affected her emotionally. Her BP and cholesterol readings were normal and she had no family history of diabetes.

Her fasting blood sugar was 180mg/dl (normal 70-100mg/dl) and postprandial reading was 240mg/dl (normal <140 mg/dl). During the past 7 years, her doctor had prescribed several different allopathic medications. Currently, she was taking Metformin 500mg (and Vitamin B12) with meals twice a day. 

Using a pendulum, the practitioner identified that the liver of the patient was not functioning well. So, the patient was given the following combo:

CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…QDS in water

Regulated diet, exercise and weight control were also a part of her comprehensive treatment plan. She was advised to avoid foods with high glycaemic index (GI) and consume lots of fresh vegetables, wheat grass and freshly cut onions with good periodic daily intake of pure water. She was advised to be in regular touch with her physician regarding monitoring of sugar levels as well as management of allopathic medication with anticipated drop in sugar level.

After ten days there was 20% improvement in the blood sugar readings. After 9 weeks there was 50% improvement, so the dosage was reduced to TDS. She began to feel lighter and had much more energy. In 4 months’ time both the fasting and postprandial glucose levels were continuously in the normal range, this prompted the dosage to be reduced to BD, tapering it down to OW by January 2017. Also, her physician reduced Metformin from twice to once daily and stopped this completely towards the end of January 2017.  

As of April 2017, the patient is in a good state of mind, free of all symptoms and continues the maintenance dosage of OW.

Practitioner’s comment: 
All lab reports showing steady reduction in blood sugar readings of the patient are available.

Hypothyroid 11576...India

On 12 Mar 2016, the practitioner was approached by a 42-year-old lady who was suffering from hypothyroidism for the past 10 years. She was overweight and did not have an energetic profile due to the effect of reduced thyroid hormone. Though her heart rate and cholesterol levels were normal, she complained of feeling tired, sluggish, depressed, restless and irritable. She had difficulty with sleeping. She always felt abnormally cold. She was taking 75mg of Thyroxin daily as part of her allopathic regimen.

The patient was given the following remedy:

CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…QDS in water

During her first visit, she specifically pointed out to the practitioner that she felt very happy after being given the first dose. One month later, all thyroid hormone readings FT3, FT4 and TSH came down. Three months later in June 2016, blood test results showed her thyroid function to be perfectly normal. So her physician reduced the thyroxin to 25mg. The practitioner also started tapering down the dosage, bringing it to OD by August and to OW by October. In Sep 2016, thyroxin was discontinued by her physician. As of April 2017, she continues the vibro remedy at OW and her thyroid levels are stable. Her body weight has also decreased by 10kg.

Practitioner’s comment:
I am delighted to add that this lady remarried in October 2016 and now relocated to another town. 


Wound caused by injury 03536...Italy

A 53-year-old lady, a restoration artist, was afflicted with a wound at the tip of her right index finger caused by a splinter of wood or a nail. The size of the wound was about 8 mm. Due to its location, the nature of the patient’s work and cold weather, the wound had remained unhealed since its occurrence a month ago. At the time of consultation, on 25 January 2017, the wound appeared like a fissure, it was slightly bleeding, inflamed and painful. She had not sought any other treatment for this. 

The practitioner prepared the following combo:

CC21.5 Dry Sores + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions in alcohol and dropped it directly on the open wound. Almost immediately within a few minutes, to their astonishment, they noticed the inflamed red portion around the wound turning lighter and the skin resumed its normal colour. The wound also started closing and looked healthy. Along with the physical changes, the pain had completely disappeared and it never recurred. Seemingly there was 100% improvement within a few minutes. However, as a precautionary measure and to take care of any unhealed aspect of the wound, the practitioner again applied the above combo in alcohol five hours later. 

In two days, the dead skin had fallen off naturally. The patient was unable to comprehend what she witnessed. She commented that what had happened was truly extraordinary and would not be explained by science. On the other hand, for the practitioner, it was yet another confirmation of the greatness and the mysterious way in which Divine Love functions. Since this experience, the patient takes only vibrionics treatment for all her health issues.


Leishmaniosis Canine 02584...Italy

The practitioner was asked by a hunter to treat four of his hunting dogs, aged between 7 and 8 years, who were all very seriously ill with Leishmaniosis Canine, a potentially fatal illness transmitted by mosquito-like flies which carry the parasite. Two have been suffering for more than one year and the other two for the past few months. The symptoms were loss of weight, total loss of hair and no growth of nails.  The vet recommended that the dogs should be put down since he was unable to provide any kind of treatment for them.

On 30 November 2005, the practitioner prescribed the following combo: 
#1. NM2 Blood + NM86 Immunity + NM116 Malaria Extra Strength + OM28 Immune System + SM26 Immunity...OD

The owner was advised to give the remedy to the dogs for three weeks, then stop for the next three weeks and repeat this alternating process three times. However, within 3-4 weeks, all four dogs recovered completely but the practitioner had gone away on vacation for four months! On her return, it was reported by the hunter that the dogs had lost their hair and appeared weak. On 4 May 2006, the practitioner prescribed a second combo given below to be added to the dogs' drinking water:

For hair loss and weakness:
#2. SR256 Ferrum Phos + SR361 Acetic Acid

In just 3 weeks, the dogs regained their strength and their hair had started to grow. As Leishmaniosis Canine was prevalent in the Island of the hunter’s residence, the practitioner continued to give #1…OD as prophylactic every year during the spring. The dogs did very well and no further episodes of Leishmaniosis Canine were reported. Their owner was very happy and grateful.

Chronic acidity & wheat allergy 10001...India

During September 2015, a 28-year-old lady visited the practitioner complaining of severe acidity which she had for the past 8 years. This resulted in a severe headache lasting several hours almost daily and the patient got relief only after taking allopathic pain killer (Crocin). This was very stressful for the patient and resulted in low self-esteem. The patient stopped taking the painkiller and opted for the vibrionics remedy as follows: 

For acidity and headache:
#1. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC11.3 Headaches + CC12.1 Adult tonic…6TD

During periods of high stress:
#2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…single dose when needed

The patient experienced instant results and happily reported 80% relief from headache after the first week. She took remedy #2 a couple of times during the week and felt more relaxed and stress-free. After a month, the dosage of #1was reduced to TDS and then tapered down to OW before stopping after another month. The patient decided to discontinue #2 as well since she did not feel the need for it. 

During February 2016, the patient revealed that for the past 3 years she had been allergic to chapattis made from wheat flour. After eating them, she would immediately get stomach ache. The practitioner made a remedy from wheat flour by potentising it at 200C and prescribed it TDS. Within a month, the patient reported 100% relief from stomach ache and started relishing chapattis again. The dosage was tapered down to OW before stopping the remedy in July 2016 after a period of three months. At the last follow-up in December 16, the patient was completely free of all symptoms namely, acidity, headache and stomach ache and she did not need to take any remedy.

Editor's comments: 
The acidity and headache could have been due to wheat allergy. If she was treated for allergy first, it is likely that other symptoms would have disappeared without requiring any further treatment. It is important to encourage the patient to recollect and share all the symptoms during a consultation.

Exam anxiety disorder 02899...UK

A 15-year-old boy was brought to the practitioner by his mother on 27 March 2016. He was studying for GCSE final examinations and was getting extremely stressed and anxious and this resulted in panic attacks. This exam was a crucial stepping stone in his career. The young student, generally not prone to stress, was so affected that he even suffered from occasional nose bleed. He did not seek any other medical treatment. 

Additionally, all his life he had suffered from sore throat and cold during winter and took non-prescription medications. These provided only temporary relief as the problem kept recurring from time to time. His mother had mentioned that he was an emotional and a sensitive boy. 

He was given:
CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…in water every 10 minutes for one hour, then 6TD

After 6 weeks, the mother reported that her son was well and that the remedy had helped him tremendously by calming him down in time for the start of his exams. On days when she forgot to prepare the remedy in water, her son would make it himself as he had experienced the benefits of taking the remedy. He took his exams in May and June, and the results were out in August. On 27 September, the mother telephoned to report that her son had continued to take the remedy throughout the period, until the last day of the exams. The patient took over the telephone conversation. He sounded very excited and reported that the remedy had really helped him to achieve excellent results to the delight of his parents, friends and family. As of 27 March 2017, he has not had any anxiety, stress, panic attacks, or bleeding nose since July 2016 and has also been free of cold and sore throat since then. He is currently very happy with his ongoing studies. 

Patient’s testimonial:
Prior to my final exams, I felt I could not cope with the pressure. I had high expectations of myself but the stress was weighing my self-esteem down. My mum then approached the practitioner who prescribed vibrionics for me. Before starting a revision session, I would prepare the water mix and immediately after drinking it, I would feel a sense of relief from any tension in my body. I would take a sip of the drink every 10 minutes for an hour, stop for 2 hours and then repeat this cycle. Before I tried this drink, I was physically and mentally not coping with the stress of exams. Within 2 weeks of this treatment, I felt the positive effects in my body - I was able to work longer without stress and I was looking at problems in a different way. In the end I achieved top results and my secret was this water mix. I would especially like to thank the practitioner for giving me the opportunity to experience this drink and the positive effects it had on me and my mind.

Profili di Praticanti 02090...India

Il Praticante 02090…India, dopo essersi ritirato dal servizio governativo nel 2001, era desideroso di immergersi nella sadhana personale. Essendo un ardente devoto di Swami, faceva frequenti visite a Prasanthi Nilayam. Durante una di queste visite, mentre partecipava al consueto circolo di studio, scoprì che veniva invece condotta dal dr. JK Aggarwal una serie di conferenze di tre giorni sulla vibrionica.  Fu immediatamente attratto da questa sbalorditiva forma di medicina alternativa poiché lui era già coinvolto nell’organizzazione di campi sanitari in Kerala. Con un sincero desiderio di apprendere il sistema, contattò il dr. Aggarwal. Dopo un severo colloquio, lui e altri 12 seri candidati di tutto il mondo, vennero iscritti al programma di addestramento all’uso dell’apparecchio SRHVP.

Prima di ricevere l’attestato di vibrionica, il praticante aveva ricevuto la formazione in altre forme di guarigione alternativa quali reiki, magnetoterapia, naturopatia, rimedi erboristici ed aveva conseguito una laurea di secondo grado (MD) in medicina alternativa. Dopo aver praticato la vibrionica per alcuni mesi, per lui cominciò a divenire evidente che non vi poteva essere miglior forma di terapia che quella personalmente benedetta dal Signore Stesso. Sentiva che per lui la volontà divina poteva essere quella di servire attraverso la vibrionica anziché eseguire una sadhana personale in solitudine. Durante la successiva visita all’ashram, Swami accettò con un sorriso la sua lettera, in cui chiedeva le Sue benedizioni per proseguire a tempo pieno con il seva della vibrionica. Da quel momento in poi, il praticante s’impegnò con tutto il cuore in questo seva e venne ripagato dal Signore in egual misura con abbondanza di pazienti. 

Siccome il praticante era sommerso di pazienti e doveva preparare la stessa combo per molti pazienti diversi, l’uso dell’apparecchio SRHVP richiedeva parecchio tempo. Perciò, spinto dalla necessità, gli venne l’originale idea di preparare rimedi per comuni disturbi in boccette contagocce di plastica da 10ml. Poiché stava trattando una varietà di problemi comunemente riscontrati, molto presto il numero di queste boccette aumentò. Quindi, il suo falegname creò la prima cassettina delle combo comuni (vedi foto), di dimensioni doppie rispetto all’odierna cassettina delle 108CC!  

Nel 2008, spinto da un forte desiderio interiore di diffondere le vibrazioni guaritrici di Swami in altre parti del Kerala, il praticante contattò il capo della commissione interna del trust sanitario che era responsabile del Sai Hospital in Kerala. Dopo qualche iniziale resistenza, ottenne l’approvazione per condurre campi sanitari mensili presso l’ospedale – un’importante pietra miliare per la vibrionica!

Nel 2010 organizzò la presentazione del primo seminario AVP in Kerala, seguito da altri seminari di formazione. Come risultato, attualmente il Kerala possiede un dedicato gruppo di più di 100 praticanti che rimangono ispirati dai loro risultati altamente positivi. Di tanto in tanto avverte la sfida di alcuni praticanti di vibrionica che vogliono seguire programmi di formazione a pagamento in altre forme di terapia alternativa. Ritiene che questa instabilità sia dovuta ad una mancanza di sadhana personale nella loro vita quotidiana. Conduce corsi gratuiti sullo yoga e sul ruolo della spiritualità nell’assistenza sanitaria per i pazienti ed i praticanti in egual misura.  

Sotto la guida di questo praticante, il gruppo di vibrionica del Kerala ha delineato molti programmi speciali nel campo della prevenzione e della guarigione terapeutica. Ad esempio, hanno creato un pacchetto speciale di rimedi vibrazionali per varie sezioni delle vittime dell’Endosulfan nel distretto di Kasaragod.  Entusiasta di fare molto di più per la vibrionica, il praticante ha avviato 3 centri di vibrionica aperti giornalmente. Egli occupa anche la posizione di redattore per la newsletter mensile di vibrionica del Kerala da 3 anni.

Il praticante ha trattato una miriade di pazienti per tutti i tipi di malattie, compresa sterilità, dipendenza dall’alcol, problemi alla tiroide, cisti, PCOD (malattia dell’ovaio policistico), leucorrea, problemi mestruali, forfora, alopecia, emicranie, problemi prostatici, disturbi psichiatrici, emorroidi, allergia, asma, sinusite, capsulite adesiva (spalla bloccata o congelata), artrite, eritema solare e cancro. Ha anche effettuato molti esperimenti con le piante. Ha scoperto che la somministrazione di CC1.2 Plant tonic durante lo stadio iniziale di crescita delle piante è per loro la più benefica. Se lo stesso rimedio viene applicato alle giovani piante (una o due settimane di età) i risultati sono splendidi.

Nonostante le invalidità fisiche legate all’età avanzata, il praticante continua a diffondere con entusiasmo le vibrazioni guaritrici di Swami ai bisognosi che si trovano in remoti luoghi del Kerala, mentre presta ancora servizio come incaricato all’interno dell’Organizzazione Sai. Egli ha ispirato giovani praticanti, compresi i suoi familiari, ad assumere ruoli di primo piano nella vibrionica. Rendiamo omaggio alla dedizione di questo praticante alla missione della vibrionica e preghiamo affinché la sua storia di servizio straordinario sia una potente ispirazione per tutti i praticanti! 

Casi da condividere:


Profili di Praticanti 10602...India

La Praticante 10602 …India si ritirò dal suo lavoro di insegnante nel 2009. Entrò nella cerchia di Swami nel 1995 e immediatamente s’impegnò con grande fervore in tutte le sfere del servizio Sai, cioè Bal Vikas, canto dei bhajan, insegnamento della recita dei Veda e meditazione sulla Jyoti (luce). È membro attivo del gruppo seva dal ed una volontaria del programma Vidya Vahini. Fu l’unica del Maharashtra ad essere selezionata nel 2012 per conseguire un diploma in Valori Umani e ricevette una medaglia d’oro. Fin dalla sua infanzia, ebbe la passione per il servizio. Quando era una ragazzina di dieci anni, lavorava come aiutante di suo padre, che era un medico Siddha-Ayurvedic-Unani. Nel 2008, ormai adulta, le venne somministrato un rimedio vibrionico per raffreddore acuto e tosse e si riprese completamente in soli due giorni. Impressionata da questa esperienza personale, presto si iscrisse al corso di vibrionica. Con un intenso desiderio di diventare uno strumento di Swami per aiutare ad alleviare la sofferenza di molte persone ammalate che le stavano intorno, completò il corso nel 2009 a Mumbay. Durante i successivi 5 anni, partecipò attivamente ai campi sanitari di vibrionica condotti tre volte alla settimana

Dopo essersi trasferita a Chennai nel 2014, lei tratta i pazienti a casa ed il loro numero è gradatamente aumentato. Le persone la contattano quando vedono che coloro che hanno intorno migliorano con i rimedi vibrionici. Quando partecipa ai regolari programmi di Sai seva, usa il suo tempo libero tra le varie attività per creare consapevolezza sulla vibrionca tra i devoti. Insieme ad altri praticanti, conduce campi sanitari quindicinali in una vicina e affollata località. 

La praticante risplende di gioia nel condividere come Swami le abbia dato l’occasione d’oro di servire attraverso la vibrionica. Le procura grande soddisfazione avere la capacità di offrire rimedi benedetti da Swami quando la gente viene e condivide con lei i propri problemi. Prova una gioia ineguagliabile nel vedere i pazienti che si riprendono così rapidamente.   

Ha trattato con successo molti casi acuti e cronici. Ad esempio, un uomo di 62 anni che soffriva di cirrosi epatica era in trattamento allopatico ma senza ottenere alcun sollievo. Gli venne somministrata la seguente combo e si riprese in soli 3 mesi di assunzione del solo rimedio vibrazionale:

   CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic

In un altro caso, una donna di 68 anni con dolore acuto ad ossa e muscoli da 7 anni, senza alcun sollievo con l’uso dell’allopatia, migliorò del 100% in 8 settimane con questi rimedi:

#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic

#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue

Spesso usa con grande successo i seguenti rimedi preparati con le 108 Comuni Combinazioni:

  1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic ha fatto meraviglie per pazienti sofferenti di depressione, ansia o frustrazione.
  2. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic quando viene aggiunto ai rimedi per la pelle produce risultati più rapidi. 
  3. CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic ha aiutato molti cantanti intorno a lei a mantenere la gola chiara e libera da raucedine.

La sua pratica l’ha aiutata in molti modi. Con il passare del tempo, è diventata più compassionevole verso i suoi pazienti. Sente che Swami le manda i pazienti con problemi di varia natura per mettere alla prova la sua capacità di collegarsi ai pazienti e comprendere i loro problemi. Le sue facoltà intuitive sono migliorate nel tempo e lei prega sempre per ottenere consiglio prima di prescrivere i rimedi. Il viaggio vibrionico in corso è stato un’occasione per apprendere e sperimentare l’amore di Swami ad ogni passo, con l’effetto elettrizzante di sentire Sai ogni giorno più vicino.

Casi da condividere:

Profili di Praticanti 11576...India

Il Praticante 11576…India ha servito l’umanità in molte vesti; fu membro della Squadra di Aviazione Navale dei Servizi Armati Indiani, comprese le Forze Strategiche. Dopo essersi ritirato da una carriera militare straordinaria e decorata, proseguì la sua istruzione in diverse stimate università, sia negli USA che in India. Provando interesse per i bisognosi, scelse di impegnarsi nel servizio sociale e di dedicarsi al conforto delle persone svantaggiate. Ha recentemente completato a New York una borsa di studio in Responsabilità Sociale delle Imprese, investigando e promuovendo progetti umanitari e socialmente rilevanti per il settore aziendale in tutto il mondo. È stato coinvolto in progetti altruistici, visitando villaggi locali con molti metodi di trattamento alternativi al suo attivo: Sai Sanjeevini, naturopatia, reiki, pranic e theta healing, PNL, guarigione riconnettiva, agopressione, terapia Sujok, ipnoterapia e terapia del suono. Nel 2015 scelse di studiare la Sai Vibrionica a Puttaparthi e si qualificò come AVP in Novembre e venne presto promosso a VP nel Maggio 2016.

Si considera fortunato per aver condotto e partecipato a campi sanitari mensili con altri praticanti del Kerala nel corso dell’anno passato. Gli incontri mensili di vibrionica tenuti a Kochi gli hanno fornito l’opportunità di imparare a condividere le sue esperienze. Il praticante viaggia molto per lavoro e porta sempre con sè un kit benessere di vibrionica per essere d’aiuto quando e dove se ne presenta la necessità. Ha tanti pazienti che vivono molto lontano ed è felice di preparare e spedire loro i rimedi per posta. Raccomanda che tutti i suoi pazienti assumano i rimedi in acqua come vettore privilegiato delle vibrazioni. Si rallegra di essere testimone dei risultati incoraggianti derivanti dal trattamento di piante e animali con il sistema della vibrionica.  

Il praticante ha trattato con successo molti casi di problemi mentali. Per coloro affetti da malessere psicologico e qualunque forma di ansia o stress, ha trovato che CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders è infallibile e fornisce risultati immediati ed eccellenti. Cita il caso di un laureato in ingegneria di 23 anni che soffriva di attacchi di panico, grave depressione, scarsa autostima e malinconia da 3 anni. Era soprattutto incline a tutti i tipi di incidente. Il giovane aveva rifiutato qualunque tipo di aiuto psichiatrico ma aveva accettato di assumere il trattamento vibrionico. Il 5 Agosto 2016, il praticante prescrisse: 

CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…QDS in acqua. 

Dopo tre giorni, il padre osservò un miglioramento del 25% nel suo atteggiamento e, entro una settimana, fu evidente che il ragazzo aveva recuperato entusiasmo per la vita e aveva cominciato a partecipare a colloqui di lavoro. Il dosaggio venne ridotto a OD dopo 3 settimane e poi ad OW dopo altre 7 settimane prima di sospenderlo dopo un mese. Ad Aprile 2017, il giovane sta molto bene. Avendo ottenuto un buon lavoro, si gode la vita in Canada.

Il praticante incoraggia l’introspezione per scoprire e sfruttare i poteri interiori di guarigione dentro ciascuno di noi, sottolineando la natura spirituale di ogni guarigione. Evidenzia l’importanza della disciplina nell’assumere il dosaggio prescritto e ricorda ai suoi pazienti di assumere i rimedi con una preghiera e con fede.

Sforzandosi di ‘Amare Tutti, Servire Tutti’, la pratica della vibrionica suscita in lui meravigliosi sentimenti di divinità. Questo è il motivo principale per cui ha smesso di praticare tutte le altre terapie subito dopo essersi immerso nella Sai vibrionica. È felice di scoprire che, con questo seva, la sua mente si sta gradatamente dissolvendo, in modo che, sempre di più, qualunque cosa percepisca – evento, persona, luogo o cosa, non generi giudizio o preconcetto. Considera questo come il fondamentale scopo della sua vita, raggiungere l’equanimità in ogni circostanza, e quindi sente che il seva della vibrionica è veramente un’utile forma di sadhana per raggiungere questa meta.

Casi da condividere:


Angolo della Risposta

1. Domanda: La mia paziente mi ha detto che il semplice fatto di tenere la boccetta nel taschino della giacca sembra darle sollievo dal suo sintomo specifico. Ci sono altre segnalazioni a questo proposito?

   Risposta: Sì, alcuni pazienti hanno riferito che tenere la boccetta vicino al corpo fornisce loro quasi lo stesso effetto che assumere il rimedio oralmente. Questo avviene nel caso in cui un paziente sia molto sensibile a queste sottili vibrazioni e quindi sia in grado di assorbire queste energie semplicemente stando loro accanto. Questo effetto dipende unicamente dal singolo destinatario. 


2. Domanda: Il mio paziente soffre di empiema da molti anni. Gli ho prescritto la combo CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.5 Sinusitis che non sembra essere stata utile. Qual è il vostro consiglio?

       Risposta: L’empiema è l’accumulo di fluido infetto all’interno di una cavità, solitamente i polmoni. Ti raccomandiamo di somministrare CC19.3 Chest infection chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic e CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic può venire aggiunto se necessario. Poiché questa è una malattia cronica, può volerci molto tempo per guarire. Inoltre, opportuni cambiamenti nello stile di vita, specialmente dieta e mangiare meno alla sera, sono vitali. 

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3. 3. Domanda: Ho tenuto diverse boccette di rimedi insieme alla mia cassettina delle 108CC in una scatola di latta, pensando che tali scatole normalmente disponibili sul mercato fossero fatte di alluminio. Ho scoperto recentemente che queste scatole attraggono i magneti. C’è qualche direttiva secondo cui non dovremmo tenere i rimedi dentro o vicino ad un contenitore di metallo?

    Risposta: In genere, non crediamo che i rimedi all’interno di boccette di plastica vengano influenzati da una scatola di metallo. Allo stesso modo, riteniamo che vada bene tenere il kit delle combo dentro tali scatole di metallo. Naturalmente, non si possono tenere le pillole di un rimedio direttamente in una scatola  metallica. Tuttavia, sarà prudente tenere il vostro apparecchio SRHVP lontano da queste scatole di metallo.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4. Domanda: Le vibrazioni di un’auto o di un treno in movimento, possono influire sui rimedi? Allo stesso modo, un viaggio aereo modificherà un rimedio vibrazionale?

      Risposta: Le vibrazioni meccaniche di auto/treno/aereo in movimento non dovrebbero influire su di un rimedio vibrazionale. Tuttavia, la radiazione elettromagnetica che entra in un aereo è una storia completamente diversa poiché la radiazione può neutralizzare le vibrazioni guaritrici dei rimedi. Nei rimedi viene creata una buona dose di protezione poiché sono stati aggiunti rimedi anti-radiazione ad ognuna delle boccette delle 108CC. Alcuni praticanti preferiscono proteggere i rimedi e le loro cassettine delle 108CC avvolgendoli con cura in una pellicola di alluminio di buona qualità. Tuttavia, state attenti a non riutilizzare la pellicola poiché questa potrebbe presentare minuscole rotture. 

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++5. Domanda: C’è qualche consiglio rivolto ai praticanti per mantenerli motivati a continuare il loro seva di vibrionica? 

       Risposta: Indipendentemente da qualunque ostacolo o difficoltà, il senso della personale crescita spirituale attraverso il seva o qualunque altra pratica spirituale è di per sé una forza motivatrice. Generalmente, compiere il seva di vibrionica fornisce al praticante veramente serio e devoto sufficiente energia per andare avanti. Tuttavia, vi sono circostanze che possono scoraggiare i praticanti.

  Sappiamo che i nuovi praticanti si sentono talvolta isolati e questo abbatte il loro entusiasmo. Perciò, abbiamo preso una serie di iniziative per affrontare questo problema. Nell’ambito dell’ultimo programma di mentoring, ad un nuovo praticante viene assegnato un mentore che fornisce un supporto individuale. Anche i praticanti più anziani che non si sentono tanto sicuri di sé sono liberi di iscriversi a questo programma. Noi diamo risalto alle riunioni dei praticanti locali e alle teleconferenze poiché, oltre ad aiutare a mantenersi in contatto con gli altri praticanti, contribuiscono anche a chiarire i dubbi dei partecipanti. Scrivete a [email protected] per i dettagli di contatto di altri praticanti della vostra zona, al fine di interagire con loro regolarmente. I praticanti di USA e Canada possono scrivere direttamente al loro coordinatore presso [email protected].

Quando i praticanti non vedono i risultati che si aspettano oppure iniziano a trattare casi complessi per i quali  manca la fiducia (talvolta a causa della mancanza di conoscenza), il gruppo di [email protected] è sempre pronto a fornire utili consigli.

Spesso sentiamo che alcuni praticanti semplicemente non hanno abbastanza pazienti. In tali situazioni, noi suggeriamo di trattare piante e animali. Fornire consultazioni telefoniche/Skype e inviare rimedi per posta può essere utile a richiamare altri pazienti.

Soprattutto, per rimanere concentrati sul seva vibrazionale, è essenziale seguire altre pratiche spirituali personali, come meditazione, japa, bhajan, canto, partecipazione al satsang e al circolo di studio e lettura di letteratura spirituale.

Divine Words From the Master Healer

"Convince yourselves that life cannot continue long without others serving you and your serving others. Master-servant, ruler-ruled, guru-disciple, employer-employee, parents-children, all these are bound by mutual service. Every one is a sevak. The farmer and labourer whom you serve produce by their toil your food and clothing as their service to you. Remember that the body, with its senses-mind-brain complex has been awarded to you to be used for helping the helpless. Seva is the highest of paths of devotion which wins the Grace of God." 

-Sathya Sai Baba, “Equipment for service” Discourse 21 November 1986



"A large part of the water we drink is expelled as urine. A minute part of the water consumed becomes the life force. Therefore the nature of the food and water that we take in decides our character. Only by controlling the quality of our food and water can we attain Divinity. This is why food is said to be God. Hence, to waste food is to waste God. Do not waste food. Eat only what you need, and be sure that what you eat is satvic. Give away any surplus food to those in need."                             

 -Sathya Sai Baba, “Teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba - volume-1”




❖  France Dordogne: Refresher Seminar & AVP workshop 3-4 June 2017, contact Danielle at [email protected]

❖  India Puttaparthi: AVP Workshop 10-14 July 2017, contact Lalitha at [email protected] or by telephone at 08555-288 377 

❖  India Puttaparthi: AVP Workshop 18-22 November 2017, contact Lalitha at [email protected] or by telephone at 08555-288 377 

❖ India Puttaparthi: SVP Workshop 24-28 November 2017, contact Hem at [email protected]

In Addition

1. Health Tips

Water and Health Part-3 - Pure energized water, the natural way!

We have already seen1 that our bodies are predominantly water, which has great memory. We should have an adequate daily intake of water to be drunk slowly, peacefully and lovingly to keep ourselves hydrated, energetic, and free from disease. Therefore our drinking water should be potable to safeguard our vital life energy. 

Diminishing global water supply! An estimated one-fifth of the world’s population lives in areas with an insufficient water supply and about one-quarter faces clean water shortages2.  Even if there is water, it may not be drinkable or in the proximity of the needy3Distilled water is devoid of minerals and drinking it is not advisable as it is injurious to health4. Bottled mineral or purified water may give us pure water free of physical contaminants but it may lack the vital life force and may not even quench our thirst. Let us look at some of the simple ways of obtaining and storing clean water and also how to energize our water and in turn ourselves!

1. Potential of metals as purifiers

Storing water in copper and silver vessels finds mention in the ancient texts of Ayurveda for purification5. Intense research has taken place with copper and silver in this regard and much information is now available on their practical use for food and hygiene, disinfecting water and air, wound healing and surface sanitation3.

2. Water from copper vessels - some studies5 -7

Research done by US National Institute of Health has revealed that copper pot had the effect of purifying the microbial contaminated water. Recently, US Environmental Agency registered copper as the only solid surface material to kill bacteria that may pose a threat to human health. It was found that copper content in water stored in copper pots was well within the permissible limit of 2 mg/litre set by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to studies by WHO, a guiding factor is that at levels above 2.5 mg/litre, copper would impart an undesirable bitter taste to water; at higher levels, the colour of water would also be impacted.  

3. Water from copper vessels - an Elixir!8-13

According to traditional wisdom, water kept in a copper vessel for at least four hours but preferably overnight, would acquire a certain quality which is very good for health and energy in general and for liver in particular. Copper ionizes, energises and balances the pH (acidity level) of water making it alive. This water is a natural anti-oxidant and gets easily absorbed by our cells and enhances our hydration.

One or two glasses of this water on an empty stomach in the morning would have a detoxifying effect. Ayurveda states that this water has the ability to balance all three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, the fundamental bodily elements. It not only kills harmful bacteria and gives relief from gastro intestinal disorders, but also reduces inflammation in stomach, takes care of ulcers, respiratory disorders and arthritis, tones the heart as well as muscles and tissues.

4. Drink water with wisdom from copper vessels6,12,13

Within the overall daily intake, it would be enough to drink this water once early in the morning and once in the evening to get the requisite amount of copper needed for the body (about 1.2 mg per day). We should continue to drink this water for three months and then stop drinking it for a month to remove any possible excess copper deposited in the body. This cycle can continue lifelong for deriving the best health benefits.

Ayurveda does not advocate drinking water (or eating food) in a standing posture. It is recommended that drinking water should always be lukewarm. If you drink cold water, Itwill need to be heated to body temperature and this requires greater supply of blood to the digestive system. So the blood supply to brain and heart will be reduced which is detrimental to health.

5. Water from silver vessels12,14-16

A study done on intestinal bacterial pathogens, to observe the effect of water stored in silver containers revealed the distinct potential of silver containers to disinfect water.According to experts, no microorganism ever tested has been able to stay alive for more than six minutes when exposed directly to colloidal silver. NASA has adopted the Russian method of purifying water by using ionized silver which is not only easier but also more efficient and effective.

According to Ayurveda, water taken in silver vessels cools the body, controls pitta dosha and strengthens the immune system and can be taken daily. 

6. Water from brass vessels17-18

Some experiments done by microbiologists from UK show that water stored in brass vessels prevents water-borne diseases, as bacteria is less likely to thrive in such pots. As brass is an alloy of copper (70%) and zinc (30%), water gets purified by copper ions. Widely prevalent water-borne diseases could be avoided in developing countries if people could switch to the traditional wisdom of using brass vessels for storing drinking water. 

7. Gentle cleaning of metal vessels19-20

Copper, brass and silver vessels should be cleaned every day, gently by simply rubbing lemon or its juice with or without salt or tamarind paste. After half a minute wash with clean water. Coarse scrub should not be used on these vessels. There are other methods one can explore.   

8. Water from clay (mud) pots12,13,15,21-22

Drinking cool water from clean clay pots has a refreshing earthy flavour in addition to the health benefits it offers. It is more suitable for hot summers. Clay pots not only cool the water due to evaporation and bring it closer to the body temperature in extreme heat, they also provide natural healing with the elements of earth. This is a unique natural quality these porous pots have which no other container can provide. Natural clay, being alkaline in nature, interacts with the acidity of water and provides the proper pH balance. Thus, this water helps curb acidity and gives relief from gastric problems. This water, unlike fridge water, is gentle on throat. It may be warmed up especially before drinking on empty stomach, early in the morning. Clay pots are affordable and the only maintenance is to keep the pot clean by gently washing it with a brush without soap, once in two days. If mud pots are not available, it is better to use stainless steel (rather than plastic) containers. 

9. Water exposed to sunlight13,23-26

Exposure to sun improves the quality of water. According to some experiments, water kept in cobalt blue glass bottles and exposed to direct sunlight for 20 minutes or in artificial light for one hour would eliminate any bacteria or virus. It can then be shaken well to energize it. It should be closed with a non-metallic cap to protect it from dust and other particles. One can explore and experiment by creating solar charged water using glass bottles as guided in the referred links.

10. Restoring tap water8,27

By and large tap water goes through treatment and purification before it is distributed to our homes and it contains natural minerals. But it absorbs much negativity and its molecular structure gets disturbed as it travels to our houses through many bends and turns in lead or plastic pipes. In tropical countries like India, it may also gather harmful bacteria. While water has memory to retain the imprint of the impurities, it also has a way of unfolding itself back into its original state. If we just leave this tap water undisturbed for an hour, the negativity will undo itself. Keeping water in an open jug for 24 hours (or boil for 20 mins) helps the dissolved chlorine to escape and also water becomes more palatable. Tap water can be either boiled and cooled or purified by use of filters and suitably stored. 

11. Shape of vessels also matters12,28

Ideal shape of the vessel for drinking water would be the traditional spherical or elliptical, as its surface tension is less. Also, such shapes create their own vortex, supporting continual energetic movement inside and therefore water or other liquid stored in them would retain its life force.

12. Structured Water is awesome!26,28-30

Stagnant water can deteriorate and pick up undesirable energies. Naturally flowing spiralling water has well developed layers and is called structured water. Studies have shown that water from the Ganges is naturally structured and carries the signature of structured water found in cells.

Ways to energise and structure water: One can find several methods from simple to complex ones on various sites to structure water. Vibrionics Manual for Senior Vibrionics Practitioners gives a method to structure water in its Appendix A5. In one of the studies, it has emerged that stirring water with a spoon increased the energy of water better than the structuring devices. One can stir water, both clockwise and anticlockwise, for a few minutes to create a vortex. What is important is mindfully ‘connecting’ to water and not the speed of stirring. One can further energise it by stirring it in a figure of “8”, or the infinity symbol ∞ which is a geometric representation of the endless and eternal nature of energy. This process will cleanse the water of any undesirable memories of pollutants/energies it may carry, and sensitise it to receive only beneficial energy from the infinite cosmos. 

Further, it has been found that energizing water through sound at 432Hz had the highest effect and proved to be the best way to structure water. This study says that if sound has such a profound effect on increasing the energy of water, healing sounds would have an equally profound effect on humans who are predominantly water30.

13. Use of vibrionics to purify and energise water

In order to remove impurities including poisonous chemicals, trauma and negative energies from water, following vibrionics remedies may be used:

CC10.1 Emergencies, CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic or CC17.2 Cleansing if using 108CC box

NM6 Calming, NM25 Shock, SM1 Removal of Entities, SM14 Chemical Poison or SM16 Cleansing if using SRHVP

To energise water to build immunity we can use:

CC12.1 Adult tonic from 108CC box or SM2 Divine Protection, NM86 Immunity, or SM26 Immunity when using SRHVP

Note: Only non-metallic containers should be used for all vibrionics remedies. 

14. Energising water the Sai way - Love and Chants!

We can purify and structure not only the water outside of us but also within our cells by staying quiet and prayerful for some time and consciously connecting with the Creator and His creation. We can also consciously impart healing sounds to water wherever we are through chanting or by being in a space resounding with healing vibrations. The water inside our cells is absolutely critical for our health and needs to be revered and maintained with all the love at our disposal; this will spread loving vibrations around us.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba has provided pure drinking water to WHO standards to millions of people in Southern India at their door step with great love. Establishing water purification plants to provide clean water to hundreds of villages is being continued under the guiding principle “Love all Serve all”. In these villages the problems of joint and body pains have virtually disappeared and common cold and other ailments have greatly reduced. The project is being gradually extended to cover the entire country2.

References and Links 

  1. Sai Vibrionics Newsletter vol 8 issue 2
  20. htp://
  26. Vibrionics Manual for Senior Vibrionics Practitioners, Appendix A-5

2. A tribute to our translators

We dedicate and commemorate this section to some of our highly committed practitioners who have been tirelessly translating our vibro newsletters (and other materials) from English into their native language. It our heart-felt prayer that the readers draw inspiration from these examples of selfless and relentless pursuit of delivering extraordinary value to Swami’s vibro mission.

Practitioner 00723…Bosnia (Croatian/Bosnian) has been translating Sai Vibrionics newsletter since its very inception in 2010. Even before she became a vibro practitioner, she started translating different books on vibrionics, such as manuals and handbooks. She finds this to be a truly valuable experience for her. This has given her the opportunity to learn a lot about different diseases but most importantly, she has learnt a lot about health itself. In her own words “Thanks to my translating experience, I have also become a practitioner and I hope I will be able to serve Bhagawan through this Divine Instrument of Him even more”. 


Practitioner 01620…France (French) has been an active translator since 2012. Being a certified vibrionics teacher, she has translated admission and teaching material as well as all the newsletters to date. The practitioner feels that she is better able to assimilate and appreciate the content in each newsletter as a direct result of spending copious time translating the material. Furthermore, every time she translates a newsletter, she feels as though she has been transported to Prashanti Nilayam. The portion she enjoys the most is the Practitioner Profiles section. She finds that it provides valuable company of her peers even though out of physical proximity. She expresses her deepest gratitude to Swami for offering her this seva.

Practitioner 02713Austria (German) has been an active practitioner since 2006 and has translated all the newsletters since inception. She finds translating newsletters both a fulfilling and a challenging task. The practitioner is filled with immense gratitude to Swami for letting her play a small role in His unfolding Mission. During the intense and meditative translation process, she feels His presence, constantly reminding her lovingly and with great clarity that He is the ultimate Doer. In her words: “Every newsletter is a testimony of His unconditional Love for all mankind. I would like to finish with one of my favourite quotes of The Master Healer: ‘Head in the Forest, Hands in Society’.”

Practitioner 03108…Greece (Greek) having qualified as AVP from Puttaparthi in September 2013, has witnessed many miracles with her patients, her family and herself. Two years ago, when she started translating the newsletters, she found this to be hard work because one has to be very precise about diseases and sometimes there is need for careful research in order to exactly understand the entire case. Nevertheless she felt this experience was really a blessing. In her own words, “After a bit of practice, you feel that you have entered even more into the vibro world. It’s not just sharing a case but it’s more like participating in the whole process. By being focused for hours on a newsletter, you understand better how this miraculous world works. And of course it’s a fabulous way to learn more because each case is unique. I use other practitioners’ experience to enhance my own treatment. So, my sole advice is: “Each newsletter is special and must be read again and again and again”.

Practitioner 01588…Italy (Italian) having trained in year 2000, soon started translating the Soham books on Natural Healing, moving onto vibrionics manuals and deep-diving into newsletters, starting with the very first issue published in September 2010. Her favourite section of the newsletter is the ‘Case Histories Using Combos’. Reading about the incredible healings from so many diseases, has strengthened her faith and confidence in the extraordinary powers of the Master Healer, our beloved Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba. She dubbed our video “What is vibrionics?” in Italian and found it to be an enlightening experience. She says “I express my sincere gratitude to Swami and I look forward to doing more translation work in the future”.

Practitioner 02779…Japan (Japanese) has been translating our newsletters ever since their inception. He personally feels strongly that he has benefited a great deal from the translation seva. It helps him in his practice by increasing his knowledge of technical terms and by sharpening his translation skills. Above all, he has derived powerful inspiration from practitioners’ experiences, Baba’s words, and Dr Aggarwal’s mentorship. The practitioner reports “I believe this seva is indeed such Divine grace that it endows us with spiritual energy and stamina so that we can go incessantly forward towards the goal.”





Practitioner 02150…Poland (Polish & Russian) has been actively translating our vibro materials into Polish since 2001. When our Russian practitioner 00004…Canadawho translated all newsletters until Dec 2015, could not continue due to other commitments, he took over the job of Russian news also. He finds the translation seva has been particularly useful in keeping him abreast on the latest developments in vibro as well as the proceedings of various vibro events around the globe. The practitioner draws his daily dose of inspiration by reading Swami’s thought and quote of the day. He says “I am very happy that Swami chose me as an instrument of His work.”


Practitioner 02308…Slovenia (Slovenian) has been practicing vibro for 15 years. She undertook translation of all study material right from the beginning and has of course translated all the newsletters too. She finds practicing vibrionics and translating to be mutually beneficial and she expresses her appreciation and gratitude for both activities. Her inspiration for this seva came when during darshan, Swami gave a deep look into her eyes. This changed her life into one of sincere service and dedication to healing and helping others, especially through Sai Vibrionics.





Practitioner 02678…Spain (Spanish) proceeded on his heavenly journey in Dec 2016 at the age of 81. He started his vibro practice in 2003 and was instrumental in translating our manuals, training modules, and all newsletters to Spanish since 2009. He is greatly missed!


Practitioner 11567…India (Telugu) has been translating and coordinating translation work of newsletters into Telugu for over a year. He feels blessed and privileged to do this work as he feels this really helps those patients who want to use vibrionics remedies, but are unable to understand this method of healing due to language constraints. While doing this work, he has experienced many times Swami’s divine assurance “If you do my work, I will look after your work”. He is supported in this work by 




Practitioner 15568…India who is a recent and ardent addition to our vibrionics family. She finds the translating work truly inspiring and helpful to her personally; for example, she came to know of Ho'oponopono which helps her enormously in her daily life. She feels she connects with Swami when translating the section, "Divine Words from the Master Healer”, and she expresses gratitude to Him for this seva.







3. AVP workshop in Puttaparthi 17-21 March 2017

The first AVP workshop for 2017 at Puttaparthi was conducted by two experienced teachers 10375 & 11422 from 17th to 21st March for five participants from the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Telangana. 

The participants were taken carefully through the core contents of each of the chapters of AVP manual supported by practical examples. Participants were given hands-on training to interact with patients, to record patients’ details, to make remedies, and to prepare case history of a successful case. The significance of the mentoring system was explained along with the importance of prompt monthly reporting as per the format given in the oath before Swami. There were highly interactive skype sessions with Dr Aggarwal on all 6 days including the eve of the start of the course. He guided them on the right approach for practice and how to deal with patients with compassion and understanding without getting carried away by expectation or anxiety over the outcome of treatment. He also shared his beautiful experiences with Swami and the guidance he received from the Healer and the Guiding Light for all practitioners. The teachers felt such skype interactions gave them further information and the students’ many queries were answered. 

All the participants passed the test with flying colours and left Puttaparthi with firm resolve and enthusiasm to embark on their journey of Sai Vibrionics practice.


4. Practitioners’ meeting in Hyderabad, India - 26 March 2017

All 14 active practitioners from Hyderabad participated in a highly interactive meeting hosted by Practitioner00123 on 26 March 2017. The participants shared their experiences, their methods of practice and useful combos.

The host reiterated that during his 22-year journey with vibrionics, he had learnt many lessons which he recapped for the benefit of the group. Serving without any expectation or reward and treating patients with love and sincerity were the most important. We have to be welcoming, kind and tolerant to patients and for practitioners, it is important to take care of their own physical, mental and spiritual health. The group appreciated the mentoring system initiated recently and the senior practitioners regretted that they missed this kind of guidance in the early years of their practice. Now they decided to network themselves through electronic media to share their knowledge, experience and cases for their continuous development. Practitioner11562 offered to develop a five minute video on human anatomy for circulation 

Later in the afternoon, there was a skype interaction with Dr Aggarwal. He reminded the group that energy flows when there is loving interaction between practitioner and patient. Any remedy will work if we administer it with “LOVE” as Swami is the one who heals our patients. The meeting ended with a unanimous consensus of regular and frequent workshops. All left the meeting charged with renewed resolve to delve deep into their vibrionics seva.









Om Sai Ram