साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

रोगी तथा रोग का विवरण

Vol 12 अंक 3
May / June 2021

Itchy scalp 03576...UK

A 26-year-old female pursuing a doctorate in Psychology had been suffering from an itchy scalp for two months. The itching was so intense that she would desperately scratch her scalp vigorously with both hands. There seemed to be no obvious cause for this condition. However, she had undergone two stressful moves to different cities within a...(continued)

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Back & joint pains, gas retention 02814...India

A 32-year-old female had been suffering from pain in her lower back, knees, and ankle joints and intestinal gas retention due to indigestion for over two years, after a caesarean delivery. She took allopathic medicines for a year without any benefit; these provided temporary relief as symptoms would soon return. On 9 April 2017, she was given: 


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Asthma 03569...USA

A 46-year-old woman had been suffering from asthma since childhood. Two to three times a year, she would develop wheezing, night-time cough, chest congestion, and breathlessness, triggered by a change in weather, pollution, or emotional stress. She would take the prescribed salbutamol inhaler and symptoms would subside in a month. She qualified as a...(continued)

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Scabies 02814...India

A 45-year-old man and his 40-year-old wife were both suffering from severe itching and papular (pimple-like) rash all over the body for over six months. Allopathic treatment did not help much, so they stopped it and on 11 May 2018, consulted the practitioner who gave: 

CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS orally and in coconut oil for external application...(continued)

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Prostate adenoma (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) 03558...France

A 65-year-old man used to wake up frequently at night for urination since August 2018. Slowly, this frequency increased during the day as well. On 23 Sept 2018, he was diagnosed with prostate adenoma (enlarged prostate, restricting the flow of urine). His urologist suggested prostatectomy (surgery for partial/complete removal of the prostate) and also...(continued)

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Food intolerance 03566...USA

A 70-year-old female paediatrician had an intolerance to certain foods for over 30 years. Within 3-4 hours of consuming cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes or wheat, she would get stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhoea which would usually last a week even with taking Pepto Bismal an over-the-counter medication. She stopped eating these foods and feeling helpless,...(continued)

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Knee pain, high BP 11616...India

A 75-year-old woman had been suffering from knee pain and high BP since her husband’s death 15 years ago. She tried Siddha therapy for over five years with no significant benefit. For the past five years, she has been taking allopathic medication for BP, as a result, it was under control at 140/90. Once in a while her BP would shoot up and cause...(continued)

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Itchy & watery eyes, post-cataract surgery 11629...India

A 50-year-old female farm worker’s right eye was operated for cataract over two years ago but her vision improved to only 75% from 25%. Moreover, the operated eye was itchy and would continuously discharge water whenever she was exposed to strong sunlight and dust due to working in the farm. She had been using the prescribed Flubigat and Ara eye drops...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Allergy to avocado 03599...USA

An 11-year-old girl would develop dry itchy eruptions all over her body, except the face, whenever she ate an avocado; this severe allergic reaction had been occurring for over a year. With allopathic medicines, it would take her a week to get back to normal. Being familiar with and having faith in vibrionics, the girl’s mother approached the...(continued)

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Scanty & irregular menses due to PCOD 02726...USA

A 38-year-old woman had been suffering for 20 years from scanty and irregular periods, also thinning of hair on the scalp and obesity; the doctor had diagnosed her condition as Polycystic Ovarian Disease, PCOD. With two years of hormonal treatment by endocrinologists, she started having periods 5-6 times a year but not regularly. She then went on to other...(continued)

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Endometriosis, leg pain, ovarian cyst 03518...Canada

Since Sept 2016, after ceasing to breastfeed her son, this 41-year-old woman suffered from severe cramps (pain rating 9-10) and excessive bleeding during menses. She also had continuous daily pelvic pain (rating 5-9) that was radiating down the left leg to her ankle. In mid-2017, she was diagnosed with endometriosis and osteoporosis of the left hip. She was...(continued)

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Lumbar spinal stenosis 12051...India

In Jan 2019 an 80-year-old man developed pain radiating from the lower back to his right foot. The doctor diagnosed this as lumbar spinal stenosis (nerve constriction at the lumbar-sacral region). He has a history of osteoarthritis of the knee for which he has been taking CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3...(continued)

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