साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Fracture of Ankle 11520...India

A 53-year-old man, husband of the practitioner, had a fall on 28 September 2015 and suffered from a fracture and ligament damage at three points of the left ankle. The pain was excruciating and the foot swelled up (see pic) to an extent where the patient could not even wear his slippers.

For the last five years the patient had already been suffering from poor mobility due to fusion of ball of femur at hip joint caused by poor circulation of unknown cause. With the help of vibrionics treatment he was able to walk independently on flat floors and do his daily routine work. After the ankle fracture, however, due to the severe pain he found it very difficult to carry on his daily routine. Pain was more intense during evening and night times. He was advised by the doctors to have his leg in a plaster cast for eight weeks but the patient refused. He believed the resulting reduction in mobility would worsen his hip joint fusion. The doctor advised him to take painkillers and calcium along with a local application of an ointment and cold fomentation. Patient refused to take any painkillers nor did he use any ointment. He used cold fomentation for a couple of days but had to stop it because of the cold weather. He was on bed rest and was treated with the following combo:

NM7 CB7 + NM67 Calcium + SM28 Injury + SR280 Calc Carb + SR295 Hypericum + SR311 Rhus Tax + SR353 Ledum + SR398 Nat Carb + SR550 Gnaphalium + SR574 Tendonitis + SR503 Ligament + CC10.1 Emergencies…6TD

Within eight days there was 45% improvement in pain and swelling in the foot. He was able to do his daily routine work with some help. Dosage was now reduced to QDS.

After fifteen days swelling had completely subsided and there was 65% improvement in pain. The foot looked normal and the patient could carry on with all his normal routine work himself. Dosage was reduced to TDS

After twenty four days on 22 October, there was 100% improvement. The foot was normal (see pic) with no trace of pain or swelling. The dosage was reduced to BD for a week, followed by OD for another week and then OW. The treatment was discontinued on 14 November 2015. However, he continues to take vibro for his hip joint fusion.

Editor’s note: SR280 Calc Carb is for swollen soft bone; SR295 Hypericum for injury to nerves; SR311 Rhus Tax for pain in ligaments; SR353 Ledum for swollen ankle; SR398 Nat carb for weak ankle; SR550 Gnaphalium for ankle joint and SR574 Tendonitis for painful inflammation.

                             After treatment



Before treatment